sheepluva [Mon, 20 Jan 2014 22:42:36 +0100] rev 10028
add a test based on unC0Rr's suggestion. still a lot of mess and redundancy involved, sry :P
unc0rr [Tue, 21 Jan 2014 00:09:06 +0400] rev 10027
Implement drawnMapData function so checker could check replays with drawn maps
sheepluva [Mon, 20 Jan 2014 15:31:45 +0100] rev 10026
drill rocket test
sheepluva [Mon, 20 Jan 2014 10:40:59 +0100] rev 10025
new cmake option NOVERSIONINFOUPDATE -- to be used if source is in a git/repo that is NOT the hedgewars repo
sheepluva [Mon, 20 Jan 2014 10:16:29 +0100] rev 10024
remove DroidSans font from source dir. it is unused afaik and also wrongly included in the source tarballs
sheepluva [Sun, 19 Jan 2014 22:39:06 +0100] rev 10023
fix despeckle mutilating blurry land
unc0rr [Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:25:40 +0400] rev 10022
- Make Racer report achievements
- Add official racer challenge map #1
- Helper script to detect official challenge maps by land digest