Fix various string errors in Lua locale files
authorWuzzy <>
Wed, 31 Oct 2018 18:41:02 +0100 (2018-10-31)
changeset 14068 321bc980fcaa
parent 14067 e92cdb6d637e
child 14069 084db65b3657
Fix various string errors in Lua locale files - Wrong format symbol - Typos - Empty translations
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/de.lua	Wed Oct 31 20:42:04 2018 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/de.lua	Wed Oct 31 18:41:02 2018 +0100
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 ["Attack Captain Lime before he attacks back"]="Greif Leutnant Limone an, bevor er angreift.",
 ["Attack From Rope: %s"] = "Angriff Vom Seil: %s", -- WxW
 ["Attack From Rope: You may only attack from a rope."] = "Angriff Vom Seil: Du darfst nur vom Seil angreifen.", -- WxW
-["Attack rule: %s"] = "Angriffsregel", -- WxW
+["Attack rule: %s"] = "Angriffsregel: %s", -- WxW
 ["Attack: Select this continent"] = "Angreifen: Diesen Kontinent wählen", -- Continental_supplies
 ["Attack: [Space]"] = "Angreifen: [Leertaste]", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Grenade, Basic_Training_-_Movement, Basic_Training_-_Rope
 ["Attack the assassins before they attack back"]="Greif die Assassinen an, bevor sie angreifen.",
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@
 ["Fuel: %d"] = "Treibstoff: %d", -- Tumbler
 ["Fuzzy Beard"] = "Stoppelbart", -- 
 ["“g=150”, where 150 is 150% of normal gravity."] = "»g=150«, wobei die »150« für 150% der Normalschwerkraft steht.", -- Gravity
-["“g=50, g2=150, period=4000” for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 ms."] = "»g=50, g2=150, period=4000«, für Schwerkraft,|die von 50% bis 150% wechselt mit einer Periode von 4000ms.", -- Gravity
+["“g=50, g2=150, period=4000” for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 ms."] = "»g=50, g2=150, period=4000«, für Schwerkraft,|die von 50 bis 150 wechselt mit einer Periode von 4000ms.", -- Gravity
 ["Galaxy Guardians"] = "Galaxiewächter", -- Big_Armory
 ["Game Modifiers: "]="Spiel-Modifikatoren: ",
 ["Game over!"] = "Spiel vorbei!", -- Space_Invasion
@@ -1908,8 +1908,8 @@
 ["Shield is fully recharged!"]="Schild vollständig aufgeladen!",
 ["Shield Master! +10 points!"] = "Schildmeister! +10 Punkte!", -- Space_Invasion
 ["Shield Miser! +%d points!"] = "Schildgeiz! +%d Punkte!", -- Space_Invasion
-["Shield OFF: %d power remaining"] = "Schild AUS: %s Energie verbleibend", -- Space_Invasion
-["Shield ON: %d power remaining"] = "Schild EIN: %s Energie verbleibend", -- Space_Invasion
+["Shield OFF: %d power remaining"] = "Schild AUS: %d Energie verbleibend", -- Space_Invasion
+["Shield ON: %d power remaining"] = "Schild EIN: %d Energie verbleibend", -- Space_Invasion
 ["Shield Seeker! +10 points!"] = "Schildsucher! +10 Punkte!", -- Space_Invasion
 ["Shinobi"] = "Shinobi", -- 
 ["%s hit the ground."] = "%s traf den Boden.", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.lua	Wed Oct 31 20:42:04 2018 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.lua	Wed Oct 31 18:41:02 2018 +0100
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 --      ["Amazing! I was never beaten in a race before!"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
 --      ["Ammo depleted!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Ammo: %d"] = "", -- Tumbler
-	["Ammo is reset at the end of your turn."] = "",
+--	["Ammo is reset at the end of your turn."] = "",
 --      ["Ammo Limit: Hogs can’t have more than 1 ammo per type"] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["Ammo Maniac! +5 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["A mysterious Box"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/it.lua	Wed Oct 31 20:42:04 2018 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/it.lua	Wed Oct 31 18:41:02 2018 +0100
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 --      ["Bob"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
 --      ["Bobo"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
     ["Bone Jackson"] = "Jackson Ossa", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-    ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--    ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bones"] = "", -- 
 --      ["BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! %s are the masters of destruction with %d destroyed invaders."] = "", -- Space_Invasion
     ["Boom!"] = "Kaboom!",
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pl.lua	Wed Oct 31 20:42:04 2018 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pl.lua	Wed Oct 31 18:41:02 2018 +0100
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
     ["Back Breaker"] = "Łamacz Pleców", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
     ["Back in the village, after telling the villagers about the threat..."] = "Tymczasem w wiosce, po powiadomieniu mieszkańców o zagrożeniu...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Back in the village, the two tribes finally started to live in harmony."] = "Tymczasem w wiosce, dwa plemienia w końcu zaczęły żyć w harmonii.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
-    ["Back Jump: [Backspace] ×2"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
+--    ["Back Jump: [Backspace] ×2"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
     ["Back Jumping (1/2)"] = "Skok w tył (1/2)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
     ["Back Jumping (2/2)"] = "Skok w tył (2/2)", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
     ["Backstab"] = "Zdrada", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
     ["Dense Cloud"] = "Gęsta Chmura", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "Gęsta Chmura pewnie im już wszystko powiedział...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Dense Cloud?! What are you doing?!"] = "Gęsta Chmura?! Co ty robisz?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-    ["Depleted Kamikaze! +5 points!"] = "Wyczerpany Kamikaze! +% punktów", -- Space_Invasion
+    ["Depleted Kamikaze! +5 points!"] = "Wyczerpany Kamikaze! +5 punktów", -- Space_Invasion
     ["Derp"] = "Derp", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
     ["Desert Storm"] = "Pustynna Burza",
     ["Destroy all targets with no more than 10 bazookas."] = "Zniszcz wszystkie cele używając nie więcej niż 10 bazook.", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
@@ -1653,7 +1653,7 @@
     ["- Place your clan flag at the end of your first turn"] = "- Ustaw flagę swojego klanu na końcu swojej pierwszej tury", -- Capture_the_Flag
     ["- Place your team flag at the end of your first turn"] = "- Postaw flagę twojej drużyny na końcu swojej pierwszej tury", -- Capture_the_Flag
     ["Planes used: %d"] = "Użyte samoloty: %d", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
-    ["Planes Used:"] = "Użyte Samoloty: %d", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+    ["Planes Used:"] = "Użyte Samoloty:", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
     ["Planes Used"] = "Użyte Samoloty", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
     ["Planets with all missions completed will be marked with two flowers."] = "Planety ze wszystkimi misjami ukończonymi będą zaznaczone dwoma kwiatkami.", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
     ["Planets with completed main missions will be marked with a flower."] = "Planety z ukończonymi głównymi misjami będą zaznaczone kwiatkiem.", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
@@ -2064,7 +2064,7 @@
     ["%s (%s) was on fire: Longest combo of %d."] = "%s (%s) palił się: Najdłuższe kombo %d.", -- Space_Invasion
     ["%s (%s) was panicly afraid of the water and decided to get in a safe distance of %d from it."] = "%s (%s) panicznie bał się wody i zdecydował się dostać na bezpieczną odległość %d od niej.", -- ClimbHome
     ["%s (%s) was the best baby tumbler: %d points in one round."] = "%s (%s) był najlepszym dziecięcym akrobatą: %d punktów w jednej rundzie.", -- Space_Invasion
-    ["%s (%s) was the greediest hedgehog and collected %d crates."] = "%s (%s) był najchciwszym jeżem i zebrał % skrzyń.", -- Mutant
+    ["%s (%s) was the greediest hedgehog and collected %d crates."] = "%s (%s) był najchciwszym jeżem i zebrał %d skrzyń.", -- Mutant
     ["%s (%s) was undoubtedly the very best professional tumbler in this game: %d points in one round!"] = "%s (%s) był niewątpliwie najlepszym profesjonalnym akrobatą w tej grze: %d punktów  w jednej rundzie.", -- Space_Invasion
     ["Star"] = "Gwiazda", -- Big_Armory
     ["Status update"] = "Aktualizacja statusu", -- Racer, TechRacer
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pt_PT.lua	Wed Oct 31 20:42:04 2018 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pt_PT.lua	Wed Oct 31 18:41:02 2018 +0100
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@
 	["Keep it up!"] = "Continua assim!",
 --      ["Ken"] = "", -- 
 --      ["Kenshi"] = "", -- 
-	["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--	["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["key."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Kill all enemy hedgehogs in a single turn."] = "", -- Big_Armory
 --      ["Kill him or skip your turn."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@
 --      ["Modifiers: Unlimited attacks, shared clan ammo"] = "", -- Battalion
 --      ["Modify Sprite under Cursor: [Left Click]"] = "", -- HedgeEditor
 --      ["Molly"] = "", -- 
-	["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--	["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Monster kill!"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Monsters"] = "", -- 
 --      ["Mooney"] = "", -- 
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/tr.lua	Wed Oct 31 20:42:04 2018 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/tr.lua	Wed Oct 31 18:41:02 2018 +0100
@@ -1718,7 +1718,6 @@
 --      ["Protect the King: When the king dies, so does the team"] = "", -- Battalion
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: Set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-	["PUNKTESTAND"] = "",
 --      ["Purple"] = "", -- 
 --      ["Pyro"] = "", -- HedgeEditor, The_Specialists
 --      ["Pyromancer"] = "", -- Battalion
@@ -2016,7 +2015,6 @@
 --      ["Spectator"] = "", -- 
 --      ["Speed Roping"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Speed Shoppa"] = "", -- SpeedShoppa
-	["Spielmodifikatoren: "] = "",
 --      ["Spike"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
 --      ["Spikes"] = "", -- 
 --      ["Spiky Cheese"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/uk.lua	Wed Oct 31 20:42:04 2018 +0300
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/uk.lua	Wed Oct 31 18:41:02 2018 +0100
@@ -3017,6 +3017,5 @@
         ["'Zooka Team"] = "Команда 'Zooka",
 --      ["Zook"] = "", -- Target_Practice_-_Bazooka_easy, Target_Practice_-_Bazooka_hard
 --      ["Zork"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-        ["Ей! Так не чесно!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["!!!"] = "Я!",