changeset 10959 1225f42f61e2
parent 10950 356c8fb7fb56
child 10961 b30f29396f0c
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/TechRacer.lua	Mon May 25 14:31:06 2015 -0400
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/TechRacer.lua	Mon May 25 15:48:07 2015 -0400
@@ -1,1194 +1,1190 @@
--- TECH RACER v0.7
--- TO DO
--- allow scrolling of maps
--- place waypoints for the registered maps automatically.
--- should work better "out the box"
--- changed map generation
--- put a hog limiter in place
--- removed parsecommand
--- fix one of the test maps
--- hopefully added some support for future official challenges etc
--- changed theme
--- minor cleanups?
--- ehh, scrap everything? those old maps probably still desync so they can die for now
--- hopefully fix map 3
--- add two new crappy map to test an idea.
--- updated version text (lol)
--- some preliminary support for hand-drawn map loading
--- some support for being really lazy
--- an extra map or two
--- param for infinite UFO fuel
--- param for number of rounds
--- migrated maps to an external script
--- move 1 line of code :D (allows loading of HWMAP points to actually work)
--- allow waypoints to be loaded automatically via TechMaps or HWMAP
--- (temporarily?) remove ability to place waypoints manually
--- break stuff?
--- Got Variables?
-local atkArray =
-				{
-				{amBazooka, 	"amBazooka",		0},
-				{amBee, 		"amBee",			0},
-				{amMortar, 		"amMortar",			0},
-				{amDrill, 		"amDrill",			0},
-				{amSnowball, 	"amSnowball",		0},
-				{amGrenade,		"amGrenade",		0},
-				{amClusterBomb,	"amClusterBomb",	0},
-				{amMolotov, 	"amMolotov",		0},
-				{amWatermelon, 	"amWatermelon",		0},
-				{amHellishBomb,	"amHellishBomb",	0},
-				{amGasBomb, 	"amGasBomb",		0},
-				{amShotgun,		"amShotgun",		0},
-				{amDEagle,		"amDEagle",			0},
-				{amFlamethrower,"amFlamethrower",	0},
-				{amSniperRifle,	"amSniperRifle",	0},
-				{amSineGun, 	"amSineGun",		0},
-				{amIceGun, 		"amIceGun",			0},
-				{amLandGun,		"amLandGun",		0},
-				{amFirePunch, 	"amFirePunch",		0},
-				{amWhip,		"amWhip",			0},
-				{amBaseballBat, "amBaseballBat",	0},
-				{amKamikaze, 	"amKamikaze",		0},
-				{amSeduction, 	"amSeduction",		0},
-				{amHammer,		"amHammer",			0},
-				{amMine, 		"amMine",			0},
-				{amDynamite, 	"amDynamite",		0},
-				{amCake, 		"amCake",			0},
-				{amBallgun, 	"amBallgun",		0},
-				{amRCPlane,		"amRCPlane",		0},
-				{amSMine,		"amSMine",			0},
-				{amAirMine,		"amAirMine",		0},
-				{amAirAttack,	"amAirAttack",		0},
-				{amMineStrike,	"amMineStrike",		0},
-				{amDrillStrike,	"amDrillStrike",	0},
-				{amAirMine,		"amAirMine",		0},
-				{amNapalm, 		"amNapalm",			0},
-				{amPiano,		"amPiano",			0},
-				{amKnife,		"amKnife",			0},
-				{amBirdy,		"amBirdy",			0}
-				}
-local utilArray =
-				{
-				{amBlowTorch, 		"amBlowTorch",		0},
-				{amPickHammer,		"amPickHammer",		0},
-				{amGirder, 			"amGirder",			0},
-				{amRubber, 			"amRubber",			0},
-				{amPortalGun,		"amPortalGun",		0},
-				{amRope, 			"amRope",			0},
-				{amParachute, 		"amParachute",		0},
-				{amTeleport,		"amTeleport",		0},
-				{amJetpack,			"amJetpack",		0},
-				{amInvulnerable,	"amInvulnerable",	0},
-				{amLaserSight,		"amLaserSight",		0},
-				{amVampiric,		"amVampiric",		0},
-				{amLowGravity, 		"amLowGravity",		0},
-				{amExtraDamage, 	"amExtraDamage",	0},
-				{amExtraTime,		"amExtraTime",		0},
-				{amResurrector, 	"amResurrector",	0},
-				{amTardis, 			"amTardis",			0},
-				{amSwitch,			"amSwitch",			0}
-				}
-local activationStage = 0
-local jet = nil
-local infUFO = nil
-local fMod = 1000000 -- 1
-local roundLimit = 3
-local roundNumber = 0
-local firstClan = 10
-local fastX = {}
-local fastY = {}
-local fastCount = 0
-local fastIndex = 0
-local fastColour
-local currX = {}
-local currY = {}
-local currCount = 0
-local specialPointsX = {}
-local specialPointsY = {}
-local specialPointsFlag = {}
-local specialPointsCount = 0
-mapID = 22
--- hog and team tracking variales
-local numhhs = 0 -- store number of hedgehogs
-local hhs = {} -- store hedgehog gears
-local numTeams --  store the number of teams in the game
-local teamNameArr = {}  -- store the list of teams
-local teamClan = {}
-local teamSize = {}     -- store how many hogs per team
-local teamIndex = {} -- at what point in the hhs{} does each team begin
-local teamComment = {}
-local teamScore = {}
--- racer vars
-local cGear = nil
-local bestClan = nil
-local bestTime = nil
-local gameBegun = false
-local gameOver = false
-local racerActive = false
-local trackTime = 0
-local wpCirc = {}
-local wpX = {}
-local wpY = {}
-local wpCol = {}
-local wpActive = {}
-local wpRad = 450 --75
-local wpCount = 0
-local wpLimit = 20
-local usedWeapons = {}
-local roundN
-local lastRound
-local RoundHasChanged
--- general methods
---function onPrecise()
-function RebuildTeamInfo()
-        -- make a list of individual team names
-        for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do
-                teamNameArr[i] = " " -- = i
-                teamSize[i] = 0
-                teamIndex[i] = 0
-                teamScore[i] = 100000
-        end
-        numTeams = 0
-        for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
-                z = 0
-                unfinished = true
-                while(unfinished == true) do
-                        newTeam = true
-                        tempHogTeamName = GetHogTeamName(hhs[i]) -- this is the new name
-                        if tempHogTeamName == teamNameArr[z] then
-                                newTeam = false
-                                unfinished = false
-                        end
-                        z = z + 1
-                        if z == TeamsCount then
-                                unfinished = false
-                                if newTeam == true then
-                                        teamNameArr[numTeams] = tempHogTeamName
-                                        numTeams = numTeams + 1
-                                end
-                        end
-                end
-        end
-        -- find out how many hogs per team, and the index of the first hog in hhs
-        for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
-                for z = 0, (numhhs-1) do
-                        if GetHogTeamName(hhs[z]) == teamNameArr[i] then
-                                teamClan[i] = GetHogClan(hhs[z])
-                                if teamSize[i] == 0 then
-                                        teamIndex[i] = z -- should give starting index
-                                end
-                                teamSize[i] = teamSize[i] + 1
-                                --add a pointer so this hog appears at i in hhs
-                        end
-                end
-        end
-function CheckWaypoints()
-        trackFinished = true
-        for i = 0, (wpCount-1) do
-                g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
-                g2X, g2Y = wpX[i], wpY[i]
-                g1X = g1X - g2X
-                g1Y = g1Y - g2Y
-                dist = (g1X*g1X) + (g1Y*g1Y)
-                --if i == 0 then
-                --      AddCaption(dist .. "/" .. (wpRad*wpRad) )
-                --end
-                NR = (48/100*wpRad)/2
-                if dist < (NR*NR) then
-                --if dist < (wpRad*wpRad) then
-                        --AddCaption("howdy")
-                        wpActive[i] = true
-                        wpCol[i] = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) -- new                             --GetClanColor(1)
-                        SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[i], wpX[i], wpY[i], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[i])
-                        wpRem = 0
-                        for k = 0, (wpCount-1) do
-                                if wpActive[k] == false then
-                                        wpRem = wpRem + 1
-                                end
-                        end
-                        AddCaption(loc("Way-Points Remaining") .. ": " .. wpRem,0xffba00ff,capgrpAmmoinfo)
-                end
-                if wpActive[i] == false then
-                        trackFinished = false
-                end
-        end
-        return(trackFinished)
-function AdjustScores()
-        if bestTime == nil then
-                bestTime = 100000
-                bestClan = 10
-                bestTimeComment = "N/A"
-        end
-        newScore = false
-        -- update this clan's time if the new track is better
-        for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
-                if teamClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then
-                        if trackTime < teamScore[i] then
-                                teamScore[i] = trackTime
-                                newScore = true
-                        else
-                                newScore = false
-                        end
-                end
-        end
-        --bestTime = 100000
-        --bestClan = 10
-        -- find the best time out of those so far
-        for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
-                if teamScore[i] < bestTime then
-                        bestTime = teamScore[i]
-                        bestClan = teamClan[i]
-                end
-        end
-        if bestTime ~= 100000 then
-                bestTimeComment = (bestTime/1000) ..loc("s")
-        end
-        if newScore == true then
-                if trackTime == bestTime then -- best time of the race
-                        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
-                        loc("TRACK COMPLETED"),
-                        loc("NEW RACE RECORD: ") .. (trackTime/1000) ..loc("s") .. "|" ..
-                        loc("WINNING TIME: ") .. bestTimeComment, 0, 4000)
-                        PlaySound(sndHomerun)
-                else    -- best time for the clan
-                        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
-                        loc("TRACK COMPLETED"),
-                        loc("NEW CLAN RECORD: ") .. (trackTime/1000) ..loc("s") .. "|" ..
-                        loc("WINNING TIME: ") .. bestTimeComment, 4, 4000)
-                end
-        else -- not any kind of new score
-                ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
-                loc("TRACK COMPLETED"),
-                loc("TIME: ") .. (trackTime/1000) ..loc("s") .. "|" ..
-                loc("WINNING TIME: ") .. bestTimeComment, -amSkip, 4000)
-                PlaySound(sndHellish)
-        end
-        --------
-        --new
-        --------
-        if bestTime == trackTime then
-                --AddCaption("wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo")
-                fastColour = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
-                for i = 0, (currCount-1) do
-                        fastX[i] = currX[i]
-                        fastY[i] = currY[i]
-                end
-                fastCount = currCount
-                fastIndex = 0
-                --currCount = 0 -- is this needed?
-        else
-                currCount = 0
-                fastIndex = 0
-        end
-function onNewRound()
-        roundNumber = roundNumber + 1
-        totalComment = ""
-        for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do
-                        if teamNameArr[i] ~= " " then                           -- teamScore[teamClan[i]]
-                                teamComment[i] = teamNameArr[i] .. ": " .. (teamScore[i]/1000) .. loc("s|")
-                                totalComment = totalComment .. teamComment[i]
-                        elseif teamNameArr[i] == " " then
-                                teamComment[i] = "|"
-                        end
-        end
-        ShowMission(    loc("RACER"),
-                                        loc("STATUS UPDATE"),
-                                        loc("Rounds Complete: ") .. roundNumber .. "/" .. roundLimit .. "|" .. " " .. "|" ..
-                                        loc("Best Team Times: ") .. "|" .. totalComment, 0, 4000)
-        -- end game if its at round limit
-        if roundNumber >= roundLimit then
-                for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
-                        if GetHogClan(hhs[i]) ~= bestClan then
-                                SetEffect(hhs[i], heResurrectable, 0)
-                                SetHealth(hhs[i],0)
-                        end
-                end
-                gameOver = true
-                TurnTimeLeft = 1
-        end
-function CheckForNewRound()
-        -------------
-        ------ new
-        -------------
-        --[[turnN = turnN + 1
-        if gameBegun == false then
-                if turnN == 2 then
-                        for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
-                                if hhs[i] ~= nil then
-                                        SetEffect(hhs[i], heResurrectable, 0)
-                                        SetHealth(hhs[i],0)
-                                end
-                        end
-                        gameOver = true
-                        TurnTimeLeft = 1
-                end
-        else
-        end]]
-        --[[if roundBegun == true then
-                if RoundHasChanged == true then
-                        roundN = roundN + 1
-                        RoundHasChanged = false
-                        onNewRound()
-                end
-                if lastRound ~= TotalRounds then -- new round, but not really
-                        if RoundHasChanged == false then
-                                RoundHasChanged = true
-                        end
-                end
-                AddCaption("RoundN:" .. roundN .. "; " .. "TR: " .. TotalRounds)
-                lastRound = TotalRounds
-        end]]
-        ------------
-        ----- old
-        ------------
-        if GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) == firstClan then
-                onNewRound()
-        end
-function DisableTumbler()
-        currCount = 0
-        fastIndex = 0
-        TurnTimeLeft = 0
-        racerActive = false -- newadd
-function HandleGhost()
-        -- get the current xy of the racer at this point
-        currX[currCount] = GetX(CurrentHedgehog)
-        currY[currCount] = GetY(CurrentHedgehog)
-        currCount = currCount + 1
-        -- draw a ping of smoke where the fastest player was at this point
-        if (fastCount ~= 0) and (fastIndex < fastCount) then
-                fastIndex = fastIndex + 1
-                tempE = AddVisualGear(fastX[fastIndex], fastY[fastIndex], vgtSmoke, 0, false)
-                g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
-                SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, fastColour )
-                --AddCaption("fC: " .. fastIndex .. " / " .. fastCount)
-        else
-                --AddCaption("excep fC: " .. fastIndex .. " / " .. fastCount)
-        end
-function BoomGirder(x,y,rot)
-	girTime = 1
-	if rot < 4 then
-				AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-	elseif rot == 4 then
-				g = AddGear(x-45, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-				g = AddGear(x-30, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-				g = AddGear(x+30, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x+45, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-	elseif rot == 5 then ------- diag
-				g = AddGear(x+45, y+45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
-				g = AddGear(x+30, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-				g = AddGear(x-30, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x-45, y-45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
-	elseif rot == 6 then
-				g = AddGear(x, y-45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-				g = AddGear(x, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-				g = AddGear(x, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x, y+45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-	elseif rot == 7 then -------
-				g = AddGear(x+45, y-45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
-				g = AddGear(x+30, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
-				g = AddGear(x-30, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
-				g = AddGear(x-45, y+45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
-	end
-function RemoveGear(gear)
-	if (isATrackedGear(gear) == true) and (GetGearType(gear) ~= gtHedgehog) then
-		DeleteGear(gear)
-	end
-function ClearMap()
-	runOnGears(RemoveGear)
-function CallBob(x,y)
-	if not racerActive then
-        if wpCount == 0 or wpX[wpCount - 1] ~= x or wpY[wpCount - 1] ~= y then
-            wpX[wpCount] = x
-            wpY[wpCount] = y
-            wpCol[wpCount] = 0xffffffff
-            wpCirc[wpCount] = AddVisualGear(wpX[wpCount],wpY[wpCount],vgtCircle,0,true)
-            SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[wpCount], wpX[wpCount], wpY[wpCount], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[wpCount])
-            wpCount = wpCount + 1
-            --AddCaption(loc("Waypoint placed.") .. " " .. loc("Available points remaining: ") .. (wpLimit-wpCount))
-        end
-    end
-function HandleFreshMapCreation()
-	-- the boom stage, boom girders, reset ammo, and delete other map objects
-	if activationStage == 1 then
-		ClearMap()
-		activationStage = activationStage + 1
-	-- the creation stage, place girders and needed gears, grant ammo
-	elseif activationStage == 2 then
-		InterpretPoints()
-		-- these are from onParameters()
-		if (mapID == nil) or (mapID == 0) then
-			LoadMap(2000)
-		else
-			LoadMap(mapID)
-		end
-		for i = 0,(wpCount-1) do
-			DeleteVisualGear(wpCirc[i])
-		end
-		wpCount = 0
-		for i = 1, techCount-1 do
-			CallBob(techX[i],techY[i])
-		end
-		activationStage = 200
-		--runOnHogs(RestoreHog)
-	end
-function TryRepositionHogs()
-        if MapHasBorder() == true then
-                for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
-                        if hhs[i] ~= nil then
-                                SetGearPosition(hhs[i],GetX(hhs[i]), TopY-10)
-                        end
-                end
-        end
-function onParameters()
-	parseParams()
-	mapID = tonumber(params["m"])
-	infUFO = params["ufo"]
-	roundLimit = tonumber(params["rounds"])
-	if (roundLimit == 0) or (roundLimit == nil) then
-		roundLimit = 3
-	end
-function onPreviewInit()
-	onGameInit()
-function onGameInit()
-		Theme = "Cave"
-		MapGen = mgDrawn
-		TemplateFilter = 0
-		EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack, gfDisableWind)
-		DisableGameFlags(gfSolidLand)
-		CaseFreq = 0
-        TurnTime = 90000
-        WaterRise = 0
-		for x = 1, 16 do
-			AddPoint(x*100,100,5)
-		end
-		FlushPoints()
-function limitHogs(gear)
-	cnthhs = cnthhs + 1
-	if cnthhs > 1 then
-		DeleteGear(gear)
-    end
-function onSpecialPoint(x,y,flag)
-    specialPointsX[specialPointsCount] = x
-    specialPointsY[specialPointsCount] = y
-	specialPointsFlag[specialPointsCount] = flag
-    specialPointsCount = specialPointsCount + 1
-function InterpretPoints()
-	-- flags run from 0 to 127
-	for i = 0, (specialPointsCount-1) do
-		-- Mines
-		if specialPointsFlag[i] == 1 then
-			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 2 then
-			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1000)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 3 then
-			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2000)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 4 then
-			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 5 then
-			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 4000)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 6 then
-			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
-		-- Sticky Mines
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 7 then
-			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-		-- Air Mines
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 8 then
-			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtAirMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-		-- Health Crates
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 9 then
-			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),25)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 10 then
-			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),50)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 11 then
-			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),75)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 12 then
-			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),100)
-		-- Cleaver
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 13 then
-			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtKnife, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-		-- Target
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 14 then
-			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-		--Barrels
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 15 then
-			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),1)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 16 then
-			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),25)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 17 then
-			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),50)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 18 then
-			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),75)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 19 then
-			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),100)
-		-- There are about 58+- weps / utils
-		-- Weapon Crates
-		elseif (specialPointsFlag[i] >= 20) and (specialPointsFlag[i] < (#atkArray+20)) then
-			SpawnAmmoCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i],atkArray[specialPointsFlag[i]-19][1])
-		-- Utility Crates
-		elseif (specialPointsFlag[i] >= (#atkArray+20)) and (specialPointsFlag[i] < (#atkArray+20+#utilArray)) then
-			SpawnUtilityCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i],utilArray[specialPointsFlag[i]-19-#atkArray][1])
-		--79-82 (reserved for future wep crates)
-		--89,88,87,86 and 85,84,83,82 (reserved for the 2 custom sprites and their landflags)
-		--90-99 reserved for scripted structures
-		--[[elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 90 then
-			--PlaceStruc("generator")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 91 then
-			--PlaceStruc("healingstation")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 92 then
-			--PlaceStruc("respawner")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 93 then
-			--PlaceStruc("teleportationnode")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 94 then
-			--PlaceStruc("biofilter")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 95 then
-			--PlaceStruc("supportstation")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 96 then
-			--PlaceStruc("constructionstation")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 97 then
-			--PlaceStruc("reflectorshield")
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 98 then
-			--PlaceStruc("weaponfilter")]]
-		-- Normal Girders
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 100 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 0, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 101 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 1, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 102 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 2, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 103 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 3, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 104 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 4, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 105 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 5, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 106 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 6, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 107 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 7, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
-		-- Invulnerable Girders
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 108 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 0, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 109 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 1, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 110 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 2, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 111 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 3, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 112 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 4, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 113 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 5, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 114 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 6, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 115 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 7, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
-		-- Icy Girders
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 116 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 0, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 117 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 1, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 118 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 2, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 119 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 3, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 120 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 4, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 121 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 5, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 121 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 6, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 123 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 7, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
-		-- Rubber Bands
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 124 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 0, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 125 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 1, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 126 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 2, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
-		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 127 then
-			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 3, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
-		-- Waypoints
-		else -- 0 / no value
-			CallBob(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i])
-		end
-	end
-function onGameStart()
-		trackTeams()
-		roundN = 0
-        lastRound = TotalRounds
-        RoundHasChanged = false -- true
-	    RebuildTeamInfo()
-		for i=0 , TeamsCount - 1 do
-			cnthhs = 0
-			runOnHogsInTeam(limitHogs, teamNameArr[i])
-		end
-        ShowMission     (
-                                loc("RACER"),
-                                loc("a Hedgewars mini-game"),
-                                loc("Build a track and race.") .. "|" ..
-                                loc("Round Limit:") .. " " .. roundLimit .. "|" ..
-								loc("You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script paramater.") .. "|" ..
-								--loc("For example, the below line would play map 4, with infinite fuel for the flying saucer, and four rounds.") .. "|" ..
-								--"m=4, ufo=true, rounds=4" .. "|" ..
-                                "", 4, 4000
-                                )
-        TryRepositionHogs()
-		activationStage = 2
-		HandleFreshMapCreation()
-function onNewTurn()
-        CheckForNewRound()
-        TryRepositionHogs()
-        racerActive = false
-		activationStage = 1
-		--AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amBazooka, 100)
-		--AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amJetpack, 100)
-		--ClearMap()
-        trackTime = 0
-        currCount = 0 -- hopefully this solves problem
-    --    AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 0)
-        gTimer = 0
-        -- Set the waypoints to unactive on new round
-        for i = 0,(wpCount-1) do
-                wpActive[i] = false
-                wpCol[i] = 0xffffffff
-                SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[i], wpX[i], wpY[i], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[i])
-        end
-        -- Handle Starting Stage of Game
-        if (gameOver == false) and (gameBegun == false) then
-               -- if wpCount >= 3 then
-                        gameBegun = true
-						--  --[[activationStage = 200]]
-                        roundNumber = 0
-                        firstClan = GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)
-                        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
-                        loc("GAME BEGUN!!!"),
-                        loc("Complete the track as fast as you can!"), 2, 4000)
-                --else
-                --        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
-                --        loc("NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"),
-                --        loc("Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."), 2, 4000)
-                --        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 4000)
-				--		SetWeapon(amAirAttack)
-               -- end
-        end
-        if gameOver == true then
-                gameBegun = false
-                racerActive = false -- newadd
-        end
-        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amTardis, 0)
-        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amDrillStrike, 0)
-        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amMineStrike, 0)
-        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amNapalm, 0)
-        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amPiano, 0)
-function onGameTick20()
-		if (jet ~= nil) and (infUFO == "true") then
-			SetHealth(jet, 2000)
-		end
-        -- airstrike detected, convert this into a potential waypoint spot
-        if cGear ~= nil then
-                x,y = GetGearPosition(cGear)
-        if x > -9000 then
-            x,y = GetGearTarget(cGear)
-            if TestRectForObstacle(x-20, y-20, x+20, y+20, true) then
-                AddCaption(loc("Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."))
-                PlaySound(sndDenied)
-            elseif (y > WaterLine-50) then
-                AddCaption(loc("Please place the way-point further from the waterline."))
-                PlaySound(sndDenied)
-            else
-                CallBob(x, y)
-                if wpCount == wpLimit then
-                    AddCaption(loc("Race complexity limit reached."))
-                    DisableTumbler()
-                end
-            end
-        else
-            DeleteGear(cGear)
-        end
-        SetGearPosition(cGear, -10000, 0)
-        end
-		if activationStage < 10 then
-				HandleFreshMapCreation()
-		end
-        -- start the player tumbling with a boom once their turn has actually begun
-        if racerActive == false then
-                if (TurnTimeLeft > 0) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then
-                        -- if the gamehas started put the player in the middle of the first
-                        --waypoint that was placed
-                        --if activationStage == 200 then
-						if gameBegun == true then
-                                AddCaption(loc("Good to go!"))
-                                racerActive = true
-                                trackTime = 0
-								SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, wpX[0], wpY[0])
-                                --AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-                                --SetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog,1000000,1000000)
-								SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog,gmLeft)
-								FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
-                                HideMission()
-								activationStage = 201
-						else
-                                -- still in placement mode
-                        end
-                end
-        elseif (activationStage == 201) and (TurnTimeLeft > 0) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then
-			SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog,0)
-			activationStage = 202
-		end
-        -- has the player started his tumbling spree?
-        if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then
-                --airstrike conversion used to be here
-                -- if the RACE has started, show tracktimes and keep tabs on waypoints
-                if (racerActive == true) and (activationStage == 202) then
-                        --ghost
-                        if GameTime%40 == 0 then
-                                HandleGhost()
-                        end
-                        trackTime = trackTime + 20
-                        if GameTime%100 == 0 then
-                if trackTime%1000 == 0 then
-                    AddCaption((trackTime/1000)..'.0',GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpMessage2)
-                else
-                    AddCaption(trackTime/1000,GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpMessage2)
-                end
-                                if (CheckWaypoints() == true) then
-                                        AdjustScores()
-                                        DisableTumbler()
-                                end
-                        end
-                end
-                -- if the player has expended his tunbling time, stop him tumbling
-                if TurnTimeLeft <= 20 then
-                        DisableTumbler()
-                end
-        end
-function onGearResurrect(gear)
-        AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtBigExplosion, 0, false)
-        if gear == CurrentHedgehog then
-                DisableTumbler()
-        end
-function isATrackedGear(gear)
-	if 	(GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtMine) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtSMine) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtAirMine) or
-		(GetGearType(gear) == gtCase)
-	then
-		return(true)
-	else
-		return(false)
-	end
-function onGearAdd(gear)
-        if isATrackedGear(gear) then
-			trackGear(gear)
-		end
-		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
-                hhs[numhhs] = gear
-                numhhs = numhhs + 1
-                SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1)
-        end
-        if GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack then
-                cGear = gear
-        elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtJetpack then
-			jet = gear
-		end
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-        if isATrackedGear(gear) then
-			trackDeletion(gear)
-		elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack then
-                cGear = nil
-        elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtJetpack then
-			jet = nil
-		end
-function onAttack()
-    at = GetCurAmmoType()
-    usedWeapons[at] = 0
-function onAchievementsDeclaration()
-    usedWeapons[amSkip] = nil
-    usedRope = usedWeapons[amRope] ~= nil
-    usedPortal = usedWeapons[amPortalGun] ~= nil
-    usedSaucer = usedWeapons[amJetpack] ~= nil
-    usedWeapons[amRope] = nil
-    usedWeapons[amPortalGun] = nil
-    usedWeapons[amJetpack] = nil
-    usedOther = next(usedWeapons) ~= nil
-    if usedOther then -- smth besides skip, rope, portal or saucer used
-        raceType = "unknown race"
-    elseif usedRope and not usedPortal and not usedSaucer then
-        raceType = "rope race"
-    elseif not usedRope and usedPortal and not usedSaucer then
-        raceType = "portal race"
-    elseif not usedRope and not usedPortal and usedSaucer then
-        raceType = "saucer race"
-    elseif (usedRope or usedPortal or usedSaucer or usedOther) == false then -- no weapons used at all?
-        raceType = "no tools race"
-    else -- at least two of rope, portal and saucer used
-        raceType = "mixed race"
-    end
-    map = detectMap()
-    for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
-        if teamScore[i] < 100000 then
-            DeclareAchievement(raceType, teamNameArr[i], map, teamScore[i])
-        end
-    end
+-- TECH RACER v0.7
+-- TO DO
+-- allow scrolling of maps
+-- place waypoints for the registered maps automatically.
+-- should work better "out the box"
+-- changed map generation
+-- put a hog limiter in place
+-- removed parsecommand
+-- fix one of the test maps
+-- hopefully added some support for future official challenges etc
+-- changed theme
+-- minor cleanups?
+-- ehh, scrap everything? those old maps probably still desync so they can die for now
+-- hopefully fix map 3
+-- add two new crappy map to test an idea.
+-- updated version text (lol)
+-- some preliminary support for hand-drawn map loading
+-- some support for being really lazy
+-- an extra map or two
+-- param for infinite UFO fuel
+-- param for number of rounds
+-- migrated maps to an external script
+-- move 1 line of code :D (allows loading of HWMAP points to actually work)
+-- allow waypoints to be loaded automatically via TechMaps or HWMAP
+-- (temporarily?) remove ability to place waypoints manually
+-- break stuff?
+-- Got Variables?
+local atkArray =
+				{
+				{amBazooka, 	"amBazooka",		0},
+				{amBee, 		"amBee",			0},
+				{amMortar, 		"amMortar",			0},
+				{amDrill, 		"amDrill",			0},
+				{amSnowball, 	"amSnowball",		0},
+				{amGrenade,		"amGrenade",		0},
+				{amClusterBomb,	"amClusterBomb",	0},
+				{amMolotov, 	"amMolotov",		0},
+				{amWatermelon, 	"amWatermelon",		0},
+				{amHellishBomb,	"amHellishBomb",	0},
+				{amGasBomb, 	"amGasBomb",		0},
+				{amShotgun,		"amShotgun",		0},
+				{amDEagle,		"amDEagle",			0},
+				{amFlamethrower,"amFlamethrower",	0},
+				{amSniperRifle,	"amSniperRifle",	0},
+				{amSineGun, 	"amSineGun",		0},
+				{amIceGun, 		"amIceGun",			0},
+				{amLandGun,		"amLandGun",		0},
+				{amFirePunch, 	"amFirePunch",		0},
+				{amWhip,		"amWhip",			0},
+				{amBaseballBat, "amBaseballBat",	0},
+				{amKamikaze, 	"amKamikaze",		0},
+				{amSeduction, 	"amSeduction",		0},
+				{amHammer,		"amHammer",			0},
+				{amMine, 		"amMine",			0},
+				{amDynamite, 	"amDynamite",		0},
+				{amCake, 		"amCake",			0},
+				{amBallgun, 	"amBallgun",		0},
+				{amRCPlane,		"amRCPlane",		0},
+				{amSMine,		"amSMine",			0},
+				{amAirMine,		"amAirMine",		0},
+				{amAirAttack,	"amAirAttack",		0},
+				{amMineStrike,	"amMineStrike",		0},
+				{amDrillStrike,	"amDrillStrike",	0},
+				{amAirMine,		"amAirMine",		0},
+				{amNapalm, 		"amNapalm",			0},
+				{amPiano,		"amPiano",			0},
+				{amKnife,		"amKnife",			0},
+				{amBirdy,		"amBirdy",			0}
+				}
+local utilArray =
+				{
+				{amBlowTorch, 		"amBlowTorch",		0},
+				{amPickHammer,		"amPickHammer",		0},
+				{amGirder, 			"amGirder",			0},
+				{amRubber, 			"amRubber",			0},
+				{amPortalGun,		"amPortalGun",		0},
+				{amRope, 			"amRope",			0},
+				{amParachute, 		"amParachute",		0},
+				{amTeleport,		"amTeleport",		0},
+				{amJetpack,			"amJetpack",		0},
+				{amInvulnerable,	"amInvulnerable",	0},
+				{amLaserSight,		"amLaserSight",		0},
+				{amVampiric,		"amVampiric",		0},
+				{amLowGravity, 		"amLowGravity",		0},
+				{amExtraDamage, 	"amExtraDamage",	0},
+				{amExtraTime,		"amExtraTime",		0},
+				{amResurrector, 	"amResurrector",	0},
+				{amTardis, 			"amTardis",			0},
+				{amSwitch,			"amSwitch",			0}
+				}
+local activationStage = 0
+local jet = nil
+local infUFO = nil
+local fMod = 1000000 -- 1
+local roundLimit = 3
+local roundNumber = 0
+local firstClan = 10
+local fastX = {}
+local fastY = {}
+local fastCount = 0
+local fastIndex = 0
+local fastColour
+local currX = {}
+local currY = {}
+local currCount = 0
+local specialPointsX = {}
+local specialPointsY = {}
+local specialPointsFlag = {}
+local specialPointsCount = 0
+mapID = 22
+-- hog and team tracking variales
+local numhhs = 0 -- store number of hedgehogs
+local hhs = {} -- store hedgehog gears
+local numTeams --  store the number of teams in the game
+local teamNameArr = {}  -- store the list of teams
+local teamClan = {}
+local teamSize = {}     -- store how many hogs per team
+local teamIndex = {} -- at what point in the hhs{} does each team begin
+local teamComment = {}
+local teamScore = {}
+-- racer vars
+local cGear = nil
+local bestClan = nil
+local bestTime = nil
+local gameBegun = false
+local gameOver = false
+local racerActive = false
+local trackTime = 0
+local wpCirc = {}
+local wpX = {}
+local wpY = {}
+local wpCol = {}
+local wpActive = {}
+local wpRad = 450 --75
+local wpCount = 0
+local wpLimit = 20
+local usedWeapons = {}
+local roundN
+local lastRound
+local RoundHasChanged
+-- general methods
+--function onPrecise()
+function RebuildTeamInfo()
+        -- make a list of individual team names
+        for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do
+                teamNameArr[i] = " " -- = i
+                teamSize[i] = 0
+                teamIndex[i] = 0
+                teamScore[i] = 100000
+        end
+        numTeams = 0
+        for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
+                z = 0
+                unfinished = true
+                while(unfinished == true) do
+                        newTeam = true
+                        tempHogTeamName = GetHogTeamName(hhs[i]) -- this is the new name
+                        if tempHogTeamName == teamNameArr[z] then
+                                newTeam = false
+                                unfinished = false
+                        end
+                        z = z + 1
+                        if z == TeamsCount then
+                                unfinished = false
+                                if newTeam == true then
+                                        teamNameArr[numTeams] = tempHogTeamName
+                                        numTeams = numTeams + 1
+                                end
+                        end
+                end
+        end
+        -- find out how many hogs per team, and the index of the first hog in hhs
+        for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
+                for z = 0, (numhhs-1) do
+                        if GetHogTeamName(hhs[z]) == teamNameArr[i] then
+                                teamClan[i] = GetHogClan(hhs[z])
+                                if teamSize[i] == 0 then
+                                        teamIndex[i] = z -- should give starting index
+                                end
+                                teamSize[i] = teamSize[i] + 1
+                                --add a pointer so this hog appears at i in hhs
+                        end
+                end
+        end
+function CheckWaypoints()
+        trackFinished = true
+        for i = 0, (wpCount-1) do
+                g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
+                g2X, g2Y = wpX[i], wpY[i]
+                g1X = g1X - g2X
+                g1Y = g1Y - g2Y
+                dist = (g1X*g1X) + (g1Y*g1Y)
+                --if i == 0 then
+                --      AddCaption(dist .. "/" .. (wpRad*wpRad) )
+                --end
+                NR = (48/100*wpRad)/2
+                if dist < (NR*NR) then
+                --if dist < (wpRad*wpRad) then
+                        --AddCaption("howdy")
+                        wpActive[i] = true
+                        wpCol[i] = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) -- new                             --GetClanColor(1)
+                        SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[i], wpX[i], wpY[i], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[i])
+                        wpRem = 0
+                        for k = 0, (wpCount-1) do
+                                if wpActive[k] == false then
+                                        wpRem = wpRem + 1
+                                end
+                        end
+                        AddCaption(loc("Way-Points Remaining") .. ": " .. wpRem,0xffba00ff,capgrpAmmoinfo)
+                end
+                if wpActive[i] == false then
+                        trackFinished = false
+                end
+        end
+        return(trackFinished)
+function AdjustScores()
+        if bestTime == nil then
+                bestTime = 100000
+                bestClan = 10
+                bestTimeComment = "N/A"
+        end
+        newScore = false
+        -- update this clan's time if the new track is better
+        for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
+                if teamClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then
+                        if trackTime < teamScore[i] then
+                                teamScore[i] = trackTime
+                                newScore = true
+                        else
+                                newScore = false
+                        end
+                end
+        end
+        --bestTime = 100000
+        --bestClan = 10
+        -- find the best time out of those so far
+        for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
+                if teamScore[i] < bestTime then
+                        bestTime = teamScore[i]
+                        bestClan = teamClan[i]
+                end
+        end
+        if bestTime ~= 100000 then
+                bestTimeComment = (bestTime/1000) ..loc("s")
+        end
+        if newScore == true then
+                if trackTime == bestTime then -- best time of the race
+                        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
+                        loc("TRACK COMPLETED"),
+                        loc("NEW RACE RECORD: ") .. (trackTime/1000) ..loc("s") .. "|" ..
+                        loc("WINNING TIME: ") .. bestTimeComment, 0, 4000)
+                        PlaySound(sndHomerun)
+                else    -- best time for the clan
+                        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
+                        loc("TRACK COMPLETED"),
+                        loc("NEW CLAN RECORD: ") .. (trackTime/1000) ..loc("s") .. "|" ..
+                        loc("WINNING TIME: ") .. bestTimeComment, 4, 4000)
+                end
+        else -- not any kind of new score
+                ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
+                loc("TRACK COMPLETED"),
+                loc("TIME: ") .. (trackTime/1000) ..loc("s") .. "|" ..
+                loc("WINNING TIME: ") .. bestTimeComment, -amSkip, 4000)
+                PlaySound(sndHellish)
+        end
+        --------
+        --new
+        --------
+        if bestTime == trackTime then
+                --AddCaption("wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo")
+                fastColour = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
+                for i = 0, (currCount-1) do
+                        fastX[i] = currX[i]
+                        fastY[i] = currY[i]
+                end
+                fastCount = currCount
+                fastIndex = 0
+                --currCount = 0 -- is this needed?
+        else
+                currCount = 0
+                fastIndex = 0
+        end
+function onNewRound()
+        roundNumber = roundNumber + 1
+        totalComment = ""
+        for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do
+                        if teamNameArr[i] ~= " " then                           -- teamScore[teamClan[i]]
+                                teamComment[i] = teamNameArr[i] .. ": " .. (teamScore[i]/1000) .. loc("s|")
+                                totalComment = totalComment .. teamComment[i]
+                        elseif teamNameArr[i] == " " then
+                                teamComment[i] = "|"
+                        end
+        end
+        ShowMission(    loc("RACER"),
+                                        loc("STATUS UPDATE"),
+                                        loc("Rounds Complete: ") .. roundNumber .. "/" .. roundLimit .. "|" .. " " .. "|" ..
+                                        loc("Best Team Times: ") .. "|" .. totalComment, 0, 4000)
+        -- end game if its at round limit
+        if roundNumber >= roundLimit then
+                for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
+                        if GetHogClan(hhs[i]) ~= bestClan then
+                                SetEffect(hhs[i], heResurrectable, 0)
+                                SetHealth(hhs[i],0)
+                        end
+                end
+                gameOver = true
+                TurnTimeLeft = 1
+        end
+function CheckForNewRound()
+        -------------
+        ------ new
+        -------------
+        --[[turnN = turnN + 1
+        if gameBegun == false then
+                if turnN == 2 then
+                        for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
+                                if hhs[i] ~= nil then
+                                        SetEffect(hhs[i], heResurrectable, 0)
+                                        SetHealth(hhs[i],0)
+                                end
+                        end
+                        gameOver = true
+                        TurnTimeLeft = 1
+                end
+        else
+        end]]
+        --[[if roundBegun == true then
+                if RoundHasChanged == true then
+                        roundN = roundN + 1
+                        RoundHasChanged = false
+                        onNewRound()
+                end
+                if lastRound ~= TotalRounds then -- new round, but not really
+                        if RoundHasChanged == false then
+                                RoundHasChanged = true
+                        end
+                end
+                AddCaption("RoundN:" .. roundN .. "; " .. "TR: " .. TotalRounds)
+                lastRound = TotalRounds
+        end]]
+        ------------
+        ----- old
+        ------------
+        if GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) == firstClan then
+                onNewRound()
+        end
+function DisableTumbler()
+        currCount = 0
+        fastIndex = 0
+        TurnTimeLeft = 0
+        racerActive = false -- newadd
+function HandleGhost()
+        -- get the current xy of the racer at this point
+        currX[currCount] = GetX(CurrentHedgehog)
+        currY[currCount] = GetY(CurrentHedgehog)
+        currCount = currCount + 1
+        -- draw a ping of smoke where the fastest player was at this point
+        if (fastCount ~= 0) and (fastIndex < fastCount) then
+                fastIndex = fastIndex + 1
+                tempE = AddVisualGear(fastX[fastIndex], fastY[fastIndex], vgtSmoke, 0, false)
+                g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+                SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, fastColour )
+                --AddCaption("fC: " .. fastIndex .. " / " .. fastCount)
+        else
+                --AddCaption("excep fC: " .. fastIndex .. " / " .. fastCount)
+        end
+function BoomGirder(x,y,rot)
+	girTime = 1
+	if rot < 4 then
+				AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+	elseif rot == 4 then
+				g = AddGear(x-45, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+				g = AddGear(x-30, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+				g = AddGear(x+30, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x+45, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+	elseif rot == 5 then ------- diag
+				g = AddGear(x+45, y+45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
+				g = AddGear(x+30, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+				g = AddGear(x-30, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x-45, y-45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
+	elseif rot == 6 then
+				g = AddGear(x, y-45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+				g = AddGear(x, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+				g = AddGear(x, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x, y+45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+	elseif rot == 7 then -------
+				g = AddGear(x+45, y-45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
+				g = AddGear(x+30, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) -- needed?
+				g = AddGear(x-30, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime)
+				g = AddGear(x-45, y+45, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, girTime) --n
+	end
+function RemoveGear(gear)
+	if (isATrackedGear(gear) == true) and (GetGearType(gear) ~= gtHedgehog) then
+		DeleteGear(gear)
+	end
+function ClearMap()
+	runOnGears(RemoveGear)
+function CallBob(x,y)
+	if not racerActive then
+        if wpCount == 0 or wpX[wpCount - 1] ~= x or wpY[wpCount - 1] ~= y then
+            wpX[wpCount] = x
+            wpY[wpCount] = y
+            wpCol[wpCount] = 0xffffffff
+            wpCirc[wpCount] = AddVisualGear(wpX[wpCount],wpY[wpCount],vgtCircle,0,true)
+            SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[wpCount], wpX[wpCount], wpY[wpCount], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[wpCount])
+            wpCount = wpCount + 1
+            --AddCaption(loc("Waypoint placed.") .. " " .. loc("Available points remaining: ") .. (wpLimit-wpCount))
+        end
+    end
+function HandleFreshMapCreation()
+	-- the boom stage, boom girders, reset ammo, and delete other map objects
+	if activationStage == 1 then
+		ClearMap()
+		activationStage = activationStage + 1
+	-- the creation stage, place girders and needed gears, grant ammo
+	elseif activationStage == 2 then
+		InterpretPoints()
+		-- these are from onParameters()
+		if (mapID == nil) or (mapID == 0) then
+			LoadMap(2000)
+		else
+			LoadMap(mapID)
+		end
+		for i = 0,(wpCount-1) do
+			DeleteVisualGear(wpCirc[i])
+		end
+		wpCount = 0
+		for i = 1, techCount-1 do
+			CallBob(techX[i],techY[i])
+		end
+		activationStage = 200
+		--runOnHogs(RestoreHog)
+	end
+function TryRepositionHogs()
+        if MapHasBorder() == true then
+                for i = 0, (numhhs-1) do
+                        if hhs[i] ~= nil then
+                                SetGearPosition(hhs[i],GetX(hhs[i]), TopY-10)
+                        end
+                end
+        end
+function onParameters()
+	parseParams()
+	mapID = tonumber(params["m"])
+	infUFO = params["ufo"]
+	roundLimit = tonumber(params["rounds"])
+	if (roundLimit == 0) or (roundLimit == nil) then
+		roundLimit = 3
+	end
+function onGameInit()
+		Theme = "Cave"
+		MapGen = mgDrawn
+		TemplateFilter = 0
+		EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack, gfDisableWind)
+		DisableGameFlags(gfSolidLand)
+		CaseFreq = 0
+        TurnTime = 90000
+        WaterRise = 0
+		for x = 1, 16 do
+			AddPoint(x*100,100,5)
+		end
+		FlushPoints()
+function limitHogs(gear)
+	cnthhs = cnthhs + 1
+	if cnthhs > 1 then
+		DeleteGear(gear)
+    end
+function onSpecialPoint(x,y,flag)
+    specialPointsX[specialPointsCount] = x
+    specialPointsY[specialPointsCount] = y
+	specialPointsFlag[specialPointsCount] = flag
+    specialPointsCount = specialPointsCount + 1
+function InterpretPoints()
+	-- flags run from 0 to 127
+	for i = 0, (specialPointsCount-1) do
+		-- Mines
+		if specialPointsFlag[i] == 1 then
+			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 2 then
+			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1000)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 3 then
+			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2000)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 4 then
+			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 3000)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 5 then
+			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 4000)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 6 then
+			SetTimer(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0), 5000)
+		-- Sticky Mines
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 7 then
+			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+		-- Air Mines
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 8 then
+			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtAirMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+		-- Health Crates
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 9 then
+			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),25)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 10 then
+			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),50)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 11 then
+			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),75)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 12 then
+			SetHealth(SpawnHealthCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i]),100)
+		-- Cleaver
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 13 then
+			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtKnife, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+		-- Target
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 14 then
+			AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+		--Barrels
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 15 then
+			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),1)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 16 then
+			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),25)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 17 then
+			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),50)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 18 then
+			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),75)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 19 then
+			SetHealth(AddGear(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0),100)
+		-- There are about 58+- weps / utils
+		-- Weapon Crates
+		elseif (specialPointsFlag[i] >= 20) and (specialPointsFlag[i] < (#atkArray+20)) then
+			SpawnAmmoCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i],atkArray[specialPointsFlag[i]-19][1])
+		-- Utility Crates
+		elseif (specialPointsFlag[i] >= (#atkArray+20)) and (specialPointsFlag[i] < (#atkArray+20+#utilArray)) then
+			SpawnUtilityCrate(specialPointsX[i],specialPointsY[i],utilArray[specialPointsFlag[i]-19-#atkArray][1])
+		--79-82 (reserved for future wep crates)
+		--89,88,87,86 and 85,84,83,82 (reserved for the 2 custom sprites and their landflags)
+		--90-99 reserved for scripted structures
+		--[[elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 90 then
+			--PlaceStruc("generator")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 91 then
+			--PlaceStruc("healingstation")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 92 then
+			--PlaceStruc("respawner")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 93 then
+			--PlaceStruc("teleportationnode")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 94 then
+			--PlaceStruc("biofilter")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 95 then
+			--PlaceStruc("supportstation")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 96 then
+			--PlaceStruc("constructionstation")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 97 then
+			--PlaceStruc("reflectorshield")
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 98 then
+			--PlaceStruc("weaponfilter")]]
+		-- Normal Girders
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 100 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 0, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 101 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 1, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 102 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 2, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 103 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 3, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 104 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 4, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 105 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 5, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 106 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 6, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 107 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 7, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal)
+		-- Invulnerable Girders
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 108 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 0, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 109 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 1, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 110 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 2, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 111 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 3, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 112 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 4, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 113 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 5, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 114 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 6, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 115 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 7, 2516582650, nil, nil, nil, lfIndestructible)
+		-- Icy Girders
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 116 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 0, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 117 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 1, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 118 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 2, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 119 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 3, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 120 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 4, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 121 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 5, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 121 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 6, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 123 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmGirder, 7, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce)
+		-- Rubber Bands
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 124 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 0, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 125 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 1, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 126 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 2, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
+		elseif specialPointsFlag[i] == 127 then
+			PlaceSprite(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i], sprAmRubber, 3, 4294967295, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy)
+		-- Waypoints
+		else -- 0 / no value
+			CallBob(specialPointsX[i], specialPointsY[i])
+		end
+	end
+function onGameStart()
+		trackTeams()
+		roundN = 0
+        lastRound = TotalRounds
+        RoundHasChanged = false -- true
+	    RebuildTeamInfo()
+		for i=0 , TeamsCount - 1 do
+			cnthhs = 0
+			runOnHogsInTeam(limitHogs, teamNameArr[i])
+		end
+        ShowMission     (
+                                loc("RACER"),
+                                loc("a Hedgewars mini-game"),
+                                loc("Build a track and race.") .. "|" ..
+                                loc("Round Limit:") .. " " .. roundLimit .. "|" ..
+								loc("You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script paramater.") .. "|" ..
+								--loc("For example, the below line would play map 4, with infinite fuel for the flying saucer, and four rounds.") .. "|" ..
+								--"m=4, ufo=true, rounds=4" .. "|" ..
+                                "", 4, 4000
+                                )
+        TryRepositionHogs()
+		activationStage = 2
+		HandleFreshMapCreation()
+function onNewTurn()
+        CheckForNewRound()
+        TryRepositionHogs()
+        racerActive = false
+		activationStage = 1
+		--AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amBazooka, 100)
+		--AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amJetpack, 100)
+		--ClearMap()
+        trackTime = 0
+        currCount = 0 -- hopefully this solves problem
+    --    AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 0)
+        gTimer = 0
+        -- Set the waypoints to unactive on new round
+        for i = 0,(wpCount-1) do
+                wpActive[i] = false
+                wpCol[i] = 0xffffffff
+                SetVisualGearValues(wpCirc[i], wpX[i], wpY[i], 20, 100, 1, 10, 0, wpRad, 5, wpCol[i])
+        end
+        -- Handle Starting Stage of Game
+        if (gameOver == false) and (gameBegun == false) then
+               -- if wpCount >= 3 then
+                        gameBegun = true
+						--  --[[activationStage = 200]]
+                        roundNumber = 0
+                        firstClan = GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)
+                        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
+                        loc("GAME BEGUN!!!"),
+                        loc("Complete the track as fast as you can!"), 2, 4000)
+                --else
+                --        ShowMission(loc("RACER"),
+                --        loc("NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"),
+                --        loc("Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."), 2, 4000)
+                --        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 4000)
+				--		SetWeapon(amAirAttack)
+               -- end
+        end
+        if gameOver == true then
+                gameBegun = false
+                racerActive = false -- newadd
+        end
+        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amTardis, 0)
+        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amDrillStrike, 0)
+        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amMineStrike, 0)
+        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amNapalm, 0)
+        AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amPiano, 0)
+function onGameTick20()
+		if (jet ~= nil) and (infUFO == "true") then
+			SetHealth(jet, 2000)
+		end
+        -- airstrike detected, convert this into a potential waypoint spot
+        if cGear ~= nil then
+                x,y = GetGearPosition(cGear)
+        if x > -9000 then
+            x,y = GetGearTarget(cGear)
+            if TestRectForObstacle(x-20, y-20, x+20, y+20, true) then
+                AddCaption(loc("Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."))
+                PlaySound(sndDenied)
+            elseif (y > WaterLine-50) then
+                AddCaption(loc("Please place the way-point further from the waterline."))
+                PlaySound(sndDenied)
+            else
+                CallBob(x, y)
+                if wpCount == wpLimit then
+                    AddCaption(loc("Race complexity limit reached."))
+                    DisableTumbler()
+                end
+            end
+        else
+            DeleteGear(cGear)
+        end
+        SetGearPosition(cGear, -10000, 0)
+        end
+		if activationStage < 10 then
+				HandleFreshMapCreation()
+		end
+        -- start the player tumbling with a boom once their turn has actually begun
+        if racerActive == false then
+                if (TurnTimeLeft > 0) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then
+                        -- if the gamehas started put the player in the middle of the first
+                        --waypoint that was placed
+                        --if activationStage == 200 then
+						if gameBegun == true then
+                                AddCaption(loc("Good to go!"))
+                                racerActive = true
+                                trackTime = 0
+								SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, wpX[0], wpY[0])
+                                --AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+                                --SetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog,1000000,1000000)
+								SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog,gmLeft)
+								FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
+                                HideMission()
+								activationStage = 201
+						else
+                                -- still in placement mode
+                        end
+                end
+        elseif (activationStage == 201) and (TurnTimeLeft > 0) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then
+			SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog,0)
+			activationStage = 202
+		end
+        -- has the player started his tumbling spree?
+        if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then
+                --airstrike conversion used to be here
+                -- if the RACE has started, show tracktimes and keep tabs on waypoints
+                if (racerActive == true) and (activationStage == 202) then
+                        --ghost
+                        if GameTime%40 == 0 then
+                                HandleGhost()
+                        end
+                        trackTime = trackTime + 20
+                        if GameTime%100 == 0 then
+                if trackTime%1000 == 0 then
+                    AddCaption((trackTime/1000)..'.0',GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpMessage2)
+                else
+                    AddCaption(trackTime/1000,GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpMessage2)
+                end
+                                if (CheckWaypoints() == true) then
+                                        AdjustScores()
+                                        DisableTumbler()
+                                end
+                        end
+                end
+                -- if the player has expended his tunbling time, stop him tumbling
+                if TurnTimeLeft <= 20 then
+                        DisableTumbler()
+                end
+        end
+function onGearResurrect(gear)
+        AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtBigExplosion, 0, false)
+        if gear == CurrentHedgehog then
+                DisableTumbler()
+        end
+function isATrackedGear(gear)
+	if 	(GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtMine) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtSMine) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtAirMine) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtCase)
+	then
+		return(true)
+	else
+		return(false)
+	end
+function onGearAdd(gear)
+        if isATrackedGear(gear) then
+			trackGear(gear)
+		end
+		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+                hhs[numhhs] = gear
+                numhhs = numhhs + 1
+                SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1)
+        end
+        if GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack then
+                cGear = gear
+        elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtJetpack then
+			jet = gear
+		end
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+        if isATrackedGear(gear) then
+			trackDeletion(gear)
+		elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack then
+                cGear = nil
+        elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtJetpack then
+			jet = nil
+		end
+function onAttack()
+    at = GetCurAmmoType()
+    usedWeapons[at] = 0
+function onAchievementsDeclaration()
+    usedWeapons[amSkip] = nil
+    usedRope = usedWeapons[amRope] ~= nil
+    usedPortal = usedWeapons[amPortalGun] ~= nil
+    usedSaucer = usedWeapons[amJetpack] ~= nil
+    usedWeapons[amRope] = nil
+    usedWeapons[amPortalGun] = nil
+    usedWeapons[amJetpack] = nil
+    usedOther = next(usedWeapons) ~= nil
+    if usedOther then -- smth besides skip, rope, portal or saucer used
+        raceType = "unknown race"
+    elseif usedRope and not usedPortal and not usedSaucer then
+        raceType = "rope race"
+    elseif not usedRope and usedPortal and not usedSaucer then
+        raceType = "portal race"
+    elseif not usedRope and not usedPortal and usedSaucer then
+        raceType = "saucer race"
+    elseif (usedRope or usedPortal or usedSaucer or usedOther) == false then -- no weapons used at all?
+        raceType = "no tools race"
+    else -- at least two of rope, portal and saucer used
+        raceType = "mixed race"
+    end
+    map = detectMap()
+    for i = 0, (numTeams-1) do
+        if teamScore[i] < 100000 then
+            DeclareAchievement(raceType, teamNameArr[i], map, teamScore[i])
+        end
+    end