As sheepluva pointed out, allowing this message to be legal allows naughtiness. The server usage of this message does not seem to use this check.
Tue, 25 Oct 2011 19:01:56 -0400 (2011-10-25)
changeset 6206 75e0d8169ba2
parent 6205 7764cbe4ddd7
child 6207 cbc80c22691c
As sheepluva pointed out, allowing this message to be legal allows naughtiness. The server usage of this message does not seem to use this check.
--- a/gameServer/EngineInteraction.hs	Tue Oct 25 19:46:59 2011 +0200
+++ b/gameServer/EngineInteraction.hs	Tue Oct 25 19:01:56 2011 -0400
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
         check Nothing = (False, False)
         check (Just ms) | B.length ms > 0 = let m = B.head ms in (m `Set.member` legalMessages, m == '+')
                         | otherwise        = (False, False)
-        legalMessages = Set.fromList $ "M#+LlRrUuDdZzAaSjJ,sFNpPwtghbc12345" ++ slotMessages
+        legalMessages = Set.fromList $ "M#+LlRrUuDdZzAaSjJ,sNpPwtghbc12345" ++ slotMessages
         slotMessages = "\128\129\130\131\132\133\134\135\136\137\138"
 gameInfo2Replay :: GameInfo -> B.ByteString