changeset 9372 915436ff64ab
parent 9371 f3840de881bd
child 9373 b769a8e38cbd
--- a/misc/libfreetype/src/base/ftgloadr.c	Thu Jul 25 23:16:06 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  ftgloadr.c                                                             */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*    The FreeType glyph loader (body).                                    */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 by                        */
-/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg                       */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
-/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
-/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
-/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
-/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
-/*                                                                         */
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_gloader
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*****                    G L Y P H   L O A D E R                    *****/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* The glyph loader is a simple object which is used to load a set of    */
-  /* glyphs easily.  It is critical for the correct loading of composites. */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Ideally, one can see it as a stack of abstract `glyph' objects.       */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*   loader.base     Is really the bottom of the stack.  It describes a  */
-  /*                   single glyph image made of the juxtaposition of     */
-  /*                   several glyphs (those `in the stack').              */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*   loader.current  Describes the top of the stack, on which a new      */
-  /*                   glyph can be loaded.                                */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*   Rewind          Clears the stack.                                   */
-  /*   Prepare         Set up `loader.current' for addition of a new glyph */
-  /*                   image.                                              */
-  /*   Add             Add the `current' glyph image to the `base' one,    */
-  /*                   and prepare for another one.                        */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* The glyph loader is now a base object.  Each driver used to           */
-  /* re-implement it in one way or the other, which wasted code and        */
-  /* energy.                                                               */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /* create a new glyph loader */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_New( FT_Memory        memory,
-                      FT_GlyphLoader  *aloader )
-  {
-    FT_GlyphLoader  loader = NULL;
-    FT_Error        error;
-    if ( !FT_NEW( loader ) )
-    {
-      loader->memory = memory;
-      *aloader       = loader;
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
-  /* rewind the glyph loader - reset counters to 0 */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_Rewind( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_GlyphLoad  base    = &loader->base;
-    FT_GlyphLoad  current = &loader->current;
-    base->outline.n_points   = 0;
-    base->outline.n_contours = 0;
-    base->num_subglyphs      = 0;
-    *current = *base;
-  }
-  /* reset the glyph loader, frees all allocated tables */
-  /* and starts from zero                               */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_Reset( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_Memory memory = loader->memory;
-    FT_FREE( loader->base.outline.points );
-    FT_FREE( loader->base.outline.tags );
-    FT_FREE( loader->base.outline.contours );
-    FT_FREE( loader->base.extra_points );
-    FT_FREE( loader->base.subglyphs );
-    loader->base.extra_points2 = NULL;
-    loader->max_points    = 0;
-    loader->max_contours  = 0;
-    loader->max_subglyphs = 0;
-    FT_GlyphLoader_Rewind( loader );
-  }
-  /* delete a glyph loader */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_Done( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    if ( loader )
-    {
-      FT_Memory memory = loader->memory;
-      FT_GlyphLoader_Reset( loader );
-      FT_FREE( loader );
-    }
-  }
-  /* re-adjust the `current' outline fields */
-  static void
-  FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Points( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_Outline*  base    = &loader->base.outline;
-    FT_Outline*  current = &loader->current.outline;
-    current->points   = base->points   + base->n_points;
-    current->tags     = base->tags     + base->n_points;
-    current->contours = base->contours + base->n_contours;
-    /* handle extra points table - if any */
-    if ( loader->use_extra )
-    {
-      loader->current.extra_points  = loader->base.extra_points +
-                                      base->n_points;
-      loader->current.extra_points2 = loader->base.extra_points2 +
-                                      base->n_points;
-    }
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_CreateExtra( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_Error   error;
-    FT_Memory  memory = loader->memory;
-    if ( !FT_NEW_ARRAY( loader->base.extra_points, 2 * loader->max_points ) )
-    {
-      loader->use_extra          = 1;
-      loader->base.extra_points2 = loader->base.extra_points +
-                                   loader->max_points;
-      FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Points( loader );
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
-  /* re-adjust the `current' subglyphs field */
-  static void
-  FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Subglyphs( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_GlyphLoad  base    = &loader->base;
-    FT_GlyphLoad  current = &loader->current;
-    current->subglyphs = base->subglyphs + base->num_subglyphs;
-  }
-  /* Ensure that we can add `n_points' and `n_contours' to our glyph.      */
-  /* This function reallocates its outline tables if necessary.  Note that */
-  /* it DOESN'T change the number of points within the loader!             */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_CheckPoints( FT_GlyphLoader  loader,
-                              FT_UInt         n_points,
-                              FT_UInt         n_contours )
-  {
-    FT_Memory    memory  = loader->memory;
-    FT_Error     error   = FT_Err_Ok;
-    FT_Outline*  base    = &loader->base.outline;
-    FT_Outline*  current = &loader->current.outline;
-    FT_Bool      adjust  = 0;
-    FT_UInt      new_max, old_max;
-    /* check points & tags */
-    new_max = base->n_points + current->n_points + n_points;
-    old_max = loader->max_points;
-    if ( new_max > old_max )
-    {
-      new_max = FT_PAD_CEIL( new_max, 8 );
-      if ( new_max > FT_OUTLINE_POINTS_MAX )
-        return FT_Err_Array_Too_Large;
-      if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( base->points, old_max, new_max ) ||
-           FT_RENEW_ARRAY( base->tags,   old_max, new_max ) )
-        goto Exit;
-      if ( loader->use_extra )
-      {
-        if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( loader->base.extra_points,
-                             old_max * 2, new_max * 2 ) )
-          goto Exit;
-        FT_ARRAY_MOVE( loader->base.extra_points + new_max,
-                       loader->base.extra_points + old_max,
-                       old_max );
-        loader->base.extra_points2 = loader->base.extra_points + new_max;
-      }
-      adjust = 1;
-      loader->max_points = new_max;
-    }
-    /* check contours */
-    old_max = loader->max_contours;
-    new_max = base->n_contours + current->n_contours +
-              n_contours;
-    if ( new_max > old_max )
-    {
-      new_max = FT_PAD_CEIL( new_max, 4 );
-      if ( new_max > FT_OUTLINE_CONTOURS_MAX )
-        return FT_Err_Array_Too_Large;
-      if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( base->contours, old_max, new_max ) )
-        goto Exit;
-      adjust = 1;
-      loader->max_contours = new_max;
-    }
-    if ( adjust )
-      FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Points( loader );
-  Exit:
-    return error;
-  }
-  /* Ensure that we can add `n_subglyphs' to our glyph. this function */
-  /* reallocates its subglyphs table if necessary.  Note that it DOES */
-  /* NOT change the number of subglyphs within the loader!            */
-  /*                                                                  */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_CheckSubGlyphs( FT_GlyphLoader  loader,
-                                 FT_UInt         n_subs )
-  {
-    FT_Memory     memory = loader->memory;
-    FT_Error      error  = FT_Err_Ok;
-    FT_UInt       new_max, old_max;
-    FT_GlyphLoad  base    = &loader->base;
-    FT_GlyphLoad  current = &loader->current;
-    new_max = base->num_subglyphs + current->num_subglyphs + n_subs;
-    old_max = loader->max_subglyphs;
-    if ( new_max > old_max )
-    {
-      new_max = FT_PAD_CEIL( new_max, 2 );
-      if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( base->subglyphs, old_max, new_max ) )
-        goto Exit;
-      loader->max_subglyphs = new_max;
-      FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Subglyphs( loader );
-    }
-  Exit:
-    return error;
-  }
-  /* prepare loader for the addition of a new glyph on top of the base one */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_Prepare( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_GlyphLoad  current = &loader->current;
-    current->outline.n_points   = 0;
-    current->outline.n_contours = 0;
-    current->num_subglyphs      = 0;
-    FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Points   ( loader );
-    FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Subglyphs( loader );
-  }
-  /* add current glyph to the base image - and prepare for another */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_Add( FT_GlyphLoader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_GlyphLoad  base;
-    FT_GlyphLoad  current;
-    FT_UInt       n_curr_contours;
-    FT_UInt       n_base_points;
-    FT_UInt       n;
-    if ( !loader )
-      return;
-    base    = &loader->base;
-    current = &loader->current;
-    n_curr_contours = current->outline.n_contours;
-    n_base_points   = base->outline.n_points;
-    base->outline.n_points =
-      (short)( base->outline.n_points + current->outline.n_points );
-    base->outline.n_contours =
-      (short)( base->outline.n_contours + current->outline.n_contours );
-    base->num_subglyphs += current->num_subglyphs;
-    /* adjust contours count in newest outline */
-    for ( n = 0; n < n_curr_contours; n++ )
-      current->outline.contours[n] =
-        (short)( current->outline.contours[n] + n_base_points );
-    /* prepare for another new glyph image */
-    FT_GlyphLoader_Prepare( loader );
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  FT_GlyphLoader_CopyPoints( FT_GlyphLoader  target,
-                             FT_GlyphLoader  source )
-  {
-    FT_Error  error;
-    FT_UInt   num_points   = source->base.outline.n_points;
-    FT_UInt   num_contours = source->base.outline.n_contours;
-    error = FT_GlyphLoader_CheckPoints( target, num_points, num_contours );
-    if ( !error )
-    {
-      FT_Outline*  out = &target->base.outline;
-      FT_Outline*  in  = &source->base.outline;
-      FT_ARRAY_COPY( out->points, in->points,
-                     num_points );
-      FT_ARRAY_COPY( out->tags, in->tags,
-                     num_points );
-      FT_ARRAY_COPY( out->contours, in->contours,
-                     num_contours );
-      /* do we need to copy the extra points? */
-      if ( target->use_extra && source->use_extra )
-      {
-        FT_ARRAY_COPY( target->base.extra_points, source->base.extra_points,
-                       num_points );
-        FT_ARRAY_COPY( target->base.extra_points2, source->base.extra_points2,
-                       num_points );
-      }
-      out->n_points   = (short)num_points;
-      out->n_contours = (short)num_contours;
-      FT_GlyphLoader_Adjust_Points( target );
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
-/* END */