--[[ ######################################################################## Name: Battalion Made by: Anachron ######################################################################## ]]-- --[[ Readme: https://hedgewars.org/wiki/Battalion ######################################################################## ]]-- --[[ ######################################################################## TODO / ideas list ######################################################################## - Make Hogs sorted by rareness for teams with less hogs (more fair) - Keep first picked up unused crate utitlity until next round - Ship default scheme but let user overwrite it - Make SuddenDeathWaterRise dynamic - Make SuddenDeathTurns dynamic - Add Hog Variants like Crazy Scientist or Astronaut ######################################################################## ]]-- --[[ ############################################################################## ### GENERAL SCRIPT LOADING AND VARIABLE INITIALISATION ### ############################################################################## ]]-- HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Tracker.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Params.lua") -- List of all hog variants with belonging weapons, -- hitpoints, chances and more local variants = {} local varName = "" local newLine = "" local gmAny = 0xFFFFFFFF --[[ ############################################################################## ### VARIANT SETUP ### ############################################################################## ]]-- varName = "Pyromancer" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Pyromancer") variants[varName]["chance"] = 7 variants[varName]["hat"] = "Gasmask" variants[varName]["hp"] = 70 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 2 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amFlamethrower, amMolotov, amWhip} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amRope, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Builder" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Builder") variants[varName]["chance"] = 10 variants[varName]["hat"] = "constructor" variants[varName]["hp"] = 100 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amDynamite, amWhip, amHammer} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amGirder, amBlowTorch} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Rifleman" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Rifleman") variants[varName]["chance"] = 7 variants[varName]["hat"] = "Sniper" variants[varName]["hp"] = 70 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 2 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amRCPlane, amShotgun, amSniperRifle} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amLowGravity, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Warrior" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Warrior") variants[varName]["chance"] = 12 variants[varName]["hat"] = "spartan" variants[varName]["hp"] = 120 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 2 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amClusterBomb, amGrenade, amBazooka} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amParachute, amRope} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Chef" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Chef") variants[varName]["chance"] = 7 variants[varName]["hat"] = "chef" variants[varName]["hp"] = 70 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amCake, amKnife, amWhip} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amRubber, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Medic" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Medic") variants[varName]["chance"] = 12 variants[varName]["hat"] = "war_desertmedic" variants[varName]["hp"] = 120 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amResurrector, amMine, amGasBomb} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amTeleport, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Ninja" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Ninja") variants[varName]["chance"] = 8 variants[varName]["hat"] = "NinjaTriangle" variants[varName]["hp"] = 80 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 2 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amSMine, amMine, amFirePunch} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amRope, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Athlete" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Athlete") variants[varName]["chance"] = 8 variants[varName]["hat"] = "footballhelmet" variants[varName]["hp"] = 80 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amBaseballBat, amFirePunch, amSeduction} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amRope, amPickHammer} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Scientist" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Scientist") variants[varName]["chance"] = 7 variants[varName]["hat"] = "doctor" variants[varName]["hp"] = 80 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amPortalGun, amSineGun, amIceGun} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amTeleport, amJetpack} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "Air General" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Air General") variants[varName]["chance"] = 5 variants[varName]["hat"] = "war_desertofficer" variants[varName]["hp"] = 50 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amMineStrike, amNapalm, amAirAttack} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amRope, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = true varName = "Hunter" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Hunter") variants[varName]["chance"] = 10 variants[varName]["hat"] = "Skull" variants[varName]["hp"] = 100 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amBee, amMortar, amDrill} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amRope, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = false varName = "King" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("King") variants[varName]["chance"] = 3 variants[varName]["hat"] = "crown" variants[varName]["hp"] = 60 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amWatermelon, amHellishBomb, amBallgun} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amRope, amParachute} variants[varName]["special"] = true varName = "Knight" variants[varName] = {} variants[varName]["name"] = loc("Knight") variants[varName]["chance"] = 0 variants[varName]["hat"] = "knight" variants[varName]["hp"] = 80 variants[varName]["hogLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weaponLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["weapons"] = {amShotgun, amBazooka, amMine} variants[varName]["helperLimit"] = 1 variants[varName]["helpers"] = {amParachute, amRope} variants[varName]["special"] = true --[[ ############################################################################## ### GENERAL VARIABLES USED FOR GAMEPLAY ### ############################################################################## ]]-- local unused = {amSnowball, amDrillStrike, amTardis} local lowWeaps = {amKamikaze} local lowTresh = 25 local counter = {} -- Saves how many hogs of a variant a team has local group = {} -- Saves randomized variants for all teams local teamIndex = {} -- Temporary counter for amount of mutated hogs in team local teamHogs = {} -- Saves a list of all hogs belonging to a team local hogCount = {} -- Saves how many hogs a team has local teamNames = {} -- Saves all teams and names local hogInfo = {} -- Saves all hogs with their original values local LastHog = nil -- Last Hedgehog local CurHog = nil -- Current Hedgehog local LastTeam = nil -- Last Team local CurTeam = nil -- Current Team local mode = 'default' -- Which game type to play local modeExplicit = false -- Whether the mode was set in script param local luck = 100 -- Multiplier for bonuses like crates local strength = 1 -- Multiplier for more weapons local useVariantHats = true -- Whether to overwrite the hog hats to those of their variants -- In King Mode, crowns are always enforced regardless of this setting local useVariantNames = false -- Whether to overwrite the hog names to those of their variants local highHasBonusWeps = false -- whether or not a hog got bonus weapons on current turn local highHasBonusHelp = false -- whether or not a hog got bonus helpers on current turn local highPickupCount = 1 local highPickupSDCount = 2 local highHelperCount = 1 local highHelperSDCount = 1 local highEnemyKillHPBonus = 10 local highFriendlyKillHPBonus = 15 local highWeapons = {} -- Saves the weapons from kills local highHelpers = {} -- Saves the helpers from kills local highSpecialBonus = {amTeleport, amJetpack} local highSpecialPool = {amExtraDamage, amVampiric} local kingLinkPerc = 50 -- Percentage of life to share from the team local pointsWepBase = 5 -- Game start points weapons local pointsHlpBase = 2 -- Game start points helpers local pointsKeepPerc = 80 -- Percentage of points to take to next round local pointsWepTurn = 5 -- Round bonus points weapons local pointsHlpTurn = 2 -- Round bonus points helpers local pointsWepMax = 25 -- Maximum points for weapons local pointsHlpMax = 10 -- Maximum points for helpers local pointsKeepSDPerc = 60 -- Percentage of points to take to next round on SD local pointsWepSDTurn = 7 -- Round bonus points weapons on SD local pointsHlpSDTurn = 3 -- Round bonus points helpers on SD local pointsWepSDMax = 35 -- Maximum points for weapons on SD local pointsHlpSDMax = 15 -- Maximum points for helpers on SD local pointsWeaponVal = {} pointsWeaponVal[amBazooka] = 5 pointsWeaponVal[amShotgun] = 4 pointsWeaponVal[amFirePunch] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amMine] = 5 --pointsWeaponVal[amAirAttack] = 10 pointsWeaponVal[amBee] = 6 pointsWeaponVal[amClusterBomb] = 7 pointsWeaponVal[amGrenade] = 5 pointsWeaponVal[amDEagle] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amWhip] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amDynamite] = 7 --pointsWeaponVal[amMineStrike] = 14 pointsWeaponVal[amMortar] = 4 pointsWeaponVal[amWatermelon] = 30 pointsWeaponVal[amSniperRifle] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amBaseballBat] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amCake] = 7 --pointsWeaponVal[amNapalm] = 11 pointsWeaponVal[amDrill] = 6 pointsWeaponVal[amHellishBomb] = 20 pointsWeaponVal[amSineGun] = 4 --pointsWeaponVal[amKamikaze] = 3 --pointsWeaponVal[amBallgun] = 12 --pointsWeaponVal[amPianoStrike] = 15 pointsWeaponVal[amSnowball] = 2 pointsWeaponVal[amMolotov] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amFlamethrower] = 4 pointsWeaponVal[amRCPlane] = 7 --pointsWeaponVal[amDrillStrike] = 12 pointsWeaponVal[amGasBomb] = 2 pointsWeaponVal[amHammer] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amSMine] = 4 pointsWeaponVal[amAirMine] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amKnife] = 3 pointsWeaponVal[amPortalGun] = 5 --pointsWeaponVal[amIceGun] = 6 pointsWeaponVal[amSeduction] = 2 local pointsHelperVal = {} pointsHelperVal[amRope] = 5 pointsHelperVal[amParachute] = 2 --pointsHelperVal[amGirder] = 3 pointsHelperVal[amBlowTorch] = 2 pointsHelperVal[amLowGravity] = 3 --pointsHelperVal[amRubber] = 4 pointsHelperVal[amPickHammer] = 2 pointsHelperVal[amTeleport] = 10 pointsHelperVal[amJetpack] = 8 local pointsPerTeam = {} local pointsToWep = {} -- List of [points] = {ammo1, ammo2} local pointsToHlp = {} -- List of [points] = {ammo1, ammo2} local wepPoints = {} local hlpPoints = {} local firstTurnOver = false local suddenDeath = false local healthCrateChance = 7 local utilCrateChance = 9 local weaponCrateChance = 12 local healthCrateChanceSD = 12 local utilCrateChanceSD = 16 local weaponCrateChanceSD = 21 local emptyCrateChance = 7 local bonusCrateChance = 5 local cratePickupGap = 35 local utilities = {amInvulnerable, amVampiric, amExtraTime, amExtraDamage, amRope, amLandGun} local autoSelectHelpers = {amRope, amParachute} local LastWaterLine = 0 -- Saves WaterLine to make sure a water rise wont trigger highland kill local helpers = {} helpers[amSkip] = true helpers[amRope] = true helpers[amParachute] = true helpers[amBlowTorch] = true helpers[amGirder] = true helpers[amTeleport] = true helpers[amSwitch] = true helpers[amJetpack] = true helpers[amBirdy] = true helpers[amPortalGun] = true helpers[amResurrector] = true helpers[amTardis] = true helpers[amLandGun] = true helpers[amRubber] = true --helpers[amKamikaze] = true local posCaseAmmo = 1 local posCaseHealth = 2 local posCaseUtility = 4 local posCaseDummy = 8 --[[ ############################################################################## ### GENERAL BONUS LUA FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- function swap(array, index1, index2) array[index1], array[index2] = array[index2], array[index1] end function shuffle(array) local cnt = #array while cnt > 1 do local index = GetRandom(cnt) +1 swap(array, index, cnt) cnt = cnt - 1 end end function table.clone(org) local copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in pairs(org) do copy[orig_key] = orig_value end return copy end --[[ ############################################################################## ### WEAPON, UTILITY AND AMMO FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- function clearHogAmmo(hog) for val=0, AmmoTypeMax do AddAmmo(hog, val, 0) end end function autoSelectAmmo(hog, var) -- Check if hog has any "useful" helper, select helper, if yes for key, val in pairs(autoSelectHelpers) do if GetAmmoCount(hog, val) > 0 then SetWeapon(val) return end end end function AddHogAmmo(hog, ammo) -- Add weapons of variant for key, val in pairs(ammo) do AddAmmo(hog, val, GetAmmoCount(hog, val) +1) end end function GetRandomAmmo(hog, sourceType) local var = getHogInfo(hog, 'variant') ammo = {} local source = '' if variants[var] == nil then return ammo end if sourceType == "weapons" then source = variants[var][sourceType] sourceLimit = variants[var]["weaponLimit"] elseif sourceType == "helpers" then source = variants[var][sourceType] sourceLimit = variants[var]["helperLimit"] elseif sourceType == 'poolWeapons' then if highWeapons[hog] == nil then highWeapons[hog] = {} end source = highWeapons[hog] if suddenDeath == false then sourceLimit = highPickupCount else sourceLimit = highPickupSDCount end elseif sourceType == 'poolHelpers' then if highHelpers[hog] == nil then highHelpers[hog] = {} end source = highHelpers[hog] if suddenDeath == false then sourceLimit = highHelperCount else sourceLimit = highHelperSDCount end else return ammo end local varAmmo = {} for key, val in pairs(source) do varAmmo[key] = val end -- If the amount of random weapons is equally to the amount of weapons possible -- We don't need to randomize if sourceLimit >= table.getn(source) then return varAmmo end local randIndex = 0 local i = 0 while i < sourceLimit and #varAmmo > 0 do randIndex = GetRandom(#varAmmo) +1 ammo[i] = varAmmo[randIndex] -- Shift last value to the current index varAmmo[randIndex] = varAmmo[#varAmmo] -- And remove the last index from the array varAmmo[#varAmmo] = nil i = i +1 end return ammo end function updatePointsLabel(team) SetTeamLabel(team, string.format(loc("%d / %d"), pointsPerTeam[team]["weapons"], pointsPerTeam[team]["helpers"])) end function addTurnAmmo(hog) -- Check if hog is valid if hog == nil then return end -- Check if hog is alive local hp = GetHealth(hog) if hp == nil or hp <= 0 then return end -- Unless its points mode, get weapons normally by variant if mode ~= "points" then local maxHp = getHogInfo(hog, 'maxHp') local hpPer = div(hp * 100, maxHp) local wep = getHogInfo(hog, 'weapons') local hlp = getHogInfo(hog, 'helpers') if wep == nil or table.getn(wep) == 0 then hogInfo[hog]['weapons'] = GetRandomAmmo(hog, "weapons") wep = getHogInfo(hog, 'weapons') end if hlp == nil or table.getn(hlp) == 0 then hogInfo[hog]['helpers'] = GetRandomAmmo(hog, "helpers") hlp = getHogInfo(hog, 'helpers') end AddHogAmmo(hog, wep) AddHogAmmo(hog, hlp) if mode == 'highland' then local poolWeapons = GetRandomAmmo(hog, 'poolWeapons') local poolHelpers = GetRandomAmmo(hog, 'poolHelpers') AddHogAmmo(hog, poolWeapons) AddHogAmmo(hog, poolHelpers) end if hpPer < lowTresh or suddenDeath == true then AddHogAmmo(hog, lowWeaps) end -- We are on points mode, so we need to generate weapons based on points else setupPointsAmmo(hog) end AddAmmo(hog, amSkip, -1) end function setupPointsAmmo(hog) local teamName = getHogInfo(hog, 'team') local turnWepPoints = pointsPerTeam[teamName]['weapons'] local turnHlpPoints = pointsPerTeam[teamName]['helpers'] local weps = {} local help = {} local wepPointsTmp = table.clone(wepPoints) local wepMinPnt = wepPointsTmp[1] local wepMaxPnt = wepPointsTmp[#wepPointsTmp] --AddCaption("Hog: " .. hog .. " Wep: " .. turnWepPoints .. " - Hlp: " .. turnHlpPoints, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurHog)), capgrpGameState) --WriteLnToConsole("BEFORE ## Team: " .. teamName .. " Wep: " .. pointsPerTeam[teamName]['weapons'] .. " - Hlp: " .. pointsPerTeam[teamName]['helpers']) while true do if turnWepPoints < wepMinPnt then break end if wepPointsTmp[#wepPointsTmp] > turnWepPoints then while wepPointsTmp[#wepPointsTmp] > turnWepPoints do table.remove(wepPointsTmp) end wepMaxPnt = turnWepPoints end local randPoint = wepPointsTmp[GetRandom(#wepPointsTmp) +1] local randWepList = pointsToWep[randPoint] local randWep = randWepList[GetRandom(#randWepList) +1] table.insert(weps, randWep) turnWepPoints = turnWepPoints -randPoint end local hlpPointsTmp = table.clone(hlpPoints) local hlpMinPnt = hlpPointsTmp[1] local hlpMaxPnt = hlpPointsTmp[#hlpPointsTmp] while true do if turnHlpPoints < hlpMinPnt then break end if hlpPointsTmp[#hlpPointsTmp] > turnHlpPoints then while hlpPointsTmp[#hlpPointsTmp] > turnHlpPoints do table.remove(hlpPointsTmp) end hlpMaxPnt = turnHlpPoints end local randPoint = hlpPointsTmp[GetRandom(#hlpPointsTmp) +1] local randHlpList = pointsToHlp[randPoint] local randHlp = randHlpList[GetRandom(#randHlpList) +1] table.insert(help, randHlp) turnHlpPoints = turnHlpPoints -randPoint end AddHogAmmo(hog, weps) AddHogAmmo(hog, help) -- Save remaining points pointsPerTeam[teamName]['weaponsRem'] = turnWepPoints pointsPerTeam[teamName]['helpersRem'] = turnHlpPoints -- Save already collected points so that they wont be "taxed" pointsPerTeam[teamName]['weaponsFix'] = pointsPerTeam[teamName]['weapons'] pointsPerTeam[teamName]['helpersFix'] = pointsPerTeam[teamName]['helpers'] --WriteLnToConsole("AFTER ## Team: " .. teamName .. " Wep: " .. pointsPerTeam[teamName]['weapons'] .. " - Hlp: " .. pointsPerTeam[teamName]['helpers']) end --[[ ############################################################################## ### HOG SETUP FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- -- Overwrite hog hat to that of its variant function SetHogVariantHat(hog) local var = getHogInfo(hog, 'variant') SetHogHat(hog, variants[var]["hat"]) end -- Give a crown if the hog is a king. -- Strip the hog from its crown if -- it is not a king. function SetHogVariantHatKingMode(hog) local var = getHogInfo(hog, 'variant') if var == "King" then SetHogHat(hog, variants[var]["hat"]) elseif GetHogHat(hog) == "crown" then SetHogHat(hog, "NoHat") end end -- Overwrite hog name to that of its variant function SetHogVariantName(hog) local var = getHogInfo(hog, 'variant') SetHogName(hog, variants[var]["name"]) end function GetRandomVariant() local maxNum = 0 for key, val in pairs(variants) do maxNum = maxNum + variants[key]["chance"] end local rand = GetRandom(maxNum) local lowBound = 0 local highBound = 0 local var = nil for key, val in pairs(variants) do highBound = lowBound + variants[key]["chance"] if rand <= highBound then var = key break end lowBound = highBound end return var end function addRandomVariantToTeam(team) if counter[team] == nil then counter[team] = {} end while true do local var = GetRandomVariant() if counter[team][var] == nil and variants[var]["hogLimit"] > 0 then counter[team][var] = 1 break elseif counter[team][var] ~= nil and counter[team][var] < variants[var]["hogLimit"] then counter[team][var] = counter[team][var] +1 break end end return var end function setTeamHogs(team) local maxHog = hogCount[team] group[team] = {} counter[team] = {} if mode == 'king' then maxHog = maxHog -1 end for i=1,maxHog do table.insert(group[team], group['all'][i]) end if mode == 'king' then counter[team]['King'] = 1 table.insert(group[team], 'King') end end function countTeamHogs(hog) local team = GetHogTeamName(hog) if hogCount[team] == nil then hogCount[team] = 1 teamHogs[team] = {} else hogCount[team] = hogCount[team] +1 end teamHogs[team][hogCount[team]] = hog teamNames[team] = 1 end function setHogVariant(hog) local team = getHogInfo(hog, 'team') if teamIndex[team] == nil then teamIndex[team] = 1 else teamIndex[team] = teamIndex[team] +1 end local hogNum = teamIndex[team] local hogVar = group[team][hogNum] hogInfo[hog]['variant'] = hogVar SetHealth(hog, variants[hogVar]["hp"]) end function getHogInfo(hog, info) if hog == nil then WriteLnToChat("ERROR [getHogInfo]: hog is nil!") WriteLnToConsole("ERROR [getHogInfo]: hog is nil!") return end if hogInfo[hog] == nil then return nil end return hogInfo[hog][info] end function setHogInfo(hog) if hog == nil then WriteLnToChat("ERROR [setHogInfo]: hog is nil!") WriteLnToConsole("ERROR [setHogInfo]: hog is nil!") return end hogInfo[hog] = {} hogInfo[hog]['maxHp'] = GetHealth(hog) hogInfo[hog]['name'] = GetHogName(hog) hogInfo[hog]['hat'] = GetHogHat(hog) hogInfo[hog]['team'] = GetHogTeamName(hog) hogInfo[hog]['clan'] = GetHogClan(hog) hogInfo[hog]['clanColor'] = GetClanColor(hogInfo[hog]['clan']) end --[[ ############################################################################## ### CRATE SPAWN AND PICKUP FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- --[[ : Heals either 10 (95% chance) or 15 (5% chance) hitpoints : Plus 10% of the hogs base hitpoints. : : Has a 7% chance to be empty. ]]-- function onHealthCratePickup() local factor = 2 local msgColor = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'clanColor') local healHp = 0 PlaySound(sndShotgunReload) if GetRandom(100) < emptyCrateChance then AddCaption(loc("It's empty!"), msgColor, capgrpMessage) return elseif GetRandom(100) < bonusCrateChance then factor = 3 end local var = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'variant') local hogHealth = GetHealth(CurHog) healHp = 5 * factor -- Add extra 10% of hogs base hp to heal healHp = healHp + div(getHogInfo(CurHog, 'maxHp'), 10) HealHog(CurHog, healHp) SetEffect(CurHog, hePoisoned, 0) end --[[ : Adds either 1 (95% chance) or 2 (5% chance) random weapon(s) based on the hog variant. : : Has a 7% chance to be empty. ]]-- function onWeaponCratePickup(crate) local factor = 1 * strength local msgColor = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurHog)) PlaySound(sndShotgunReload) if GetRandom(100) < emptyCrateChance then if IsHogLocal(CurHog) then AddCaption(loc("It's empty!"), msgColor, capgrpMessage) end return elseif GetRandom(100) < bonusCrateChance then factor = 2 * strength end local randIndex local randAmmo if mode ~= 'points' then local var = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'variant') randIndex = GetRandom(table.getn(variants[var]["weapons"])) +1 randAmmo = variants[var]["weapons"][randIndex] else local possibleWeapons = {} for key, val in pairs(pointsWeaponVal) do if val > 2 and val < 8 then table.insert(possibleWeapons, key) end end randIndex = GetRandom(table.getn(possibleWeapons)) +1 randAmmo = possibleWeapons[randIndex] end AddAmmo(CurHog, randAmmo, GetAmmoCount(CurHog, randAmmo) +factor) if IsHogLocal(CurHog) then AddCaption(string.format(loc("%s (+%d)"), GetAmmoName(randAmmo), factor), msgColor, capgrpMessage) local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(crate), GetY(crate) +cratePickupGap, vgtAmmo, 0, true) SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, randAmmo, nil, nil, nil, msgColor) end end --[[ : Adds either 1 (95% chance) or 2 (5% chance) random helper(s) based on the hog variant. : : Has a 7% chance to be empty. ]]-- function onUtilityCratePickup(crate) local factor = 1 * strength local msgColor = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurHog)) PlaySound(sndShotgunReload) if GetRandom(100) < emptyCrateChance then if IsHogLocal(CurHog) then AddCaption(loc("It's empty!"), msgColor, capgrpMessage) end return elseif GetRandom(100) < bonusCrateChance then factor = 2 * strength end local randIndex local randUtility if mode ~= 'points' then randIndex = GetRandom(table.getn(utilities)) +1 randUtility = utilities[randIndex] else local possibleHelpers = {} for key, val in pairs(pointsHelperVal) do table.insert(possibleHelpers, key) end randIndex = GetRandom(table.getn(possibleHelpers)) +1 randUtility = possibleHelpers[randIndex] end AddAmmo(CurHog, randUtility, GetAmmoCount(CurHog, randUtility) +factor) if IsHogLocal(CurHog) then AddCaption(string.format(loc("%s (+%d)"), GetAmmoName(randUtility), factor), msgColor, capgrpMessage) local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(crate), GetY(crate) +cratePickupGap, vgtAmmo, 0, true) SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, randUtility, nil, nil, nil, msgColor) end end function onPickupCrate(crate) local pos = GetGearPos(crate) -- Check if the crate is fake if pos % posCaseDummy >= 1 then if pos % posCaseDummy == posCaseAmmo then onWeaponCratePickup(crate) elseif pos % posCaseDummy == posCaseHealth then onHealthCratePickup() elseif pos % posCaseDummy == posCaseUtility then onUtilityCratePickup(crate) end end end function onCaseDrop() if GetRandom(100) < weaponCrateChance then SpawnFakeAmmoCrate(0, 0, false, false) PlaySound(sndReinforce, CurrentHedgehog) elseif GetRandom(100) < utilCrateChance then SpawnFakeUtilityCrate(0, 0, false, false) PlaySound(sndReinforce, CurrentHedgehog) elseif GetRandom(100) < healthCrateChance then SpawnFakeHealthCrate(0, 0, false, false) PlaySound(sndReinforce, CurrentHedgehog) end end --[[ ############################################################################## ### SUDDEN DEATH FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- function onSuddenDeathDamage(hog) if GetEffect(hog, heInvulnerable) ~= 0 then return end local hp = GetHealth(hog) local maxHp = getHogInfo(hog, 'maxHp') local newHp = 0 local hpDec = 0 local hpPer = div(hp * 100, maxHp) if hp > 1 then local msgColor = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(hog)) if hpPer <= 25 then newHp = hp -2 elseif hpPer <= 50 then newHp = hp -3 elseif hpPer <= 75 then newHp = hp -4 elseif hpPer <= 100 then newHp = hp -5 elseif hpPer <= 125 then newHp = hp -6 elseif hpPer <= 150 then newHp = hp -7 else newHp = div(hp * 93, 100) end if newHp <= 0 then newHp = 1 end hpDec = hp - newHp SetHealth(hog, newHp) if hpDec > 0 then local r = math.random(1, 2) if r == 1 then PlaySound(sndPoisonCough, hog, true) else PlaySound(sndPoisonMoan, hog, true) end local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(hog), GetY(hog) +cratePickupGap, vgtHealthTag, hpDec, false) SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, msgColor) end end end function onSuddenDeathTurn() runOnGears(onSuddenDeathDamage) end function onSuddenDeath() suddenDeath = true healthCrateChance = healthCrateChanceSD utilCrateChance = utilCrateChanceSD weaponCrateChance = weaponCrateChanceSD if mode == 'highland' then highEnemyKillHPBonus = highEnemyKillHPBonus +5 highFriendlyKillHPBonus = highFriendlyKillHPBonus +10 end if mode ~= 'points' then for key, val in pairs(variants) do if not variants[key]["special"] then variants[key]["weaponLimit"] = variants[key]["weaponLimit"] +1 end end end if mode ~= 'points' then for hog, val in pairs(hogInfo) do hogInfo[hog]['weapons'] = {} hogInfo[hog]['helpers'] = {} end runOnGears(setupHogTurn) end end --[[ ############################################################################## ### GEAR TRACKING FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- function onGearAdd(gear) local gearType = GetGearType(gear) if gearType == gtHedgehog then trackGear(gear) elseif gearType == gtRCPlane then SetHealth(gear, 2) elseif gearType == gtAirBomb then -- Set Boom SetGearValues(gear, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 20) elseif gearType == gtCake then -- Set Boom SetGearValues(gear, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 50) elseif gearType == gtDEagleShot then -- Set Boom SetGearValues(gear, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 12) end end function onHighlandKill(gear) local deathVar = getHogInfo(gear, 'variant') local killVar = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'variant') local bonAmmo = {} local deathMaxHP = getHogInfo(gear, 'maxHp') local curHP = GetHealth(CurHog) local newHP = 0 local hpDiff = 0 local addAmmo = false -- Killer hog is dead! Don't do anything if curHP == nil or curHP <= 0 then return end -- Killer and victim is equal! Don't do anything if CurHog == gear then return end -- Hog drowned because of water, not enemy if LastWaterLine ~= WaterLine then return end -- Enemy kill! Add weapons to pool and to hog if getHogInfo(gear, 'clan') ~= getHogInfo(CurHog, 'clan') then -- Initialize weapons if required if highWeapons[CurHog] == nil then highWeapons[CurHog] = {} end if highHelpers[CurHog] == nil then highHelpers[CurHog] = {} end -- If not a special hog, use the victims weapons if variants[deathVar]['special'] == false then bonAmmo = variants[deathVar]['weapons'] if suddenDeath == true then ammoCount = highPickupSDCount else ammoCount = highPickupCount end -- Check if hog already got bonus weapons if table.getn(highWeapons[CurHog]) == 0 and highHasBonusWeps == false then highHasBonusWeps = true addAmmo = true end -- Pass turn bonus weapons to hog pool for key, val in pairs(bonAmmo) do local idx = table.getn(highWeapons[CurHog]) +1 highWeapons[CurHog][idx] = val end -- It's a special hog, use special pool else bonAmmo = highSpecialBonus ammoCount = 1 -- Check if hog already got bonus helpers if table.getn(highWeapons[CurHog]) == 0 and highHasBonusHelp == false then highHasBonusHelp = true addAmmo = true end -- Pass turn bonus weapons to hog pool for key, val in pairs(highSpecialPool) do local idx = table.getn(highHelpers[CurHog]) +1 highHelpers[CurHog][idx] = val end end if addAmmo then local i = 1 while i <= ammoCount and #bonAmmo > 0 do local randAmmo = GetRandom(#bonAmmo) +1 local randAmmoType = bonAmmo[randAmmo] -- Remove the randomized weapon so it cannot be picked up twice table.remove(bonAmmo, randAmmo) AddAmmo(CurHog, randAmmoType, GetAmmoCount(CurHog, randAmmoType) +1) if IsHogLocal(CurHog) then local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurHog), GetY(CurHog) + (cratePickupGap * i), vgtAmmo, 0, true) SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, randAmmoType, nil, nil, nil, nil) end i = i +1 end end hpDiff = div(deathMaxHP * highEnemyKillHPBonus, 100) newHP = curHP + hpDiff HealHog(CurHog, newHP) -- Friendly fire! Punish hog by removing weapons and helpers from pool -- and reduce health else highWeapons[CurHog] = {} highHelpers[CurHog] = {} hpDiff = div(deathMaxHP * highFriendlyKillHPBonus, 100) newHP = curHP - hpDiff if newHP > 0 then SetHealth(CurHog, newHP) else SetHealth(CurHog, 0) end local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurHog), GetY(CurHog) - cratePickupGap, vgtHealthTag, hpDiff, false) -- Set Tint SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurHog))) end end function onKingDeath(KingHog) local team = getHogInfo(KingHog, 'team') local msgColor = getHogInfo(KingHog, 'clanColor') AddCaption(string.format(loc("The king of %s has died!"), team), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState) -- Kill the rest of the team normally, just like the official King Mode game modifier for hog, val in pairs(hogInfo) do if getHogInfo(hog, 'team') == team then hp = GetHealth(hog) if hp ~= nil and hp > 0 then SetState(KingHog, gstHHDeath) SetHealth(hog, 0) SetGearValues(hog, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0) end end end -- We don't use DismissTeam, it causes a lot of problems and nasty side-effects. end function onPointsKill(gear) local deathVar = getHogInfo(gear, 'variant') local killVar = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'variant') local deathClan = getHogInfo(gear, 'clan') local killClan = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'clan') local team = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'team') local curHP = GetHealth(CurHog) -- Killer hog is dead! Don't do anything if curHP == nil or curHP <= 0 then return end -- Hog drowned because of water, not enemy if LastWaterLine ~= WaterLine then return end -- Same clan, friendly kill, skip if killClan == deathClan then return end pointsPerTeam[team]['weapons'] = pointsPerTeam[team]['weapons'] + 2 pointsPerTeam[team]['helpers'] = pointsPerTeam[team]['helpers'] + 1 updatePointsLabel(team) local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurHog) - (cratePickupGap / 2), GetY(CurHog), vgtHealthTag, 2, false) -- Set Tint SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0xFFFFFFFF) local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurHog) + (cratePickupGap / 2), GetY(CurHog), vgtHealthTag, 1, false) -- Set Tint SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0x444444FF) end function onGearDelete(gear) trackDeletion(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase and band(GetGearMessage(gear), gmDestroy) ~= 0 then onPickupCrate(gear) end if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then if mode ~= 'points' then hogInfo[gear]['weapons'] = {} hogInfo[gear]['helpers'] = {} end -- If dying gear is a hog and mode is highland, check for kills if mode == 'highland' then onHighlandKill(gear) -- If current hog is dying and we are on points mode, we need to save the unused weapons/helpers elseif mode == 'points' and CurHog == gear then savePoints(gear) elseif mode == 'points' and CurHog ~= gear then onPointsKill(gear) end if mode == 'king' and getHogInfo(gear, 'variant') == 'King' then onKingDeath(gear) end end end --[[ ############################################################################## ### TURN BASED FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- function calcKingHP(doEffects) if doEffects == nil then doEffects = true end local teamKings = {} local teamHealth = {} for hog, val in pairs(hogInfo) do local hp = GetHealth(hog) if hp ~= nil and hp > 0 then local team = getHogInfo(hog, 'team') if teamHealth[team] == nil then teamHealth[team] = 0 end if getHogInfo(hog, 'variant') == 'King' then teamKings[team] = hog else teamHealth[team] = teamHealth[team] + hp end end end for team, hog in pairs(teamKings) do local hp = GetHealth(hog) local newHP = div(teamHealth[team] * kingLinkPerc, 100) -- Set hitpoints to 1 if no other hog is alive or only has 1 hitpoint if newHP <= 0 then newHP = 1 end local diff = math.abs(newHP - hp) -- Change HP and do some nice effects if newHP ~= hp then if not doEffects then SetHealth(hog, newHP) else if newHP > hp then HealHog(hog, diff, false) elseif newHP < hp then SetHealth(hog, newHP) if doEffects then local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(hog), GetY(hog) - cratePickupGap, vgtHealthTag, diff, false) -- Set Tint SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(hog))) end end end end end end function setupHogTurn(hog) clearHogAmmo(hog) addTurnAmmo(hog) end function onEndTurn() if not firstTurnOver then firstTurnOver = true end local anyHog = nil for team, val in pairs(teamNames) do -- Count amount of alive hogs in team local c = 0 for idx, hog in pairs(teamHogs[team]) do if GetHealth(hog) ~= nil then anyHog = hog c = c + 1 end end -- Only one hog left, unfreeze the hog if c == 1 then if GetHealth(anyHog) ~= nil then SetEffect(anyHog, heFrozen, 0) end end end -- When we are on points mode count remaining weapon/helper points if mode == 'points' and GetHealth(CurHog) ~= nil then savePoints(CurHog) end end function savePoints(hog) local team = getHogInfo(hog, 'team') local hogWepPoints = 0 local hogHlpPoints = 0 for ammoType=0, AmmoTypeMax do local ammoCount = GetAmmoCount(hog, ammoType) if pointsWeaponVal[ammoType] ~= nil then hogWepPoints = hogWepPoints + (pointsWeaponVal[ammoType] * ammoCount) elseif pointsHelperVal[ammoType] ~= nil then hogHlpPoints = hogHlpPoints + (pointsHelperVal[ammoType] * ammoCount) end end local wepWoTax = pointsPerTeam[team]['weaponsFix'] local hlpWoTax = pointsPerTeam[team]['helpersFix'] local wepToTax = 0 local hlpToTax = 0 if hogWepPoints <= wepWoTax then wepWoTax = hogWepPoints else wepToTax = hogWepPoints - wepWoTax end if hogHlpPoints <= hlpWoTax then hlpWoTax = hogHlpPoints else hlpToTax = hogHlpPoints - hlpWoTax end if suddenDeath == false then pointsPerTeam[team]['weapons'] = pointsPerTeam[team]['weaponsRem'] + wepWoTax + div(wepToTax * pointsKeepPerc, 100) pointsPerTeam[team]['helpers'] = pointsPerTeam[team]['helpersRem'] + hlpWoTax + div(hlpToTax * pointsKeepPerc, 100) else pointsPerTeam[team]['weapons'] = pointsPerTeam[team]['weaponsRem'] + wepWoTax + div(wepToTax * pointsKeepSDPerc, 100) pointsPerTeam[team]['helpers'] = pointsPerTeam[team]['helpersRem'] + hlpWoTax + div(hlpToTax * pointsKeepSDPerc, 100) end updatePointsLabel(team) local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(hog) - (cratePickupGap / 2), GetY(hog), vgtHealthTag, pointsPerTeam[team]['weapons'], false) -- Set Tint SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0xFFFFFFFF) local effect = AddVisualGear(GetX(hog) + (cratePickupGap / 2), GetY(hog), vgtHealthTag, pointsPerTeam[team]['helpers'], false) -- Set Tint SetVisualGearValues(effect, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0x444444FF) end function onPointsTurn() local hogWepPoints = 0 local hogHlpPoints = 0 if suddenDeath == false then pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] = pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] + pointsWepTurn pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] = pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] + pointsHlpTurn if pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] > pointsWepMax then pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] = pointsWepMax end if pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] > pointsHlpMax then pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] = pointsHlpMax end else pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] = pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] + pointsWepSDTurn pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] = pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] + pointsHlpSDTurn if pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] > pointsWepSDMax then pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['weapons'] = pointsWepSDMax end if pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] > pointsHlpSDMax then pointsPerTeam[LastTeam]['helpers'] = pointsHlpSDMax end end -- Take the first alive hog from LastTeam and setup new weapons and helpers -- Since the weapons and helpers are shared the whole team, this is sufficent for idx, teamHog in pairs(teamHogs[LastTeam]) do if GetHealth(teamHog) ~= nil then clearHogAmmo(teamHog) addTurnAmmo(teamHog) break end end end function onNewTurn() LastHog = CurHog LastTeam = CurTeam CurHog = CurrentHedgehog CurTeam = getHogInfo(CurHog, 'team') if suddenDeath == true then onSuddenDeathTurn() end -- Generate new weapons for last hog if it's still alive if LastHog ~= nil and LastHog ~= CurHog then if mode == 'points' then onPointsTurn() else hogInfo[LastHog]['weapons'] = {} hogInfo[LastHog]['helpers'] = {} setupHogTurn(LastHog) end end -- Recalculate the kings hp if required if mode == 'king' then calcKingHP() end if mode == 'highland' then highHasBonusWeps = false highHasBonusHelp = false end -- Set LastWaterLine to the current water line LastWaterLine = WaterLine end --[[ ############################################################################## ### GAME START FUNCTIONS ### ############################################################################## ]]-- function onAmmoStoreInit() for val=0, AmmoTypeMax do SetAmmo(val, 0, 0, 0, 0) end end function onParameters() parseParams() if params['mode'] ~= nil then mode = params['mode'] if mode == "default" or mode == "king" or mode == "points" or mode == "highland" then modeExplicit = true end end if params['mutatenames'] ~= nil then useVariantNames = params['mutatenames'] end if params['mutate'] ~= nil then useVariantHats = params['mutate'] end if params['strength'] ~= nil and tonumber(params['strength']) > 0 then strength = tonumber(params['strength']) -- Highland if mode == 'highland' then highPickupCount = highPickupCount * strength highPickupSDCount = highPickupSDCount * strength highHelperCount = highHelperCount * strength highHelperSDCount = highHelperSDCount * strength -- Points elseif mode == 'points' then pointsWepBase = pointsWepBase * strength pointsHlpBase = pointsHlpBase * strength pointsWepTurn = pointsWepTurn * strength pointsHlpTurn = pointsHlpTurn * strength pointsWepMax = pointsWepMax * strength pointsHlpMax = pointsHlpMax * strength pointsWepSDTurn = pointsWepSDTurn * strength pointsHlpSDTurn = pointsHlpSDTurn * strength pointsWepSDMax = pointsWepSDMax * strength pointsHlpSDMax = pointsHlpSDMax * strength -- Either king or normal mode, change variants else for name, data in pairs(variants) do variants[name]["weaponLimit"] = variants[name]["weaponLimit"] * strength variants[name]["helperLimit"] = variants[name]["helperLimit"] * strength end end end if params['luck'] ~= nil and tonumber(params['luck']) > 0 then luck = tonumber(params['luck']) healthCrateChance = div(healthCrateChance * luck, 100) utilCrateChance = div(utilCrateChance * luck, 100) weaponCrateChance = div(weaponCrateChance * luck, 100) healthCrateChanceSD = div(healthCrateChanceSD * luck, 100) utilCrateChanceSD = div(utilCrateChanceSD * luck, 100) weaponCrateChanceSD = div(weaponCrateChanceSD * luck, 100) emptyCrateChance = div(emptyCrateChance * 100, luck) bonusCrateChance = div(bonusCrateChance * luck, 100) end end function onGameStart() -- If we are not on points mode, we start randomizing everything if mode ~= 'points' then if GetGameFlag(gfBorder) or MapHasBorder() then variants["Air General"] = nil variants['Athlete'] = nil end if mode == 'king' then variants['King']['chance'] = 0 end for i=1,8 do addRandomVariantToTeam("all") end -- Translate randomized team to a flat group group['all'] = {} for key, val in pairs(counter["all"]) do for i=1, counter["all"][key] do table.insert(group['all'], key) end end -- Shuffle group for more randomness shuffle(group['all']) -- We are in points mode, setup other weapons elseif mode == 'points' then -- Translate [ammo] -> points to [points] -> {ammo1, ammo2} for ammoType, ammoPoints in pairs(pointsWeaponVal) do if pointsToWep[ammoPoints] == nil then pointsToWep[ammoPoints] = {} end table.insert(pointsToWep[ammoPoints], ammoType) end for ammoType, ammoPoints in pairs(pointsHelperVal) do if pointsToHlp[ammoPoints] == nil then pointsToHlp[ammoPoints] = {} end table.insert(pointsToHlp[ammoPoints], ammoType) end for points, ammoList in pairs(pointsToWep) do table.insert(wepPoints, points) end for points, ammoList in pairs(pointsToHlp) do table.insert(hlpPoints, points) end table.sort(wepPoints) table.sort(hlpPoints) end -- Initial Hog Setup runOnGears(countTeamHogs) for key, val in pairs(teamNames) do if mode == 'points' then pointsPerTeam[key] = {} pointsPerTeam[key]['weapons'] = pointsWepBase pointsPerTeam[key]['helpers'] = pointsHlpBase updatePointsLabel(key) else setTeamHogs(key) end end runOnGears(setHogInfo) if mode ~= 'points' then runOnGears(setHogVariant) runOnGears(setupHogTurn) if useVariantNames ~= false and useVariantNames ~= 'false' then runOnGears(SetHogVariantName) end if useVariantHats ~= false and useVariantHats ~= 'false' then runOnGears(SetHogVariantHat) elseif mode == 'king' then -- If variant hats are disabled but we're in King Mode, -- we still change *some* hats to make sure only kings -- wear crows. Otherwise, you don't know who's the king! runOnGears(SetHogVariantHatKingMode) end end if mode == 'points' then for key, val in pairs(teamNames) do clearHogAmmo(teamHogs[key][1]) addTurnAmmo(teamHogs[key][1]) end end if mode == 'king' then calcKingHP(false) end local txt = '' local icon = 0 if mode ~= 'points' then txt = txt .. loc("Variants: Hogs will be randomized from 12 different variants") .. "|" txt = txt .. loc("Weapons: Hogs will get 1 out of 3 weapons randomly each turn") .. "|" txt = txt .. loc("Helpers: Hogs will get 1 out of 2 helpers randomly each turn") .. "|" txt = txt .. loc("Crates: Crates drop randomly with chance of being empty") .. "|" txt = txt .. loc("Last Resort: Having less than 25% base health gives kamikaze") .. "|" txt = txt .. loc("Modifiers: Unlimited attacks, per-hog ammo") .. "|" else txt = txt .. loc("Crates: Crates drop randomly and may be empty") .. "|" txt = txt .. loc("Modifiers: Unlimited attacks, shared clan ammo") .. "|" end if luck ~= 100 then txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Luck: %d%% (modifier for crates)"), luck) .. "|" end if strength > 1 then txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Strength: %d (multiplier for ammo)"), strength) .. "|" end if mode == 'highland' then txt = txt .. " |" txt = txt .. loc("--- Highland Mode ---").."|" txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Enemy kills: Collect victim's weapons and +%d%% of its base health"), highEnemyKillHPBonus).."|" txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Friendly kills: Clear killer's pool and -%d%% of its base health"), highFriendlyKillHPBonus).."|" txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Turns: Hogs get %d random weapon(s) from their pool"), highPickupCount).."|" txt = txt .. loc("Hint: Kills won't transfer a hog's pool to the killer's pool").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Specials: Kings and air generals drop helpers, not weapons").."|" icon = 1 -- Target elseif mode == 'king' then txt = txt .. " |" txt = txt .. loc("--- King Mode ---").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Protect the King: When the king dies, so does the team").."|" txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Turns: King's health is set to %d%% of the team health"), kingLinkPerc).."|" icon = 0 -- Golden Crown elseif mode == 'points' then txt = txt .. " |" txt = txt .. loc("--- Points Mode ---").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Variants: Kings and air generals are disabled").."|" txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Weapons: Each team starts with %d weapon points"), pointsWepBase).."|" txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Helpers: Each team starts with %d helper points"), pointsHlpBase).."|" txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Turns: Refill %d weapon and %d helper points|and randomize weapons and helpers based on team points"), pointsWepTurn, pointsHlpTurn).."|" icon = 4 -- Golden Star else icon = -amGrenade -- Grenade end txt = txt .. " |" txt = txt .. loc("--- Sudden Death ---").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Weapons: Nearly every hog variant gets 1 kamikaze").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Crates: Crates drop more often with a higher chance of bonus ammo").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Water: Rises by 37 per turn").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Health: Hogs lose up to 7% base health per turn").."|" -- Add hint if mode was not set in script parameter, or set incorrectly if not modeExplicit then txt = txt .. " |" txt = txt .. loc("--- Hint ---").."|" txt = txt .. loc("Modes: Activate “highland”, “king” or “points” mode by putting mode=|into the script parameter").."|" end if mode == 'highland' then txt = txt .. string.format(loc("Highland: Hogs get %d random weapons from their pool"), highPickupSDCount) .. "|" end SetAmmoDescriptionAppendix(amRCPlane, loc("The RC plane only carries 2 weak bombs.")) SetAmmoDescriptionAppendix(amAirAttack, loc("The air bombs are weaker than usual.")) SetAmmoDescriptionAppendix(amCake, loc("The explosion is weaker than usual.")) SetAmmoDescriptionAppendix(amDEagle, loc("Base damage has been modified to 12 per shot.")) ShowMission(loc("Battalion"), loc("Less tools, more fun"), txt, icon, 0) end function onGameInit() --[[ CONFIGURATEABLE FOR PLAYERS ]]-- --[[ ONCE IT HAS BEEN ADDED TO HW ]]-- --[[ REQUIRED CONFIGURATIONS ]]-- WaterRise = 37 -- Water rises by 37 HealthDecrease = 0 -- No health decrease by game, script with 7% CaseFreq = 0 -- don't spawn crates -- Removed gfResetWeps to see weapons next turn EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack) DisableGameFlags(gfResetWeps) if mode ~= 'points' then EnableGameFlags(gfPerHogAmmo) else DisableGameFlags(gfPerHogAmmo) end if mode ~= 'points' and mode ~= 'highland' and mode ~= 'king' then if GetGameFlag(gfKing) then mode = 'king' modeExplicit = true end end DisableGameFlags(gfKing) end