Many improvements and fixes for hats webpage
authorWuzzy <>
Sat, 16 May 2020 01:04:27 +0200
changeset 15583 3c1c5ff824f7
parent 15582 6d0682485ed5
child 15584 799fd0a6d3bf
Many improvements and fixes for hats webpage * Fix static hats not being animated properly * Make widges more user-friendly * Add local mode to hats webpage to make testing easier (IS_LOCAL variable) * Cleanup code * Update themes list * Update list of local hats
--- a/misc/hats_js_anim.xhtml	Tue May 12 22:21:19 2020 +0200
+++ b/misc/hats_js_anim.xhtml	Sat May 16 01:04:27 2020 +0200
@@ -6,17 +6,31 @@
     <style type="text/css">
 * {padding: 0; margin: 0; }
-    background: url('//') fixed no-repeat bottom left;
+    background: url('') fixed no-repeat bottom left;
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     background-size: 100% 100%;
     font-family: sans-serif;
-h1 { text-shadow: 0 0 2px white; color: black;}
+form, p
+    background-color: #0B203D;
+    padding: 1em;
+    margin: 1em;
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+h1 {
+    text-shadow: 0 0 2px white;
+    color: black;
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     margin-left: 20px;
@@ -24,14 +38,14 @@
     height: 32px;
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+    background-image: url("");
     width: 100%;
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     clear: left;
-    background-image: url('//');
+    background-image: url('');
     background-repeat: repeat-x;
 .hide { visibility: hidden; }
@@ -44,100 +58,208 @@
     <script type="application/ecmascript">
-/* javascript version of a sprite sheet - this could be pretty trivially done in pure HTML, but maintenance
+var IS_LOCAL=false; // set to true to fetch hats locally. Useful for testing.
+var masks;
+if (IS_LOCAL) {
+/* JavaScript version of a sprite sheet - this could be pretty trivially done in pure HTML, but maintenance
 would be easier with a server-side portion. list of sprites could be gotten from server, but would require XSS whitelisting */
-/*var masks = ['2001suit2', '2001suit', '4gsuif', 'AkuAku', 'android', 'angel', 'anzac', 'apple', 'ash', 'Balrog', 'banana', 'Bandit', 'bat', 'beaver', 'beefeater', 'Blanka', 'BlankaToothless', 'BlueCap', 'BlueHair', 'bobby2v', 'bobby', 'Bob', 'BrainSlugMouth', 'BrainSlug', 'britishpithhelmet', 'britmedic', 'britsapper', 'Bub', 'Bunny', 'bushhider', 'charlesdegaulle', 'charmander', 'chef', 'chikorita', 'Chunli', 'clown-copper', 'clown-crossed', 'clown', 'Coonskin3', 'Cororon', 'Cowboy', 'crown', 'cyborg', 'darthvader', 'Deer', 'desertgrenadier01', 'desertgrenadier02', 'desertgrenadier04', 'desertgrenadier05', 'desertgrenadierofficer', 'desertmedic', 'desertsapper1', 'desertsapper2', 'diglett', 'Disguise', 'Dragon', 'dwarf', 'eastertop', 'Elvis', 'Eva_00b', 'Eva_00y', 'Falcon', 'frenchwwigasmask', 'frenchwwihelmet', 'Gasmask', 'Geordi', 'germanwiimedichelmet', 'germanwwihelmetmustache', 'germanwwiipithhelmetdes', 'germanwwitankhelmet', 'Glasses', 'GreenCap', 'GreenHair', 'grenadier1', 'GreyHair', 'Guile', 'hedgehogk', 'HogInTheHat', 'hogpharoah', 'Honda', 'IndianChief', 'infernalhorns', 'InfernalHorns', 'Jason', 'jigglypuff', 'judo', 'junior', 'Ken', 'KirbyMask', 'kiss_criss', 'kiss_frehley', 'kiss_simmons', 'kiss_stanley', 'knight', 'Kululun', 'Ladle', 'lambda', 'Laminaria', 'laurel', 'lemon', 'link', 'lugia', 'Luigi', 'Mario', 'MegaHogX', 'metalband', 'mexicansunbrero', 'mickey_ears', 'Moose', 'mp3', 'mudkip', 'Mummy', 'naruto', 'NinjaFull', 'NinjaStraight', 'NinjaTriangle', 'OldMan', 'OrangeHair', 'orange', 'Pantsu', 'Pig', 'pikachu', 'PinkHair', 'pinksunhat', 'pirate_jack_bandana', 'pirate_jack', 'plainpith', 'Plunger', 'policecap', 'porkey', 'PrincessDaisy', 'PrincessPeach', 'Pumpkin_Hat', 'PurpleHair', 'quotecap', 'Rain', 'Rambo', 'rasta', 'RedCap', 'RedHair', 'RobinHood', 'royalguard', 'RSR', 'Ryu', 'Samurai', 'Samus', 'Santa', 'SauceBoatSilver', 'ShaggyYeti', 'sheep', 'ShortHair_Black', 'ShortHair_Brown', 'ShortHair_Grey', 'ShortHair_Red', 'ShortHair_Yellow', 'Skull', 'Sleepwalker', 'slowpoke', 'Sniper', 'Sonic', 'sovietcomrade2', 'sovietcomrade', 'SparkleSuperFun', 'SparkssHelmet', 'spartan', 'spcartman', 'spidey', 'spkenny', 'spkyle', 'spstan', 'squirtle', 'sth_AmyClassic', 'sth_Amy', 'sth_Eggman', 'sth_Knux', 'sth_Metal', 'sth_Shadow', 'sth_Sonic', 'sth_Super', 'sth_Tails', 'stormcloud', 'stormtrooper', 'StrawHatEyes', 'StrawHatFacial', 'StrawHat', 'Sunglasses', 'SunWukong', 'Teacup', 'Teapot', 'terminatorc', 'Terminator_Glasses', 'thug', 'Toad', 'tophats', 'touhou_chen', 'touhou_marisa', 'touhou_patchouli', 'touhou_remelia', 'touhou_suwako', 'touhou_yukari', 'trenchgrenadier1', 'trenchgrenadier2', 'trenchgrenadier3', 'ushanka', 'vampirichog', 'Vega', 'venom', 'Viking', 'voltorb', 'Wario', 'WhySoSerious', 'WizardHat', 'YellowCap', 'YellowHair', 'Zombi'];*/
-var masks = [];
+// Last updated: 1.0.0
+masks = ['4gsuif','AkuAku','android','angel','anzac','Bandit','barrelhider','bb_bob','bb_bub','bb_cororon','bb_kululun','beefeater','beefeaterhat','bishop','bobby','bobby2v','bubble','bushhider','cap_blue','cap_green','cap_junior','cap_red','cap_thinking','cap_yellow','car','chef','chuckl','clown','clown-copper','clown-crossed','constructor','Coonskin3','Cowboy','cratehider','crown','cyborg1','cyborg2','cyclops','Dan','Dauber','DayAndNight','Disguise','dish_Ladle','dish_SauceBoatSilver','dish_Teacup','dish_Teapot','doctor','Dragon','dwarf','eastertop','Einstein','Elvis','Eva_00b','Eva_00y','Evil','flag_french','flag_germany','flag_italy','flag_usa','footballhelmet','fr_apple','fr_banana','fr_lemon','fr_orange','fr_pumpkin','fr_tomato','Gasmask','Glasses','hair_blue','hair_green','hair_grey','hair_orange','hair_pink','hair_purple','hair_red','hair_yellow','HogInTheHat','hogpharoah','IndianChief','InfernalHorns','Jason','jester','Joker','judo','kiss_criss','kiss_frehley','kiss_simmons','kiss_stanley','knight','lambda','lambdahat','Laminaria','lamp','laurel','leprechaun','mechanicaltoy','MegaHogX','metalband','Meteorhelmet','mexicansunbrero','mickey_ears','Moustache','Moustache_glasses','mp3','Mummy','mv_Spidey','mv_Venom','naruto','NinjaFull','NinjaStraight','NinjaTriangle','noface','ntd_Falcon','ntd_Kirby','ntd_Link','ntd_Samus','nurse','nursehat','OldMan','Pantsu','pinksunhat','pirate_bandana','pirate_eyepatch','pirate_hat','pirate_jack','pirate_jack_bandana','Plunger',
+masks = [];
 var themes = {
+// Last updated: 1.0.0
 var girder;
 var animationInterval;
+var staticMasks = [];
 window.onload = function()
-    var xml=new XMLHttpRequest();
-"GET", "/hedgewars/file/tip/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/", false);
-    xml.send(null);
-    /*var resp = xml.responseXML; unfortunately not served as XHTML
-    var a = resp.getElementsByTagName("a");
-    for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++);
-        if (/\.png/.test(a[0].href)) m.push(a[0].replace(/.png/,''));*/
+    // Load list of hats
+    if (!IS_LOCAL) {
+        // Request list of hats from repository URL
+        var xml=new XMLHttpRequest();
+"GET", "/hedgewars/file/tip/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/", false);
+        try {
+           xml.send(null);
+        } catch (NetworkError) {
+           var p = document.createElement("p");
+           p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("ERROR: List of hats could not be fetched from the server!"));
+           document.body.appendChild(p);
+           return;
+        }
+    }
+    // Exclude NoHat as uninteresting. Exclude team hats as we can't properly display them yet
+    // TODO: Add support for team hats
+    var disallowedMasks = {
+        "NoHat":true,
+        "hair_team":true,
+        "cap_team":true,
+        "TeamTophat":true,
+    };
+    // Render girders
+    var s = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
+    for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
+    {
+        if (s[i].selectorText.toLowerCase() === ".girder")
+            girder = s[i];
+    }
+    var a = document.createElement("a");
+    var g = document.createElement("div");
+    g.className="girder";
+    a.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
+    a.lastChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
-    var resp = xml.responseText;
-    var r = />([^<]*).png</g;
-    var x;
-    while(x = r.exec(resp)) 
-        if (!/NoHat|hair_team|cap_team|TeamTophat/.test(x[1])) // Exclude NoHat as uninteresting. hair_team, cap_team and TeamTophat as repetitive team hats
-            masks.push(x[1]);
+    // Render hats
+    var missingMasks = [];
+    var img;
+    for (var i=0;i<masks.length;i++)
+    {
+        if (disallowedMasks[masks[i]] === true) {
+            missingMasks.push(masks[i]);
+            continue;
+        }
+        var h = document.body.appendChild(a.cloneNode(true));
+        if (IS_LOCAL)
+            h.href = "../share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/"+masks[i]+".png";
+        else
+            h.href = ""+masks[i]+".png";
+        img = new Image();
+        img.onload = function() {
+            var name =;
+            if (this.height === 32) {
+                staticMasks[name] = true;
+            }
+            this.remove();
+        }
+        img.src = h.href;
+ = "__mask_"+masks[i];
+ = 'url("'+h.href+'")';
+ = masks[i];
+        h.title = masks[i];
+        h.idle = Math.floor(Math.random()*19);
+        if (i%17 === 16 || i === masks.length-1)
+            document.body.appendChild(g.cloneNode(false));
+    }
+    document.body.appendChild(g.cloneNode(false));
+    // List missing hats
+    var missingMasksStr = "";
+    for (var i=0; i<missingMasks.length; i++)
+    {
+        if (missingMasks[i] === "NoHat")
+            continue;
+        missingMasksStr = missingMasksStr + missingMasks[i];
+        if (i<missingMasks.length-1)
+            missingMasksStr = missingMasksStr + ", ";
+    }
+    var pm = document.createElement("p");
+    pm.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Other hats: " + missingMasksStr));
+    document.body.appendChild(pm);
+    // Quick and dirty animation
+    animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);
+    // Theme selection drop-down list
+    var form = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("form"));
     var opt = document.createElement("option");
-    var sel = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("select"));
+    var label = document.createElement("label");
+    label.htmlFor = "theme_select";
+    label.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Theme: "));
+    form.appendChild(label);
+    var sel = form.appendChild(document.createElement("select"));
+ = "theme_select";
     sel.onchange = switchTheme;
     for(var theme in themes)
         sel.lastChild.value = theme; = theme;
-        if(theme === "Nature") sel.lastChild.selected = true;
+        if(theme === "Nature")
+            sel.lastChild.selected = true;
+    form.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+    // Checkbox: Switch animation
     var chk = document.createElement("input");
+ = "anim";
     chk.type = "checkbox";
     chk.onclick = switchAnim;
-    document.body.appendChild(chk);
-    chk = chk.cloneNode(false);
+    chk.checked = true;
+    form.appendChild(chk);
+    label = document.createElement("label");
+    label.htmlFor = "anim";
+    label.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Animate hats"));
+    form.appendChild(label);
+    form.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+    // Checkbox: Hide girders
+    chk = document.createElement("input");
+ = "hide_girders";
+    chk.type = "checkbox";
     chk.onclick = hideGirders;
-    document.body.appendChild(chk);
-    var s = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
-    for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
-        if (s[i].selectorText.toLowerCase() === ".girder") girder = s[i];
-    var a = document.createElement("a");
-    var g = document.createElement("div");
-    g.className="girder";
-    a.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
-    a.lastChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
-    for (var i=0;i<masks.length;i++)
-    {
-        var h = document.body.appendChild(a.cloneNode(true));
-        h.href = "//"+masks[i]+".png";
- = 'url("'+h.href+'")';
- = masks[i];
-        h.title = masks[i];
-        h.idle = Math.floor(Math.random()*19);
-        if (i%17 === 16 || i === masks.length-1) document.body.appendChild(g.cloneNode(false));
-    }
-/* quick and dirty animation */
-animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);
+    chk.checked = true;
+    form.appendChild(chk);
+    label = document.createElement("label");
+    label.htmlFor = "hide_girders";
+    label.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Show girders"));
+    form.appendChild(label);
+    document.body.appendChild(form);
 function animateHogs()
@@ -145,16 +267,40 @@
     var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
     for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++)
+        // Cycle through hedgehog and hat animation frames
+        // Hedgehog
         a[i].style.backgroundPosition=Math.floor(a[i].idle/16)*-32+"px "+(a[i].idle%16)*-32+"px";
-        a[i][i].idle/16)*-32+"px "+(a[i].idle%16)*-32+"px";
+        // Hat
+        if (staticMasks[masks[i]]) {
+            // Hat offset for static hats
+            if (a[i].idle === 2 || a[i].idle === 7 || a[i].idle === 12)
+                a[i]"-4px";
+            else if (a[i].idle === 16)
+                a[i]"-6px";
+            else
+                a[i]"-5px";
+            a[i]"0px 0px";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Animated hat frames
+            a[i][i].idle/16)*-32+"px "+(a[i].idle%16)*-32+"px";
+        }
+        // Next frame
-        if (a[i].idle > 18) a[i].idle = 0;
+        if (a[i].idle > 18)
+            a[i].idle = 0;
+// Turn on or off hog+hat animation
 function switchAnim()
-    if (animationInterval) 
+    if (animationInterval)
         animationInterval = null;
@@ -162,24 +308,31 @@
     else animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);
+// Turn on or off girders
 function hideGirders()
     var g = document.getElementsByClassName("girder");
-    for(var i=0;i<g.length;i++) 
+    for(var i=0;i<g.length;i++)
         if (this.checked)
+            g[i].className = "girder";
+        else
             g[i].className = "girder hide";
-        else
-            g[i].className = "girder";
+// Select theme according to drop-down list value
 function switchTheme()
+    var prefix;
+    if (IS_LOCAL)
+        prefix = "";
+    else
+        prefix = "..";
     if (themes[this.value])
@@ -187,8 +340,8 @@
 <h1>List of Hedgewars hats</h1>
-<p><strong>ERROR</strong>: We're so sorry, but this webpage only works with JavaScript enabled. It seems JavaScript is disabled or not supported in your browser.</p>
-<p>Normally, this webpage would display an animated preview of the hats in Hedgewars.</p>
+<p><strong>ERROR</strong>: We're so sorry, but this webpage only works with JavaScript enabled. It seems JavaScript is disabled or not supported in your browser.<br/>
+Normally, this webpage would display an animated preview of the hats in Hedgewars.</p>