changeset 1965 340bfd438ca5
parent 1964 dc9ea05c9d2f
child 1966 31e449e1d9dd
--- a/netserver/Codec/Binary/Base64.hs	Sun Apr 12 12:50:43 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module    : Codec.Binary.Base64
--- Copyright : (c) 2007 Magnus Therning
--- License   : BSD3
--- Implemented as specified in RFC 4648
--- (<>).
--- Further documentation and information can be found at
--- <>.
-module Codec.Binary.Base64
-    ( encode
-    , decode
-    , decode'
-    , chop
-    , unchop
-    ) where
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Array
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Word
-import qualified Data.Map as M
--- {{{1 enc/dec map
-_encMap =
-    [ (0, 'A'), (1, 'B'), (2, 'C'), (3, 'D'), (4, 'E')
-    , (5, 'F') , (6, 'G'), (7, 'H'), (8, 'I'), (9, 'J')
-    , (10, 'K'), (11, 'L'), (12, 'M'), (13, 'N'), (14, 'O')
-    , (15, 'P'), (16, 'Q'), (17, 'R'), (18, 'S'), (19, 'T')
-    , (20, 'U'), (21, 'V'), (22, 'W'), (23, 'X'), (24, 'Y')
-    , (25, 'Z'), (26, 'a'), (27, 'b'), (28, 'c'), (29, 'd')
-    , (30, 'e'), (31, 'f'), (32, 'g'), (33, 'h'), (34, 'i')
-    , (35, 'j'), (36, 'k'), (37, 'l'), (38, 'm'), (39, 'n')
-    , (40, 'o'), (41, 'p'), (42, 'q'), (43, 'r'), (44, 's')
-    , (45, 't'), (46, 'u'), (47, 'v'), (48, 'w'), (49, 'x')
-    , (50, 'y'), (51, 'z'), (52, '0'), (53, '1'), (54, '2')
-    , (55, '3'), (56, '4'), (57, '5'), (58, '6'), (59, '7')
-    , (60, '8'), (61, '9'), (62, '+'), (63, '/') ]
--- {{{1 encodeArray
-encodeArray :: Array Word8 Char
-encodeArray = array (0, 64) _encMap
--- {{{1 decodeMap
-decodeMap :: M.Map Char Word8
-decodeMap  = M.fromList [(snd i, fst i) | i <- _encMap]
--- {{{1 encode
--- | Encode data.
-encode :: [Word8]
-    -> String
-encode = let
-        pad n = take n $ repeat 0
-        enc [] = ""
-        enc l@[o] = (++ "==") . take 2 .enc $ l ++ pad 2
-        enc l@[o1, o2] = (++ "=") . take 3 . enc $ l ++ pad 1
-        enc (o1:o2:o3:os) = let
-                i1 = o1 `shiftR` 2
-                i2 = (o1 `shiftL` 4 .|. o2 `shiftR` 4) .&. 0x3f
-                i3 = (o2 `shiftL` 2 .|. o3 `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x3f
-                i4 = o3 .&. 0x3f
-            in (foldr (\ i s -> (encodeArray ! i) : s) "" [i1, i2, i3, i4]) ++ enc os
-    in enc
--- {{{1 decode
--- | Decode data (lazy).
-decode' :: String
-    -> [Maybe Word8]
-decode' = let
-        pad n = take n $ repeat $ Just 0
-        dec [] = []
-        dec l@[Just eo1, Just eo2] = take 1 . dec $ l ++ pad 2
-        dec l@[Just eo1, Just eo2, Just eo3] = take 2 . dec $ l ++ pad 1
-        dec (Just eo1:Just eo2:Just eo3:Just eo4:eos) = let
-                o1 = eo1 `shiftL` 2 .|. eo2 `shiftR` 4
-                o2 = eo2 `shiftL` 4 .|. eo3 `shiftR` 2
-                o3 = eo3 `shiftL` 6 .|. eo4
-            in Just o1:Just o2:Just o3:(dec eos)
-        dec _ = [Nothing]
-    in
-        dec . map (flip M.lookup decodeMap) . takeWhile (/= '=')
--- | Decode data (strict).
-decode :: String
-    -> Maybe [Word8]
-decode = sequence . decode'
--- {{{1 chop
--- | Chop up a string in parts.
---   The length given is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 4.
---   /Notes:/
---   * PEM requires lines that are 64 characters long.
---   * MIME requires lines that are at most 76 characters long.
-chop :: Int     -- ^ length of individual lines
-    -> String
-    -> [String]
-chop n "" = []
-chop n s = let
-        enc_len | n < 4 = 4
-                | otherwise = n `div` 4 * 4
-    in (take enc_len s) : chop n (drop enc_len s)
--- {{{1 unchop
--- | Concatenate the strings into one long string.
-unchop :: [String]
-    -> String
-unchop = foldr (++) ""