--[[ Basic Rope Training Teaches the player how to rope! No advanced tricks, just the basics. But fun! (I hope) Lesson plan: - Select rope - Shoot rope, attach, detach - Extend, retract, swing to reach easy target - Multiple shots / rope re-use to go over water hazard - Drop grenade from rope - Special rules when you only got 1 rope (i.e. when the rope is officially used up) - Rope around obstacles ]] HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Utils.lua") -- Map definition automatically converted from HWMAP file by hwmap2lua.sh local map = {'\2\30\7\126\135\2\28\5\52\0\1\211\6\203\135\3\207\6\189\0\3\1\5\205\135\4\120\5\203\0\2\30\5\31\135\2\35\4\173\0\1\170\4\216\135\4\150\4\248\0\3\230\4\138\135\4\54\6\22\0\3\205\6\189\135\4\154\7\91\0\4\154\7\91\135\6\57\7\41\0\4\79\6\38\135\4\221\6\112\0\4\221\6\112\135\6\27\6\70\0\3\175\6\196\135\4\51\5\235\0\3\17\6\178\135\3\161\5\226\0\4\33\7\4\135\4\191\6\93\0\4\200\7\75\135\5\45\6\137\0\6\29\6\66\135\6\98\5\123\0\6\107\7\32\135\6\237\5\249\0\6\102\5\95\135\7\169\5\6\0\7\0\5\237\135\7\235\6\20\0\7\233\6\13\135\7\226\8\43\0\13\66\6\47\135\13\100\8\57\0\7\167\5\15\135\7\164\4\51\0\7\71\4\109\135\13\235\4\132\0\13\4\6\75\135\14\242\6\57\0\14\169\6\166\135\15\183\4\86\0', '\15\208\5\13\135\15\96\2\248\0\15\206\3\104\135\13\175\2\88\0\14\171\5\17\140\14\219\4\77\138\14\166\3\136\136\13\219\3\31\136\13\184\4\228\136\13\173\3\250\0\14\2\4\19\136\7\36\3\211\0\14\52\2\85\137\7\57\2\76\0\12\196\2\245\137\11\195\3\127\137\10\174\2\223\137\9\174\3\113\137\8\160\2\211\137\8\11\3\111\137\6\249\3\218\131\6\66\3\209\0\5\88\3\202\131\4\38\3\193\0\5\33\3\207\131\5\31\5\31\0\4\235\4\228\131\6\125\4\251\0\6\98\3\214\131\6\80\5\1\0\7\41\2\104\136\3\253\2\72\0\4\31\3\207\133\1\149\3\166\0\2\243\4\15\133\1\117\2\202\0\1\149\3\60\133\1\211\1\87\0\1\138\1\138\133\3\42\0\71\0\2\131\0\96\133\4\168\0\149\0\5\116\1\124\141\7\41\0\204\141\8\252\2\42\141\10\39\0\135\141\11\40\1\124\141\10\17\1\186\141', '\12\104\0\151\141\4\29\0\156\137\14\160\0\69\0\13\182\1\133\137\13\171\2\78\0\13\201\0\78\137\13\189\0\197\0\13\194\1\195\137\15\148\2\147\0\14\189\0\59\137\15\222\0\217\0\15\226\0\215\137\15\164\2\145\0\13\217\1\211\137\15\167\1\220\0\14\208\2\37\164\8\89\1\92\139\6\146\1\211\139\8\174\2\39\203\10\19\2\7\203\11\56\1\167\203\12\106\0\217\203\7\36\1\12\203\5\182\1\163\203\6\141\1\165\203\8\71\1\135\203\8\151\3\19\203\8\7\3\70\203\9\227\3\118\203\13\66\3\113\133\13\54\4\104\0\11\200\3\26\133\11\191\4\84\0\9\160\2\255\133\9\160\4\84\0\8\16\3\163\133\8\18\4\109\0\9\108\3\53\197\10\19\3\70\0\14\25\5\228\132\14\43\4\253\130\13\237\3\241\210\13\217\3\225\210\13\95\4\74\140\7\137\4\40\0\2\209\6\75\207\3\255\6\102\0\4\1\6\107\207', '\4\182\6\228\0\4\182\6\226\207\6\36\6\189\0\6\36\6\201\207\6\166\5\191\0\4\138\4\100\158\1\183\4\68\0\4\145\5\8\158\4\203\5\201\0\5\141\5\198\158\5\180\5\139\0\7\116\4\230\142\5\49\5\52\0\6\185\4\47\148\6\182\4\186\0\7\64\4\88\153\4\216\4\10\143\13\255\2\42\146\15\100\2\216\0\4\1\6\20\199\2\142\6\29\0\3\255\6\22\199\5\22\6\224\0\7\231\5\198\133\7\235\6\31\0\13\70\6\68\133\13\54\5\237\0\14\36\4\253\197\4\90\2\223\133\4\239\3\97\0\2\181\2\252\133\3\95\2\156\0\2\216\1\90\133\3\113\1\218\0\4\200\1\32\133\4\122\1\167\0\7\169\1\106\133\4\10\4\106\213\1\30\4\86\0\4\58\5\54\219\1\119\5\6\139\1\119\5\157\0\1\238\5\189\139\0\85\5\164\0\0\105\6\63\139\0\119\3\182\0\0\37\3\188\134\1\231\3\195\0', '\1\142\5\13\145\1\188\5\102\0\1\199\5\59\145\3\209\5\198\134\5\59\5\102\0\4\63\5\111\134\0\121\3\225\134\4\111\3\234\0\2\255\4\106\134\3\12\4\228\0\2\58\4\120\132\13\148\2\60\132\13\146\1\106\0'} local function drawMap() for m=1, #map do ParseCommand("draw "..map[m]) end end -- Gears local hog local ropeGear -- Status vars local ropeSelected = false -- rope was selected the first time, used for msg local ropeAttached = false -- rope was attached, used for msg local target1Reached = false -- hog near 1st first target local barrelsBoom = false -- barrels exploded local wasFirstTurn = false -- first turn msg was displayed local gameOver = false -- game over (only victory possible) local currentTarget = 0 -- current target ID. First target = 1 local flawless = true -- flawless if no damage taken and no mistake made local cpX, cpY = 208, 1384 -- hog checkpoint, initialized with start coords -- "Constants" local initHogHealth = 50 local initHogHealthFinal = 1 local teamName local girderData = { {2012, 1366, 6}, -- water gate {1156, 678, 2}, -- post-barrel gate {1206, 905, 2}, -- post-barrel gate {1064, 288, 6}, -- top level gate {1064, 455, 6}, -- top level gate {1557, 1009, 0}, -- barrel pit protection {1436, 1003, 4}, -- barrel pit protection {3607, 1307, 4}, -- post-water gate {3809, 1375, 0}, -- post-water gate } local targetData = { -- 1: Start {504, 1215}, -- 2: Start 2 {1082, 1348}, -- 3: Before the water {1941, 1490}, -- 4: After the water {3504, 1557}, -- 5: Barrel pit {2060, 885}, -- 6: Grand Finale {834, 381}, -- 7: Goal {3802, 356}, } function onGameInit() ClearGameFlags() EnableGameFlags(gfDisableGirders, gfDisableLandObjects, gfOneClanMode, gfInfAttack, gfSolidLand, gfDisableWind) Seed = "{386439b4-748a-48b1-945a-eba6a817ca83}" Theme = "Bamboo" MapGen = mgDrawn MapFeatureSize = 12 TemplateFilter = 0 TemplateNumber = 0 TurnTime = MAX_TURN_TIME Explosives = 0 MinesNum = 0 CaseFreq = 0 MinesTime = 0 WaterRise = 0 HealthDecrease = 0 teamName = AddMissionTeam(-1) hog = AddMissionHog(initHogHealth) SetGearPosition(hog, cpX, cpY) SetEffect(hog, heResurrectable, 1) drawMap() SendHealthStatsOff() SendRankingStatsOff() end -- The final challenge is to rope through an obstacle course with only 1 rope. -- If the player screws up, this functinon will restart it. local function resetFinalChallenge(setPos) if setPos == nil then setPos = true end SetHealth(hog, initHogHealthFinal) AddAmmo(hog, amRope, 1) SetGearVelocity(hog, 0, 0) if setPos then PlaySound(sndWarp) SetGearPosition(hog, cpX, cpY) AddVisualGear(cpX, cpY, vgtExplosion, 0, false) FollowGear(hog) end end -- Deletes girder with given girderData ID local function eraseGirder(id) EraseSprite(girderData[id][1], girderData[id][2], sprAmGirder, girderData[id][3], false, false, false, false) PlaySound(sndVaporize) local dir = girderData[id][3] if dir == 4 then -- long horizontal for i=-4,4 do AddVisualGear(girderData[id][1] + i * 18, girderData[id][2], vgtSteam, false, 0) end elseif dir == 0 then -- short horizontal for i=-2,1 do AddVisualGear(10 + girderData[id][1] + i * 20, girderData[id][2], vgtSteam, false, 0) end elseif dir == 6 then -- long vertical for i=-4,4 do AddVisualGear(girderData[id][1], girderData[id][2] + i * 18, vgtSteam, false, 0) end elseif dir == 2 then -- short vertical for i=-2,1 do AddVisualGear(girderData[id][1], 10 + girderData[id][2] + i * 20, vgtSteam, false, 0) end else AddVisualGear(girderData[id][1], girderData[id][2], vgtSteam, false, 0) end AddCaption(loc("Barrier unlocked!")) end local function loadGearData() ------ GIRDERS ------ for g=1, #girderData do PlaceGirder(unpack(girderData[g])) end PlaceSprite(1678, 546, sprTargetBee, 0) ------ BARRELS ------ local barrels = {} table.insert(barrels, AddGear(1370, 1223, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0)) table.insert(barrels, AddGear(1430, 1226, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0)) table.insert(barrels, AddGear(1489, 1218, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0)) table.insert(barrels, AddGear(1537, 1211, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0)) table.insert(barrels, AddGear(1578, 1206, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0)) for b=1, #barrels do SetHealth(barrels[b], 1) end ------ FIRST TARGET ------ currentTarget = 1 AddGear(targetData[currentTarget][1], targetData[currentTarget][2], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0) end function onGameStart() loadGearData() ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Basic Training"), loc("Use the rope to complete the obstacle course!"), -amRope, 0) FollowGear(hog) end function onNewTurn() local ctrl = "" if not wasFirstTurn then if INTERFACE == "desktop" then ctrl = loc("Open ammo menu: [Right click]") elseif INTERFACE == "touch" then ctrl = loc("Open ammo menu: Tap the [Suitcase]") end ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Select Rope"), loc("Select the rope to begin!").."|".. ctrl, 2, 7500) wasFirstTurn = true end end function onGameTick() if gameOver or (not CurrentHedgehog) then return end -- First rope selection if not ropeSelected and GetCurAmmoType() == amRope then local ctrl = "" if INTERFACE == "desktop" then ctrl = loc("Aim: [Up]/[Down]").."|".. loc("Attack: [Space]") elseif INTERFACE == "touch" then ctrl = loc("Aim: [Up]/[Down]").."|".. loc("Attack: Tap the [Bomb]") end ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Getting Started"), loc("You can use the rope to reach new places.").."|".. loc("Aim at the ceiling and hold [Attack] pressed until the rope attaches.").."|".. ctrl, 2, 15000) ropeSelected = true -- Rope attach elseif ropeGear and band(GetState(ropeGear), gstCollision) ~= 0 then -- First rope attach if not ropeAttached and not target1Reached then ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("How to Rope"), loc("Great!").."|".. loc("Use the rope to get to the target!").."|".. loc("Retract/Extend rope: [Up]/[Down]").."|".. loc("Swing: [Left]/[Right]").."|".. loc("Release rope: [Attack]"), 2, 15000) ropeAttached = true elseif currentTarget > 1 and (not (currentTarget == 6 and barrelsBoom)) then HideMission() end end -- Prevent grenade being thrown by hand (must use from rope instead) local allowAttack = true if GetCurAmmoType() == amGrenade and ropeGear == nil then allowAttack = false end if allowAttack then SetInputMask(bor(GetInputMask(), gmAttack)) else SetInputMask(band(GetInputMask(), bnot(gmAttack))) end if isInFinalChallenge then local dX, dY = GetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog) local x, y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog) if band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstHHDriven) ~= 0 and GetAmmoCount(CurrentHedgehog, amRope) == 0 and GetFlightTime(CurrentHedgehog) == 0 and (not ropeGear) and math.abs(dX) < 5 and math.abs(dY) < 5 and (x < 3417 or y > 471) then flawless = false AddCaption(loc("Your rope is gone! Try again!")) resetFinalChallenge() PlaySound(sndWarp) end end end function onGameTick20() if not gameOver and not target1Reached and CurrentHedgehog and gearIsInCircle(CurrentHedgehog, targetData[1][1], targetData[1][2], 48, false) then ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Target Puncher"), loc("Okay, now destroy the target|using the baseball bat.").."|".. loc("Release rope: [Attack]"), 2, 9000) target1Reached = true end end function onGearAdd(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtRope then ropeGear = gear elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade then if not ropeGear then DeleteGear(gear) end end end function onGearResurrect(gear, vGear) -- Teleport hog to previous checkpoint if gear == hog then flawless = false SetGearPosition(hog, cpX, cpY) if vGear then SetVisualGearValues(vGear, GetX(hog), GetY(hog)) end FollowGear(hog) AddCaption(loc("Your hedgehog has been revived!")) if isInFinalChallenge then resetFinalChallenge(false) end end end function onGearDamage(gear) if gear == hog then flawless = false end end local function dropNadeText(time) ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Rope Weapons"), loc("Some weapons can be dropped from the rope.").."|".. loc("Collect the weapon crate and drop|a grenade from rope to destroy the barrels.").."|".. loc("Step 1: Start roping").."|".. loc("Step 2: Select grenade").."|".. loc("Step 3: Drop the grenade").."| |".. loc("Drop weapon (while on rope): [Long Jump]"), 2, time) end function onGearDelete(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then -- Update checkpoint cpX, cpY = GetGearPosition(gear) -- New message if currentTarget == 1 then ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Obstacle"), loc("Well done! Let's destroy the next target!").."|".. loc("The targets will guide you through the training.").."|".. loc("Use your rope to get to the next target, then destroy it!"), 2, 8000) elseif currentTarget == 2 then ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Speed Roping"), loc("Try to reach and destroy the next target quickly.").."|".. loc("Hint: When you shorten the rope, you move faster!|And when you lengthen it, you move slower."), 2, 15000) elseif currentTarget == 3 then ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Over the Water"), loc("When you're in mid-air, you can continue to aim|and fire another rope if you're not attached.").."|".. loc("To get over the water, you have to do multiple|rope shots and swings.").."|".. loc("It needs some practice, but you have infinite lives.").."|".. loc("Good luck!"), 2, 22500) eraseGirder(1) elseif currentTarget == 4 then ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Little Obstacle Course"), loc("Well done! The next target awaits.").."|".. loc("Hint: The rope only bends around objects.|When it doesn't hit anything, it's always straight."), 2, 7000) eraseGirder(8) eraseGirder(9) elseif currentTarget == 5 then dropNadeText(20000) AddAmmo(hog, amBaseballBat, 0) SpawnAmmoCrate(1849, 920, amGrenade, AMMO_INFINITE) elseif currentTarget == 6 then ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Finite Ropes"), loc("So far, you had infinite ropes, but in the|real world, ropes are usually limited.").."|".. loc("Rules:").." |".. loc("As long you don't touch the ground, you can|re-use the same rope as often as you like.").."|".. loc("If you miss a shot while trying to|re-attach, your rope is gone, too!").."| |".. loc("Final Challenge:").." |".. loc("Reach and destroy the final target to win.").."|".. loc("You only get 1 rope this time, don't waste it!"), 2, 25000) eraseGirder(4) eraseGirder(5) AddAmmo(hog, amRope, 1) SetHealth(hog, initHogHealthFinal) isInFinalChallenge = true elseif currentTarget == 7 then SaveMissionVar("Won", "true") ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Training complete!"), loc("Congratulations!"), 4, 0) if flawless then PlaySound(sndFlawless, hog) else PlaySound(sndVictory, hog) end AddAmmo(hog, amBaseballBat, 0) AddAmmo(hog, amGrenade, 0) AddAmmo(hog, amRope, 0) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Oh yeah! You sure know how to rope!")) SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have finished the Basic Rope Training!")) EndGame() SetState(hog, gstWinner) gameOver = true SetInputMask(0) end currentTarget = currentTarget + 1 if currentTarget <= #targetData then AddGear(targetData[currentTarget][1], targetData[currentTarget][2], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0) end elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives then if not barrelsBoom then barrelsBoom = true AddAmmo(hog, amGrenade, 0) AddAmmo(hog, amBaseballBat, AMMO_INFINITE) eraseGirder(2) eraseGirder(3) ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("Kaboom!"), loc("Follow the path and destroy the next target."), 2, 5000) end elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtRope then ropeGear = nil if ropeAttached and not target1Reached then local ctrl = "" if INTERFACE == "desktop" then ctrl = loc("Aim: [Up]/[Down]").."|".. loc("Attack: [Space]") elseif INTERFACE == "touch" then ctrl = loc("Aim: [Up]/[Down]").."|".. loc("Attack: Tap the [Bomb]") end ShowMission(loc("Basic Rope Training"), loc("How to Rope"), loc("Go to the target.").."|".. loc("Hold [Attack] to attach the rope.").."|".. ctrl, 2, 13000) ropeAttached = false end elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then eraseGirder(6) eraseGirder(7) end end function onAmmoStoreInit() SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 1) SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 1) end function onAttack() if GetCurAmmoType() == amGrenade and not ropeGear then AddCaption(loc("You have to drop the grenade from rope!"), 0xFF4000FF, capgrpMessage) dropNadeText(5000) PlaySound(sndDenied) end end