2008-05-01 unc0rr - Add comment
2008-05-01 unc0rr Handle QUIT of the master: disconnect all roommates
2008-05-01 unc0rr 'In room' state stub
2008-05-01 unc0rr Handle password parameter on JOIN
2008-05-01 unc0rr - Remove old hwserv code
2008-05-01 unc0rr - Fixed some bugs
2008-04-30 unc0rr - Some improvements in core
2008-04-30 unc0rr Better QUIT handling imlementation - reduces function return values count
2008-04-30 unc0rr Properly handle QUIT command. Now, we can concentrate on protocol implementation
2008-04-30 unc0rr - Improve server core
2008-04-30 unc0rr Some work on newhwserv
2008-04-27 unc0rr Fix version number on about page 0.9.3-release
2008-04-27 unc0rr Temporarily disable screenshots as they cause segfault
2008-04-27 unc0rr Repair cheese and volcano maps
2008-04-27 unc0rr Fix training
2008-04-27 unc0rr - Some debug info
2008-04-27 unc0rr Update copyright info in source files headers
2008-04-27 unc0rr Update version and protocol number
2008-04-27 unc0rr Update README and ChangeLog
2008-04-27 unc0rr Add win32 resource compilation under mingw (used sim-im srcs as example)
2008-04-27 unc0rr Fix Snow theme
2008-04-27 unc0rr - Fix baseball bat
2008-04-26 unc0rr Try new approach for netserver
2008-04-26 unc0rr Desert Eagle and Shotgun shot animations
2008-04-25 unc0rr Fix jumping hedgehog sprite
2008-04-25 unc0rr - Fix warning
2008-04-25 unc0rr One more sound
2008-04-25 unc0rr Mention Tyuri in copyrights and on About page
2008-04-25 unc0rr - Fix sounds when the turn is skipped
2008-04-25 unc0rr Use more sounds
2008-04-24 unc0rr - New statistics
2008-04-24 unc0rr Hedgehog death animation
2008-04-24 unc0rr - Use more sounds
2008-04-24 unc0rr - Some more sounds
2008-04-24 unc0rr - Fix introduced bug with hh physics
2008-04-24 unc0rr Use some more sounds
2008-04-24 unc0rr Merge some more sounds
2008-04-22 unc0rr Fix hedgehog-on-rope animation
2008-04-22 unc0rr Fix shotgun disappering when shooting
2008-04-22 unc0rr Add doc desribing use cases of voice sounds
2008-04-22 unc0rr Remove old themes
2008-04-22 unc0rr Repair round statistics
2008-04-22 unc0rr Oops
2008-04-22 unc0rr - Fix braindead shotgun shot arithmetics
2008-04-21 unc0rr - Fix too long delay between shotgun and deagle shots
2008-04-21 unc0rr Animate baseball bat attack
2008-04-20 unc0rr Teleport animation
2008-04-19 unc0rr Handle the case when the room is already created by someone else
2008-04-19 unc0rr Introduce function to atomically change both lists
2008-04-19 unc0rr Remove deprecated files
2008-04-18 unc0rr Start work on standalone server in Haskell
2008-04-18 unc0rr Fix a warning
2008-04-17 unc0rr Use blowtorch sprites
2008-04-15 unc0rr Fix bug with handling keys while it is AI's turn
2008-04-13 unc0rr Add sprite for pickhammer
2008-04-13 unc0rr Also, repair weapon count show in ammo menu
2008-04-13 unc0rr Repair weapon name show in ammo menu
2008-04-13 unc0rr Get rid of DXOutText call
2008-04-13 unc0rr Get rid if deprecated Surface parameter of Draw* calls
2008-04-13 unc0rr Fix warnings
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