Sun, 04 Dec 2011 01:00:18 +0300 unc0rr No more nested functions in code
Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:13:22 +0300 unc0rr Countless imporvements to the parser and countless help to the parser in sources.
Sun, 06 Nov 2011 13:53:25 -0500 nemo Set default water colours in greyscale mode in case the theme does not define them, decrement piano weapon on use
Sun, 06 Nov 2011 13:00:25 -0500 nemo Add missing grayscale conversions
Sun, 06 Nov 2011 12:40:35 -0500 nemo Spread flakes out over 5 layers now (far back, mid distance, just behind land, just in front of lands and hog, near distance). Spread clouds out over 3 layers (far back, mid distance, just behind land). Add a flatten clouds option, use
Sat, 05 Nov 2011 11:41:56 -0400 nemo Flatten flakes for halloween theme, based on feedback from sheepluva
Sun, 09 Oct 2011 19:48:13 -0400 nemo oops
less more (0) -100 -30 -10 -7 tip