changeset 13701 d732ca5dcab9
parent 13699 91fe09213abc
child 13709 54eb4c774ef5
--- a/gameServer/HWProtoCore.hs	Sat Aug 25 19:07:17 2018 +0200
+++ b/gameServer/HWProtoCore.hs	Sat Aug 25 19:23:19 2018 +0200
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 import HandlerUtils
 import RoomsAndClients
 import Utils
+import Consts
 handleCmd, handleCmd_loggedin :: CmdHandler
@@ -81,8 +82,7 @@
         h "GLOBAL" p = serverAdminOnly $ do
             rnc <- liftM snd ask
             let chans = map (sendChan . client rnc) $ allClients rnc
-            -- parenthesis instead of square brackets used to avoid accidental translation by frontend
-            return [AnswerClients chans ["CHAT", "(global notice)", p]]
+            return [AnswerClients chans ["CHAT", nickGlobal, p]]
         h "WATCH" f = return [QueryReplay f]
         h "FIX" _ = handleCmd ["FIX"]
         h "UNFIX" _ = handleCmd ["UNFIX"]
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
                 [ModifyServerInfo(\s -> s{isRegisteredUsersOnly = not $ isRegisteredUsersOnly s})
                 -- TODO: Say whether 'registered only' state is on or off
-                , AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", "[server]", loc "'Registered only' state toggled."]
+                , AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "'Registered only' state toggled."]
         h "SUPER_POWER" _ = serverAdminOnly $ do
             cl <- thisClient
                 [ModifyClient (\c -> c{hasSuperPower = True})
-                , AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", "[server]", loc "Super power activated."]
+                , AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "Super power activated."]
         h _ _ = return [Warning $ loc "Unknown command or invalid parameters. Say '/help' in chat for a list of commands." ]
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
     let hostStr = if isAdminAsking then host cl else B.empty
     if noSuchClient then
-        answerClient [ "CHAT", "[server]", loc "Player is not online." ]
+        answerClient [ "CHAT", nickServer, loc "Player is not online." ]
         answerClient [