changeset 9372 915436ff64ab
parent 9371 f3840de881bd
child 9373 b769a8e38cbd
--- a/misc/libfreetype/src/tools/docmaker/utils.py	Thu Jul 25 23:16:06 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-#  Utils (c) 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008  David Turner <david@freetype.org>
-import string, sys, os, glob
-# current output directory
-output_dir = None
-# This function is used to sort the index.  It is a simple lexicographical
-# sort, except that it places capital letters before lowercase ones.
-def  index_sort( s1, s2 ):
-    if not s1:
-        return -1
-    if not s2:
-        return 1
-    l1 = len( s1 )
-    l2 = len( s2 )
-    m1 = string.lower( s1 )
-    m2 = string.lower( s2 )
-    for i in range( l1 ):
-        if i >= l2 or m1[i] > m2[i]:
-            return 1
-        if m1[i] < m2[i]:
-            return -1
-        if s1[i] < s2[i]:
-            return -1
-        if s1[i] > s2[i]:
-            return 1
-    if l2 > l1:
-        return -1
-    return 0
-# Sort input_list, placing the elements of order_list in front.
-def  sort_order_list( input_list, order_list ):
-    new_list = order_list[:]
-    for id in input_list:
-        if not id in order_list:
-            new_list.append( id )
-    return new_list
-# Open the standard output to a given project documentation file.  Use
-# "output_dir" to determine the filename location if necessary and save the
-# old stdout in a tuple that is returned by this function.
-def  open_output( filename ):
-    global output_dir
-    if output_dir and output_dir != "":
-        filename = output_dir + os.sep + filename
-    old_stdout = sys.stdout
-    new_file   = open( filename, "w" )
-    sys.stdout = new_file
-    return ( new_file, old_stdout )
-# Close the output that was returned by "close_output".
-def  close_output( output ):
-    output[0].close()
-    sys.stdout = output[1]
-# Check output directory.
-def  check_output():
-    global output_dir
-    if output_dir:
-        if output_dir != "":
-            if not os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
-                sys.stderr.write( "argument" + " '" + output_dir + "' " + \
-                                  "is not a valid directory" )
-                sys.exit( 2 )
-        else:
-            output_dir = None
-def  file_exists( pathname ):
-    """checks that a given file exists"""
-    result = 1
-    try:
-        file = open( pathname, "r" )
-        file.close()
-    except:
-        result = None
-        sys.stderr.write( pathname + " couldn't be accessed\n" )
-    return result
-def  make_file_list( args = None ):
-    """builds a list of input files from command-line arguments"""
-    file_list = []
-    # sys.stderr.write( repr( sys.argv[1 :] ) + '\n' )
-    if not args:
-        args = sys.argv[1 :]
-    for pathname in args:
-        if string.find( pathname, '*' ) >= 0:
-            newpath = glob.glob( pathname )
-            newpath.sort()  # sort files -- this is important because
-                            # of the order of files
-        else:
-            newpath = [pathname]
-        file_list.extend( newpath )
-    if len( file_list ) == 0:
-        file_list = None
-    else:
-        # now filter the file list to remove non-existing ones
-        file_list = filter( file_exists, file_list )
-    return file_list
-# eof