------------------------------------------ -- RACER 0.8 -- map-independant racing script -- by mikade ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --0.1: took all the code from crazy racer and scrapped most of it ----------------------------------- -- Removed tumbler system -- Removed extra adds like boosters etc -- Added experimental waypoint placement system -- More user feedback -- Reduced race complexity limit to 5 waypoints -- stop placement at complexity limit reached and end turn -- guys dont keep racing after dying -- invulnerable feasibility -- reverted time keeping method -- reduced feedback display time -- colour-coded addcaptions -- cleaned up code -- support for more players properly added -- tardis fix -- remove airstrikes -- i think the remainder 0 .456 sec of the tracktime isnt getting reset on newturn -- update feedback ------- -- 0.2 ------- -- allow gameflags -- extend time to 90s -- remove other air-attack based weps -- turn off water rise for sd ------- -- 0.3 ------- -- prevent WP being placed in land -- prevent waypoints being placed outside border ------- -- 0.4 ------- -- update user feedback -- add more sounds ------- -- 0.5 ------- -- fix ghost disappearing if hog falls in water or somehow dies -- lengthen ghost tracking interval to improve performance on slower machines -- increase waypoint limit to 8 -- allow for persistent showmission information ------- -- 0.6 ------- -- remove hogs from racing area as per request ------- -- 0.7 ------- -- switch to first available weapon if starting race with no weapon selected ------- -- 0.8 ------- -- allow different boost directions ----------------------------- -- SCRIPT BEGINS ----------------------------- HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/OfficialChallenges.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Params.lua") ------------------ -- Got Variables? ------------------ local fMod = 1000000 -- 1 local roundLimit = 3 local roundNumber = 0 local firstClan = 10 local fastX = {} local fastY = {} local fastCount = 0 local fastIndex = 0 local fastColour = 0xffffffff local currX = {} local currY = {} local currCount = 0 local specialPointsX = {} local specialPointsY = {} local specialPointsCount = 0 local TeamRope = false -------------------------- -- hog and team tracking variales -------------------------- local numhhs = 0 -- store number of hedgehogs local hhs = {} -- store hedgehog gears local numTeams -- store the number of teams in the game local teamNameArr = {} -- store the list of teams local teamClan = {} local teamSize = {} -- store how many hogs per team local teamIndex = {} -- at what point in the hhs{} does each team begin local teamComment = {} local teamScore = {} ------- -- racer vars -------- local cGear = nil local bestClan = nil local bestTime = nil local gameBegun = false local gameOver = false local racerActive = false local trackTime = 0 local wpCirc = {} local wpX = {} local wpY = {} local wpCol = {} local wpActive = {} local wpRad = 450 --75 local wpCount = 0 local wpLimit = 8 local usedWeapons = {} local roundN local lastRound local RoundHasChanged local boostX = 0 local boostY = 0 local boostValue = 1 ------------------- -- general methods ------------------- function onParameters() parseParams() if params["teamrope"] ~= nil then TeamRope = true end if params["rounds"] ~= nil then roundLimit = math.max(1, math.floor(tonumber(params["rounds"]))) if type(roundLimit) ~= "number" then roundLimit = 3 end end end function RebuildTeamInfo() -- make a list of individual team names for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do teamNameArr[i] = " " teamSize[i] = 0 teamIndex[i] = 0 teamScore[i] = 100000 end numTeams = 0 for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do z = 0 unfinished = true while(unfinished == true) do newTeam = true tempHogTeamName = GetHogTeamName(hhs[i]) -- this is the new name if tempHogTeamName == teamNameArr[z] then newTeam = false unfinished = false end z = z + 1 if z == TeamsCount then unfinished = false if newTeam == true then teamNameArr[numTeams] = tempHogTeamName numTeams = numTeams + 1 end end end end -- find out how many hogs per team, and the index of the first hog in hhs for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do for z = 0, (numhhs-1) do if GetHogTeamName(hhs[z]) == teamNameArr[i] then teamClan[i] = GetHogClan(hhs[z]) if teamSize[i] == 0 then teamIndex[i] = z -- should give starting index end teamSize[i] = teamSize[i] + 1 --add a pointer so this hog appears at i in hhs end end end end ----------------- -- RACER METHODS ----------------- function onLeft() boostX = boostX +boostValue end function onLeftUp() boostX = boostX -boostValue end function onRight() boostX = boostX -boostValue end function onRightUp() boostX = boostX +boostValue end function onUp() boostY = boostY +boostValue end function onUpUp() boostY = boostY -boostValue end function onDown() boostY = boostY -boostValue end function onDownUp() boostY = boostY +boostValue end function CheckWaypoints() trackFinished = true for i = 0, (wpCount-1) do g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog) g2X, g2Y = wpX[i], wpY[i] g1X = g1X - g2X g1Y = g1Y - g2Y dist = (g1X*g1X) + (g1Y*g1Y) NR = (48/100*wpRad)/2 if dist < (NR*NR) then wpCol[i] = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[i], wpX[i], wpY[i], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[i]) wpRem = 0 for k = 0, (wpCount-1) do if wpActive[k] == false then wpRem = wpRem + 1 end end if wpActive[i] == false then local wpMessage = "" if wpRem-1 == 0 then wpMessage = loc("Track completed!") else wpMessage = string.format(loc("Waypoints remaining: %d"), wpRem-1) end AddCaption(wpMessage, 0xffba00ff, capgrpGameState) end wpActive[i] = true end if wpActive[i] == false then trackFinished = false end end return(trackFinished) end function AdjustScores() if bestTime == nil then bestTime = 100000 bestClan = 10 bestTimeComment = "N/A" end newScore = false -- update this clan's time if the new track is better for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do if teamClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then if trackTime < teamScore[i] then teamScore[i] = trackTime newScore = true else newScore = false end end end -- find the best time out of those so far for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do if teamScore[i] < bestTime then bestTime = teamScore[i] bestClan = teamClan[i] end end if bestTime ~= 100000 then bestTimeComment = string.format(loc("%.1fs"), (bestTime/1000)) end if newScore == true then if trackTime == bestTime then -- best time of the race ShowMission(loc("Racer"), loc("Track completed!"), string.format(loc("New race record: %.1fs"), (trackTime/1000)) .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Winning time: %s"), bestTimeComment), 0, 4000) PlaySound(sndHomerun) else -- best time for the clan ShowMission(loc("Racer"), loc("Track completed!"), string.format(loc("New clan record: %.1fs"), (trackTime/1000)) .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Winning time: %s"), bestTimeComment), 4, 4000) end else -- not any kind of new score ShowMission(loc("Racer"), loc("Track completed!"), string.format(loc("Time: %.1fs"), (trackTime/1000)) .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Winning time: %s"), bestTimeComment), -amSkip, 4000) PlaySound(sndHellish) end if bestTime == trackTime then fastColour = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) for i = 0, (currCount-1) do fastX[i] = currX[i] fastY[i] = currY[i] end fastCount = currCount fastIndex = 0 else currCount = 0 fastIndex = 0 end end function onNewRound() roundNumber = roundNumber + 1 totalComment = "" for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do if teamNameArr[i] ~= " " and teamScore[i] ~= -1 then teamComment[i] = string.format(loc("%s: %.1fs"), teamNameArr[i], (teamScore[i]/1000)) .. "|" else teamComment[i] = string.format(loc("%s: N/A"), teamNameArr[i]) .. "|" end totalComment = totalComment .. teamComment[i] end ShowMission( loc("Racer"), loc("Status update"), string.format(loc("Rounds complete: %d/%d"), roundNumber, roundLimit) .. "|" .. " " .. "|" .. loc("Best team times: ") .. "|" .. totalComment, 0, 4000) -- end game if its at round limit if roundNumber >= roundLimit then gameOver = true TurnTimeLeft = 10000000 -- Sort the scores for the ranking list local unfinishedArray = {} local sortedTeams = {} local k = 1 for i = 0, TeamsCount-1 do if teamScore[i] ~= 100000 and teamNameArr[i] ~= " " then sortedTeams[k] = {} sortedTeams[k].name = teamNameArr[i] sortedTeams[k].score = teamScore[i] k = k + 1 else table.insert(unfinishedArray, string.format(loc("%s did not finish the race."), teamNameArr[i])) end end table.sort(sortedTeams, function(team1, team2) return team1.score < team2.score end) -- Write all the stats! for i = 1, #sortedTeams do SendStat(siPointType, loc("milliseconds")) SendStat(siPlayerKills, sortedTeams[i].score, sortedTeams[i].name) end if #sortedTeams >= 1 then SendStat(siGameResult, string.format(loc("%s wins!"), sortedTeams[1].name)) SendStat(siGameResult, string.format(loc("%s wins!"), sortedTeams[1].name)) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("%s wins with a best time of %.1fs."), sortedTeams[1].name, (sortedTeams[1].score/1000))) for i=1,#unfinishedArray do SendStat(siCustomAchievement, unfinishedArray[i]) end else SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Round draw")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Nobody managed to finish the race. What a shame!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Maybe you should try easier waypoints next time.")) end -- Game over EndGame() end end function CheckForNewRound() if GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) == firstClan then onNewRound() end end function DisableTumbler() currCount = 0 fastIndex = 0 TurnTimeLeft = 0 racerActive = false -- newadd end function HandleGhost() -- get the current xy of the racer at this point currX[currCount] = GetX(CurrentHedgehog) currY[currCount] = GetY(CurrentHedgehog) currCount = currCount + 1 -- draw a ping of smoke where the fastest player was at this point if (fastCount ~= 0) and (fastIndex < fastCount) then fastIndex = fastIndex + 1 tempE = AddVisualGear(fastX[fastIndex], fastY[fastIndex], vgtSmoke, 0, false) g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, fastColour ) end end function TryRepositionHogs() if MapHasBorder() == true then for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do if hhs[i] ~= nil then SetGearPosition(hhs[i],GetX(hhs[i]), TopY-10) end end end end ---------------------------------- -- GAME METHODS / EVENT HANDLERS ---------------------------------- function onGameInit() EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack, gfInvulnerable) CaseFreq = 0 TurnTime = 90000 WaterRise = 0 end function onGameStart() SendHealthStatsOff() roundN = 0 lastRound = TotalRounds RoundHasChanged = false for i = 0, (specialPointsCount-1) do PlaceWayPoint(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i]) end RebuildTeamInfo() ShowMission ( loc("Racer"), loc("A Hedgewars mini-game"), loc("Build a track and race.") .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Round limit: %d"), roundLimit) .. "|" .. "", 4, 4000 ) TryRepositionHogs() end function PlaceWayPoint(x,y) if not racerActive then if wpCount == 0 or wpX[wpCount - 1] ~= x or wpY[wpCount - 1] ~= y then wpX[wpCount] = x wpY[wpCount] = y wpCol[wpCount] = 0xffffffff wpCirc[wpCount] = AddVisualGear(wpX[wpCount],wpY[wpCount],vgtCircle,0,true) SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[wpCount], wpX[wpCount], wpY[wpCount], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[wpCount]) wpCount = wpCount + 1 AddCaption(string.format(loc("Waypoint placed. Available points remaining: %d"), wpLimit-wpCount)) end end end function onSpecialPoint(x,y,flag) if flag == 99 then fastX[fastCount] = x fastY[fastCount] = y fastCount = fastCount + 1 else addHashData(x) addHashData(y) addHashData(flag) specialPointsX[specialPointsCount] = x specialPointsY[specialPointsCount] = y specialPointsCount = specialPointsCount + 1 end end function onNewTurn() CheckForNewRound() TryRepositionHogs() racerActive = false trackTime = 0 currCount = 0 -- hopefully this solves problem AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 0) gTimer = 0 -- Set the waypoints to unactive on new round for i = 0,(wpCount-1) do wpActive[i] = false wpCol[i] = 0xffffffff SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[i], wpX[i], wpY[i], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[i]) end -- Handle Starting Stage of Game if (gameOver == false) and (gameBegun == false) then if wpCount >= 3 then gameBegun = true roundNumber = 0 firstClan = GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) ShowMission(loc("Racer"), loc("A Hedgewars mini-game"), loc("Complete the track as fast as you can!"), 2, 4000) else ShowMission(loc("Racer"), loc("Waypoint placement phase"), loc("Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."), 2, 4000) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 4000) SetWeapon(amAirAttack) end end if gameOver == true then gameBegun = false racerActive = false -- newadd end AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amTardis, 0) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amDrillStrike, 0) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amMineStrike, 0) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amNapalm, 0) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amPiano, 0) end function onGameTick20() -- airstrike detected, convert this into a potential waypoint spot if cGear ~= nil then x,y = GetGearPosition(cGear) if x > -9000 then x,y = GetGearTarget(cGear) if TestRectForObstacle(x-20, y-20, x+20, y+20, true) then AddCaption(loc("Please place the waypoint in the air, within the map boundaries")) PlaySound(sndDenied) elseif (y > WaterLine-50) then AddCaption(loc("Please place the waypoint further away from the waterline")) PlaySound(sndDenied) else PlaceWayPoint(x, y) if wpCount == wpLimit then AddCaption(loc("Race complexity limit reached")) DisableTumbler() end end else DeleteGear(cGear) end SetGearPosition(cGear, -10000, 0) end -- start the player tumbling with a boom once their turn has actually begun if racerActive == false then if (TurnTimeLeft > 0) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then -- if the gamehas started put the player in the middle of the first --waypoint that was placed if gameBegun == true then AddCaption(loc("Good to go!")) racerActive = true trackTime = 0 SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, wpX[0], wpY[0]) AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog)+boostX, GetY(CurrentHedgehog)+boostY, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1) FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog) HideMission() -- don't start empty-handed if (GetCurAmmoType() == amNothing) then SetNextWeapon() end else -- still in placement mode end end end -- has the player started his tumbling spree? if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then --airstrike conversion used to be here -- if the RACE has started, show tracktimes and keep tabs on waypoints if (racerActive == true) and (gameBegun == true) then --ghost if GameTime%40 == 0 then HandleGhost() end trackTime = trackTime + 20 if GameTime%100 == 0 then AddCaption(string.format(loc("Time: %.1fs"), (trackTime/1000)),GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpMessage2) if (CheckWaypoints() == true) then AdjustScores() DisableTumbler() end end end -- if the player has expended his tunbling time, stop him tumbling if TurnTimeLeft <= 20 then DisableTumbler() end end end function onGearResurrect(gear) AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtBigExplosion, 0, false) if gear == CurrentHedgehog then DisableTumbler() end end function onGearAdd(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then hhs[numhhs] = gear numhhs = numhhs + 1 SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1) elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack then cGear = gear elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtRope and TeamRope then SetTag(gear,1) SetGearValues(gear,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))) elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtAirMine then DeleteGear(gear) end end function onGearDelete(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack then cGear = nil end end function onAttack() at = GetCurAmmoType() usedWeapons[at] = 0 end function onAchievementsDeclaration() usedWeapons[amSkip] = nil usedWeapons[amExtraTime] = nil usedRope = usedWeapons[amRope] ~= nil usedPortal = usedWeapons[amPortalGun] ~= nil usedSaucer = usedWeapons[amJetpack] ~= nil usedWeapons[amNothing] = nil usedWeapons[amRope] = nil usedWeapons[amPortalGun] = nil usedWeapons[amJetpack] = nil usedOther = next(usedWeapons) ~= nil if usedOther then -- smth besides nothing, skip, rope, portal or saucer used raceType = "unknown race" elseif usedRope and not usedPortal and not usedSaucer then raceType = "rope race" elseif not usedRope and usedPortal and not usedSaucer then raceType = "portal race" elseif not usedRope and not usedPortal and usedSaucer then raceType = "saucer race" elseif (usedRope or usedPortal or usedSaucer or usedOther) == false then -- no weapons used at all? raceType = "no tools race" else -- at least two of rope, portal and saucer used raceType = "mixed race" end map = detectMapWithDigest() for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do if teamScore[i] < 100000 then DeclareAchievement(raceType, teamNameArr[i], map, teamScore[i]) end end if map ~= nil and fastCount > 0 then StartGhostPoints(fastCount) for i = 0, (fastCount - 1) do DumpPoint(fastX[i], fastY[i]) end end end