changeset 2948 3f21a9dc93d0
parent 2944 e8a891bf6660
child 2955 fb361d137524
--- a/hedgewars/GSHandlers.inc	Sat Mar 06 10:54:24 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/GSHandlers.inc	Sat Mar 06 10:59:20 2010 +0000
@@ -20,26 +20,26 @@
 var gi: PGear;
      d: LongInt;
-	gi:= GearsList;
-	while gi <> nil do
-		begin
-		d:= r - hwRound(Distance(gi^.X - x, gi^.Y - y));
-		if (d > 1) and (gi^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and not gi^.Invulnerable and (GetRandom(2) = 0) then
-			begin
-			if (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = gi) then
-				PlaySound(sndOops, PHedgehog(gi^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
-			else
-				begin
-				if (gi^.State and gstMoving) = 0 then
-					gi^.State:= gi^.State or gstLoser;
-				if d > r div 2 then
-					PlaySound(sndNooo, PHedgehog(gi^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
-				else
-					PlaySound(sndUhOh, PHedgehog(gi^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack);
-				end;
-			end;
-		gi:= gi^.NextGear
-		end;
+    gi:= GearsList;
+    while gi <> nil do
+        begin
+        d:= r - hwRound(Distance(gi^.X - x, gi^.Y - y));
+        if (d > 1) and (gi^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and not gi^.Invulnerable and (GetRandom(2) = 0) then
+            begin
+            if (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = gi) then
+                PlaySound(sndOops, PHedgehog(gi^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
+            else
+                begin
+                if (gi^.State and gstMoving) = 0 then
+                    gi^.State:= gi^.State or gstLoser;
+                if d > r div 2 then
+                    PlaySound(sndNooo, PHedgehog(gi^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
+                else
+                    PlaySound(sndUhOh, PHedgehog(gi^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack);
+                end;
+            end;
+        gi:= gi^.NextGear
+        end;
 procedure doStepDrowningGear(Gear: PGear); forward;
@@ -68,50 +68,50 @@
         Gear^.State:= gstDrowning;
         Gear^.RenderTimer:= false;
         Gear^.doStep:= @doStepDrowningGear;
-		if Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog then
-			begin
-			Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstHHDriven);
-			AddCaption(Format(GetEventString(eidDrowned), PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Name), cWhiteColor, capgrpMessage);
-			end
+        if Gear^.Kind = gtHedgehog then
+            begin
+            Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstHHDriven);
+            AddCaption(Format(GetEventString(eidDrowned), PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Name), cWhiteColor, capgrpMessage);
+            end
-	CheckGearDrowning:= false
+    CheckGearDrowning:= false
 procedure CheckCollision(Gear: PGear);
 if TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, hwSign(Gear^.X)) or TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, hwSign(Gear^.Y))
-	then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or      gstCollision
-	else Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstCollision
+    then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or      gstCollision
+    else Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstCollision
 procedure CheckHHDamage(Gear: PGear);
-	dmg: Longword;
-	i: LongInt;
-	particle: PVisualGear;
+    dmg: Longword;
+    i: LongInt;
+    particle: PVisualGear;
 if _0_4 < Gear^.dY then
-	begin
-	dmg:= ModifyDamage(1 + hwRound((hwAbs(Gear^.dY) - _0_4) * 70), Gear);
+    begin
+    dmg:= ModifyDamage(1 + hwRound((hwAbs(Gear^.dY) - _0_4) * 70), Gear);
     if dmg < 1 then exit;
-	for i:= min(12, (3 + dmg div 10)) downto 0 do begin
-		particle := AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 5 + Random(10), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 12, vgtDust);
+    for i:= min(12, (3 + dmg div 10)) downto 0 do begin
+        particle := AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 5 + Random(10), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 12, vgtDust);
         if particle <> nil then particle^.dX := particle^.dX + (Gear^.dX / 5);
-		end;
+        end;
     if(Gear^.Invulnerable) then exit;
-	if _0_6 < Gear^.dY then
-		PlaySound(sndOw4, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
-	else
-		PlaySound(sndOw1, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack);
+    if _0_6 < Gear^.dY then
+        PlaySound(sndOw4, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
+    else
+        PlaySound(sndOw1, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack);
     ApplyDamage(Gear, dmg);
-	end
+    end
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
 dAngle:= (hwAbs(Gear^.dX) + hwAbs(Gear^.dY)).QWordValue / $80000000;
 if not Gear^.dX.isNegative then
-	Gear^.DirAngle:= Gear^.DirAngle + dAngle
+    Gear^.DirAngle:= Gear^.DirAngle + dAngle
-	Gear^.DirAngle:= Gear^.DirAngle - dAngle;
+    Gear^.DirAngle:= Gear^.DirAngle - dAngle;
 if Gear^.DirAngle < 0 then Gear^.DirAngle:= Gear^.DirAngle + 360
 else if 360 < Gear^.DirAngle then Gear^.DirAngle:= Gear^.DirAngle - 360
@@ -151,29 +151,29 @@
 Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstCollision;
 if Gear^.dY.isNegative then
-	begin
-	isFalling:= true;
-	if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1) then
-		begin
-		Gear^.dX:=   Gear^.dX * Gear^.Friction;
-		Gear^.dY:= - Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
-		Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstCollision
-		end
-	end else
-	if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
-		begin
-		isFalling:= false;
-		Gear^.dX:=   Gear^.dX * Gear^.Friction;
-		Gear^.dY:= - Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
-		Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstCollision
-		end else isFalling:= true;
+    begin
+    isFalling:= true;
+    if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1) then
+        begin
+        Gear^.dX:=   Gear^.dX * Gear^.Friction;
+        Gear^.dY:= - Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstCollision
+        end
+    end else
+    if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+        begin
+        isFalling:= false;
+        Gear^.dX:=   Gear^.dX * Gear^.Friction;
+        Gear^.dY:= - Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstCollision
+        end else isFalling:= true;
 if TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, hwSign(Gear^.dX)) then
-	begin
-	Gear^.dX:= - Gear^.dX * Gear^.Elasticity;
-	Gear^.dY:=   Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
-	Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstCollision
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.dX:= - Gear^.dX * Gear^.Elasticity;
+    Gear^.dY:=   Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
+    Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstCollision
+    end;
 if isFalling then Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
@@ -181,10 +181,10 @@
 Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
 if (hwSqr(Gear^.dX) + hwSqr(Gear^.dY) < _0_0002) and
-	(not isFalling) then
-	Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstMoving
+    (not isFalling) then
+    Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstMoving
-	Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or      gstMoving
+    Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or      gstMoving
@@ -199,97 +199,97 @@
 if Gear^.Timer = 1000 then // might need adjustments
-	case Gear^.Kind of
-		gtAmmo_Bomb: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 50);
-		gtClusterBomb: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 20);
-		gtWatermelon: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 75);
-		gtHellishBomb: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 90);
-	end;
+    case Gear^.Kind of
+        gtAmmo_Bomb: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 50);
+        gtClusterBomb: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 20);
+        gtWatermelon: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 75);
+        gtHellishBomb: makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 90);
+    end;
 if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
-	begin
-	case Gear^.Kind of
-		gtAmmo_Bomb: doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
-		     gtBall: doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 40, EXPLAutoSound);
-		gtClusterBomb: begin
-				doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 20, EXPLAutoSound);
-				for i:= 0 to 4 do
-					begin
-					dX:= rndSign(GetRandom * _0_1);
-					dY:= (GetRandom - _3) * _0_08;
-					AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtCluster, 0, dX, dY, 25);
-					end
-				end;
-		gtWatermelon: begin
-				doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 75, EXPLAutoSound);
-				for i:= 0 to 5 do
-					begin
-					dX:= rndSign(GetRandom * _0_1);
-					dY:= (GetRandom - _1_5) * _0_3;
-					AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtMelonPiece, 0, dX, dY, 75)^.DirAngle:= i * 60;
-					end
-				end;
-		gtHellishBomb: begin
-				doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 90, EXPLAutoSound);
-				for i:= 0 to 127 do
-					begin
-					dX:= AngleCos(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
-					dY:= AngleSin(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
+    begin
+    case Gear^.Kind of
+        gtAmmo_Bomb: doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
+             gtBall: doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 40, EXPLAutoSound);
+        gtClusterBomb: begin
+                doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 20, EXPLAutoSound);
+                for i:= 0 to 4 do
+                    begin
+                    dX:= rndSign(GetRandom * _0_1);
+                    dY:= (GetRandom - _3) * _0_08;
+                    AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtCluster, 0, dX, dY, 25);
+                    end
+                end;
+        gtWatermelon: begin
+                doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 75, EXPLAutoSound);
+                for i:= 0 to 5 do
+                    begin
+                    dX:= rndSign(GetRandom * _0_1);
+                    dY:= (GetRandom - _1_5) * _0_3;
+                    AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtMelonPiece, 0, dX, dY, 75)^.DirAngle:= i * 60;
+                    end
+                end;
+        gtHellishBomb: begin
+                doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 90, EXPLAutoSound);
+                for i:= 0 to 127 do
+                    begin
+                    dX:= AngleCos(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
+                    dY:= AngleSin(i * 16) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
                     Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
                     if i mod 2 = 0 then Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
                     Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, -dY, 0);
                     if i mod 2 <> 0 then Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
-					end
-				end;
-		end;
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	exit
-	end;
+                    end
+                end;
+        end;
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    exit
+    end;
 if Gear^.Kind = gtHellishBomb then
-	begin
-	if Gear^.Timer = 3000 then PlaySound(sndHellish);
+    begin
+    if Gear^.Timer = 3000 then PlaySound(sndHellish);
-	if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
-		if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) = 0 then
-			AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtEvilTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
-	end;
+    if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
+        if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) = 0 then
+            AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtEvilTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
+    end;
 if (Gear^.State and (gstCollision or gstMoving)) = (gstCollision or gstMoving) then
-	if (hwAbs(Gear^.dX) > _0_1) or
-	   (hwAbs(Gear^.dY) > _0_1) then
-		PlaySound(sndGrenadeImpact)
+    if (hwAbs(Gear^.dX) > _0_1) or
+       (hwAbs(Gear^.dY) > _0_1) then
+        PlaySound(sndGrenadeImpact)
 procedure doStepMolotov(Gear: PGear);
 var i: LongInt;
     dX, dY: hwFloat;
-	Fire: PGear;
+    Fire: PGear;
-	AllInactive:= false;
-	doStepFallingGear(Gear);
-	CalcRotationDirAngle(Gear);
+    AllInactive:= false;
+    doStepFallingGear(Gear);
+    CalcRotationDirAngle(Gear);
-	if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then begin
-		PlaySound(sndMolotov);
-		//doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 5, EXPLAutoSound);
-		for i:= 0 to 20 do begin
-				dX:= AngleCos(i * 2) * ((_0_1*(i div 5))) * (GetRandom + _1);
-				dY:= AngleSin(i * 8) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
-				Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
-				Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
-				Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, -dY, 0);
-				Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
-				Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, -dX, dY, 0);
-				Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
-				Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, -dX, -dY, 0);
-				Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
-		end;
-		DeleteGear(Gear);
-		exit
-	end;
+    if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then begin
+        PlaySound(sndMolotov);
+        //doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 5, EXPLAutoSound);
+        for i:= 0 to 20 do begin
+                dX:= AngleCos(i * 2) * ((_0_1*(i div 5))) * (GetRandom + _1);
+                dY:= AngleSin(i * 8) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
+                Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
+                Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+                Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, -dY, 0);
+                Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+                Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, -dX, dY, 0);
+                Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+                Fire:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, -dX, -dY, 0);
+                Fire^.State:= Fire^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+        end;
+        DeleteGear(Gear);
+        exit
+    end;
 procedure doStepWatermelon(Gear: PGear);
@@ -303,17 +303,17 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), Gear^.Timer, EXPLAutoSound);
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), Gear^.Timer, EXPLAutoSound);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    exit
+    end;
 if Gear^.Kind = gtMelonPiece then
-	CalcRotationDirAngle(Gear)
+    CalcRotationDirAngle(Gear)
-	if (GameTicks and $1F) = 0 then
-		AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
+    if (GameTicks and $1F) = 0 then
+        AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
@@ -323,30 +323,30 @@
 Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX + cWindSpeed;
 if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    exit
+    end;
 if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
-	AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
+    AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
 procedure doStepHealthTagWork(Gear: PGear);
 if Gear^.Kind = gtHealthTag then
-	AllInactive:= false;
+    AllInactive:= false;
 Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
 if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
-	begin
-	if (Gear^.Kind = gtHealthTag) and (PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear <> nil) then
-		PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear^.Active:= true; // to let current hh die
-	DeleteGear(Gear)
-	end
+    begin
+    if (Gear^.Kind = gtHealthTag) and (PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear <> nil) then
+        PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear^.Active:= true; // to let current hh die
+    DeleteGear(Gear)
+    end
 procedure doStepHealthTagWorkUnderWater(Gear: PGear);
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
 Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y - _0_08;
 if hwRound(Gear^.Y) < cWaterLine + 10 then
-	DeleteGear(Gear)
+    DeleteGear(Gear)
 procedure doStepHealthTag(Gear: PGear);
@@ -369,9 +369,9 @@
 Gear^.Tex:= RenderStringTex(s, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.Clan^.Color, fnt16);
 if hwRound(Gear^.Y) < cWaterLine then
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepHealthTagWork
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepHealthTagWork
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepHealthTagWorkUnderWater;
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepHealthTagWorkUnderWater;
 Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y - int2hwFloat(Gear^.Tex^.h)
@@ -459,10 +459,10 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if Gear^.Timer > 75 then
-	begin
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack
-	end
+    begin
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack
+    end
 procedure doStepShotgunShot(Gear: PGear);
@@ -472,23 +472,23 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if ((Gear^.State and gstAnimation) = 0) then
-	begin
-	dec(Gear^.Timer);
-	if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
-		begin
-		PlaySound(sndShotgunFire);
-		shell:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.x), hwRound(Gear^.y), vgtShell);
+    begin
+    dec(Gear^.Timer);
+    if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
+        begin
+        PlaySound(sndShotgunFire);
+        shell:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.x), hwRound(Gear^.y), vgtShell);
         if shell <> nil then
            shell^.dX:= gear^.dX / -4;
            shell^.dY:= gear^.dY / -4;
            shell^.Frame:= 0
-		Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAnimation
-		end;
-	exit
-	end
-	else inc(Gear^.Timer);
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAnimation
+        end;
+    exit
+    end
+    else inc(Gear^.Timer);
 i:= 200;
@@ -496,17 +496,17 @@
 Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
 if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX * 8;
-	Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY * 8;
-	ShotgunShot(Gear);
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepShotIdle;
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX * 8;
+    Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY * 8;
+    ShotgunShot(Gear);
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepShotIdle;
+    exit
+    end;
 until i = 0;
 if (hwRound(Gear^.X) and LAND_WIDTH_MASK <> 0) or (hwRound(Gear^.Y) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK <> 0) then
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepShotIdle
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepShotIdle
@@ -541,13 +541,13 @@
 if (Gear^.Health <= 0)
-	or (hwRound(Gear^.X) and LAND_WIDTH_MASK <> 0)
-	or (hwRound(Gear^.Y) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK <> 0) then
+    or (hwRound(Gear^.X) and LAND_WIDTH_MASK <> 0)
+    or (hwRound(Gear^.Y) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK <> 0) then
     if (Gear^.Kind = gtSniperRifleShot) and ((GameFlags and gfLaserSight) = 0) then cLaserSighting:= false;
     if (Gear^.Ammo^.NumPerTurn <= CurrentHedgehog^.MultiShootAttacks) and
        ((GameFlags and gfArtillery) = 0) then cArtillery:= false;
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepShotIdle
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepShotIdle
@@ -600,8 +600,8 @@
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack
@@ -645,48 +645,48 @@
 HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
 if (Gear^.Timer = 0)or((Gear^.Message and gm_Destroy) <> 0)or((HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0) then
-	begin
-	StopSound(Gear^.SoundChannel);
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack;
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    StopSound(Gear^.SoundChannel);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack;
+    exit
+    end;
 if (Gear^.Timer mod 33) = 0 then
-	begin
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstNoDamage;
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 7, 6, EXPLDontDraw);
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstNoDamage
-	end;
+    begin
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstNoDamage;
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 7, 6, EXPLDontDraw);
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstNoDamage
+    end;
 if (Gear^.Timer mod 47) = 0 then
-	begin
-	i:= hwRound(Gear^.X) - Gear^.Radius - LongInt(GetRandom(2));
-	ei:= hwRound(Gear^.X) + Gear^.Radius + LongInt(GetRandom(2));
-	while i <= ei do
-		begin
-		DrawExplosion(i, hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 3, 3);
-		inc(i, 1)
-		end;
+    begin
+    i:= hwRound(Gear^.X) - Gear^.Radius - LongInt(GetRandom(2));
+    ei:= hwRound(Gear^.X) + Gear^.Radius + LongInt(GetRandom(2));
+    while i <= ei do
+        begin
+        DrawExplosion(i, hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 3, 3);
+        inc(i, 1)
+        end;
     if CheckLandValue(hwRound(Gear^.X + Gear^.dX + SignAs(_6,Gear^.dX)), hwRound(Gear^.Y + _1_9), COLOR_INDESTRUCTIBLE) then
         Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX;
         Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + _1_9;
-	SetAllHHToActive;
-	end;
+    SetAllHHToActive;
+    end;
 if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
-	begin
-	Gear^.dY:= _0;
-	SetLittle(HHGear^.dX);
-	HHGear^.dY:= _0;
-	end else
-	begin
-	Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
-	Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
-	if hwRound(Gear^.Y) > cWaterLine then Gear^.Timer:= 1
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.dY:= _0;
+    SetLittle(HHGear^.dX);
+    HHGear^.dY:= _0;
+    end else
+    begin
+    Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
+    Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
+    if hwRound(Gear^.Y) > cWaterLine then Gear^.Timer:= 1
+    end;
 Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + HHGear^.dX;
 HHGear^.X:= Gear^.X;
@@ -731,8 +731,8 @@
 procedure doStepBlowTorchWork(Gear: PGear);
 var HHGear: PGear;
-	b: boolean;
-	prevX: LongInt;
+    b: boolean;
+    prevX: LongInt;
 AllInactive:= false;
@@ -743,31 +743,31 @@
 b:= false;
 if abs(LongInt(HHGear^.Angle) - BTPrevAngle) > 7  then
-	begin
-	Gear^.dX:= SignAs(AngleSin(HHGear^.Angle) * _0_5, HHGear^.dX);
-	Gear^.dY:= AngleCos(HHGear^.Angle) * ( - _0_5);
-	BTPrevAngle:= HHGear^.Angle;
-	b:= true
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.dX:= SignAs(AngleSin(HHGear^.Angle) * _0_5, HHGear^.dX);
+    Gear^.dY:= AngleCos(HHGear^.Angle) * ( - _0_5);
+    BTPrevAngle:= HHGear^.Angle;
+    b:= true
+    end;
 if ((HHGear^.State and gstMoving) <> 0) then
-	begin
-	doStepHedgehogMoving(HHGear);
-	if (HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0 then Gear^.Timer:= 0
-	end;
+    begin
+    doStepHedgehogMoving(HHGear);
+    if (HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0 then Gear^.Timer:= 0
+    end;
 if Gear^.Timer mod cHHStepTicks = 0 then
-	begin
-	b:= true;
-	if Gear^.dX.isNegative then
-		HHGear^.Message:= (HHGear^.Message and (gm_Attack or gm_Up or gm_Down)) or gm_Left
-	else
-		HHGear^.Message:= (HHGear^.Message and (gm_Attack or gm_Up or gm_Down)) or gm_Right;
+    begin
+    b:= true;
+    if Gear^.dX.isNegative then
+        HHGear^.Message:= (HHGear^.Message and (gm_Attack or gm_Up or gm_Down)) or gm_Left
+    else
+        HHGear^.Message:= (HHGear^.Message and (gm_Attack or gm_Up or gm_Down)) or gm_Right;
-	if ((HHGear^.State and gstMoving) = 0) then
-		begin
-		HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstAttacking;
-		prevX:= hwRound(HHGear^.X);
+    if ((HHGear^.State and gstMoving) = 0) then
+        begin
+        HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstAttacking;
+        prevX:= hwRound(HHGear^.X);
 // why the call to HedgehogStep then a further increment of X?
         if (prevX = hwRound(HHGear^.X)) and
@@ -775,23 +775,23 @@
         if (prevX = hwRound(HHGear^.X)) and
            CheckLandValue(hwRound(HHGear^.X + SignAs(_6, HHGear^.dX)), hwRound(HHGear^.Y), COLOR_INDESTRUCTIBLE) then HHGear^.X:= HHGear^.X + SignAs(_1, HHGear^.dX);
-		HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstAttacking
-		end;
+        HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstAttacking
+        end;
-	inc(BTSteps);
-	if BTSteps = 7 then
-		begin
-		BTSteps:= 0;
+    inc(BTSteps);
+    if BTSteps = 7 then
+        begin
+        BTSteps:= 0;
         if CheckLandValue(hwRound(HHGear^.X + Gear^.dX * (cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC) + SignAs(_6,Gear^.dX)), hwRound(HHGear^.Y + Gear^.dY * (cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC)), COLOR_INDESTRUCTIBLE) then
-		    Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X + Gear^.dX * (cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC);
-		    Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y + Gear^.dY * (cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC);
+            Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X + Gear^.dX * (cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC);
+            Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y + Gear^.dY * (cHHRadius + cBlowTorchC);
-		HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstNoDamage;
-		AmmoShove(Gear, 2, 15);
-		HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstNoDamage
-		end;
-	end;
+        HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstNoDamage;
+        AmmoShove(Gear, 2, 15);
+        HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstNoDamage
+        end;
+    end;
 if b then
    DrawTunnel(HHGear^.X - Gear^.dX * cHHRadius, HHGear^.Y - _4 - Gear^.dY * cHHRadius + hwAbs(Gear^.dY) * 7,
@@ -799,12 +799,12 @@
               cHHRadius * 5, cHHRadius * 2 + 7);
 if (Gear^.Timer = 0) or ((HHGear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) then
-	begin
-	HHGear^.Message:= 0;
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and (not gstNotKickable);
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack
-	end
+    begin
+    HHGear^.Message:= 0;
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and (not gstNotKickable);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack
+    end
 procedure doStepBlowTorch(Gear: PGear);
@@ -827,13 +827,13 @@
 HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
 if ((HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0)
-	or (CheckGearDrowning(HHGear))
-	or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, 1) then
-	begin
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	isCursorVisible:= false;
-	exit
-	end;
+    or (CheckGearDrowning(HHGear))
+    or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, 1) then
+    begin
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    isCursorVisible:= false;
+    exit
+    end;
@@ -845,59 +845,59 @@
 HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.dY + cGravity;
 if (Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X;
-	Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y;
+    begin
+    Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X;
+    Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y;
-	ApplyAngleBounds(PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^, amRope);
+    ApplyAngleBounds(PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^, amRope);
-	Gear^.dX:= SignAs(AngleSin(HHGear^.Angle), HHGear^.dX);
-	Gear^.dY:= -AngleCos(HHGear^.Angle);
-	Gear^.Friction:= _450;
-	Gear^.Elasticity:= _0;
-	Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gsttmpflag;
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRope
-	end
+    Gear^.dX:= SignAs(AngleSin(HHGear^.Angle), HHGear^.dX);
+    Gear^.dY:= -AngleCos(HHGear^.Angle);
+    Gear^.Friction:= _450;
+    Gear^.Elasticity:= _0;
+    Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gsttmpflag;
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRope
+    end
 procedure doStepRopeWork(Gear: PGear);
 var HHGear: PGear;
-	len, tx, ty, nx, ny, ropeDx, ropeDy, mdX, mdY: hwFloat;
-	lx, ly: LongInt;
-	haveCollision,
-	haveDivided: boolean;
+    len, tx, ty, nx, ny, ropeDx, ropeDy, mdX, mdY: hwFloat;
+    lx, ly: LongInt;
+    haveCollision,
+    haveDivided: boolean;
-	procedure DeleteMe;
-	begin
-	with HHGear^ do
-		begin
-		Message:= Message and not gm_Attack;
-		State:= (State or gstMoving) and not gstWinner;
-		end;
-	DeleteGear(Gear)
-	end;
+    procedure DeleteMe;
+    begin
+    with HHGear^ do
+        begin
+        Message:= Message and not gm_Attack;
+        State:= (State or gstMoving) and not gstWinner;
+        end;
+    DeleteGear(Gear)
+    end;
-	procedure WaitCollision;
-	begin
-	with HHGear^ do
-		begin
-		Message:= Message and not gm_Attack;
-		State:= State or gstMoving;
-		end;
-	RopePoints.Count:= 0;
-	Gear^.Elasticity:= _0;
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRopeAfterAttack
-	end;
+    procedure WaitCollision;
+    begin
+    with HHGear^ do
+        begin
+        Message:= Message and not gm_Attack;
+        State:= State or gstMoving;
+        end;
+    RopePoints.Count:= 0;
+    Gear^.Elasticity:= _0;
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRopeAfterAttack
+    end;
 HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
 if ((HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0)
-	or (CheckGearDrowning(HHGear)) then
-	begin
-	DeleteMe;
-	exit
-	end;
+    or (CheckGearDrowning(HHGear)) then
+    begin
+    DeleteMe;
+    exit
+    end;
 if (Gear^.Message and gm_Left  <> 0) then HHGear^.dX:= HHGear^.dX - _0_0002 else
 if (Gear^.Message and gm_Right <> 0) then HHGear^.dX:= HHGear^.dX + _0_0002;
@@ -917,135 +917,135 @@
 Gear^.dY:= mdY;
-	tx:= HHGear^.X;
-	ty:= HHGear^.Y;
+    tx:= HHGear^.X;
+    ty:= HHGear^.Y;
-	if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Down) <> 0) and (Gear^.Elasticity < Gear^.Friction) then
-		if not (TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(ropeDx))
-				or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(ropeDy))) then
-					Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity + _0_3;
+    if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Down) <> 0) and (Gear^.Elasticity < Gear^.Friction) then
+        if not (TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(ropeDx))
+                or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(ropeDy))) then
+                    Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity + _0_3;
-	if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Up) <> 0) and (Gear^.Elasticity > _30) then
-		if not (TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, -hwSign(ropeDx))
-				or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, -hwSign(ropeDy))) then
-					Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity - _0_3;
+    if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Up) <> 0) and (Gear^.Elasticity > _30) then
+        if not (TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, -hwSign(ropeDx))
+                or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, -hwSign(ropeDy))) then
+                    Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity - _0_3;
-	HHGear^.X:= Gear^.X + mdX * Gear^.Elasticity;
-	HHGear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + mdY * Gear^.Elasticity;
+    HHGear^.X:= Gear^.X + mdX * Gear^.Elasticity;
+    HHGear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + mdY * Gear^.Elasticity;
-	HHGear^.dX:= HHGear^.X - tx;
-	HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.Y - ty;
+    HHGear^.dX:= HHGear^.X - tx;
+    HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.Y - ty;
-	haveDivided:= false;
-	// check whether rope needs dividing
-	len:= _1 / Distance(ropeDx, ropeDy); // old rope pos
-	nx:= ropeDx * len;
-	ny:= ropeDy * len;
+    haveDivided:= false;
+    // check whether rope needs dividing
+    len:= _1 / Distance(ropeDx, ropeDy); // old rope pos
+    nx:= ropeDx * len;
+    ny:= ropeDy * len;
-	len:= Gear^.Elasticity - _0_3x70;
-	while len > _3 do
-			begin
-			lx:= hwRound(Gear^.X + mdX * len);
-			ly:= hwRound(Gear^.Y + mdY * len);
-			if ((ly and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((lx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[ly, lx] <> 0) then
-				begin
-				with RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count] do
-					begin
-					X:= Gear^.X;
-					Y:= Gear^.Y;
-					if RopePoints.Count = 0 then RopePoints.HookAngle:= DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX);
-					b:= (nx * HHGear^.dY) > (ny * HHGear^.dX);
-					dLen:= len
-					end;
-				with RopePoints.rounded[RopePoints.Count] do
-					begin
-					X:= hwRound(Gear^.X);
-					Y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y);
-					end;
+    len:= Gear^.Elasticity - _0_3x70;
+    while len > _3 do
+            begin
+            lx:= hwRound(Gear^.X + mdX * len);
+            ly:= hwRound(Gear^.Y + mdY * len);
+            if ((ly and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((lx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[ly, lx] <> 0) then
+                begin
+                with RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count] do
+                    begin
+                    X:= Gear^.X;
+                    Y:= Gear^.Y;
+                    if RopePoints.Count = 0 then RopePoints.HookAngle:= DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX);
+                    b:= (nx * HHGear^.dY) > (ny * HHGear^.dX);
+                    dLen:= len
+                    end;
+                with RopePoints.rounded[RopePoints.Count] do
+                    begin
+                    X:= hwRound(Gear^.X);
+                    Y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y);
+                    end;
-				Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + nx * len;
-				Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + ny * len;
-				inc(RopePoints.Count);
-				TryDo(RopePoints.Count <= MAXROPEPOINTS, 'Rope points overflow', true);
-				Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity - len;
-				Gear^.Friction:= Gear^.Friction - len;
-				haveDivided:= true;
-				break
-				end;
-			len:= len - _0_3 // should be the same as increase step
-			end;
+                Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + nx * len;
+                Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + ny * len;
+                inc(RopePoints.Count);
+                TryDo(RopePoints.Count <= MAXROPEPOINTS, 'Rope points overflow', true);
+                Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity - len;
+                Gear^.Friction:= Gear^.Friction - len;
+                haveDivided:= true;
+                break
+                end;
+            len:= len - _0_3 // should be the same as increase step
+            end;
 if not haveDivided then
-	if RopePoints.Count > 0 then // check whether the last dividing point could be removed
-		begin
-		tx:= RopePoints.ar[Pred(RopePoints.Count)].X;
-		ty:= RopePoints.ar[Pred(RopePoints.Count)].Y;
-		if RopePoints.ar[Pred(RopePoints.Count)].b xor ((tx - Gear^.X) * (ty - HHGear^.Y) > (tx - HHGear^.X) * (ty - Gear^.Y)) then
-			begin
-			dec(RopePoints.Count);
-			Gear^.X:= RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].X;
-			Gear^.Y:= RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].Y;
-			Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity + RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].dLen;
-			Gear^.Friction:= Gear^.Friction + RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].dLen
-			end
-		end;
+    if RopePoints.Count > 0 then // check whether the last dividing point could be removed
+        begin
+        tx:= RopePoints.ar[Pred(RopePoints.Count)].X;
+        ty:= RopePoints.ar[Pred(RopePoints.Count)].Y;
+        if RopePoints.ar[Pred(RopePoints.Count)].b xor ((tx - Gear^.X) * (ty - HHGear^.Y) > (tx - HHGear^.X) * (ty - Gear^.Y)) then
+            begin
+            dec(RopePoints.Count);
+            Gear^.X:= RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].X;
+            Gear^.Y:= RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].Y;
+            Gear^.Elasticity:= Gear^.Elasticity + RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].dLen;
+            Gear^.Friction:= Gear^.Friction + RopePoints.ar[RopePoints.Count].dLen
+            end
+        end;
 haveCollision:= false;
 if TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(HHGear^.dX)) then
-	begin
-	HHGear^.dX:= -_0_6 * HHGear^.dX;
-	haveCollision:= true
-	end;
+    begin
+    HHGear^.dX:= -_0_6 * HHGear^.dX;
+    haveCollision:= true
+    end;
 if TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(HHGear^.dY)) then
-	begin
-	HHGear^.dY:= -_0_6 * HHGear^.dY;
-	haveCollision:= true
-	end;
+    begin
+    HHGear^.dY:= -_0_6 * HHGear^.dY;
+    haveCollision:= true
+    end;
 if haveCollision
-	and (Gear^.Message and (gm_Left or gm_Right) <> 0)
-	and (Gear^.Message and (gm_Up or gm_Down) <> 0) then
-	begin
-	HHGear^.dX:= SignAs(hwAbs(HHGear^.dX) + _0_2, HHGear^.dX);
-	HHGear^.dY:= SignAs(hwAbs(HHGear^.dY) + _0_2, HHGear^.dY)
-	end;
+    and (Gear^.Message and (gm_Left or gm_Right) <> 0)
+    and (Gear^.Message and (gm_Up or gm_Down) <> 0) then
+    begin
+    HHGear^.dX:= SignAs(hwAbs(HHGear^.dX) + _0_2, HHGear^.dX);
+    HHGear^.dY:= SignAs(hwAbs(HHGear^.dY) + _0_2, HHGear^.dY)
+    end;
 len:= Distance(HHGear^.dX, HHGear^.dY);
 if len > _0_8 then
-	begin
-	len:= _0_8 / len;
-	HHGear^.dX:= HHGear^.dX * len;
-	HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.dY * len;
-	end;
+    begin
+    len:= _0_8 / len;
+    HHGear^.dX:= HHGear^.dX * len;
+    HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.dY * len;
+    end;
 if (Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0 then
-	if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then
-		with PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^ do
-			if Ammo^[CurSlot, CurAmmo].AmmoType <> amParachute then
-				WaitCollision
-			else
-				DeleteMe
-	else
+    if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then
+        with PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^ do
+            if Ammo^[CurSlot, CurAmmo].AmmoType <> amParachute then
+                WaitCollision
+            else
+                DeleteMe
+    else
-	if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) = 0 then
-		Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+    if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) = 0 then
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
 procedure doStepRopeAttach(Gear: PGear);
 var HHGear: PGear;
-	tx, ty, tt: hwFloat;
+    tx, ty, tt: hwFloat;
-	procedure RemoveFromAmmo;
-	begin
-	if (Gear^.State and gstAttacked) = 0 then
-		begin
-		OnUsedAmmo(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
-		Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAttacked
-		end;
-	ApplyAmmoChanges(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^)
-	end;
+    procedure RemoveFromAmmo;
+    begin
+    if (Gear^.State and gstAttacked) = 0 then
+        begin
+        OnUsedAmmo(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAttacked
+        end;
+    ApplyAmmoChanges(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^)
+    end;
 Gear^.X:= Gear^.X - Gear^.dX;
@@ -1056,77 +1056,77 @@
 if (HHGear^.State and gstMoving) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	if TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(HHGear^.dX)) then SetLittle(HHGear^.dX);
-	if HHGear^.dY.isNegative and TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, -1) then HHGear^.dY:= _0;
+    begin
+    if TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(HHGear^.dX)) then SetLittle(HHGear^.dX);
+    if HHGear^.dY.isNegative and TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, -1) then HHGear^.dY:= _0;
-	HHGear^.X:= HHGear^.X + HHGear^.dX;
-	Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + HHGear^.dX;
+    HHGear^.X:= HHGear^.X + HHGear^.dX;
+    Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + HHGear^.dX;
-	if TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, 1) then
-		begin
-		CheckHHDamage(HHGear);
-		HHGear^.dY:= _0;
-		//HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not (gstHHJumping or gstHHHJump);
-		end else
-		begin
-		HHGear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y + HHGear^.dY;
-		Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + HHGear^.dY;
-		HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.dY + cGravity;
-		end;
-	tt:= Gear^.Elasticity;
-	tx:= _0;
-	ty:= _0;
-	while tt > _20 do
-		begin
-		if  TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, tx, hwRound(ty), -hwSign(Gear^.dX))
-		or TestCollisionYwithXYShift(Gear, hwRound(tx), hwRound(ty), -hwSign(Gear^.dY)) then
-			begin
-			Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + tx;
-			Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + ty;
-			Gear^.Elasticity:= tt;
-			Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRopeWork;
-			with HHGear^ do State:= State and not (gstAttacking or gstHHJumping or gstHHHJump);
+    if TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, 1) then
+        begin
+        CheckHHDamage(HHGear);
+        HHGear^.dY:= _0;
+        //HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not (gstHHJumping or gstHHHJump);
+        end else
+        begin
+        HHGear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y + HHGear^.dY;
+        Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + HHGear^.dY;
+        HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.dY + cGravity;
+        end;
+    tt:= Gear^.Elasticity;
+    tx:= _0;
+    ty:= _0;
+    while tt > _20 do
+        begin
+        if  TestCollisionXwithXYShift(Gear, tx, hwRound(ty), -hwSign(Gear^.dX))
+        or TestCollisionYwithXYShift(Gear, hwRound(tx), hwRound(ty), -hwSign(Gear^.dY)) then
+            begin
+            Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + tx;
+            Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + ty;
+            Gear^.Elasticity:= tt;
+            Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRopeWork;
+            with HHGear^ do State:= State and not (gstAttacking or gstHHJumping or gstHHHJump);
-			RemoveFromAmmo;
+            RemoveFromAmmo;
-			tt:= _0;
-			exit
-			end;
-		tx:= tx + Gear^.dX + Gear^.dX;
-		ty:= ty + Gear^.dY + Gear^.dY;
-		tt:= tt - _2;
-		end;
-	end;
+            tt:= _0;
+            exit
+            end;
+        tx:= tx + Gear^.dX + Gear^.dX;
+        ty:= ty + Gear^.dY + Gear^.dY;
+        tt:= tt - _2;
+        end;
+    end;
 if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then
-	if Gear^.Elasticity < _10 then
-		Gear^.Elasticity:= _10000
-	else
-		begin
-		Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRopeWork;
-		with HHGear^ do State:= State and not (gstAttacking or gstHHJumping or gstHHHJump);
+    if Gear^.Elasticity < _10 then
+        Gear^.Elasticity:= _10000
+    else
+        begin
+        Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRopeWork;
+        with HHGear^ do State:= State and not (gstAttacking or gstHHJumping or gstHHHJump);
-		RemoveFromAmmo;
+        RemoveFromAmmo;
-		exit
-		end;
+        exit
+        end;
 if (Gear^.Elasticity > Gear^.Friction)
 or ((Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) = 0)
 or ((HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0)
 or (HHGear^.Damage > 0) then
-	begin
-	with PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear^ do
-		begin
-		State:= State and not gstAttacking;
-		Message:= Message and not gm_Attack
-		end;
-	DeleteGear(Gear)
-	end
+    begin
+    with PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear^ do
+        begin
+        State:= State and not gstAttacking;
+        Message:= Message and not gm_Attack
+        end;
+    DeleteGear(Gear)
+    end
 procedure doStepRope(Gear: PGear);
@@ -1141,10 +1141,10 @@
 if Gear^.Timer > 64 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.Timer:= 0;
-	dec(Gear^.State)
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.Timer:= 0;
+    dec(Gear^.State)
+    end;
 Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX + cWindSpeed;
 Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX;
 if Gear^.State = 0 then DeleteGear(Gear)
@@ -1155,11 +1155,11 @@
 if Gear^.Timer > 75 then
-	begin
-	inc(Gear^.State);
-	Gear^.Timer:= 0;
-	if Gear^.State > 5 then DeleteGear(Gear)
-	end;
+    begin
+    inc(Gear^.State);
+    Gear^.Timer:= 0;
+    if Gear^.State > 5 then DeleteGear(Gear)
+    end;
 procedure doStepExplosion(Gear: PGear);
@@ -1175,50 +1175,50 @@
 procedure doStepMine(Gear: PGear);
 if (Gear^.State and gstMoving) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	DeleteCI(Gear);
-	doStepFallingGear(Gear);
-	if (Gear^.State and gstMoving) = 0 then
-		begin
-		AddGearCI(Gear);
-		Gear^.dX:= _0;
-		Gear^.dY:= _0
-		end;
-	CalcRotationDirAngle(Gear);
-	AllInactive:= false
-	end else
-	if ((GameTicks and $3F) = 25) then
-		doStepFallingGear(Gear);
+    begin
+    DeleteCI(Gear);
+    doStepFallingGear(Gear);
+    if (Gear^.State and gstMoving) = 0 then
+        begin
+        AddGearCI(Gear);
+        Gear^.dX:= _0;
+        Gear^.dY:= _0
+        end;
+    CalcRotationDirAngle(Gear);
+    AllInactive:= false
+    end else
+    if ((GameTicks and $3F) = 25) then
+        doStepFallingGear(Gear);
 if ((Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0) and (Gear^.Health <> 0) then
-	if ((Gear^.State and gstAttacking) = 0) then
-		begin
-		if ((GameTicks and $1F) = 0) then
-			if CheckGearNear(Gear, gtHedgehog, 46, 32) <> nil then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAttacking
-		end else // gstAttacking <> 0
-		begin
-		AllInactive:= false;
-		if (Gear^.Timer and $FF) = 0 then PlaySound(sndMineTick);
-		if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
-			begin
+    if ((Gear^.State and gstAttacking) = 0) then
+        begin
+        if ((GameTicks and $1F) = 0) then
+            if CheckGearNear(Gear, gtHedgehog, 46, 32) <> nil then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAttacking
+        end else // gstAttacking <> 0
+        begin
+        AllInactive:= false;
+        if (Gear^.Timer and $FF) = 0 then PlaySound(sndMineTick);
+        if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
+            begin
             if ((Gear^.State and gstWait) <> 0) or 
                (cMineDudPercent = 0) or
-		       (getRandom(100) > cMineDudPercent) then
+               (getRandom(100) > cMineDudPercent) then
-			   doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
-			   DeleteGear(Gear)
+               doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
+               DeleteGear(Gear)
-			   AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 4  + Random(8), hwRound(Gear^.Y) - 4 - Random(4), vgtSmoke);
-		       PlaySound(sndVaporize);
+               AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 4  + Random(8), hwRound(Gear^.Y) - 4 - Random(4), vgtSmoke);
+               PlaySound(sndVaporize);
                Gear^.Health:= 0;
-			exit
-			end;
-		dec(Gear^.Timer);
-		end else // gsttmpFlag = 0
-	if TurnTimeLeft = 0 then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+            exit
+            end;
+        dec(Gear^.Timer);
+        end else // gsttmpFlag = 0
+    if TurnTimeLeft = 0 then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
@@ -1228,13 +1228,13 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if Gear^.Timer mod 166 = 0 then inc(Gear^.Tag);
 if Gear^.Timer = 1000 then // might need better timing
-	makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 75);
+    makeHogsWorry(Gear^.X, Gear^.Y, 75);
 if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
-	begin
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 75, EXPLAutoSound);
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 75, EXPLAutoSound);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    exit
+    end;
@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@
 procedure doStepRollingBarrel(Gear: PGear);
 var i: LongInt;
-	particle: PVisualGear;
+    particle: PVisualGear;
 Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAnimation;
 if ((Gear^.dX.QWordValue <> 0) or (Gear^.dY.QWordValue <> 0))  then
@@ -1257,9 +1257,9 @@
     if not Gear^.dY.isNegative and (Gear^.dY > _0_03) and TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
         inc(Gear^.Damage, hwRound(Gear^.dY * _30));
-	    for i:= min(12, hwRound(Gear^.dY*_10)) downto 0 do 
+        for i:= min(12, hwRound(Gear^.dY*_10)) downto 0 do 
-		    particle:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 5 + Random(10), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 12, vgtDust);
+            particle:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 5 + Random(10), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 12, vgtDust);
             if particle <> nil then particle^.dX := particle^.dX + (Gear^.dX / 5)
@@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@
     if Gear^.Damage <> 0 then PlaySound(sndGraveImpact);
-	CheckGearDrowning(Gear)
+    CheckGearDrowning(Gear)
 else AddGearCI(Gear);
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@
     x:= hwRound(Gear^.X);
     y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y);
     if (((y+1) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((x and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) then
-	    if (Land[y+1, x] = 0) then
+        if (Land[y+1, x] = 0) then
             if (((y+1) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and (((x+Gear^.Radius-2) and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[y+1, x+Gear^.Radius-2] = 0) then
                 Gear^.dX:= -_0_08
@@ -1307,25 +1307,25 @@
 procedure doStepCase(Gear: PGear);
 var i, x, y: LongInt;
-	k: TGearType;
-	exBoom: boolean;
-	dX, dY: HWFloat;
+    k: TGearType;
+    exBoom: boolean;
+    dX, dY: HWFloat;
 k:= Gear^.Kind;
 exBoom:= false;
 if (Gear^.Message and gm_Destroy) > 0 then
-	begin
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	FreeActionsList;
-	SetAllToActive; // something (hh, mine, etc...) could be on top of the case
-	with CurrentHedgehog^ do
-		if Gear <> nil then Gear^.Message:= Gear^.Message and not (gm_LJump or gm_HJump);
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    FreeActionsList;
+    SetAllToActive; // something (hh, mine, etc...) could be on top of the case
+    with CurrentHedgehog^ do
+        if Gear <> nil then Gear^.Message:= Gear^.Message and not (gm_LJump or gm_HJump);
+    exit
+    end;
 if k = gtExplosives then
-	begin
+    begin
     //if V > _0_03 then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstAnimation;
     if hwAbs(Gear^.dX) > _0_15 then Gear^.doStep:= @doStepRollingBarrel;
@@ -1334,60 +1334,60 @@
             AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(Gear^.Y) - 2, vgtSmoke)
             AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(Gear^.Y) - 2, vgtSmokeWhite);
-	dec(Gear^.Health, Gear^.Damage);
-	Gear^.Damage:= 0;
-	if Gear^.Health <= 0 then
-		exBoom:= true;
-	end;
+    dec(Gear^.Health, Gear^.Damage);
+    Gear^.Damage:= 0;
+    if Gear^.Health <= 0 then
+        exBoom:= true;
+    end;
 if (Gear^.Damage > 0) or exBoom then
-	begin
-	x:= hwRound(Gear^.X);
-	y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y);
-	DeleteGear(Gear); // <-- delete gear!
+    begin
+    x:= hwRound(Gear^.X);
+    y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y);
+    DeleteGear(Gear); // <-- delete gear!
-	if k = gtCase then
-		begin
-		doMakeExplosion(x, y, 25, EXPLAutoSound);
-		for i:= 0 to 63 do
-			AddGear(x, y, gtFlame, 0, _0, _0, 0);
-		end
-	else if k = gtExplosives then
-		begin
-		doMakeExplosion(x, y, 75, EXPLAutoSound);
-		for i:= 0 to 31 do
-			begin
-			dX:= AngleCos(i * 64) * _0_5 * (getrandom + _1);
-			dY:= AngleSin(i * 64) * _0_5 * (getrandom + _1);
-			AddGear(x, y, gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
-			AddGear(x, y, gtFlame, 0, -dX, -dY, 0)^.State:= gsttmpFlag;
-			end
-		end;
-	exit
-	end;
+    if k = gtCase then
+        begin
+        doMakeExplosion(x, y, 25, EXPLAutoSound);
+        for i:= 0 to 63 do
+            AddGear(x, y, gtFlame, 0, _0, _0, 0);
+        end
+    else if k = gtExplosives then
+        begin
+        doMakeExplosion(x, y, 75, EXPLAutoSound);
+        for i:= 0 to 31 do
+            begin
+            dX:= AngleCos(i * 64) * _0_5 * (getrandom + _1);
+            dY:= AngleSin(i * 64) * _0_5 * (getrandom + _1);
+            AddGear(x, y, gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
+            AddGear(x, y, gtFlame, 0, -dX, -dY, 0)^.State:= gsttmpFlag;
+            end
+        end;
+    exit
+    end;
 if (Gear^.dY.QWordValue <> 0) or (not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1)) then
-	begin
-	AllInactive:= false;
+    begin
+    AllInactive:= false;
     Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
     Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
     if (not Gear^.dY.isNegative) and (Gear^.dY > _0_001) then SetAllHHToActive;
-	if (Gear^.dY.isNegative) and TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1) then Gear^.dY:= _0;
-	if (not Gear^.dY.isNegative) and TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
-		begin
+    if (Gear^.dY.isNegative) and TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, -1) then Gear^.dY:= _0;
+    if (not Gear^.dY.isNegative) and TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
+        begin
         if (Gear^.dY > _0_02) and (k = gtExplosives) then
             inc(Gear^.Damage, hwRound(Gear^.dY * _30));
-		if Gear^.dY > _0_2 then
-	        for i:= min(12, hwRound(Gear^.dY*_10)) downto 0 do 
-		        AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 5 + Random(10), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 12, vgtDust);
-		Gear^.dY:= - Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
-		if Gear^.dY > - _0_001 then Gear^.dY:= _0
-			else if Gear^.dY < - _0_03 then PlaySound(sndGraveImpact)
-		end;
-	//if Gear^.dY > - _0_001 then Gear^.dY:= _0
-	CheckGearDrowning(Gear);
-	end;
+        if Gear^.dY > _0_2 then
+            for i:= min(12, hwRound(Gear^.dY*_10)) downto 0 do 
+                AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 5 + Random(10), hwRound(Gear^.Y) + 12, vgtDust);
+        Gear^.dY:= - Gear^.dY * Gear^.Elasticity;
+        if Gear^.dY > - _0_001 then Gear^.dY:= _0
+            else if Gear^.dY < - _0_03 then PlaySound(sndGraveImpact)
+        end;
+    //if Gear^.dY > - _0_001 then Gear^.dY:= _0
+    CheckGearDrowning(Gear);
+    end;
 if (Gear^.dY.QWordValue = 0) then AddGearCI(Gear)
        else if (Gear^.dY.QWordValue <> 0) then DeleteCI(Gear)
@@ -1398,36 +1398,36 @@
 procedure doStepTarget(Gear: PGear);
 if (Gear^.Timer = 0) and (Gear^.Tag = 0) then
-	PlaySound(sndWarp);
+    PlaySound(sndWarp);
 if (Gear^.Tag = 0) and (Gear^.Timer < 1000) then
-	inc(Gear^.Timer)
+    inc(Gear^.Timer)
 else if Gear^.Tag = 1 then
-	begin
-		Gear^.Tag:= 2;
-		if (TrainingFlags and tfTimeTrial) <> 0 then
-			begin
-			inc(TurnTimeLeft, TrainingTimeInc);
-			if TrainingTimeInc > TrainingTimeInM then
-				dec(TrainingTimeInc, TrainingTimeInD);
-			if TurnTimeLeft > TrainingTimeMax then
-				TurnTimeLeft:= TrainingTimeMax;
-			end;
-	end
+    begin
+        Gear^.Tag:= 2;
+        if (TrainingFlags and tfTimeTrial) <> 0 then
+            begin
+            inc(TurnTimeLeft, TrainingTimeInc);
+            if TrainingTimeInc > TrainingTimeInM then
+                dec(TrainingTimeInc, TrainingTimeInD);
+            if TurnTimeLeft > TrainingTimeMax then
+                TurnTimeLeft:= TrainingTimeMax;
+            end;
+    end
 else if Gear^.Tag = 2 then
-	if Gear^.Timer > 0 then
-		dec(Gear^.Timer)
-	else
-		begin
-			if (TrainingFlags and tfTargetRespawn) <> 0 then
-				begin
-				TrainingTargetGear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtTarget, 0, _0, _0, 0);
-				FindPlace(TrainingTargetGear, false, 0, LAND_WIDTH);
-				end;
-			DeleteGear(Gear);
-			exit;
-		end;
+    if Gear^.Timer > 0 then
+        dec(Gear^.Timer)
+    else
+        begin
+            if (TrainingFlags and tfTargetRespawn) <> 0 then
+                begin
+                TrainingTargetGear:= AddGear(0, 0, gtTarget, 0, _0, _0, 0);
+                FindPlace(TrainingTargetGear, false, 0, LAND_WIDTH);
+                end;
+            DeleteGear(Gear);
+            exit;
+        end;
@@ -1438,10 +1438,10 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
-	begin
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack
-	end
+    begin
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack
+    end
 procedure doStepShover(Gear: PGear);
@@ -1468,10 +1468,10 @@
 for i:= 0 to 3 do
-	begin
-	AmmoShove(Gear, 30, 25);
-	Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX * 5
-	end;
+    begin
+    AmmoShove(Gear, 30, 25);
+    Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX * 5
+    end;
 HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstNoDamage;
 Gear^.Timer:= 250;
@@ -1485,26 +1485,26 @@
     if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) = 0 then AllInactive:= false;
 if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
-	begin
+    begin
     AllInactive:= false;
-	if hwAbs(Gear^.dX) > _0_01 then
-		Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX * _0_995;
-	 if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + _2*cGravity else
-	Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
-	if hwAbs(Gear^.dY) > _0_2 then Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY * _0_995;
+    if hwAbs(Gear^.dX) > _0_01 then
+        Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX * _0_995;
+     if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + _2*cGravity else
+    Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
+    if hwAbs(Gear^.dY) > _0_2 then Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY * _0_995;
-	if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX else
-	Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX + cWindSpeed * 640;
-	Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
+    if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX else
+    Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX + cWindSpeed * 640;
+    Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
-	if (hwRound(Gear^.Y) > cWaterLine) then
-		begin
-		for i:= 0 to 3 do
-			AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(Gear^.Y) - 16 + Random(16), vgtSteam);
-		PlaySound(sndVaporize);
-		DeleteGear(Gear);
-		exit
-		end
+    if (hwRound(Gear^.Y) > cWaterLine) then
+        begin
+        for i:= 0 to 3 do
+            AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 16 + Random(32), hwRound(Gear^.Y) - 16 + Random(16), vgtSteam);
+        PlaySound(sndVaporize);
+        DeleteGear(Gear);
+        exit
+        end
     end else begin
         if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then 
@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@
             AmmoShove(Gear, 2, 30);
             Gear^.Radius:= 1
-	    if Gear^.Timer > 0 then
+        if Gear^.Timer > 0 then
@@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@
                       AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) - 3 + Random(6), hwRound(Gear^.Y) - 2, vgtSmoke);
                 // This one is interesting.  I think I understand the purpose, but I wonder if a bit more fuzzy of kicking could be done with getrandom.
-        	    Gear^.Timer:= 100 - Gear^.Tag * 3;
+                Gear^.Timer:= 100 - Gear^.Tag * 3;
                 if (Gear^.Damage > 3000+Gear^.Tag*1500) then Gear^.Health:= 0
@@ -1568,31 +1568,31 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Destroy) <> 0) then
-	begin
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack;
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack;
+    exit
+    end;
 HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
 if hwRound(HHGear^.Y) <= Gear^.Tag - 2 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.Tag:= hwRound(HHGear^.Y);
-	DrawTunnel(HHGear^.X - int2hwFloat(cHHRadius), HHGear^.Y - _1, _0_5, _0, cHHRadius * 4, 2);
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstNoDamage;
-	Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y;
-	AmmoShove(Gear, 30, 40);
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstNoDamage
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.Tag:= hwRound(HHGear^.Y);
+    DrawTunnel(HHGear^.X - int2hwFloat(cHHRadius), HHGear^.Y - _1, _0_5, _0, cHHRadius * 4, 2);
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstNoDamage;
+    Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y;
+    AmmoShove(Gear, 30, 40);
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstNoDamage
+    end;
 HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.dY + cGravity;
 if not (HHGear^.dY.isNegative) then
-	begin
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstMoving;
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack;
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstMoving;
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack;
+    exit
+    end;
 if CheckLandValue(hwRound(HHGear^.X), hwRound(HHGear^.Y + HHGear^.dY + SignAs(_6,Gear^.dY)), COLOR_INDESTRUCTIBLE) then
    HHGear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y + HHGear^.dY
@@ -1628,24 +1628,24 @@
 if TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, 1)
-	or ((HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0)
-	or CheckGearDrowning(HHGear)
-	or ((Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) then
-	begin
-	with HHGear^ do
-		begin
-		Message:= 0;
-		SetLittle(dX);
-		dY:= _0;
-		State:= State or gstMoving;
-		end;
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	isCursorVisible:= false;
-	exit
-	end;
+    or ((HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0)
+    or CheckGearDrowning(HHGear)
+    or ((Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) then
+    begin
+    with HHGear^ do
+        begin
+        Message:= 0;
+        SetLittle(dX);
+        dY:= _0;
+        State:= State or gstMoving;
+        end;
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    isCursorVisible:= false;
+    exit
+    end;
 if not TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(HHGear^.dX)) then
-	HHGear^.X:= HHGear^.X + cWindSpeed * 200;
+    HHGear^.X:= HHGear^.X + cWindSpeed * 200;
 if (Gear^.Message and gm_Left) <> 0 then HHGear^.X:= HHGear^.X - cMaxWindSpeed * 40
 else if (Gear^.Message and gm_Right) <> 0 then HHGear^.X:= HHGear^.X + cMaxWindSpeed * 40;
@@ -1684,19 +1684,19 @@
 Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + cAirPlaneSpeed * Gear^.Tag;
 if (Gear^.Health > 0)and(not (Gear^.X < Gear^.dX))and(Gear^.X < Gear^.dX + cAirPlaneSpeed) then
-	begin
-	dec(Gear^.Health);
-	case Gear^.State of
-			0: FollowGear:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtAirBomb, 0, cBombsSpeed * Gear^.Tag, _0, 0);
-			1: FollowGear:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtMine,    0, cBombsSpeed * Gear^.Tag, _0, 0);
-			2: for i:= -19 to 19 do
-				FollowGear:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) + i div 3, hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, _0_001 * i, _0, 0);
-			end;
-	Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX + int2hwFloat(30 * Gear^.Tag)
-	end;
+    begin
+    dec(Gear^.Health);
+    case Gear^.State of
+            0: FollowGear:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtAirBomb, 0, cBombsSpeed * Gear^.Tag, _0, 0);
+            1: FollowGear:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtMine,    0, cBombsSpeed * Gear^.Tag, _0, 0);
+            2: for i:= -19 to 19 do
+                FollowGear:= AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X) + i div 3, hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, _0_001 * i, _0, 0);
+            end;
+    Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX + int2hwFloat(30 * Gear^.Tag)
+    end;
 if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
-	AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
+    AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
 if (hwRound(Gear^.X) > (LAND_WIDTH+1024)) or (hwRound(Gear^.X) < -1024) then DeleteGear(Gear)
@@ -1706,21 +1706,21 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if Gear^.X.QWordValue = 0 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.Tag:=  1;
-	Gear^.X:= -_1024;
-	end
+    begin
+    Gear^.Tag:=  1;
+    Gear^.X:= -_1024;
+    end
-	begin
-	Gear^.Tag:= -1;
-	Gear^.X:= int2hwFloat(LAND_WIDTH + 1024);
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.Tag:= -1;
+    Gear^.X:= int2hwFloat(LAND_WIDTH + 1024);
+    end;
 Gear^.Y:= int2hwFloat(topY-300);
 Gear^.dX:= int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.X - 5 * Gear^.Tag * 15);
 if (int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.Y) - Gear^.Y > _0) and (Gear^.State <> 2) then
-	    Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX - cBombsSpeed * hwSqrt((int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.Y) - Gear^.Y) * 2 / cGravity) * Gear^.Tag;
+        Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX - cBombsSpeed * hwSqrt((int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.Y) - Gear^.Y) * 2 / cGravity) * Gear^.Tag;
 Gear^.Health:= 6;
 Gear^.doStep:= @doStepAirAttackWork;
@@ -1733,13 +1733,13 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 30, EXPLAutoSound);
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	exit
-	end;
+    begin
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 30, EXPLAutoSound);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    exit
+    end;
 if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
-	AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
+    AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
@@ -1760,20 +1760,20 @@
    not TryPlaceOnLand(TargetPoint.X - SpritesData[sprAmGirder].Width div 2,
                       TargetPoint.Y - SpritesData[sprAmGirder].Height div 2,
                       sprAmGirder, Gear^.State, true) then
-	begin
+    begin
-	HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstAttacking;
-	HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstHHChooseTarget;
-	isCursorVisible:= true;
-	DeleteGear(Gear)
-	end
+    HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstAttacking;
+    HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstHHChooseTarget;
+    isCursorVisible:= true;
+    DeleteGear(Gear)
+    end
 else begin
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
-	end;
+    end;
 HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not (gstAttacking or gstAttacked);
 HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
@@ -1789,23 +1789,23 @@
 HHGear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y + HHGear^.dY; // hedgehog falling to collect cases
 HHGear^.dY:= HHGear^.dY + cGravity;
 if TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, 1)
-	or CheckGearDrowning(HHGear) then
-	begin
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	AfterAttack
-	end
+    or CheckGearDrowning(HHGear) then
+    begin
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    AfterAttack
+    end
 procedure doStepTeleportAnim(Gear: PGear);
 if Gear^.Timer = 65 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.Timer:= 0;
-	inc(Gear^.Pos);
-	if Gear^.Pos = 11 then
-		Gear^.doStep:= @doStepTeleportAfter
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.Timer:= 0;
+    inc(Gear^.Pos);
+    if Gear^.Pos = 11 then
+        Gear^.doStep:= @doStepTeleportAfter
+    end;
 procedure doStepTeleport(Gear: PGear);
@@ -1817,25 +1817,25 @@
 if not TryPlaceOnLand(TargetPoint.X - SpritesData[sprHHTelepMask].Width div 2,
                       TargetPoint.Y - SpritesData[sprHHTelepMask].Height div 2,
                       sprHHTelepMask, 0, false) then
-		begin
-		HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
-		HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstAttacking;
-		HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstHHChooseTarget;
-		DeleteGear(Gear);
-		isCursorVisible:= true;
-		PlaySound(sndDenied)
-		end
-	else begin
-		DeleteCI(HHGear);
-		SetAllHHToActive;
-		Gear^.doStep:= @doStepTeleportAnim;
-		Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X;
-		Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y;
-		HHGear^.X:= int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.X);
-		HHGear^.Y:= int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.Y);
-		HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstMoving;
-		playSound(sndWarp)
-		end;
+        begin
+        HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
+        HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State and not gstAttacking;
+        HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstHHChooseTarget;
+        DeleteGear(Gear);
+        isCursorVisible:= true;
+        PlaySound(sndDenied)
+        end
+    else begin
+        DeleteCI(HHGear);
+        SetAllHHToActive;
+        Gear^.doStep:= @doStepTeleportAnim;
+        Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X;
+        Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y;
+        HHGear^.X:= int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.X);
+        HHGear^.Y:= int2hwFloat(TargetPoint.Y);
+        HHGear^.State:= HHGear^.State or gstMoving;
+        playSound(sndWarp)
+        end;
 TargetPoint.X:= NoPointX;
@@ -1848,49 +1848,49 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if ((Gear^.Message and not gm_Switch) <> 0) or (TurnTimeLeft = 0) then
-	begin
-	HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
-	Msg:= Gear^.Message and not gm_Switch;
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	OnUsedAmmo(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
-	ApplyAmmoChanges(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
+    begin
+    HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
+    Msg:= Gear^.Message and not gm_Switch;
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    OnUsedAmmo(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
+    ApplyAmmoChanges(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
-	HHGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear;
-	ApplyAmmoChanges(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
-	HHGear^.Message:= Msg;
-	exit
-	end;
+    HHGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear;
+    ApplyAmmoChanges(PHedgehog(HHGear^.Hedgehog)^);
+    HHGear^.Message:= Msg;
+    exit
+    end;
 if (Gear^.Message and gm_Switch) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	HHGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear;
-	HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message and not gm_Switch;
-	Gear^.Message:= Gear^.Message and not gm_Switch;
-	State:= HHGear^.State;
-	HHGear^.State:= 0;
-	HHGear^.Active:= false;
-	HHGear^.Z:= cHHZ;
-	RemoveGearFromList(HHGear);
-	InsertGearToList(HHGear);
+    begin
+    HHGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear;
+    HHGear^.Message:= HHGear^.Message and not gm_Switch;
+    Gear^.Message:= Gear^.Message and not gm_Switch;
+    State:= HHGear^.State;
+    HHGear^.State:= 0;
+    HHGear^.Active:= false;
+    HHGear^.Z:= cHHZ;
+    RemoveGearFromList(HHGear);
+    InsertGearToList(HHGear);
-	PlaySound(sndSwitchHog);
-	repeat
-		CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog:= Succ(CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog) mod (CurrentTeam^.HedgehogsNumber);
-	until (CurrentTeam^.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog].Gear <> nil);
+    PlaySound(sndSwitchHog);
+    repeat
+        CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog:= Succ(CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog) mod (CurrentTeam^.HedgehogsNumber);
+    until (CurrentTeam^.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog].Gear <> nil);
-	CurrentHedgehog:= @CurrentTeam^.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog];
+    CurrentHedgehog:= @CurrentTeam^.Hedgehogs[CurrentTeam^.CurrHedgehog];
-	HHGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear;
-	HHGear^.State:= State;
-	HHGear^.Active:= true;
-	FollowGear:= HHGear;
-	HHGear^.Z:= cCurrHHZ;
-	RemoveGearFromList(HHGear);
-	InsertGearToList(HHGear);
-	Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X;
-	Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y
-	end;
+    HHGear:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear;
+    HHGear^.State:= State;
+    HHGear^.Active:= true;
+    FollowGear:= HHGear;
+    HHGear^.Z:= cCurrHHZ;
+    RemoveGearFromList(HHGear);
+    InsertGearToList(HHGear);
+    Gear^.X:= HHGear^.X;
+    Gear^.Y:= HHGear^.Y
+    end;
 procedure doStepSwitcher(Gear: PGear);
@@ -1900,10 +1900,10 @@
 HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
 with HHGear^ do
-	begin
-	State:= State and not gstAttacking;
-	Message:= Message and not gm_Attack
-	end
+    begin
+    State:= State and not gstAttacking;
+    Message:= Message and not gm_Attack
+    end
@@ -1918,24 +1918,24 @@
 if (Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0 then
-	begin
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 20, EXPLAutoSound);
+    begin
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 20, EXPLAutoSound);
-	Gear^.dX.isNegative:= not dxn;
-	Gear^.dY.isNegative:= not dyn;
-	for i:= 0 to 4 do
-		begin
-		dX:= Gear^.dX + (GetRandom - _0_5) * _0_03;
-		dY:= Gear^.dY + (GetRandom - _0_5) * _0_03;
-		AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtCluster, 0, dX, dY, 25);
-		end;
+    Gear^.dX.isNegative:= not dxn;
+    Gear^.dY.isNegative:= not dyn;
+    for i:= 0 to 4 do
+        begin
+        dX:= Gear^.dX + (GetRandom - _0_5) * _0_03;
+        dY:= Gear^.dY + (GetRandom - _0_5) * _0_03;
+        AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtCluster, 0, dX, dY, 25);
+        end;
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	exit
-	end;
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    exit
+    end;
 if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
-	AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
+    AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
@@ -1952,47 +1952,47 @@
 i:= 2;
-	Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + HHGear^.dX;
-	Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + HHGear^.dY;
-	HHGear^.X:= Gear^.X;
-	HHGear^.Y:= Gear^.Y;
+    Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + HHGear^.dX;
+    Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + HHGear^.dY;
+    HHGear^.X:= Gear^.X;
+    HHGear^.Y:= Gear^.Y;
-	inc(Gear^.Damage, 2);
+    inc(Gear^.Damage, 2);
-//	if TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(Gear^.dX))
-//		or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(Gear^.dY)) then inc(Gear^.Damage, 3);
+//  if TestCollisionXwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(Gear^.dX))
+//      or TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, hwSign(Gear^.dY)) then inc(Gear^.Damage, 3);
-	dec(i)
+    dec(i)
 until (i = 0) or (Gear^.Damage > Gear^.Health);
 if upd > 3 then
-	begin
-	if Gear^.Health < 1500 then Gear^.Pos:= 2;
+    begin
+    if Gear^.Health < 1500 then Gear^.Pos:= 2;
-	AmmoShove(Gear, 30, 40);
+    AmmoShove(Gear, 30, 40);
-	DrawTunnel(HHGear^.X - HHGear^.dX * 10,
-			HHGear^.Y - _2 - HHGear^.dY * 10 + hwAbs(HHGear^.dY) * 2,
-			HHGear^.dX,
-			HHGear^.dY,
-			20 + cHHRadius * 2,
-			cHHRadius * 2 + 6);
+    DrawTunnel(HHGear^.X - HHGear^.dX * 10,
+            HHGear^.Y - _2 - HHGear^.dY * 10 + hwAbs(HHGear^.dY) * 2,
+            HHGear^.dX,
+            HHGear^.dY,
+            20 + cHHRadius * 2,
+            cHHRadius * 2 + 6);
-	upd:= 0
-	end;
+    upd:= 0
+    end;
 if Gear^.Health < Gear^.Damage then
-	begin
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 30, EXPLAutoSound);
-	AfterAttack;
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	DeleteGear(HHGear);
-	end else
-	begin
-	dec(Gear^.Health, Gear^.Damage);
-	Gear^.Damage:= 0
-	end
+    begin
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 30, EXPLAutoSound);
+    AfterAttack;
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    DeleteGear(HHGear);
+    end else
+    begin
+    dec(Gear^.Health, Gear^.Damage);
+    Gear^.Damage:= 0
+    end
 procedure doStepKamikazeIdle(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2000,11 +2000,11 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if Gear^.Timer = 0 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.Pos:= 1;
-	PlaySound(sndKamikaze, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack);
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepKamikazeWork
-	end
+    begin
+    Gear^.Pos:= 1;
+    PlaySound(sndKamikaze, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack);
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepKamikazeWork
+    end
 procedure doStepKamikaze(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@
 const cakeh = 27;
       cakeDmg = 75;
 var CakePoints: array[0..Pred(cakeh)] of record x, y: hwFloat; end;
-	CakeI: Longword;
+    CakeI: Longword;
 procedure doStepCakeExpl(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2045,7 +2045,7 @@
 procedure doStepCakeDown(Gear: PGear);
 var gi: PGear;
-	dmg: LongInt;
+    dmg: LongInt;
 AllInactive:= false;
@@ -2054,39 +2054,39 @@
 Gear^.Tag:= 0;
 if Gear^.Pos = 0 then
-	begin
-	gi:= GearsList;
-	while gi <> nil do
-		begin
-		dmg:= cakeDmg * 2 - hwRound(Distance(gi^.X - Gear^.X, gi^.Y - Gear^.Y));
-		if (dmg > 1) and (gi^.Kind = gtHedgehog) then
+    begin
+    gi:= GearsList;
+    while gi <> nil do
+        begin
+        dmg:= cakeDmg * 2 - hwRound(Distance(gi^.X - Gear^.X, gi^.Y - Gear^.Y));
+        if (dmg > 1) and (gi^.Kind = gtHedgehog) then
             if (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = gi) and (not gi^.Invulnerable) then
-			    gi^.State:= gi^.State or gstLoser
+                gi^.State:= gi^.State or gstLoser
-			    gi^.State:= gi^.State or gstWinner;
-		gi:= gi^.NextGear
-		end;
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeExpl;
-	PlaySound(sndCake)
-	end else dec(Gear^.Pos)
+                gi^.State:= gi^.State or gstWinner;
+        gi:= gi^.NextGear
+        end;
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeExpl;
+    PlaySound(sndCake)
+    end else dec(Gear^.Pos)
 procedure doStepCakeWork(Gear: PGear);
 const dirs: array[0..3] of TPoint = ((x: 0; y: -1), (x: 1; y: 0),(x: 0; y: 1),(x: -1; y: 0));
 var xx, yy, xxn, yyn: LongInt;
-	da: LongInt;
-	tdx, tdy: hwFloat;
+    da: LongInt;
+    tdx, tdy: hwFloat;
-	procedure PrevAngle;
-	begin
-	Gear^.Angle:= (LongInt(Gear^.Angle) + 4 - dA) mod 4
-	end;
+    procedure PrevAngle;
+    begin
+    Gear^.Angle:= (LongInt(Gear^.Angle) + 4 - dA) mod 4
+    end;
-	procedure NextAngle;
-	begin
-	Gear^.Angle:= (LongInt(Gear^.Angle) + 4 + dA) mod 4
-	end;
+    procedure NextAngle;
+    begin
+    Gear^.Angle:= (LongInt(Gear^.Angle) + 4 + dA) mod 4
+    end;
 AllInactive:= false;
@@ -2101,49 +2101,49 @@
 yyn:= dirs[(LongInt(Gear^.Angle) + 4 + dA) mod 4].y;
 if (xx = 0) then
-	if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, yy) then
-		PrevAngle
-	else begin
-		Gear^.Tag:= 0;
-		Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + int2hwFloat(yy);
-		if not TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, xxn) then
-			begin
-			Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + int2hwFloat(xxn);
-			NextAngle
-			end;
-		end;
+    if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, yy) then
+        PrevAngle
+    else begin
+        Gear^.Tag:= 0;
+        Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + int2hwFloat(yy);
+        if not TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, xxn) then
+            begin
+            Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + int2hwFloat(xxn);
+            NextAngle
+            end;
+        end;
 if (yy = 0) then
-	if TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, xx) then
-		PrevAngle
-	else begin
-		Gear^.Tag:= 0;
-		Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + int2hwFloat(xx);
-		if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, yyn) then
-			begin
-			Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + int2hwFloat(yyn);
-			NextAngle
-			end;
-		end;
+    if TestCollisionXwithGear(Gear, xx) then
+        PrevAngle
+    else begin
+        Gear^.Tag:= 0;
+        Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + int2hwFloat(xx);
+        if not TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, yyn) then
+            begin
+            Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + int2hwFloat(yyn);
+            NextAngle
+            end;
+        end;
 if Gear^.Tag = 0 then
-	begin
-	CakeI:= (CakeI + 1) mod cakeh;
-	tdx:= CakePoints[CakeI].x - Gear^.X;
-	tdy:= - CakePoints[CakeI].y + Gear^.Y;
-	CakePoints[CakeI].x:= Gear^.X;
-	CakePoints[CakeI].y:= Gear^.Y;
-	Gear^.DirAngle:= DxDy2Angle(tdx, tdy);
-	end;
+    begin
+    CakeI:= (CakeI + 1) mod cakeh;
+    tdx:= CakePoints[CakeI].x - Gear^.X;
+    tdy:= - CakePoints[CakeI].y + Gear^.Y;
+    CakePoints[CakeI].x:= Gear^.X;
+    CakePoints[CakeI].y:= Gear^.Y;
+    Gear^.DirAngle:= DxDy2Angle(tdx, tdy);
+    end;
 Gear^.Timer:= Gear^.Health*10; // This is not seconds, but at least it is *some* feedback
 if (Gear^.Health = 0) or ((Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) then
-	begin
-	FollowGear:= Gear;
+    begin
+    FollowGear:= Gear;
     Gear^.RenderTimer:= false;
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeDown
-	end
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeDown
+    end
 procedure doStepCakeUp(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2156,15 +2156,15 @@
 Gear^.Tag:= 0;
 if Gear^.Pos = 6 then
-	begin
-	for i:= 0 to Pred(cakeh) do
-		begin
-		CakePoints[i].x:= Gear^.X;
-		CakePoints[i].y:= Gear^.Y
-		end;
-	CakeI:= 0;
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeWork
-	end else inc(Gear^.Pos)
+    begin
+    for i:= 0 to Pred(cakeh) do
+        begin
+        CakePoints[i].x:= Gear^.X;
+        CakePoints[i].y:= Gear^.Y
+        end;
+    CakeI:= 0;
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeWork
+    end else inc(Gear^.Pos)
 procedure doStepCakeFall(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2173,12 +2173,12 @@
 Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
 if TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) then
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeUp
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepCakeUp
-	begin
-	Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
-	if CheckGearDrowning(Gear) then AfterAttack
-	end
+    begin
+    Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
+    if CheckGearDrowning(Gear) then AfterAttack
+    end
 procedure doStepCake(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2207,22 +2207,22 @@
 y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y);
 if ((y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((x and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) then
-	if (Land[y, x] <> 0) then
-		begin
-		Gear^.dX.isNegative:= not Gear^.dX.isNegative;
-		Gear^.dY.isNegative:= not Gear^.dY.isNegative;
-		Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX * _1_5;
-		Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY * _1_5 - _0_3;
-		AmmoShove(Gear, 0, 40);
-		AfterAttack;
-		DeleteGear(Gear)
-		end
-	else
+    if (Land[y, x] <> 0) then
+        begin
+        Gear^.dX.isNegative:= not Gear^.dX.isNegative;
+        Gear^.dY.isNegative:= not Gear^.dY.isNegative;
+        Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX * _1_5;
+        Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY * _1_5 - _0_3;
+        AmmoShove(Gear, 0, 40);
+        AfterAttack;
+        DeleteGear(Gear)
+        end
+    else
-	begin
-	AfterAttack;
-	DeleteGear(Gear)
-	end
+    begin
+    AfterAttack;
+    DeleteGear(Gear)
+    end
 procedure doStepSeductionWear(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2230,15 +2230,15 @@
 AllInactive:= false;
 if Gear^.Timer > 250 then
-	begin
-	Gear^.Timer:= 0;
-	inc(Gear^.Pos);
-	if Gear^.Pos = 5 then
-		PlaySound(sndYoohoo, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
-	end;
+    begin
+    Gear^.Timer:= 0;
+    inc(Gear^.Pos);
+    if Gear^.Pos = 5 then
+        PlaySound(sndYoohoo, PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Team^.voicepack)
+    end;
 if Gear^.Pos = 14 then
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepSeductionWork
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepSeductionWork
 procedure doStepSeduction(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2256,43 +2256,43 @@
 if Gear^.Timer = 17 then
-	Gear^.Timer:= 0
+    Gear^.Timer:= 0
-	exit;
+    exit;
 if cWaterLine > 0 then
-	begin
-	dec(cWaterLine);
-	for i:= 0 to LAND_WIDTH - 1 do
-		Land[cWaterLine, i]:= 0;
-	SetAllToActive
-	end;
+    begin
+    dec(cWaterLine);
+    for i:= 0 to LAND_WIDTH - 1 do
+        Land[cWaterLine, i]:= 0;
+    SetAllToActive
+    end;
 if (Gear^.Tag = 47) or (cWaterLine = 0) then
-	DeleteGear(Gear)
+    DeleteGear(Gear)
 procedure doStepDrillDrilling(Gear: PGear);
 var t: PGearArray;
-	ox, oy: hwFloat;
+    ox, oy: hwFloat;
 AllInactive:= false;
 if (Gear^.Timer > 0) and ((Gear^.Timer mod 10) = 0) then
-	begin
-	ox:= Gear^.X;
-	oy:= Gear^.Y;
-	Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX;
-	Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
-	DrawTunnel(oX, oY, Gear^.dX, Gear^.dY, 2, 6);
+    begin
+    ox:= Gear^.X;
+    oy:= Gear^.Y;
+    Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX;
+    Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
+    DrawTunnel(oX, oY, Gear^.dX, Gear^.dY, 2, 6);
     if(CheckGearDrowning(Gear)) then
-	    exit
+        exit
-	end;
+    end;
 t:= CheckGearsCollision(Gear); //fixes drill not exploding when touching HH bug
 if (Gear^.Timer = 0)
@@ -2300,20 +2300,20 @@
 or (not TestCollisionYWithGear(Gear, hwSign(Gear^.dY))
 and not TestCollisionXWithGear(Gear, hwSign(Gear^.dX)))
 or (Land[hwRound(Gear^.Y), hwRound(Gear^.X)] = COLOR_INDESTRUCTIBLE) then
-	begin //out of time or exited ground
+    begin //out of time or exited ground
-	doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	exit
-	end;
+    doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    exit
+    end;
 procedure doStepDrill(Gear: PGear);
 var t: PGearArray;
-	oldDx, oldDy: hwFloat;
-	t2: hwFloat;
+    oldDx, oldDy: hwFloat;
+    t2: hwFloat;
 AllInactive:= false;
@@ -2324,56 +2324,56 @@
 if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
-	AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
+    AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
 if ((Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0) then begin //hit
-	Gear^.dX:= oldDx;
-	Gear^.dY:= oldDy;
+    Gear^.dX:= oldDx;
+    Gear^.dY:= oldDy;
-	t:= CheckGearsCollision(Gear);
-	if (t^.Count = 0) then begin //hit the ground not the HH
-		t2 := _0_5 / Distance(Gear^.dX, Gear^.dY);
-		Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX * t2;
-		Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY * t2;
-	end else begin //explode right on contact with HH
-		doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
-		DeleteGear(Gear);
-		exit;
-		end;
+    t:= CheckGearsCollision(Gear);
+    if (t^.Count = 0) then begin //hit the ground not the HH
+        t2 := _0_5 / Distance(Gear^.dX, Gear^.dY);
+        Gear^.dX:= Gear^.dX * t2;
+        Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY * t2;
+    end else begin //explode right on contact with HH
+        doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 50, EXPLAutoSound);
+        DeleteGear(Gear);
+        exit;
+        end;
     Gear^.SoundChannel:= LoopSound(sndPickhammer);
-	Gear^.doStep:= @doStepDrillDrilling;
-	dec(Gear^.Timer)
-	end
+    Gear^.doStep:= @doStepDrillDrilling;
+    dec(Gear^.Timer)
+    end
 procedure doStepBallgunWork(Gear: PGear);
 var HHGear: PGear;
-	rx, ry: hwFloat;
+    rx, ry: hwFloat;
-	AllInactive:= false;
-	dec(Gear^.Timer);
-	HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
-	HedgehogChAngle(HHGear);
-	if (Gear^.Timer mod 100) = 0 then
-		begin
-		rx:= rndSign(getRandom * _0_1);
-		ry:= rndSign(getRandom * _0_1);
+    AllInactive:= false;
+    dec(Gear^.Timer);
+    HHGear:= PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog)^.Gear;
+    HedgehogChAngle(HHGear);
+    if (Gear^.Timer mod 100) = 0 then
+        begin
+        rx:= rndSign(getRandom * _0_1);
+        ry:= rndSign(getRandom * _0_1);
-		AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtBall, 0,
-				SignAs(AngleSin(HHGear^.Angle) * _0_8, HHGear^.dX) + rx,
-				AngleCos(HHGear^.Angle) * ( - _0_8) + ry,
-				0);
+        AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtBall, 0,
+                SignAs(AngleSin(HHGear^.Angle) * _0_8, HHGear^.dX) + rx,
+                AngleCos(HHGear^.Angle) * ( - _0_8) + ry,
+                0);
-		PlaySound(sndGun);
-		end;
+        PlaySound(sndGun);
+        end;
-	if (Gear^.Timer = 0) or (HHGear^.Damage <> 0) then
-		begin
-		DeleteGear(Gear);
-		AfterAttack
-		end
+    if (Gear^.Timer = 0) or (HHGear^.Damage <> 0) then
+        begin
+        DeleteGear(Gear);
+        AfterAttack
+        end
 procedure doStepBallgun(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2389,11 +2389,11 @@
 procedure doStepRCPlaneWork(Gear: PGear);
 const cAngleSpeed = 3;
 var HHGear: PGear;
-	i: LongInt;
-	dX, dY: hwFloat;
-	fChanged: boolean;
-	trueAngle: Longword;
-	t: PGear;
+    i: LongInt;
+    dX, dY: hwFloat;
+    fChanged: boolean;
+    trueAngle: Longword;
+    t: PGear;
 AllInactive:= false;
@@ -2406,123 +2406,123 @@
 fChanged:= false;
 if ((HHGear^.State and gstHHDriven) = 0) or (Gear^.Timer = 0) then
-	begin
-	fChanged:= true;
-	if Gear^.Angle > 2048 then dec(Gear^.Angle) else
-		if Gear^.Angle < 2048 then inc(Gear^.Angle) else fChanged:= false
-	end
+    begin
+    fChanged:= true;
+    if Gear^.Angle > 2048 then dec(Gear^.Angle) else
+        if Gear^.Angle < 2048 then inc(Gear^.Angle) else fChanged:= false
+    end
-	begin
-	if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Left) <> 0) then
-		begin
-		fChanged:= true;
-		Gear^.Angle:= (Gear^.Angle + (4096 - cAngleSpeed)) mod 4096
-		end;
+    begin
+    if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Left) <> 0) then
+        begin
+        fChanged:= true;
+        Gear^.Angle:= (Gear^.Angle + (4096 - cAngleSpeed)) mod 4096
+        end;
-	if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Right) <> 0) then
-		begin
-		fChanged:= true;
-		Gear^.Angle:= (Gear^.Angle + cAngleSpeed) mod 4096
-		end
-	end;
+    if ((Gear^.Message and gm_Right) <> 0) then
+        begin
+        fChanged:= true;
+        Gear^.Angle:= (Gear^.Angle + cAngleSpeed) mod 4096
+        end
+    end;
 if fChanged then
-	begin
-	Gear^.dX.isNegative:= (Gear^.Angle > 2048);
-	if Gear^.dX.isNegative then
-		trueAngle:= 4096 - Gear^.Angle
-	else
-		trueAngle:= Gear^.Angle;
+    begin
+    Gear^.dX.isNegative:= (Gear^.Angle > 2048);
+    if Gear^.dX.isNegative then
+        trueAngle:= 4096 - Gear^.Angle
+    else
+        trueAngle:= Gear^.Angle;
-	Gear^.dX:= SignAs(AngleSin(trueAngle), Gear^.dX) * _0_25;
-	Gear^.dY:= AngleCos(trueAngle) * -_0_25;
-	end;
+    Gear^.dX:= SignAs(AngleSin(trueAngle), Gear^.dX) * _0_25;
+    Gear^.dY:= AngleCos(trueAngle) * -_0_25;
+    end;
 Gear^.X:= Gear^.X + Gear^.dX;
 Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + Gear^.dY;
 if (TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) = 0 then
-	begin
-	if (GameTicks and $FF) = 0 then
-		if Gear^.Timer < 3500 then
-			AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtEvilTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
-		else
-			AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
+    begin
+    if (GameTicks and $FF) = 0 then
+        if Gear^.Timer < 3500 then
+            AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtEvilTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0)
+        else
+            AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
-	if ((HHGear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) and (Gear^.Health <> 0) then
-		begin
-		HHGear^.Message := HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
-		AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtAirBomb, 0, Gear^.dX * _0_5, Gear^.dY * _0_5, 0);
-		dec(Gear^.Health)
-		end;
+    if ((HHGear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) and (Gear^.Health <> 0) then
+        begin
+        HHGear^.Message := HHGear^.Message and not gm_Attack;
+        AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtAirBomb, 0, Gear^.dX * _0_5, Gear^.dY * _0_5, 0);
+        dec(Gear^.Health)
+        end;
-	if ((HHGear^.Message and gm_LJump) <> 0)
-		and ((Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) = 0) then
-		begin
-		Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
-		PauseMusic;
-		playSound(sndRideOfTheValkyries);
-		end;
+    if ((HHGear^.Message and gm_LJump) <> 0)
+        and ((Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) = 0) then
+        begin
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
+        PauseMusic;
+        playSound(sndRideOfTheValkyries);
+        end;
-	// pickup bonuses
-	t:= CheckGearNear(Gear, gtCase, 36, 36);
-	if t <> nil then
-		PickUp(HHGear, t);
-	end
+    // pickup bonuses
+    t:= CheckGearNear(Gear, gtCase, 36, 36);
+    if t <> nil then
+        PickUp(HHGear, t);
+    end
-	begin
-	if (GameTicks and $FF) = 0 then
-		AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
+    begin
+    if (GameTicks and $FF) = 0 then
+        AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtSmokeTrace, 0, _0, _0, 0);
-	// pickup targets
-	t:= CheckGearNear(Gear, gtTarget, 36, 36);
-	if t <> nil then
-		begin
-		if t^.Tag <> 0 then // collect it only once
-			exit;
-		PlaySound(sndShotgunReload);
-		t^.Tag:= 1;
-		TrainingTargetGear:= nil; // remove target cursor
-		exit;
-		end;
+    // pickup targets
+    t:= CheckGearNear(Gear, gtTarget, 36, 36);
+    if t <> nil then
+        begin
+        if t^.Tag <> 0 then // collect it only once
+            exit;
+        PlaySound(sndShotgunReload);
+        t^.Tag:= 1;
+        TrainingTargetGear:= nil; // remove target cursor
+        exit;
+        end;
-	if (TurnTimeLeft > 0) then 
-		dec(TurnTimeLeft)
-	end;
+    if (TurnTimeLeft > 0) then 
+        dec(TurnTimeLeft)
+    end;
 if ((Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0) or (((TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) <> 0) and (TurnTimeLeft = 0))
-	or CheckGearDrowning(Gear) then
-	begin
-	if ((TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) <> 0) and ((TrainingFlags and tfTimeTrial) <> 0 ) and (TimeTrialStopTime = 0) then TimeTrialStopTime:= RealTicks;
-	StopSound(Gear^.SoundChannel);
-	StopSound(sndRideOfTheValkyries);
-	ResumeMusic;
+    or CheckGearDrowning(Gear) then
+    begin
+    if ((TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) <> 0) and ((TrainingFlags and tfTimeTrial) <> 0 ) and (TimeTrialStopTime = 0) then TimeTrialStopTime:= RealTicks;
+    StopSound(Gear^.SoundChannel);
+    StopSound(sndRideOfTheValkyries);
+    ResumeMusic;
-	if ((Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0) or (((TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) <> 0) and (TurnTimeLeft = 0)) then
-		begin
-		doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 25, EXPLAutoSound);
-		for i:= 0 to 32 do
-			begin
-			dX:= AngleCos(i * 64) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
-			dY:= AngleSin(i * 64) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
-			AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
-			AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, -dY, 0);
-			end;
-		DeleteGear(Gear)
-		end;
+    if ((Gear^.State and gstCollision) <> 0) or (((TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) <> 0) and (TurnTimeLeft = 0)) then
+        begin
+        doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 25, EXPLAutoSound);
+        for i:= 0 to 32 do
+            begin
+            dX:= AngleCos(i * 64) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
+            dY:= AngleSin(i * 64) * _0_5 * (GetRandom + _1);
+            AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, dY, 0);
+            AddGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), gtFlame, 0, dX, -dY, 0);
+            end;
+        DeleteGear(Gear)
+        end;
-	AfterAttack;
-	CurAmmoGear:= nil;
-	TurnTimeLeft:= 14 * 125;
-	if (TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) <> 0 then
-		TurnTimeLeft:= 0; // HACK: RCPlane training allows unlimited plane starts in last 2 seconds
+    AfterAttack;
+    CurAmmoGear:= nil;
+    TurnTimeLeft:= 14 * 125;
+    if (TrainingFlags and tfRCPlane) <> 0 then
+        TurnTimeLeft:= 0; // HACK: RCPlane training allows unlimited plane starts in last 2 seconds
-	HHGear^.Message:= 0;
-	ParseCommand('/taunt '#1, true)
-	end
+    HHGear^.Message:= 0;
+    ParseCommand('/taunt '#1, true)
+    end
 procedure doStepRCPlane(Gear: PGear);
@@ -2599,24 +2599,24 @@
 if  (Gear^.Health = 0)
     or (HHGear^.Damage <> 0)
-	or CheckGearDrowning(HHGear)
+    or CheckGearDrowning(HHGear)
     or (TurnTimeLeft = 0)
     // allow brief ground touches - to be fair on this, might need another counter
     or (((GameTicks and $1FF) = 0) and (not HHGear^.dY.isNegative) and TestCollisionYwithGear(HHGear, 1))
-	or ((Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) then
-	begin
-	with HHGear^ do
-		begin
-		Message:= 0;
+    or ((Gear^.Message and gm_Attack) <> 0) then
+    begin
+    with HHGear^ do
+        begin
+        Message:= 0;
         Active:= true;
-		State:= State or gstMoving
-		end;
-	DeleteGear(Gear);
-	isCursorVisible:= false;
+        State:= State or gstMoving
+        end;
+    DeleteGear(Gear);
+    isCursorVisible:= false;
 //    if Gear^.Tex <> nil then FreeTexture(Gear^.Tex);
 //    Gear^.Tex:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidFuel] + ': ' + inttostr(round(Gear^.Health / 20)) + '%', cWhiteColor, fntSmall)
     //AddCaption(trmsg[sidFuel]+': '+inttostr(round(Gear^.Health/20))+'%', cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmostate);
-	end
+    end
@@ -2630,13 +2630,13 @@
 with HHGear^ do
-	begin
-	State:= State and not gstAttacking;
-	Message:= Message and not (gm_Attack or gm_Up or gm_Precise or gm_Left or gm_Right);
+    begin
+    State:= State and not gstAttacking;
+    Message:= Message and not (gm_Attack or gm_Up or gm_Precise or gm_Left or gm_Right);
     if (dY < _0_1) and (dY > -_0_1) then
         Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gsttmpFlag;
         dY:= dY - _0_2
-	end
+    end