------------------- ABOUT ---------------------- -- -- Hero has to get to the surface as soon as possible. -- Tunnel is about to get flooded. HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Animate.lua") ----------------- VARIABLES -------------------- -- globals local campaignName = loc("A Space Adventure") local missionName = loc("Desert planet, Journey down below!") local turnCounter = 0 local startChallenge = false -- dialogs local dialog01 = {} -- mission objectives local goals = { [dialog01] = {missionName, loc("Getting ready"), loc("Use the rope and get asap to the surface!"), 1, 4500}, } -- hogs local hero = {} -- teams local teamA = {} -- hedgehogs values hero.name = "Hog Solo" hero.x = 1600 hero.y = 1950 hero.dead = false teamA.name = loc("Hog Solo") teamA.color = tonumber("38D61C",16) -- green -- way points local current waypoint = 1 local waypoints = { [1] = {x=1450, y=140}, [2] = {x=990, y=580}, [3] = {x=1650, y=950}, [4] = {x=620, y=630}, [5] = {x=1470, y=540}, [6] = {x=1960, y=60}, [7] = {x=1600, y=400}, [8] = {x=240, y=940}, [9] = {x=200, y=530}, [10] = {x=1180, y=120}, [11] = {x=1950, y=660}, [12] = {x=1280, y=980}, [13] = {x=590, y=1100}, [14] = {x=20, y=620}, [15] = {x=hero.x, y=hero.y} } -------------- LuaAPI EVENT HANDLERS ------------------ function onGameInit() GameFlags = gfOneClanMode Seed = 1 TurnTime = 8000 Delay = 2 CaseFreq = 0 MinesNum = 500 MinesTime = 1000 MineDudPercent = 75 Explosives = 0 SuddenDeathTurns = 1 WaterRise = 150 Map = "desert02_map" Theme = "Desert" -- Hog Solo AddTeam(teamA.name, teamA.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy") hero.gear = AddHog(hero.name, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1") AnimSetGearPosition(hero.gear, hero.x, hero.y) HogTurnLeft(hero.gear, true) AnimInit() AnimationSetup() end function onGameStart() AnimWait(hero.gear, 3000) FollowGear(hero.gear) AddEvent(onHeroDeath, {hero.gear}, heroDeath, {hero.gear}, 0) AddEvent(onHeroSafe, {hero.gear}, heroSafe, {hero.gear}, 0) AddAmmo(hero.gear, amRope, 99) SendHealthStatsOff() AddAnim(dialog01) end function onNewTurn() if not hero.dead and startChallenge then turnCounter = turnCounter + 1 end end function onGameTick() AnimUnWait() if ShowAnimation() == false then return end ExecuteAfterAnimations() CheckEvents() end function onGearDelete(gear) if gear == hero.gear then hero.dead = true end end function onPrecise() if GameTime > 3000 then SetAnimSkip(true) end end -------------- EVENTS ------------------ function onHeroDeath(gear) if hero.dead then return true end return false end function onHeroSafe(gear) if not hero.dead and GetY(hero.gear) < 170 and StoppedGear(hero.gear) then return true end return false end -------------- OUTCOMES ------------------ function heroDeath(gear) SendStat('siGameResult', loc("Hog Solo lost, try again!")) --1 SendStat('siCustomAchievement', loc("To win the game you have to go to the surface")) --11 SendStat('siCustomAchievement', loc("Most mines are not active")) --11 SendStat('siCustomAchievement', loc("From the second turn and beyond the water rises")) --11 SendStat('siPlayerKills','0',teamA.name) EndGame() end function heroSafe(gear) SendStat('siGameResult', loc("Congratulations, you escaped!")) --1 SendStat('siCustomAchievement', loc("You have escaped successfully")) --11 SendStat('siCustomAchievement', loc("Your escape took you "..turnCounter.." turns")) --11 SendStat('siPlayerKills','1',teamA.name) EndGame() end -------------- ANIMATIONS ------------------ function Skipanim(anim) if goals[anim] ~= nil then ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim])) end challengeStart() end function AnimationSetup() -- DIALOG 01 - Start AddSkipFunction(dialog01, Skipanim, {dialog01}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("Many meters below the surface..."), 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("The tunnel is about to get flooded..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("I have to reach the surface asap..."), SAY_THINK, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 500}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = challengeStart, args = {hero.gear}}) end ------------------ Other Functions ------------------- function challengeStart() startChallenge = true TurnTimeLeft = 0 end