--------------------------------------------------------- --- LE CONSTRUCTION MODE 0.7+ (badly adapted from Hedge Editor 0.5) --------------------------------------------------------- -- a hedgewars gameplay mode by mikade -- special thanks to all who helped test and offered suggestions -- additional thanks to sheepluva/nemo for adding some extra hooks -- (to do) -- investigate loc not working on addcaptions -- check for parsecommands before porting to dev -- test onUpDown more extensively as it may need revision (check for amRubber etc) -- test localization of weapons and utils and stuff -- try posistion grenades in Harmer so it blows hogs away from the struc -- and don't explode too close to the struc -- additional/previous balance ideas -- based on your money? -- based on the number of strucs/gens you own? -- based on your existing arsenal? -- limit number of crates spawned per round perhaps (done) -- limit number of generators? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SCRIPT PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The script parameter can be used to configure the energy -- of the game. It is a comma-seperated list of key=value pairs, where each -- key is a word and each value is an integer between 0 and 4294967295. -- -- Possible keys: --- initialenergy: Amount of energy that each team starts with (default: 550) --- Note: Must be smaller than or equal to maxenergy --- energyperround: Amount of energy that each team gets per round (default: 50) --- maxenergy: Maximum amount of energy each team can hold (default: 1000) --- cratesperround: Maximum number of crates you can place per round (default: 5) -- For the previous 2 keys, you can use the value “inf” for an unlimited amount -- Example: “initialenergy=750, maxenergy=2000” starts thee game with 750 energy -- and sets the maximum energy to 2000. -- Example: “craterperround=inf” disables the crate placement limit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --version history ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --v0.1 -- concept test --v0.2 -- improved documentation (in script and in game) -- improved localisation (or is it? at any rate, crate placement should now say e.g. Bazooka and not amBazooka) -- added variable weapon costs (based on the values from Vatten's Consumerism script) -- added reflector shield (still needs work and balancing) -- added weapon-filter (probably ok) -- enabled super weapons like ballgun, rcplane, watermelon, hellish to test balance -- reduce max money to 1000 --v0.3 -- some /s removed --v0.4 -- added support for per hog ammo (hopefully) --v0.5 (dev) -- added somewhat horribly implemented support for different structure sprites -- added override pictures for ammo menu -- added override message on wep select to aid understanding -- split menu into/between weps/parts: struc, crates, gears -- add a limit on crates per turn -- add a limit on extra time per turn -- add a test level -- restored rubber placement -- cleaned up some of the code a bit and removed about 280 lines of code I didn't need, lol --v0.6 (dev) -- added magic dance --v0.7 (pushed to repo) -- added a cfg file -- removed another 903 lines of code we weren't using (lol) --v0.7+ (merged in repo) -- applied Wuzzy's patches: -- script parameters: initialenergy, energyperround, maxenergy -- fix crate costs -- various minor tweaks and fixes -- (see commits in official repo) -- make Construction Mode play well together with fort mode (clan order = fort order) -------------------------------- -- STRUCTURES LIST / IDEAS -------------------------------- --Healing Station: heals hogs to 150 life --Teleportation Node: allows teleporting to any other teleporter nodes --Bio-filter: explodes enemy hogs --Respawner: if you have one of these, any slain hogs are resurrected here :D --Generator: generates energy (used to buy stuff, and possibly later other strucs might have upkeep costs) --Support Station: allows purchasing of weapons, utilities, and med-crates --Construction Station: allows purchasing of girders, rubber, mines, sticky mines, barrels --Reflector Shield: reflect projectiles --Weapon Filter: kill all equipement of enemy hogs passing through this area. --to make the grill more attractive make it vaporize flying saucers --and also rope, and maybe incoming gears -- make healing thing also cure poison -- maybe make poison more virulent and dangerous --(not implemented / abandoned ideas) -- Core: allows construction of other structures. -- Automated Turret (think red drones from space invasion) -- Canon (gives access to 3 fireballs per turn while near) -- something that allows control of wind/water -- Gravity Field generator : triggers world gravity change -- structures consume power over time and -- maybe you can turn structures OFF/ON, manually to save power. -- hacking -- allow hacking of structures, either being able to use enemy structures, -- or turning a team's structures against them. -- pylons -- allow hogs to put down a pylon-like gear which then allows the core -- to place other structures/objects within the pylon's sphere of influence -- this would allow aggressive structure advancement -- resouce mining? -- you could designate something like mines, that you could get close to, -- "pick up", and then "drop" back at a central location to simulate -- resource mining. bit complicated/meh, normal power generators probably easier -- it would be cool to have a red mask we could apply over girders -- that would indicate they were Indestructible HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Tracker.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Params.lua") ---------------------------------------------- -- STRUC CRAP ---------------------------------------------- strucID = {} strucGear = {} strucClan = {} strucType = {} strucCost = {} strucHealth = {} strucCirc = {} strucCircCol = {} strucCircRadius = {} strucCircType = {} strucAltDisplay = {} fortMode = false placedExpense = 0 tempID = nil sUID = 0 colorRed = 0xff0000ff colorGreen = 0x00ff00ff clanBoundsSX = {} clanBoundsSY = {} clanBoundsEX = {} clanBoundsEY = {} clanPower = {} clanID = {} -- for ease of use let's track previous selection teamLStructIndex = {} teamLObjectMode = {} teamLCrateMode = {} teamLMineIndex = {} teamLWeapIndex = {} teamLUtilIndex = {} clanUsedExtraTime = {} clanCratesSpawned = {} clanFirstTurn = {} effectTimer = 0 wallsVisible = false wX = {} wY = {} wWidth = {} wHeight = {} wCol = {} margin = 20 clanPowerTag = nil lastWep = nil checkForSpecialWeaponsIn = -1 -- Fake ammo types, for the overwritten weapons in Construction Mode amCMStructurePlacer = amAirAttack amCMCratePlacer = amNapalm amCMObjectPlacer = amDrillStrike -- Config variables (script parameter) conf_initialEnergy = 550 conf_energyPerRound = 50 conf_maxEnergy = 1000 conf_cratesPerRound = 5 function DrawClanPowerTag() zoomL = 1.3 xOffset = 40 zoomL = 1.1 xOffset = 45 yOffset = 70 tCol = 0x00ff00ff tValue = clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] DeleteVisualGear(clanPowerTag) clanPowerTag = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtHealthTag, 0, false) g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(clanPowerTag) SetVisualGearValues ( clanPowerTag, --id -div(ScreenWidth,2) + xOffset, --xoffset ScreenHeight - yOffset, --yoffset 0, --dx 0, --dy zoomL, --zoom 1, --~= 0 means align to screen g7, --frameticks tValue, --value 240000, --timer tCol --GetClanColor( GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) ) ) end function onScreenResize() -- redraw Tags so that their screen locations are updated if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then DrawClanPowerTag() end end function XYisInRect(px, py, psx, psy, pex, pey) if (px > psx) and (px < pex) and (py > psy) and (py < pey) then return(true) else return(false) end end function AddWall(zXMin,zYMin, zWidth, zHeight, zCol) table.insert(wX, zXMin) table.insert(wY, zYMin) table.insert(wWidth, zWidth) table.insert(wHeight, zHeight) table.insert(wCol, zCol) end function BorderSpark(zXMin,zYMin, zWidth, zHeight, bCol) eX = zXMin + GetRandom(zWidth+10) eY = zYMin + GetRandom(zHeight+10) tempE = AddVisualGear(eX, eY, vgtDust, 0, false) if tempE ~= 0 then g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, eX, eY, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, 1, g9, bCol ) end end function HandleBorderEffects() effectTimer = effectTimer + 1 if effectTimer > 15 then effectTimer = 1 for i = 1, #wX do BorderSpark(wX[i],wY[i],wWidth[i],wHeight[i], wCol[i]) end end end ---- -- old reflecting stuff from like 3 years ago lol --- function gearCanBeDeflected(gear) if (GetGearType(gear) == gtShell) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtClusterBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtCluster) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtGasBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtMine) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtMortar) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtHellishBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtWatermelon) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtMelonPiece) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtEgg) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtDrill) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtBall) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtPortal) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtDynamite) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtSMine) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtKnife) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtJetpack) or -- test this and birdy plz (GetGearType(gear) == gtBirdy) or -- test this and birdy plz (GetGearType(gear) == gtSnowball) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtMolotov) then return(true) else return(false) end end function getThreatDamage(gear) --- damage amounts for weapons if (GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtClusterBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtGasBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtKnife) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtEgg) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtMolotov) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtHellishBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtWatermelon) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtSMine) then dmg = 30 elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtMelonPiece) then dmg = 40 elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtDrill) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtMine) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtCluster) then dmg = 20 elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtPortal) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtDynamite) then dmg = 0 elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtBall) then dmg = 1 else --normal shell, snowball etc dmg = 65 end return(dmg) end function setGearReflectionValues(gear) dmg = getThreatDamage(gear) setGearValue(gear,"damage",dmg) setGearValue(gear,"deflects",0) if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then setGearValue(gear,"owner",GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) -- NEW NEEDS CHANGE? else setGearValue(gear,"owner",10) end end function AddStruc(pX,pY, pType, pClan) sUID = sUID + 1 tempG = AddGear(0, 0, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0) SetGearPosition(tempG, pX, pY) setGearValue(tempG, "sUID", sUID) tempCirc = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true) SetVisualGearValues(tempCirc, 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 100, 0, 500, 1, 0xFFFFFF00) table.insert(strucID, sUID) table.insert(strucType, pType) table.insert(strucGear,tempG) table.insert(strucClan,pClan) table.insert(strucCost,2) frameID = 0 visualSprite = sprTarget madness = AddVisualGear(GetX(tempG), GetY(tempG), vgtStraightShot, 1, true,1) g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(madness) --g9 if pType == loc("Reflector Shield") then table.insert(strucHealth,255) else table.insert(strucHealth,1) end table.insert(strucCirc,tempCirc) table.insert(strucCircType, 1) if pType == loc("Bio-Filter") then table.insert(strucCircCol,colorRed) table.insert(strucCircRadius,1000) frameID = 7 elseif pType == loc("Healing Station") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFF00FF00) table.insert(strucCircRadius,500) frameID = 3 elseif pType == loc("Respawner") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFF00FF00) table.insert(strucCircRadius,75) runOnHogs(EnableHogResurrectionForThisClan) frameID = 1 elseif pType == loc("Teleportation Node") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0x0000FFFF) table.insert(strucCircRadius,350) frameID = 6 elseif pType == loc("Generator") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFFFF00FF) table.insert(strucCircRadius,75) setGearValue(tempG, "power", 0) frameID = 2 elseif pType == loc("Support Station") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFFFF00FF) table.insert(strucCircRadius,500) frameID = 4 elseif pType == loc("Construction Station") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFFFFFFFF) table.insert(strucCircRadius,500) frameID = 8 elseif pType == loc("Reflector Shield") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0xffae00ff) table.insert(strucCircRadius,750) frameID = 9 elseif pType == loc("Weapon Filter") then table.insert(strucCircCol,0xa800ffff) table.insert(strucCircRadius,750) frameID = 5 end SetVisualGearValues(madness, g1, g2, 0, 0, g5, frameID, g7, visualSprite, g9, g10 ) SetState(tempG, bor(GetState(tempG),gstInvisible) ) table.insert(strucAltDisplay, madness) end -- this is basically onStructureDelete -- we may need to expand it for non-gear structures later function CheckGearForStructureLink(gear) respawnerDestroyed = false for i = 1, #strucID do if strucID[i] == getGearValue(gear,"sUID") then if strucType[i] == loc("Respawner") then respawnerDestroyed = true end table.remove(strucID,i) table.remove(strucGear,i) table.remove(strucClan,i) table.remove(strucType,i) table.remove(strucCost,i) table.remove(strucHealth,i) DeleteVisualGear(strucCirc[i]) table.remove(strucCirc,i) table.remove(strucCircCol,i) table.remove(strucCircRadius,i) table.remove(strucCircType,i) if strucAltDisplay[i] ~= 1 then DeleteVisualGear(strucAltDisplay[i]) end table.remove(strucAltDisplay,i) end end if respawnerDestroyed == true then runOnHogs(RecalibrateRespawn) end end -- called when we add a new respawner function EnableHogResurrectionForThisClan(gear) if GetHogClan(gear) == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1) end end -- this is called when a respawner blows up function RecalibrateRespawn(gear) respawnerList = {} for i = 1, #strucID do if (strucType[i] == loc("Respawner")) and (strucClan[i] == GetHogClan(gear)) then table.insert(respawnerList, i) end end if #respawnerList >= 1 then SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1) else SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 0) end end --resposition dead hogs at a respawner if they own one function FindRespawner(gear) respawnerList = {} for i = 1, #strucID do if (strucType[i] == loc("Respawner")) and (strucClan[i] == GetHogClan(gear)) then table.insert(respawnerList, i) end end if #respawnerList >= 1 then i = GetRandom(#respawnerList)+1 SetGearPosition(gear,GetX(strucGear[respawnerList[i]]),GetY(strucGear[respawnerList[i]])-25) AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtExplosion, 0, false) else -- (this should never happen, but just in case) SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 0) DeleteGear(gear) end end function onGearResurrect(gear) AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtExplosion, 0, false) FindRespawner(gear) end function CheckTeleport(gear, tX, tY) teleportOriginSuccessful = false teleportDestinationSuccessful = false for i = 1, #strucID do if (strucType[i] == loc("Teleportation Node")) and (strucClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) then dist = GetDistFromGearToXY(CurrentHedgehog,GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i])) if strucCircType[i] == 0 then NR = strucCircRadius[i] else NR = (48/100*strucCircRadius[i])/2 end if dist <= NR*NR then teleportOriginSuccessful = true end dist = GetDistFromXYtoXY(tX,tY,GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i])) if strucCircType[i] == 0 then NR = strucCircRadius[i] else NR = (48/100*strucCircRadius[i])/2 end if dist <= NR*NR then teleportDestinationSuccessful = true end end end if ((teleportDestinationSuccessful == false) or (teleportOriginSuccessful == false)) then AddCaption(loc("Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence.")) SetGearTarget(gear, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog)) end end --Check for proximity of gears to structures, and make structures behave accordingly function CheckProximity(gear) dist = GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID])) if not dist then return end -- calculate my real radius if I am an aura if strucCircType[tempID] == 0 then NR = strucCircRadius[tempID] else NR = (48/100*strucCircRadius[tempID])/2 end -- we're in business if dist <= NR*NR then -- heal clan hogs if strucType[tempID] == loc("Healing Station") then if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then local hogLife = GetHealth(gear) -- Heal hog by 1 HP, up to 150 HP total if hogLife < 150 then if ((hogLife + 1) % 5) == 0 then -- Health anim every 5 HP HealHog(gear, 1, false) else SetHealth(gear, hogLife+1) end end -- change this to the med kit sprite health ++++s later tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true) g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, colorGreen ) end end -- explode enemy clan hogs elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Bio-Filter") then if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then if (GetHogClan(gear) ~= strucClan[tempID]) and (GetHealth(gear) > 0) then AddGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1) end end -- were those weapons in your pocket, or were you just happy to see me? elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Weapon Filter") then if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then if (GetHogClan(gear) ~= strucClan[tempID]) then for wpnIndex = 1, #atkArray do AddAmmo(gear, atkArray[wpnIndex][1], 0) end for wpnIndex = 1, #utilArray do AddAmmo(gear, utilArray[wpnIndex][1], 0) end AddAmmo(gear, amCMStructurePlacer, 100) AddAmmo(gear, amSwitch, 100) AddAmmo(gear, amSkip, 100) end end -- BOUNCE! POGO! POGO! POGO! POGO! elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Reflector Shield") then -- add check for whose projectile it is if gearCanBeDeflected(gear) == true then gOwner = getGearValue(gear,"owner") gDeflects = getGearValue(gear,"deflects") gDmg = getGearValue(gear,"damage") if gDeflects >= 3 then DeleteGear(gear) AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtSmoke, 0, false) PlaySound(sndVaporize) elseif gOwner ~= strucClan[tempID] then --whether to vaporize gears or bounce them if gDmg ~= 0 then dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(gear) if (dx == 0) and (dy == 0) then -- static mine, explosive, etc encountered -- do nothing else --let's bounce something! dx = dx*(-1) dy = dy*(-1) SetGearVelocity(gear,dx,dy) setGearValue(gear,"deflects",(gDeflects+1)) AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtExplosion, 0, false) PlaySound(sndExplosion) strucHealth[tempID] = strucHealth[tempID] - gDmg strucCircCol[tempID] = strucCircCol[tempID] - gDmg if strucHealth[tempID] <= 0 then AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtExplosion, 0, false) DeleteGear(strucGear[tempID]) PlaySound(sndExplosion) end end else DeleteGear(gear) AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtSmoke, 0, false) PlaySound(sndVaporize) end end end --mark as within range of a teleporter node elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Teleportation Node") then if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then for i = 1, #sProx do if sProx[i][1] == loc("Teleportation Mode") then sProx[i][2] = true end end end end -- mark as within range of construction station -- and thus allow menu access to placement modes -- for girders, mines, sticky mines and barrels elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Construction Station") then if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true) for i = 1, #sProx do if ((sProx[i][1] == loc("Girder Placement Mode")) or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Rubber Placement Mode")) or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Mine Placement Mode")) or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode")) or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Barrel Placement Mode"))) then sProx[i][2] = true end end end end -- mark as within stupport station range -- and thus allow menu access to placement modes -- for weapon, utility, and med crates elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Support Station") then if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true) for i = 1, #sProx do if ((sProx[i][1] == loc("Health Crate Placement Mode")) or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode")) or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode"))) then sProx[i][2] = true end end end end end end end -- used to check if we need to run through all hogs or just currenthedgehog function isAStructureThatAppliesToMultipleGears(pID) if strucType[pID] == loc("Healing Station") or strucType[pID] == loc("Reflector Shield") or strucType[pID] == loc("Weapon Filter") or strucType[pID] == loc("Bio-Filter") then return(true) else return(false) end end function HandleStructures() if GameTime % 100 == 0 then for i = 1, #sProx do sProx[i][2] = false if sProx[i][1] == loc("Structure Placement Mode") then sProx[i][2] = true end end end for i = 1, #strucID do SetVisualGearValues(strucCirc[i], GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, strucCircRadius[i], nil, strucCircCol[i]) tempID = i SetVisualGearValues(strucAltDisplay[i], GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]), 0, 0, nil, nil, 800000, sprTarget) if GameTime % 100 == 0 then -- Check For proximity of stuff to our structures if isAStructureThatAppliesToMultipleGears(i) then runOnGears(CheckProximity) else -- only check prox on CurrentHedgehog if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then CheckProximity(CurrentHedgehog) end end if strucType[i] == loc("Generator") then for z = 0, ClansCount-1 do if z == strucClan[i] then increaseGearValue(strucGear[i],"power") if getGearValue(strucGear[i],"power") == 10 then setGearValue(strucGear[i],"power",0) clanPower[z] = clanPower[z] + 1 if conf_maxEnergy ~= "inf" and clanPower[z] > conf_maxEnergy then clanPower[z] = conf_maxEnergy end end end end end end end -- this is kinda messy and gross (even more than usual), fix it up at some point -- it just assumes that if you have access to girders, it works for rubbers -- as that is what the struc implemenation means due to construction station if GameTime % 100 == 0 and CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then anyUIProx = false for i = 1, #sProx do if sProx[i][1] == loc("Girder Placement Mode") then if sProx[i][2] == true then AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amGirder, 100) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amRubber, 100) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amCMObjectPlacer, 100) else AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amGirder, 0) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amRubber, 0) AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amCMObjectPlacer, 0) -- new end elseif sProx[i][1] == loc("Teleportation Mode") then if sProx[i][2] == true then AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amTeleport, 100) else AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amTeleport, 0) end elseif sProx[i][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode") then -- this is new stuff if sProx[i][2] == true then AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amCMCratePlacer, 100) else AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amCMCratePlacer, 0) end end if (sProx[i][2] == true) then anyUIProx = true end end end end function checkForSpecialWeapons() if (GetCurAmmoType() == amCMObjectPlacer) then AddCaption(loc("Object Placer"),GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpAmmoinfo) end lastWep = GetCurAmmoType() end ---------------------------------------------------------- -- EXCERPTS OF ADAPTED HEDGE_EDITOR CODE FOLLOWS ---------------------------------------------------------- -- experimental crap local landType = 0 ----------------------------------------- -- tracking vars for save slash load purposes ----------------------------------------- local hhs = {} --------------------------------- -- crates are made of this stuff --------------------------------- placeholder = 20 atkArray = { {amBazooka, "amBazooka", 0, 2*placeholder}, --{amBee, "amBee", 0, loc("Homing Bee"), 4*placeholder}, {amMortar, "amMortar", 0, 1*placeholder}, {amDrill, "amDrill", 0, 3*placeholder}, {amSnowball, "amSnowball", 0, 3*placeholder}, {amGrenade, "amGrenade", 0, 2*placeholder}, {amClusterBomb, "amClusterBomb", 0, 3*placeholder}, {amWatermelon, "amWatermelon", 0, 25*placeholder}, {amHellishBomb, "amHellishBomb", 0, 25*placeholder}, {amMolotov, "amMolotov", 0, 3*placeholder}, {amGasBomb, "amGasBomb", 0, 3*placeholder}, {amShotgun, "amShotgun", 0, 2*placeholder}, {amDEagle, "amDEagle", 0, 2*placeholder}, {amSniperRifle, "amSniperRifle", 0, 3*placeholder}, --{amSineGun, "amSineGun", 0, loc("Sine Gun"), 6*placeholder}, {amFlamethrower,"amFlamethrower", 0, 4*placeholder}, {amIceGun, "amIceGun", 0, 15*placeholder}, {amFirePunch, "amFirePunch", 0, 3*placeholder}, {amWhip, "amWhip", 0, 1*placeholder}, {amBaseballBat, "amBaseballBat", 0, 7*placeholder}, --{amKamikaze, "amKamikaze", 0, loc("Kamikaze"), 1*placeholder}, {amSeduction, "amSeduction", 0, 1*placeholder}, {amHammer, "amHammer", 0, 1*placeholder}, {amMine, "amMine", 0, 1*placeholder}, {amDynamite, "amDynamite", 0, 9*placeholder}, {amCake, "amCake", 0, 25*placeholder}, {amBallgun, "amBallgun", 0, 40*placeholder}, --{amRCPlane, "amRCPlane", 0, loc("RC Plane"), 25*placeholder}, {amSMine, "amSMine", 0, 5*placeholder}, -- Careful! Some airborne attacks are overwritten by the special Construction Mode tools --{amAirAttack, "amAirAttack", 0, loc("Air Attack"), 10*placeholder}, --{amMineStrike, "amMineStrike", 0, loc("Mine Strike"), 15*placeholder}, --{amNapalm, "amNapalm", 0, loc("Napalm"), 15*placeholder}, --{amPiano, "amPiano", 0, loc("Piano Strike"), 40*placeholder}, --{amDrillStrike, "amDrillStrike", 0, loc("Drill Strike"), 15*placeholder}, {amPickHammer, "amPickHammer", 0, 2*placeholder}, {amBlowTorch, "amBlowTorch", 0, 4*placeholder}, {amKnife, "amKnife", 0, 2*placeholder}, {amBirdy, "amBirdy", 0, 7*placeholder}, {amDuck, "amDuck", 0, 2*placeholder} } utilArray = { --{amGirder, "amGirder", 0, loc("Girder"), 4*placeholder}, {amLandGun, "amLandGun", 0, 5*placeholder}, --{amRubber, "amRubber", 0, loc("Rubber"), 5*placeholder}, {amRope, "amRope", 0, 7*placeholder}, {amParachute, "amParachute", 0, 2*placeholder}, --{amTeleport, "amTeleport", 0, loc("Teleport"), 6*placeholder}, {amJetpack, "amJetpack", 0, 8*placeholder}, {amPortalGun, "amPortalGun", 0, 15*placeholder}, {amInvulnerable, "amInvulnerable", 0, 5*placeholder}, {amLaserSight, "amLaserSight", 0, 2*placeholder}, {amVampiric, "amVampiric", 0, 6*placeholder}, --{amResurrector, "amResurrector", 0, loc("Resurrector"), 8*placeholder}, --{amTardis, "amTardis", 0, loc("Time Box"), 2*placeholder}, --{amSwitch, "amSwitch", 0, loc("Switch Hog"), 4*placeholder} {amLowGravity, "amLowGravity", 0, 4*placeholder}, {amExtraDamage, "amExtraDamage", 0, 6*placeholder}, {amExtraTime, "amExtraTime", 0, 8*placeholder} } ---------------------------- -- placement shite ---------------------------- local cGear = nil -- detects placement of girders and objects (using airattack) local curWep = amNothing -- primary placement categories local cIndex = 1 -- category index local cat = { "Girder Placement Mode", "Rubber Placement Mode", "Mine Placement Mode", "Sticky Mine Placement Mode", "Barrel Placement Mode", "Weapon Crate Placement Mode", "Utility Crate Placement Mode", "Health Crate Placement Mode", "Structure Placement Mode" } sProx = { {loc("Girder Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Rubber Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Mine Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Barrel Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Health Crate Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Structure Placement Mode"),false}, {loc("Teleportation Mode"),false} } local pMode = {} -- pMode contains custom subsets of the main categories local pIndex = 1 local CGR = 1 -- current girder rotation, we actually need this as HW remembers what rotation you last used local placedX = {} local placedY = {} local placedSpec = {} local placedSuperSpec = {} local placedType = {} local placedCount = 0 local sCirc -- circle that appears around selected gears local sGear = nil local closestDist local closestGear = nil local tCirc = {} -- array of circles that appear around tagged gears ------------------------ -- SOME GENERAL METHODS ------------------------ function GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, g2X, g2Y) g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(gear) if not g1X then return nil end q = g1X - g2X w = g1Y - g2Y return ( (q*q) + (w*w) ) end function GetDistFromXYtoXY(a, b, c, d) q = a - c w = b - d return ( (q*q) + (w*w) ) end function SelectGear(gear) d = GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, placedX[placedCount], placedY[placedCount]) if d < closestDist then closestDist = d closestGear = gear end end -- essentially called when user clicks the mouse -- with girders or an airattack function PlaceObject(x,y) placedX[placedCount] = x placedY[placedCount] = y placedType[placedCount] = cat[cIndex] placedSpec[placedCount] = pMode[pIndex] if (clanUsedExtraTime[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] == true) and (cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode") and (utilArray[pIndex][1] == amExtraTime) then AddCaption(loc("You may only place 1 Extra Time crate per turn."),0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume) PlaySound(sndDenied) elseif (conf_cratesPerRound ~= "inf" and clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] >= conf_cratesPerRound) and ( (cat[cIndex] == "Health Crate Placement Mode") or (cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode") or (cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode") ) then AddCaption(string.format(loc("You may only place %d crates per round."), conf_cratesPerRound),0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume) PlaySound(sndDenied) elseif (XYisInRect(x,y, clanBoundsSX[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)],clanBoundsSY[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)],clanBoundsEX[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)],clanBoundsEY[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)]) == true) and (clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] >= placedExpense) then -- For checking if the actual placement succeeded local placed = false if cat[cIndex] == "Girder Placement Mode" then placed = PlaceGirder(x, y, CGR) placedSpec[placedCount] = CGR elseif cat[cIndex] == "Rubber Placement Mode" then placed = PlaceRubber(x, y, CGR) placedSpec[placedCount] = CGR elseif cat[cIndex] == "Health Crate Placement Mode" then gear = SpawnHealthCrate(x,y) if gear ~= nil then placed = true SetHealth(gear, pMode[pIndex]) setGearValue(gear,"caseType","med") clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] +1 end elseif cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode" then gear = SpawnAmmoCrate(x, y, atkArray[pIndex][1]) if gear ~= nil then placed = true placedSpec[placedCount] = atkArray[pIndex][2] setGearValue(gear,"caseType","ammo") setGearValue(gear,"contents",atkArray[pIndex][2]) clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] +1 end elseif cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode" then gear = SpawnUtilityCrate(x, y, utilArray[pIndex][1]) if gear ~= nil then placed = true placedSpec[placedCount] = utilArray[pIndex][2] setGearValue(gear,"caseType","util") setGearValue(gear,"contents",utilArray[pIndex][2]) if utilArray[pIndex][1] == amExtraTime then clanUsedExtraTime[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = true end clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] +1 end elseif cat[cIndex] == "Barrel Placement Mode" then gear = AddGear(x, y, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0) if gear ~= nil then placed = true SetHealth(gear, pMode[pIndex]) end elseif cat[cIndex] == "Mine Placement Mode" then gear = AddGear(x, y, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0) if gear ~= nil then placed = true SetTimer(gear, pMode[pIndex]) end elseif cat[cIndex] == "Sticky Mine Placement Mode" then gear = AddGear(x, y, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0) placed = gear ~= nil elseif cat[cIndex] == "Structure Placement Mode" then AddStruc(x,y, pMode[pIndex],GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) placed = true end if placed then clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] - placedExpense placedCount = placedCount + 1 else AddCaption(loc("Invalid Placement"),0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume) PlaySound(sndDenied) end else if (clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] >= placedExpense) then AddCaption(loc("Invalid Placement"),0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume) else AddCaption(loc("Insufficient Power"),0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume) end PlaySound(sndDenied) end end -- called when user changes primary selection -- either via up/down keys -- or selecting girder/airattack function RedefineSubset() pIndex = 1 pMode = {} placedExpense = 1 if not CurrentHedgehog then return false end local team = GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) if cat[cIndex] == "Girder Placement Mode" then pIndex = CGR pMode = {loc("Girder")} elseif cat[cIndex] == "Rubber Placement Mode" then pIndex = CGR pMode = {loc("Rubber")} placedExpense = 3 elseif cat[cIndex] == "Barrel Placement Mode" then pMode = {60} placedExpense = 10 teamLObjectMode[team] = cat[cIndex] elseif cat[cIndex] == "Health Crate Placement Mode" then pMode = {HealthCaseAmount} placedExpense = 5 teamLCrateMode[team] = cat[cIndex] elseif cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode" then for i = 1, #atkArray do pMode[i] = GetAmmoName(atkArray[i][1]) end placedExpense = atkArray[pIndex][4] teamLCrateMode[team] = cat[cIndex] pIndex = teamLWeapIndex[team] elseif cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode" then for i = 1, #utilArray do pMode[i] = GetAmmoName(utilArray[i][1]) end placedExpense = utilArray[pIndex][4] teamLCrateMode[team] = cat[cIndex] pIndex = teamLUtilIndex[team] elseif cat[cIndex] == "Mine Placement Mode" then pMode = {0,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000} placedExpense = 15 teamLObjectMode[team] = cat[cIndex] pIndex = teamLMineIndex[team] elseif cat[cIndex] == "Sticky Mine Placement Mode" then pMode = {loc("Sticky Mine")} placedExpense = 20 teamLObjectMode[team] = cat[cIndex] elseif cat[cIndex] == "Structure Placement Mode" then pMode = { loc("Support Station"), loc("Construction Station"), loc("Healing Station"), loc("Teleportation Node"), loc("Weapon Filter"), loc("Bio-Filter"), loc("Reflector Shield"), loc("Respawner"), loc("Generator"), } pIndex = teamLStructIndex[team] end return true end -- called in onGameTick() function HandleHedgeEditor() HandleStructures() if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then if wallsVisible == true then HandleBorderEffects() end if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then if (lastWep ~= GetCurAmmoType()) then checkForSpecialWeapons() elseif checkForSpecialWeaponsIn == 0 then checkForSpecialWeapons() checkForSpecialWeaponsIn = -1 else checkForSpecialWeaponsIn = checkForSpecialWeaponsIn - 1 end end if GameTime % 100 == 0 then DrawClanPowerTag() curWep = GetCurAmmoType() -- change to girder mode on weapon swap if (cIndex ~= 1) and (curWep == amGirder) then cIndex = 1 RedefineSubset() elseif (cIndex ~=2) and (curWep == amRubber) then cIndex = 2 RedefineSubset() -- change to generic mode if girder no longer selected elseif (cIndex == 1) and (curWep ~= amGirder) then cIndex = 3 RedefineSubset() elseif (cIndex == 2) and (curWep ~= amRubber) then cIndex = 3 RedefineSubset() end -- update display selection criteria if ((curWep == amGirder) or (curWep == amCMStructurePlacer) or (curWep == amCMCratePlacer) or (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) or (curWep == amRubber)) and (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil or band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstHHDriven) ~= 0) then ---------------hooolllllyyyy fucking shit this -- code is a broken mess now -- it was redesigned and compromised three times -- so now it is a mess trying to do what it was -- never designed to do -- needs to be rewritten badly sadface -- this bit here catches the new 3 types of weapons if ((sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Structure Placement Mode") and (curWep ~= amCMStructurePlacer))) then updatePlacementDisplay(1) elseif (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Health Crate Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode")) then if curWep ~= amCMCratePlacer then updatePlacementDisplay(1) end elseif (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Mine Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Barrel Placement Mode")) then if curWep ~= amCMObjectPlacer then updatePlacementDisplay(1) end end --this is called when it happens that we have placement --mode selected and we are looking at something --we shouldn't be allowed to look at, as would be the case --when you WERE allowed to look at it, but then maybe --a bomb blows up the structure that was granting you --that ability if (sProx[cIndex][2] ~= true) then updatePlacementDisplay(1) else updateCost() end AddCaption(loc(cat[cIndex]),0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage) showModeMessage() wallsVisible = true else wallsVisible = false end end end -- some kind of target detected, tell me your story if cGear ~= nil then x,y = GetGearTarget(cGear) if GetGearType(cGear) == gtAirAttack then DeleteGear(cGear) PlaceObject(x, y) elseif GetGearType(cGear) == gtTeleport then CheckTeleport(cGear, x, y) cGear = nil elseif GetGearType(cGear) == gtGirder then CGR = GetState(cGear) PlaceObject(x, y) end end end --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Cycle through selection subsets (by changing pIndex, pMode) -- i.e health of barrels, medikits, -- timer of mines -- contents of crates -- gears to reposition etc. --------------------------------------------------------------- function updateCost() if CurrentHedgehog == nil or band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstHHDriven) == 0 then return end if pMode[pIndex] == loc("Healing Station") then placedExpense = 50 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Weapon Filter") then placedExpense = 50 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Bio-Filter") then placedExpense = 100 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Respawner") then placedExpense = 300 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Teleportation Node") then placedExpense = 30 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Support Station") then placedExpense = 50 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Construction Station") then placedExpense = 50 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Generator") then placedExpense = 300 elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Reflector Shield") then placedExpense = 200 elseif cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode" then placedExpense = atkArray[pIndex][4] elseif cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode" then placedExpense = utilArray[pIndex][4] end AddCaption(loc("Cost") .. ": " .. placedExpense,0xffba00ff,capgrpAmmostate) end function onTimer(key) -- Hacky workaround for object placer: Since this is based on the drill strike, it -- allows the 5 timer keys to be pressed, causing the announcer to show up -- This triggers code in 1 tick to send other message to mask the earlier one. checkForSpecialWeaponsIn = 1 if (curWep == amCMStructurePlacer) then -- Select structure directly in structure placer -- [Timer X] selects structures 1-5 -- [Precise]+[Timer X] selects structures 6-10 local structureID = key local precise = band(GetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog), gmPrecise) ~= 0 if precise then structureID = structureID + 5 end -- Check for valid pIndex if structureID <= #pMode then pIndex = structureID updateIndex() end elseif (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) then -- [Timer X]: Set mine time 1-5 if cat[cIndex] == "Mine Placement Mode" then local index = key + 1 if key <= #pMode then pIndex = index updateIndex() end end end end function onSwitch() if (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) then -- [Switch]: Set mine time to 0 pIndex = 1 updateIndex() end end function onLeft() if (curWep == amGirder) or (curWep == amRubber) or (curWep == amCMStructurePlacer) or (curWep == amCMCratePlacer) or (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) then pIndex = pIndex - 1 if pIndex == 0 then pIndex = #pMode end updateIndex() end end function onRight() if (curWep == amGirder) or (curWep == amRubber) or (curWep == amCMStructurePlacer) or (curWep == amCMCratePlacer) or (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) then pIndex = pIndex + 1 if pIndex > #pMode then pIndex = 1 end updateIndex() end end -- Should be called when the index of the mode was changed by the player. -- E.g. new weapon crate contents or structure type function updateIndex() if (curWep == amGirder) or (curWep == amRubber) or (curWep == amCMStructurePlacer) or (curWep == amCMCratePlacer) or (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) then showModeMessage() updateCost() end -- Update team variables so the previous state can be restored later if CurrentHedgehog == nil or band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstHHDriven) == 0 then return end local val = pMode[pIndex] local team = GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog) if cat[cIndex] == "Mine Placement Mode" then teamLMineIndex[team] = pIndex elseif cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode" then teamLWeapIndex[team] = pIndex elseif cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode" then teamLUtilIndex[team] = pIndex end end function showModeMessage() if CurrentHedgehog == nil or band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstHHDriven) == 0 then return end local val = pMode[pIndex] local str if cat[cIndex] == "Mine Placement Mode" then -- timer in seconds str = string.format(loc("%d sec"), div(val, 1000)) elseif cat[cIndex] == "Girder Placement Mode" then str = loc("Girder") elseif cat[cIndex] == "Rubber Placement Mode" then str = loc("Rubber") else str = tostring(val) end AddCaption(str,0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2) end function updatePlacementDisplay(pDir) foundMatch = false while(foundMatch == false) do cIndex = cIndex + pDir if (cIndex == 1) or (cIndex == 2) then --1 --we no longer hit girder by normal means cIndex = #cat elseif cIndex > #cat then cIndex = 3 -- 2 ----we no longer hit girder by normal means end if sProx[cIndex][2] == true then if (GetCurAmmoType() == amCMCratePlacer) then if (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Health Crate Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode")) then foundMatch = true end elseif (GetCurAmmoType() == amCMObjectPlacer) then if (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Mine Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode")) or (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Barrel Placement Mode")) then foundMatch = true end elseif (GetCurAmmoType() == amCMStructurePlacer) then if sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Structure Placement Mode") then foundMatch = true end end end if foundMatch == true then RedefineSubset() updateCost() end end end --------------------------------------------------------- -- Cycle through primary categories (by changing cIndex) -- i.e mine, sticky mine, barrels -- health/weapon/utility crate, placement of gears --------------------------------------------------------- function onUp() if ( (curWep == amCMCratePlacer) or (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) ) then if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil or band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstHHDriven) ~= 0 then updatePlacementDisplay(-1) end end end function onDown() if ( (curWep == amCMCratePlacer) or (curWep == amCMObjectPlacer) ) then if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil or band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstHHDriven) ~= 0 then updatePlacementDisplay(1) end end end ---------------------------- -- standard event handlers ---------------------------- -- Parses a positive integer function parseInt(str, default, infinityPermitted) if str == "inf" and infinityPermitted then return "inf" end if str == nil then return default end local s = string.match(str, "(%d*)") if s ~= nil then return math.min(4294967295, math.max(0, tonumber(s))) else return nil end end -- Parse parameters function onParameters() parseParams() conf_initialEnergy = parseInt(params["initialenergy"], conf_initialEnergy) conf_energyPerRound = parseInt(params["energyperround"], conf_energyPerRound) conf_maxEnergy = parseInt(params["maxenergy"], conf_maxEnergy, true) conf_cratesPerRound = parseInt(params["cratesperround"], conf_cratesPerRound, true) end function onGameInit() Explosives = 0 MinesNum = 0 EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack) -- This is a hack to make sure all girder/rubber placement is handled by Construction Mode to overwrite the default behaviour SetMaxBuildDistance(1) fortMode = MapGen == mgForts -- if there are forts, let engine place the hogs on them if fortMode then EnableGameFlags(gfDivideTeams) end RedefineSubset() end function initialSetup(gear) -- engine already placed hogs in fort mode if not fortMode then FindPlace(gear, false, clanBoundsSX[GetHogClan(gear)], clanBoundsEX[GetHogClan(gear)],true) end -- for now, everyone should have this stuff AddAmmo(gear, amCMStructurePlacer, 100) AddAmmo(gear, amSwitch, 100) AddAmmo(gear, amSkip, 100) end function onGameStart() trackTeams() ShowMission ( loc("CONSTRUCTION MODE"), loc("a Hedgewars mini-game"), loc("Build a fortress and destroy your enemy.") .. "|" .. loc("There are a variety of structures available to aid you.") .. "|" .. loc("Use the structure placer to place structures.") , 4, 5000 ) SetAmmoTexts(amCMStructurePlacer, loc("Structure Placer"), loc("Construction Mode tool"), loc("Build one of multiple different structures|to aid you in victory, at the cost of energy.") .. "| |" .. loc("Support Station: Allows placement of crates.") .. "|".. loc("Construction Station: Allows placement of| girders, rubber, mines, sticky mines| and barrels.") .. "|" .. loc("Healing Station: Heals nearby hogs.") .. "|" .. loc("Teleportation Node: Allows teleportation| between other nodes.") .. "|" .. loc("Weapon Filter: Dematerializes all ammo| carried by enemies entering it.") .. "|" .. loc("Bio-Filter: Aggressively removes enemies.") .. "|" .. loc("Reflector Shield: Reflects enemy projectiles.") .. "|" .. loc("Respawner: Resurrects dead hogs.") .. "|" .. loc("Generator: Generates energy.") .. "|" .. " |" .. loc("Left/right: Choose structure type").."|".. loc("1-5, Precise + 1-4: Choose structure type").."|".. loc("Cursor: Build structure")) local txt_crateLimit = "" if conf_cratesPerRound ~= "inf" then txt_crateLimit = string.format(loc("You may only place %d crates per round."), conf_cratesPerRound) .. "|" end SetAmmoTexts(amCMCratePlacer, loc("Crate Placer"), loc("Construction Mode tool"), loc("This allows you to create a crate anywhere|within your clan's area of influence,|at the cost of energy.") .. "|" .. txt_crateLimit .. loc("Up/down: Choose crate type") .. "|" .. loc("Left/right: Choose crate contents") .. "|" .. loc("|Cursor: Place crate")) SetAmmoTexts(amCMObjectPlacer, loc("Object Placer"), loc("Construction Mode tool"), loc("This allows you to create and place mines,|sticky mines and barrels anywhere within your|clan's area of influence at the cost of energy.").."|".. loc("Up/down: Choose object type|1-5/Switch/Left/Right: Choose mine timer|Cursor: Place object") ) SetAmmoDescriptionAppendix(amTeleport, loc("It only works in teleportation nodes of your own clan.")) sCirc = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true) SetVisualGearValues(sCirc, 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, 0x00000000) for i = 0, ClansCount-1 do clanPower[i] = math.min(conf_initialEnergy, conf_maxEnergy) clanUsedExtraTime[i] = false clanCratesSpawned[i] = 0 clanFirstTurn[i] = true end for i = 0, TeamsCount-1 do local team = GetTeamName(i) teamLStructIndex[team] = 1 teamLObjectMode[team] = "Mine Placement Mode" teamLCrateMode[team] = "Weapon Crate Placement Mode" teamLMineIndex[team] = 1 teamLWeapIndex[team] = 1 teamLUtilIndex[team] = 1 end tMapWidth = RightX - LeftX tMapHeight = WaterLine - TopY clanInterval = div(tMapWidth,ClansCount) -- define construction areas for each clan -- if there are forts-based spawn locations, adjust areas around them for i = 0, ClansCount-1 do local slot if fortMode then slot = div(GetX(getFirstHogOfClan(i))-LeftX,clanInterval) else slot = i end local color = GetClanColor(i) clanBoundsSX[i] = LeftX+(clanInterval*slot)+20 clanBoundsSY[i] = TopY clanBoundsEX[i] = LeftX+(clanInterval*slot)+clanInterval-20 clanBoundsEY[i] = WaterLine --top and bottom AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*slot),TopY,clanInterval,margin,color) AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*slot),WaterLine-25,clanInterval,margin,color) --add a wall to the left and right AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*slot)+20,TopY,margin,WaterLine,color) AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*slot)+clanInterval-20,TopY,margin,WaterLine,color) end runOnHogs(initialSetup) end function onNewTurn() local clan = GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) if clanFirstTurn[clan] then clanFirstTurn[clan] = false else clanPower[clan] = clanPower[clan] + conf_energyPerRound if conf_maxEnergy ~= "inf" and clanPower[clan] > conf_maxEnergy then clanPower[clan] = conf_maxEnergy end end clanUsedExtraTime[clan] = false clanCratesSpawned[clan] = 0 end function onGameTick() HandleHedgeEditor() end function isATrackedGear(gear) if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtCase) then return(true) else return(false) end end -- track hedgehogs and placement gears function onGearAdd(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtTeleport) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtGirder) then cGear = gear end if isATrackedGear(gear) then trackGear(gear) elseif gearCanBeDeflected(gear) then trackGear(gear) setGearReflectionValues(gear) end end function onGearDelete(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then CheckGearForStructureLink(gear) end if (GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtTeleport) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtGirder) then cGear = nil end if (isATrackedGear(gear) or gearCanBeDeflected(gear)) then if getGearValue(gear, "tCirc") ~= nil then DeleteVisualGear(getGearValue(gear, "tCirc")) end trackDeletion(gear) end end