Tue, 28 May 2013 16:07:22 +0200 koda windows build script, get the temp variable from environment, avoiding potential permission problems
Tue, 28 May 2013 15:38:28 +0200 koda on Windows link libgcc statically to reduce the number of dlls
Tue, 28 May 2013 13:57:11 -0400 nemo < 256 is "thawing"
Mon, 27 May 2013 21:34:03 -0400 nemo fix mispositioned map.png
Mon, 27 May 2013 23:46:27 +0200 koda add 'random' dependency to server .cabal file (please test)
Mon, 27 May 2013 16:56:44 -0400 nemo don't resurrect frozen
Tue, 28 May 2013 00:01:58 +0400 unc0rr Fix "try again" button in "reconnected to fast" dialog trying to connect to port 0
Mon, 27 May 2013 23:54:52 +0400 unc0rr Fix room admin rights delegation by server admin when he isn't room admin
Mon, 27 May 2013 23:24:35 +0400 unc0rr '@' for server admin status, '+' for room admins
Mon, 27 May 2013 23:20:39 +0400 unc0rr Remove admin rights from old admin when he delegates room ownership
Mon, 27 May 2013 14:41:48 -0400 nemo should unfreeze on your turn
Mon, 27 May 2013 11:33:25 -0400 nemo increase width on medium/large templates by a couple of hundred px. should help issue #625 a bit. Shouldn't increase large any more tho, since we are at 4096 and would increase memory unnecessarily.
Mon, 27 May 2013 10:47:59 -0400 nemo Default to random guest username in all places net/nick is fetched. Fixes issue #588
Mon, 27 May 2013 10:52:30 +0400 unc0rr Merge
(0) -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -14 +14 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip