This reduces CheckLand ~5.5% on average over prior making the overall reduction ~77.4% instead of ~81.9%. It does skip centre pixel in odd w/h, but that really shouldn't matter much in this case. Can alter if any objects are noticeably off.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HWProtoLobbyState where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import Utils
import HandlerUtils
import RoomsAndClients
{-answerAllTeams protocol teams = concatMap toAnswer teams
toAnswer team =
[AnswerThisClient $ teamToNet protocol team,
AnswerThisClient ["TEAM_COLOR", teamname team, teamcolor team],
AnswerThisClient ["HH_NUM", teamname team, show $ hhnum team]]
handleCmd_lobby :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_lobby ["LIST"] = do
(ci, irnc) <- ask
let cl = irnc `client` ci
rooms <- allRoomInfos
let roomsInfoList = concatMap (roomInfo irnc) . filter (\r -> (roomProto r == clientProto cl) && not (isRestrictedJoins r))
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ("ROOMS" : roomsInfoList rooms)]
roomInfo irnc room
| roomProto room < 28 = [
name room,
B.pack $ show (playersIn room) ++ "(" ++ show (length $ teams room) ++ ")",
B.pack $ show $ gameinprogress room
| otherwise = [
showB $ gameinprogress room,
name room,
showB $ playersIn room,
showB $ length $ teams room,
nick $ irnc `client` (masterID room),
head (Map.findWithDefault ["+gen+"] "MAP" (params room)),
head (Map.findWithDefault ["Default"] "SCHEME" (params room)),
head (Map.findWithDefault ["Default"] "AMMO" (params room))
handleCmd_lobby ["CHAT", msg] = do
n <- clientNick
s <- roomOthersChans
return [AnswerClients s ["CHAT", n, msg]]
handleCmd_lobby ["CREATE_ROOM", newRoom, roomPassword]
| illegalName newRoom = return [Warning "Illegal room name"]
| otherwise = do
rs <- allRoomInfos
(ci, irnc) <- ask
let cl = irnc `client` ci
return $ if isJust $ find (\room -> newRoom == name room) rs then
[Warning "Room exists"]
AddRoom newRoom roomPassword,
AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["NOT_READY", nick cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["CREATE_ROOM", newRoom] =
handleCmd_lobby ["CREATE_ROOM", newRoom, ""]
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName, roomPassword]
| noSuchRoom = [Warning "No such room"]
| isRestrictedJoins jRoom = [Warning "Joining restricted"]
| roomPassword /= password jRoom = [Warning "Wrong password"]
| otherwise =
[RoomRemoveThisClient "", -- leave lobby
RoomAddThisClient rID] -- join room
++ answerNicks
++ answerReady
++ [AnswerThisRoom ["NOT_READY", nick client]]
++ answerFullConfig
++ answerTeams
++ watchRound
noSuchRoom = isNothing mbRoom
mbRoom = find (\r -> roomName == name r && roomProto r == clientProto client) $ IntMap.elems rooms
jRoom = fromJust mbRoom
rID = roomUID jRoom
client = clients IntMap.! clID
roomClientsIDs = IntSet.elems $ playersIDs jRoom
answerNicks =
[AnswerThisClient $ "JOINED" :
map (\clID -> nick $ clients IntMap.! clID) roomClientsIDs | playersIn jRoom /= 0]
answerReady = map
((\ c ->
[if isReady c then "READY" else "NOT_READY", nick c])
. (\ clID -> clients IntMap.! clID))
toAnswer (paramName, paramStrs) = AnswerThisClient $ "CFG" : paramName : paramStrs
answerFullConfig = map toAnswer (leftConfigPart ++ rightConfigPart)
(leftConfigPart, rightConfigPart) = partition (\(p, _) -> p /= "MAP") (Map.toList $ params jRoom)
watchRound = if not $ gameinprogress jRoom then
[AnswerThisClient ["RUN_GAME"],
AnswerThisClient $ "EM" : toEngineMsg "e$spectate 1" : Foldable.toList (roundMsgs jRoom)]
answerTeams = if gameinprogress jRoom then
answerAllTeams (clientProto client) (teamsAtStart jRoom)
answerAllTeams (clientProto client) (teams jRoom)
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName] =
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName, ""]
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["FOLLOW", asknick] =
if noSuchClient || roomID followClient == 0 then
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName]
maybeClient = Foldable.find (\cl -> asknick == nick cl) clients
noSuchClient = isNothing maybeClient
followClient = fromJust maybeClient
roomName = name $ rooms IntMap.! roomID followClient
-- Administrator's stuff --
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["KICK", kickNick] =
[KickClient kickID | isAdministrator client && (not noSuchClient) && kickID /= clID]
client = clients IntMap.! clID
maybeClient = Foldable.find (\cl -> kickNick == nick cl) clients
noSuchClient = isNothing maybeClient
kickID = clientUID $ fromJust maybeClient
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["BAN", banNick] =
if not $ isAdministrator client then
BanClient banNick : handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["KICK", banNick]
client = clients IntMap.! clID
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["SET_SERVER_VAR", "MOTD_NEW", newMessage] =
[ModifyServerInfo (\si -> si{serverMessage = newMessage}) | isAdministrator client]
client = clients IntMap.! clID
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["SET_SERVER_VAR", "MOTD_OLD", newMessage] =
[ModifyServerInfo (\si -> si{serverMessageForOldVersions = newMessage}) | isAdministrator client]
client = clients IntMap.! clID
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["SET_SERVER_VAR", "LATEST_PROTO", protoNum] =
[ModifyServerInfo (\si -> si{latestReleaseVersion = fromJust readNum}) | isAdministrator client && isJust readNum]
client = clients IntMap.! clID
readNum = maybeRead protoNum :: Maybe Word16
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["GET_SERVER_VAR"] =
[SendServerVars | isAdministrator client]
client = clients IntMap.! clID
handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms ["CLEAR_ACCOUNTS_CACHE"] =
[ClearAccountsCache | isAdministrator client]
client = clients IntMap.! clID
handleCmd_lobby _ = return [ProtocolError "Incorrect command (state: in lobby)"]