changeset 54 839fd258ae6f
child 57 e1a77ae57065
equal deleted inserted replaced
53:0e27949850e3 54:839fd258ae6f
     1 unit uLandGraphics;
     2 interface
     4 type PRangeArray = ^TRangeArray;
     5      TRangeArray = array[0..31] of record
     6                                    Left, Right: integer;
     7                                    end;
     9 procedure DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius: integer);
    10 procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: Longword; y, dY: integer; Count: Byte);
    11 procedure DrawTunnel(X, Y, dX, dY: real; ticks, HalfWidth: integer);
    12 procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: integer; Value: Longword);
    14 implementation
    15 uses SDLh, uStore, uMisc, uLand;
    17 procedure FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy: integer; Value: Longword);
    18 var i: integer;
    19 begin
    20 if ((y + dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
    21    for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do Land[y + dy, i]:= Value;
    22 if ((y - dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
    23    for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do Land[y - dy, i]:= Value;
    24 if ((y + dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
    25    for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do Land[y + dx, i]:= Value;
    26 if ((y - dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then
    27    for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do Land[y - dx, i]:= Value;
    28 end;
    30 procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: integer; Value: Longword);
    31 var dx, dy, d: integer;
    32 begin
    33   dx:= 0;
    34   dy:= Radius;
    35   d:= 3 - 2 * Radius;
    36   while (dx < dy) do
    37      begin
    38      FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, Value);
    39      if (d < 0)
    40      then d:= d + 4 * dx + 6
    41      else begin
    42           d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10;
    43           dec(dy)
    44           end;
    45      inc(dx)
    46      end;
    47   if (dx = dy) then FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, Value);
    48 end;
    50 procedure DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius: integer);
    51 var ty, tx, p: integer;
    52 begin
    53 FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, 0);
    55 if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
    56    SDLTry(SDL_LockSurface(LandSurface) >= 0, true);
    58 p:= integer(LandSurface.pixels);
    59 case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
    60      1: ;// not supported
    61      2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
    62             for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
    63                 PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= 0;
    64      3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
    65             for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
    66                 begin
    67                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= 0;
    68                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= 0;
    69                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= 0;
    70                 end;
    71      4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
    72             for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
    73                 PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= 0;
    74      end;
    76 inc(Radius, 4);
    78 case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
    79      1: ;// not supported
    80      2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
    81             for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
    82                if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
    83                   PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
    84      3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
    85             for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
    86                if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
    87                 begin
    88                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= cExplosionBorderColor and $FF;
    89                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 8) and $FF;
    90                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 16);
    91                 end;
    92      4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
    93             for tx:= max(0, round(x-radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(x+radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
    94                if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
    95                    PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
    96      end;
    98 if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
    99    SDL_UnlockSurface(LandSurface);
   101 SDL_UpdateRect(LandSurface, X - Radius, Y - Radius, Radius * 2, Radius * 2)
   102 end;
   104 procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: Longword; y, dY: integer; Count: Byte);
   105 var tx, ty, i, p: integer;
   106 begin
   107 if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
   108    SDL_LockSurface(LandSurface);
   110 p:= integer(LandSurface.pixels);
   111 for i:= 0 to Pred(Count) do
   112     begin
   113     case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
   114      1: ;
   115      2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
   116             for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
   117                 PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= 0;
   118      3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
   119             for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
   120                 begin
   121                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= 0;
   122                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= 0;
   123                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= 0;
   124                 end;
   125      4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
   126             for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
   127                 PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= 0;
   128      end;
   129     inc(y, dY)
   130     end;
   132 inc(Radius, 4);
   133 dec(y, Count*dY);
   135 for i:= 0 to Pred(Count) do
   136     begin
   137     case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
   138      1: ;
   139      2: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
   140             for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
   141                if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
   142                   PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 2)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
   143      3: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
   144             for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
   145                if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
   146                 begin
   147                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 0)^:= cExplosionBorderColor and $FF;
   148                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 1)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 8) and $FF;
   149                 PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 3 + 2)^:= (cExplosionBorderColor shr 16);
   150                 end;
   151      4: for ty:= max(-Radius, -y) to min(Radius, 1023 - y) do
   152             for tx:= max(0, round(ar[i].Left - radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) to min(2047, round(ar[i].Right + radius*sqrt(1-sqr(ty/radius)))) do
   153                if Land[y + ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then
   154                    PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch*(y + ty) + tx * 4)^:= cExplosionBorderColor;
   155      end;
   156     inc(y, dY)
   157     end;
   159 if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
   160    SDL_UnlockSurface(LandSurface);
   161 end;
   163 //
   164 //  - (dX, dY) - direction, vector of length = 0.5
   165 //
   166 procedure DrawTunnel(X, Y, dX, dY: real; ticks, HalfWidth: integer);
   167 var nx, ny: real;
   168     i, t, tx, ty, p: integer;
   169 begin  // (-dY, dX) is (dX, dY) turned by PI/2
   170 if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
   171    SDL_LockSurface(LandSurface);
   173 nx:= X + dY * (HalfWidth + 8);
   174 ny:= Y - dX * (HalfWidth + 8);
   175 p:= integer(LandSurface.pixels);
   177 for i:= 0 to 7 do
   178     begin
   179     X:= nx - 8 * dX;
   180     Y:= ny - 8 * dY;
   181     for t:= -8 to ticks + 8 do
   182         {$include tunsetborder.inc}
   183     nx:= nx - dY;
   184     ny:= ny + dX;
   185     end;
   187 for i:= -HalfWidth to HalfWidth do
   188     begin
   189     X:= nx - dX * 8;
   190     Y:= ny - dY * 8;
   191     for t:= 0 to 7 do
   192         {$include tunsetborder.inc}
   193     X:= nx;
   194     Y:= ny;
   195     for t:= 0 to ticks do
   196         begin
   197         X:= X + dX;
   198         Y:= Y + dY;
   199         tx:= round(X);
   200         ty:= round(Y);
   201         if ((ty and $FFFFFC00) = 0) and ((tx and $FFFFF800) = 0) then
   202            begin
   203            Land[ty, tx]:= 0;
   204            case LandSurface.format.BytesPerPixel of
   205                 1: ;
   206                 2: PWord(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 2)^:= 0;
   207                 3: begin
   208                    PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 3 + 0)^:= 0;
   209                    PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 3 + 1)^:= 0;
   210                    PByte(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 3 + 2)^:= 0;
   211                    end;
   212                 4: PLongword(p + LandSurface.pitch * ty + tx * 4)^:= 0;
   213                 end
   214            end
   215         end;
   216     for t:= 0 to 7 do
   217         {$include tunsetborder.inc}
   218     nx:= nx - dY;
   219     ny:= ny + dX;
   220     end;
   222 for i:= 0 to 7 do
   223     begin
   224     X:= nx - 8 * dX;
   225     Y:= ny - 8 * dY;
   226     for t:= -8 to ticks + 8 do
   227         {$include tunsetborder.inc}
   228     nx:= nx - dY;
   229     ny:= ny + dX;
   230     end;
   232 if SDL_MustLock(LandSurface) then
   233    SDL_UnlockSurface(LandSurface)
   234 end;
   237 end.