Mon, 01 Mar 2010 19:54:33 +0000 smxx Engine:
Mon, 01 Mar 2010 18:01:09 +0000 smxx Engine:
Mon, 01 Mar 2010 00:02:55 +0000 nemo Formerly "Draw Girders" by MrMfS - now "Disable Girders" to allow template prefs to still exist
Sun, 28 Feb 2010 17:51:38 +0000 nemo Graphic for dead mines
Sun, 28 Feb 2010 15:41:42 +0000 nemo Flag the sharing of ammo between clan teams.
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 16:29:00 +0000 nemo Font switch requested by Copy Liu in issue #220 - a GPL CJK font set that includes some hand-drawn bitmaps for lower resolutions, reducing fuzziness of CJK chars in places like the ammo menu
less more (0) -300 -100 -30 -10 -6 tip