changeset 10929 8ebf01f75d9f
parent 10927 336f5ad638be
child 10931 384765cd0caf
equal deleted inserted replaced
10927:336f5ad638be 10929:8ebf01f75d9f
    31         , cmd1 "NICK" SS
    31         , cmd1 "NICK" SS
    32         , cmd1 "PROTO" IntP
    32         , cmd1 "PROTO" IntP
    33         , cmd1 "ASKPASSWORD" SS
    33         , cmd1 "ASKPASSWORD" SS
    34         , cmd1 "SERVER_AUTH" SS
    34         , cmd1 "SERVER_AUTH" SS
    35         , cmd1 "JOINING" SS
    35         , cmd1 "JOINING" SS
    36         , cmd1 "TEAM_ACCEPTED" SS
    37         , cmd1 "HH_NUM" $ Many [SS]
    38         , cmd1 "TEAM_COLOR" $ Many [SS]
    39         , cmd1 "TEAM_ACCEPTED" SS
    36         , cmd1 "BANLIST" $ Many [SS]
    40         , cmd1 "BANLIST" $ Many [SS]
    37         , cmd1 "JOINED" $ Many [SS]
    41         , cmd1 "JOINED" $ Many [SS]
    38         , cmd1 "LOBBY:JOINED" $ Many [SS]
    42         , cmd1 "LOBBY:JOINED" $ Many [SS]
    39         , cmd2 "LOBBY:LEFT" SS LS
    43         , cmd2 "LOBBY:LEFT" SS LS
    40         , cmd2 "CLIENT_FLAGS" SS $ Many [SS]
    44         , cmd2 "CLIENT_FLAGS" SS $ Many [SS]
    41         , cmd2 "LEFT" SS $ Many [SS]
    45         , cmd2 "LEFT" SS $ Many [SS]
    42         , cmd1 "SERVER_MESSAGE" LS
    46         , cmd1 "SERVER_MESSAGE" LS
    47         , cmd1 "ERROR" LS
    48         , cmd1 "NOTICE" LS
    49         , cmd1 "WARNING" LS
    50         , cmd1 "JOINING" SS
    43         , cmd1 "EM" $ Many [LS]
    51         , cmd1 "EM" $ Many [LS]
    44         , cmd1 "PING" $ Many [SS]
    52         , cmd1 "PING" $ Many [SS]
    45         , cmd2 "CHAT" SS LS
    53         , cmd2 "CHAT" SS LS
    46         , cmd2 "SERVER_VARS" SS LS
    54         , cmd2 "SERVER_VARS" SS LS
    47         , cmd2 "BYE" SS LS
    55         , cmd2 "BYE" SS LS
    48         , cmd1 "INFO" $ Many [SS]
    56         , cmd1 "INFO" $ Many [SS]
    57         , cmd1 "ROOMS" $ Many [SS]
    49         , cmd "KICKED" []
    58         , cmd "KICKED" []
    59         , cmd "RUN_GAME" []
    60         , cmd "ROUND_FINISHED" []
    50     ]
    61     ]
    63 unknowncmd = PTPrefix "$" [PTCommand "$" $ Command "__UNKNOWN__" [Many [SS]]]
    52 groupByFirstChar :: [ParseTree] -> [(Char, [ParseTree])]
    65 groupByFirstChar :: [ParseTree] -> [(Char, [ParseTree])]
    53 groupByFirstChar = MM.assocs . MM.fromList . map breakCmd
    66 groupByFirstChar = MM.assocs . MM.fromList . map breakCmd
    55 makePT cmd@(Command n p) = PTCommand n cmd
    68 makePT cmd@(Command n p) = PTCommand n cmd
    57 buildParseTree cmds = [PTPrefix "!" $ bpt $ map makePT cmds]
    70 buildParseTree cmds = [PTPrefix "!" $ (bpt $ map makePT cmds) ++ [unknowncmd]]
    58 bpt cmds = if isJust emptyNamed then cmdLeaf $ fromJust emptyNamed else subtree
    71 bpt cmds = if isJust emptyNamed then cmdLeaf $ fromJust emptyNamed else subtree
    59     where
    72     where
    60         emptyNamed = find (\(_, (PTCommand n _:_)) -> null n) assocs
    73         emptyNamed = find (\(_, (PTCommand n _:_)) -> null n) assocs
    61         assocs = groupByFirstChar cmds
    74         assocs = groupByFirstChar cmds
    62         subtree = map buildsub assocs
    75         subtree = map buildsub assocs
    78         consumePrefix "" = id
    91         consumePrefix "" = id
    79         consumePrefix str = (text "consume" <> (parens . quotes $ text str) <> semi $$)
    92         consumePrefix str = (text "consume" <> (parens . quotes $ text str) <> semi $$)
    80         zeroChar = text "#0: state:= pstDisconnected;"
    93         zeroChar = text "#0: state:= pstDisconnected;"
    81         elsePart = text "else <unknown cmd> end;"
    94         elsePart = text "else <unknown cmd> end;"
    83 renderArrays (letters, commands, handlers) = l $+$ s $+$ c
    96 renderArrays (letters, commands, handlers) = vcat $ punctuate (char '\n') [cmds, l, s, bodies, c]
    84     where
    97     where
    85         maybeQuotes s = if null $ tail s then quotes $ text s else text s
    98         maybeQuotes s = if null $ tail s then quotes $ text s else text s
    86         l = text "const letters: array[0.." <> (int $ length letters - 1) <> text "] of char = "
    99         l = text "const letters: array[0.." <> (int $ length letters - 1) <> text "] of char = "
    87             <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map maybeQuotes letters) <> semi
   100             <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map maybeQuotes letters) <> semi
    88         s = text "const commands: array[0.." <> (int $ length commands - 1) <> text "] of integer = "
   101         s = text "const commands: array[0.." <> (int $ length commands - 1) <> text "] of integer = "
    89             <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map text commands) <> semi
   102             <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map text commands) <> semi
    90         c = text "const handlers: array[0.." <> (int $ length handlers - 1) <> text "] of integer = "
   103         c = text "const handlers: array[0.." <> (int $ length fixedNames - 1) <> text "] of PHandler = "
    91             <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map (text . mangle . fixName) handlers) <> semi
   104             <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map (text . (++) "@handler_") $ reverse fixedNames) <> semi
    92         mangle = (++) "handler_"
   105         fixedNames = map fixName handlers
    93         fixName = map fixChar
   106         fixName = map fixChar
    94         fixChar c | isLetter c = c
   107         fixChar c | isLetter c = c
    95                   | otherwise = '_'
   108                   | otherwise = '_'
   109         bodies = vcat $ punctuate (char '\n') $ map handlerBody fixedNames
   110         handlerBody n = text "procedure handler_" <> text n <> semi
   111             $+$ text "begin" 
   112             $+$ nest 4 (
   113                 text "state.cmd:= cmd_" <> text n <> semi
   114             )
   115             $+$ text "end" <> semi
   116         cmds = text "type TCmdType = " <> parens (hsep $ punctuate comma $ map ((<>) (text "cmd_") . text) fixedNames) <> semi
    97 pas = renderArrays $ buildTables $ buildParseTree commands
   118 pas = renderArrays $ buildTables $ buildParseTree commands
    98     where
   119     where
    99         buildTables cmds = let (_, _, _, t1, t2, t3) = foldr walk (0, [0], -10, [], [], [[]]) cmds in (tail t1, tail t2, concat t3)
   120         buildTables cmds = let (_, _, _, t1, t2, t3) = foldr walk (0, [0], -10, [], [], [[]]) cmds in (tail t1, tail t2, concat t3)
   100         walk (PTCommand _ (Command n params)) (lc, s:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, (t3:tbl3)) =
   121         walk (PTCommand _ (Command n params)) (lc, s:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, (t3:tbl3)) =
   101             (lc, 2:sh, pc - 1, "#10":"0":tbl1, "0":show pc:tbl2, (n:t3):tbl3)
   122             (lc, 2:sh, pc - 1, "#10":"#0":tbl1, "0":show pc:tbl2, (n:t3):tbl3)
   102         walk (PTPrefix prefix cmds) l = lvldown $ foldr fpf (foldr walk (lvlup l) cmds) prefix
   123         walk (PTPrefix prefix cmds) l = lvldown $ foldr fpf (foldr walk (lvlup l) cmds) prefix
   103         lvlup (lc, sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, tbl3) = (lc, 0:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, []:tbl3)
   124         lvlup (lc, sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, tbl3) = (lc, 0:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, []:tbl3)
   104         lvldown (lc, s1:s2:sh, pc, tbl1, t:tbl2, t31:t32:tbl3) = (lc, s1+s2:sh, pc, tbl1, (if null t32 then "0" else show s1):tbl2, (t31 ++ t32):tbl3)
   125         lvldown (lc, s1:s2:sh, pc, tbl1, t:tbl2, t31:t32:tbl3) = (lc, s1+s2:sh, pc, tbl1, (if null t32 then "0" else show s1):tbl2, (t31 ++ t32):tbl3)
   105         fpf c (lc, s:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, tbl3) = (lc + 1, s+1:sh, pc, [c]:tbl1, "0":tbl2, tbl3)
   126         fpf c (lc, s:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, tbl3) = (lc + 1, s+1:sh, pc, [c]:tbl1, "0":tbl2, tbl3)