2015-10-20 antonc27 - Refactoring of Missions screen: ios-revival
2015-10-20 antonc27 - Retrieving language ID moved to HWUtils ios-revival
2015-10-19 antonc27 - Small adjust for cell selection color of Missions screen ios-revival
2015-10-19 antonc27 - Big refactoring of front-end Settings for both iPhone and iPad: ios-revival
2015-10-17 antonc27 - Better way of creating/using doneButton in Settings ios-revival
2015-10-16 antonc27 - Possible fix for wrong layout on iOS 9 when going back from rotated stats page (for iPad) ios-revival
2015-10-16 antonc27 - Added new set of tabbar icons for Settings on iPhone ios-revival
2015-10-16 antonc27 - Fix for autorotation of table view of StatsPageVC ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Mortar, Mudball and Land Spray need up/down buttons on mobile ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Workaround for wrong sprite in utility widget when selecting DrillStrike ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Target button added to mobile touch controls ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Target button added to mobile touch controls ios-revival
2015-10-15 antonc27 - Timer button added to mobile touch controls ios-revival
2015-10-14 antonc27 - Fix for wrong path of restored game ios-revival
2015-10-14 antonc27 - Better random number generation for front-end: random() replaced with arc4random_uniform() ios-revival
2015-10-14 antonc27 - Button's restyling for RestoreViewController ios-revival
2015-10-10 sheepluva Lua-API: onSuddenDeath hook
2015-10-08 nemo Pass overridden uid into AddGear instead
2015-10-08 nemo restore uid on resurrection as well
2015-10-07 sheepluva TrophyRace: fix nil error warning, caused by needlessly re-retrieving the name of the best hedgehog (which could be dead at that point)
2015-10-05 antonc27 - Fix for locale string in SingleWeaponViewController ios-revival
2015-10-05 antonc27 - Fix for locale string passed to engine (like "ru-FR") ios-revival
2015-10-05 sheepluva preselect baseball bat in Knockball and Basketball
2015-10-04 nemo Avoid waiting past end of turn for smine.
2015-10-03 nemo Add nil check in fake crate spawn for if crate fails to spawn
2015-09-27 antonc27 - GameController framework added to project (required by last version of SDL) ios-revival
2015-09-27 antonc27 - Bitcode disabled (for Xcode 7) ios-revival
2015-09-26 nemo Scan from right too. Not sure this is actually helpful, so committing separately.
2015-09-26 nemo This should probably fix feedback that hogs weren't spawning on left side of map.
2015-09-23 sheepluva fp complained about this line being too long
2015-09-20 antonc27 - 'Shoppa Pro' ammo set added to iOS front-end ios-revival
2015-09-20 antonc27 - Weapon and scheme plist's names(which passed to engine) must contain spaces, not underscores ios-revival
2015-09-20 antonc27 - 'Construction Mode' ammo set and game parameters added to iOS front-end ios-revival
2015-09-20 antonc27 - 'Highlander' ammo set added to iOS front-end ios-revival
2015-09-19 antonc27 - 'One of everything' ammo set added to iOS front-end ios-revival
2015-09-19 sheepluva tweak tips a little (loosely based on Wuzzy's suggestions)
2015-09-18 antonc27 - Fix for getting the correct fort name in FortsViewController ios-revival
2015-09-18 antonc27 - Added functionality to select one hat for all hogs at team settings ios-revival
2015-09-18 antonc27 - Fix for consequent selection of same hat for all hogs in settings ios-revival
2015-09-17 antonc27 - Refactoring of MainMenuViewController ios-revival
2015-09-17 sheepluva speed up TrophyRace deaths
2015-09-17 sheepluva add TODO
2015-09-16 nemo remove racist trydo 😝
2015-09-15 antonc27 - Possibility to send log file by email from app ios-revival
2015-09-15 antonc27 - Refactoring. Separation of game log viewing code to GameLogViewController ios-revival
2015-09-14 antonc27 - Attempt to fix a crash while selecting 'Random' for map generation ios-revival
2015-09-13 nemo airmine hand sprite by wuzzy. totally temporary...
2015-09-13 nemo aaand make sure the commented out line matches
2015-09-13 nemo Add damage to gear values to mess with
2015-09-13 nemo Oups. 6, not 12 - was testing
2015-09-13 nemo Allow for arbitrary number of airstrike bombs and spacing.
2015-09-13 nemo Move health:= 6 to gear addition so lua can more easily override it.
2015-09-12 wuzzy german translation update (incl. string reordering - blame sheepluva)
2015-09-12 wuzzy german translation updates
2015-09-12 antonc27 Merge ios-revival
2015-09-12 antonc27 - Revert of 'Reset for previously selected static map' ios-revival
2015-09-12 sheepluva uVariables: also initialize arrays and records in initModule
2015-09-12 antonc27 - These properties are not necessary to clean when receiving memory warning ios-revival
2015-09-12 antonc27 - We don't need to explicitly propagate vc lifecycle messages ios-revival
2015-09-12 antonc27 - Reset for previously selected static map ios-revival
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip