Sat, 28 Apr 2012 15:03:52 +0200 Xeli changed uKeys to uInputHandler to better reflect its function
Tue, 24 Apr 2012 23:56:41 +0400 unc0rr Fix GetAmmoEntry in PascalExports
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:58:03 +0200 koda ios, one more grenade timer tweak
Fri, 17 Feb 2012 18:23:36 +0100 koda the most important commit of the year
Tue, 17 Jan 2012 09:01:31 -0500 lovelacer A partial reformatting of the pascal code to have consistent syntax. Things that are still inconsistent.
Thu, 24 Nov 2011 16:18:45 +0100 koda GSoC 2011: Android port - merged mainstream
Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:32:42 +0100 koda modify ReleaseSound so that it performs a partial release of unused sounds, useful for responding to memory warnings
less more (0) -30 -10 -7 tip