changeset 9521 8054d9d775fd
parent 9282 92af50454cf2
parent 9519 b8b5c82eb61b
child 9950 2759212a27de
--- a/misc/libfreetype/docs/raster.txt	Fri Oct 11 11:55:31 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-                   How FreeType's rasterizer work
-                          by David Turner
-                        Revised 2007-Feb-01
-This file  is an  attempt to explain  the internals of  the FreeType
-rasterizer.  The  rasterizer is of  quite general purpose  and could
-easily be integrated into other programs.
-  I. Introduction
- II. Rendering Technology
-     1. Requirements
-     2. Profiles and Spans
-        a. Sweeping the Shape
-        b. Decomposing Outlines into Profiles
-        c. The Render Pool
-        d. Computing Profiles Extents
-        e. Computing Profiles Coordinates
-        f. Sweeping and Sorting the Spans
-I. Introduction
-  A  rasterizer is  a library  in charge  of converting  a vectorial
-  representation of a shape  into a bitmap.  The FreeType rasterizer
-  has  been  originally developed  to  render  the  glyphs found  in
-  TrueType  files, made  up  of segments  and second-order  Béziers.
-  Meanwhile it has been extended to render third-order Bézier curves
-  also.   This  document  is   an  explanation  of  its  design  and
-  implementation.
-  While  these explanations start  from the  basics, a  knowledge of
-  common rasterization techniques is assumed.
-II. Rendering Technology
-1. Requirements
-  We  assume that  all scaling,  rotating, hinting,  etc.,  has been
-  already done.  The glyph is thus  described by a list of points in
-  the device space.
-  - All point coordinates  are in the 26.6 fixed  float format.  The
-    used orientation is:
-       ^ y
-       |         reference orientation
-       |
-       *----> x
-      0
-    `26.6' means  that 26 bits  are used for  the integer part  of a
-    value   and  6   bits  are   used  for   the   fractional  part.
-    Consequently, the `distance'  between two neighbouring pixels is
-    64 `units' (1 unit = 1/64th of a pixel).
-    Note  that, for  the rasterizer,  pixel centers  are  located at
-    integer   coordinates.   The   TrueType   bytecode  interpreter,
-    however, assumes that  the lower left edge of  a pixel (which is
-    taken  to be  a square  with  a length  of 1  unit) has  integer
-    coordinates.
-        ^ y                                        ^ y
-        |                                          |
-        |            (1,1)                         |      (0.5,0.5)
-        +-----------+                        +-----+-----+
-        |           |                        |     |     |
-        |           |                        |     |     |
-        |           |                        |     o-----+-----> x
-        |           |                        |   (0,0)   |
-        |           |                        |           |
-        o-----------+-----> x                +-----------+
-      (0,0)                             (-0.5,-0.5)
-   TrueType bytecode interpreter          FreeType rasterizer
-    A pixel line in the target bitmap is called a `scanline'.
-  - A  glyph  is  usually  made  of several  contours,  also  called
-    `outlines'.  A contour is simply a closed curve that delimits an
-    outer or inner region of the glyph.  It is described by a series
-    of successive points of the points table.
-    Each point  of the glyph  has an associated flag  that indicates
-    whether  it is  `on' or  `off' the  curve.  Two  successive `on'
-    points indicate a line segment joining the two points.
-    One `off' point amidst two `on' points indicates a second-degree
-    (conic)  Bézier parametric  arc, defined  by these  three points
-    (the `off' point being the  control point, and the `on' ones the
-    start and end points).  Similarly, a third-degree (cubic) Bézier
-    curve  is described  by four  points (two  `off'  control points
-    between two `on' points).
-    Finally,  for  second-order curves  only,  two successive  `off'
-    points  forces the  rasterizer to  create, during  rendering, an
-    `on'  point amidst them,  at their  exact middle.   This greatly
-    facilitates the  definition of  successive Bézier arcs.
-  The parametric form of a second-order Bézier curve is:
-      P(t) = (1-t)^2*P1 + 2*t*(1-t)*P2 + t^2*P3
-      (P1 and P3 are the end points, P2 the control point.)
-  The parametric form of a third-order Bézier curve is:
-      P(t) = (1-t)^3*P1 + 3*t*(1-t)^2*P2 + 3*t^2*(1-t)*P3 + t^3*P4
-      (P1 and P4 are the end points, P2 and P3 the control points.)
-  For both formulae, t is a real number in the range [0..1].
-  Note  that the rasterizer  does not  use these  formulae directly.
-  They exhibit,  however, one very  useful property of  Bézier arcs:
-  Each  point of  the curve  is a  weighted average  of  the control
-  points.
-  As all weights  are positive and always sum up  to 1, whatever the
-  value  of t,  each arc  point lies  within the  triangle (polygon)
-  defined by the arc's three (four) control points.
-  In  the following,  only second-order  curves are  discussed since
-  rasterization of third-order curves is completely identical.
-  Here some samples for second-order curves.
-                                        *            # on curve
-                                                     * off curve
-                                     __---__
-        #-__                      _--       -_
-            --__                _-            -
-                --__           #               \
-                    --__                        #
-                        -#
-                                 Two `on' points
-         Two `on' points       and one `off' point
-                                  between them
-                      *
-        #            __      Two `on' points with two `off'
-         \          -  -     points between them. The point
-          \        /    \    marked `0' is the middle of the
-           -      0      \   `off' points, and is a `virtual
-            -_  _-       #   on' point where the curve passes.
-              --             It does not appear in the point
-              *              list.
-2. Profiles and Spans
-  The following is a basic explanation of the _kind_ of computations
-  made  by  the   rasterizer  to  build  a  bitmap   from  a  vector
-  representation.  Note  that the actual  implementation is slightly
-  different, due to performance tuning and other factors.
-  However, the following ideas remain  in the same category, and are
-  more convenient to understand.
-  a. Sweeping the Shape
-    The best way to fill a shape is to decompose it into a number of
-    simple  horizontal segments,  then turn  them on  in  the target
-    bitmap.  These segments are called `spans'.
-                __---__
-             _--       -_
-           _-            -
-          -               \
-         /                 \
-        /                   \
-       |                     \
-                __---__         Example: filling a shape
-             _----------_                with spans.
-           _--------------
-          ----------------\
-         /-----------------\    This is typically done from the top
-        /                   \   to the bottom of the shape, in a
-       |           |         \  movement called a `sweep'.
-                   V
-                __---__
-             _----------_
-           _--------------
-          ----------------\
-         /-----------------\
-        /-------------------\
-       |---------------------\
-    In  order  to draw  a  span,  the  rasterizer must  compute  its
-    coordinates, which  are simply the x coordinates  of the shape's
-    contours, taken on the y scanlines.
-                   /---/    |---|   Note that there are usually
-                  /---/     |---|   several spans per scanline.
-        |        /---/      |---|
-        |       /---/_______|---|   When rendering this shape to the
-        V      /----------------|   current scanline y, we must
-              /-----------------|   compute the x values of the
-           a /----|         |---|   points a, b, c, and d.
-      - - - *     * - - - - *   * - - y -
-           /     / b       c|   |d
-                   /---/    |---|
-                  /---/     |---|  And then turn on the spans a-b
-                 /---/      |---|  and c-d.
-                /---/_______|---|
-               /----------------|
-              /-----------------|
-           a /----|         |---|
-      - - - ####### - - - - ##### - - y -
-           /     / b       c|   |d
-  b. Decomposing Outlines into Profiles
-    For  each  scanline during  the  sweep,  we  need the  following
-    information:
-    o The  number of  spans on  the current  scanline, given  by the
-      number of  shape points  intersecting the scanline  (these are
-      the points a, b, c, and d in the above example).
-    o The x coordinates of these points.
-    x coordinates are  computed before the sweep, in  a phase called
-    `decomposition' which converts the glyph into *profiles*.
-    Put it simply, a `profile'  is a contour's portion that can only
-    be either ascending or descending,  i.e., it is monotonic in the
-    vertical direction (we also say  y-monotonic).  There is no such
-    thing as a horizontal profile, as we shall see.
-    Here are a few examples:
-      this square
-                                          1         2
-         ---->----     is made of two
-        |         |                       |         |
-        |         |       profiles        |         |
-        ^         v                       ^    +    v
-        |         |                       |         |
-        |         |                       |         |
-         ----<----
-                                         up        down
-      this triangle
-             P2                             1          2
-             |\        is made of two       |         \
-          ^  | \  \                         |          \
-          | |   \  \      profiles         |            \      |
-         |  |    \  v                  ^   |             \     |
-           |      \                    |  |         +     \    v
-           |       \                   |  |                \
-        P1 ---___   \                     ---___            \
-                 ---_\                          ---_         \
-             <--__     P3                   up           down
-      A more general contour can be made of more than two profiles:
-              __     ^
-             /  |   /  ___          /    |
-            /   |     /   |        /     |       /     |
-           |    |    /   /    =>  |      v      /     /
-           |    |   |   |         |      |     ^     |
-        ^  |    |___|   |  |      ^   +  |  +  |  +  v
-        |  |           |   v      |                 |
-           |           |          |           up    |
-           |___________|          |    down         |
-                <--               up              down
-    Successive  profiles are  always joined  by  horizontal segments
-    that are not part of the profiles themselves.
-    For  the  rasterizer,  a  profile  is  simply  an  *array*  that
-    associates  one  horizontal *pixel*  coordinate  to each  bitmap
-    *scanline*  crossed  by  the  contour's section  containing  the
-    profile.  Note that profiles are *oriented* up or down along the
-    glyph's original flow orientation.
-    In other graphics libraries, profiles are also called `edges' or
-    `edgelists'.
-  c. The Render Pool
-    FreeType  has been designed  to be  able to  run well  on _very_
-    light systems, including embedded systems with very few memory.
-    A render pool  will be allocated once; the  rasterizer uses this
-    pool for all  its needs by managing this  memory directly in it.
-    The  algorithms that are  used for  profile computation  make it
-    possible to use  the pool as a simple  growing heap.  This means
-    that this  memory management is  actually quite easy  and faster
-    than any kind of malloc()/free() combination.
-    Moreover,  we'll see  later that  the rasterizer  is  able, when
-    dealing with profiles too large  and numerous to lie all at once
-    in  the render  pool, to  immediately decompose  recursively the
-    rendering process  into independent sub-tasks,  each taking less
-    memory to be performed (see `sub-banding' below).
-    The  render pool doesn't  need to  be large.   A 4KByte  pool is
-    enough for nearly all renditions, though nearly 100% slower than
-    a more comfortable 16KByte or 32KByte pool (that was tested with
-    complex glyphs at sizes over 500 pixels).
-  d. Computing Profiles Extents
-    Remember that a profile is an array, associating a _scanline_ to
-    the x pixel coordinate of its intersection with a contour.
-    Though it's not exactly how the FreeType rasterizer works, it is
-    convenient  to think  that  we need  a  profile's height  before
-    allocating it in the pool and computing its coordinates.
-    The profile's height  is the number of scanlines  crossed by the
-    y-monotonic section of a contour.  We thus need to compute these
-    sections from  the vectorial description.  In order  to do that,
-    we are  obliged to compute all  (local and global)  y extrema of
-    the glyph (minima and maxima).
-           P2             For instance, this triangle has only
-                          two y-extrema, which are simply
-           |\
-           | \               P2.y  as a vertical maximum
-          |   \              P3.y  as a vertical minimum
-          |    \
-         |      \            P1.y is not a vertical extremum (though
-         |       \           it is a horizontal minimum, which we
-      P1 ---___   \          don't need).
-               ---_\
-                     P3
-    Note  that the  extrema are  expressed  in pixel  units, not  in
-    scanlines.   The triangle's  height  is certainly  (P3.y-P2.y+1)
-    pixel  units,   but  its  profiles'  heights   are  computed  in
-    scanlines.  The exact conversion is simple:
-      - min scanline = FLOOR  ( min y )
-      - max scanline = CEILING( max y )
-    A problem  arises with Bézier  Arcs.  While a segment  is always
-    necessarily y-monotonic (i.e.,  flat, ascending, or descending),
-    which makes extrema computations easy,  the ascent of an arc can
-    vary between its control points.
-                          P2
-                         *
-                                       # on curve
-                                       * off curve
-                   __-x--_
-                _--       -_
-          P1  _-            -          A non y-monotonic Bézier arc.
-             #               \
-                              -        The arc goes from P1 to P3.
-                               \
-                                \  P3
-                                 #
-    We first  need to be  able to easily detect  non-monotonic arcs,
-    according to  their control points.  I will  state here, without
-    proof, that the monotony condition can be expressed as:
-      P1.y <= P2.y <= P3.y   for an ever-ascending arc
-      P1.y >= P2.y >= P3.y   for an ever-descending arc
-    with the special case of
-      P1.y = P2.y = P3.y     where the arc is said to be `flat'.
-    As  you can  see, these  conditions can  be very  easily tested.
-    They are, however, extremely important, as any arc that does not
-    satisfy them necessarily contains an extremum.
-    Note  also that  a monotonic  arc can  contain an  extremum too,
-    which is then one of its `on' points:
-        P1           P2
-          #---__   *         P1P2P3 is ever-descending, but P1
-                -_           is an y-extremum.
-                  -
-           ---_    \
-               ->   \
-                     \  P3
-                      #
-    Let's go back to our previous example:
-                          P2
-                         *
-                                       # on curve
-                                       * off curve
-                   __-x--_
-                _--       -_
-          P1  _-            -          A non-y-monotonic Bézier arc.
-             #               \
-                              -        Here we have
-                               \              P2.y >= P1.y &&
-                                \  P3         P2.y >= P3.y      (!)
-                                 #
-    We need to  compute the vertical maximum of this  arc to be able
-    to compute a profile's height (the point marked by an `x').  The
-    arc's equation indicates that  a direct computation is possible,
-    but  we rely  on a  different technique,  which use  will become
-    apparent soon.
-    Bézier  arcs have  the  special property  of  being very  easily
-    decomposed into two sub-arcs,  which are themselves Bézier arcs.
-    Moreover, it is easy to prove that there is at most one vertical
-    extremum on  each Bézier arc (for  second-degree curves; similar
-    conditions can be found for third-order arcs).
-    For instance,  the following arc  P1P2P3 can be  decomposed into
-    two sub-arcs Q1Q2Q3 and R1R2R3:
-                    P2
-                   *
-                                    # on  curve
-                                    * off curve
-                                    original Bézier arc P1P2P3.
-                __---__
-             _--       --_
-           _-             -_
-          -                 -
-         /                   \
-        /                     \
-       #                       #
-     P1                         P3
-                    P2
-                   *
-                   Q3                 Decomposed into two subarcs
-          Q2                R2        Q1Q2Q3 and R1R2R3
-            *   __-#-__   *
-             _--       --_
-           _-       R1    -_          Q1 = P1         R3 = P3
-          -                 -         Q2 = (P1+P2)/2  R2 = (P2+P3)/2
-         /                   \
-        /                     \            Q3 = R1 = (Q2+R2)/2
-       #                       #
-     Q1                         R3    Note that Q2, R2, and Q3=R1
-                                      are on a single line which is
-                                      tangent to the curve.
-    We have then decomposed  a non-y-monotonic Bézier curve into two
-    smaller sub-arcs.  Note that in the above drawing, both sub-arcs
-    are monotonic, and that the extremum is then Q3=R1.  However, in
-    a  more general  case,  only  one sub-arc  is  guaranteed to  be
-    monotonic.  Getting back to our former example:
-                    Q2
-                   *
-                   __-x--_ R1
-                _--       #_
-          Q1  _-        Q3  -   R2
-             #               \ *
-                              -
-                               \
-                                \  R3
-                                 #
-    Here, we see that,  though Q1Q2Q3 is still non-monotonic, R1R2R3
-    is ever  descending: We  thus know that  it doesn't  contain the
-    extremum.  We can then re-subdivide Q1Q2Q3 into two sub-arcs and
-    go  on recursively,  stopping  when we  encounter two  monotonic
-    subarcs, or when the subarcs become simply too small.
-    We  will finally  find  the vertical  extremum.   Note that  the
-    iterative process of finding an extremum is called `flattening'.
-  e. Computing Profiles Coordinates
-    Once we have the height of each profile, we are able to allocate
-    it in the render pool.   The next task is to compute coordinates
-    for each scanline.
-    In  the case  of segments,  the computation  is straightforward,
-    using  the  Euclidean   algorithm  (also  known  as  Bresenham).
-    However, for Bézier arcs, the job is a little more complicated.
-    We assume  that all Béziers that  are part of a  profile are the
-    result of  flattening the curve,  which means that they  are all
-    y-monotonic (ascending  or descending, and never  flat).  We now
-    have  to compute the  intersections of  arcs with  the profile's
-    scanlines.  One  way is  to use a  similar scheme  to flattening
-    called `stepping'.
-                                 Consider this arc, going from P1 to
-      ---------------------      P3.  Suppose that we need to
-                                 compute its intersections with the
-                                 drawn scanlines.  As already
-      ---------------------      mentioned this can be done
-                                 directly, but the involved
-          * P2         _---# P3  algorithm is far too slow.
-      ------------- _--  --
-                  _-
-                _/               Instead, it is still possible to
-      ---------/-----------      use the decomposition property in
-              /                  the same recursive way, i.e.,
-             |                   subdivide the arc into subarcs
-      ------|--------------      until these get too small to cross
-            |                    more than one scanline!
-           |
-      -----|---------------      This is very easily done using a
-          |                      rasterizer-managed stack of
-          |                      subarcs.
-          # P1
-  f. Sweeping and Sorting the Spans
-    Once all our profiles have  been computed, we begin the sweep to
-    build (and fill) the spans.
-    As both the  TrueType and Type 1 specifications  use the winding
-    fill  rule (but  with opposite  directions), we  place,  on each
-    scanline, the present profiles in two separate lists.
-    One  list,  called  the  `left'  one,  only  contains  ascending
-    profiles, while  the other `right' list  contains the descending
-    profiles.
-    As  each glyph  is made  of  closed curves,  a simple  geometric
-    property ensures that  the two lists contain the  same number of
-    elements.
-    Creating spans is thus straightforward:
-    1. We sort each list in increasing horizontal order.
-    2. We pair  each value of  the left list with  its corresponding
-       value in the right list.
-                   /     /  |   |          For example, we have here
-                  /     /   |   |          four profiles.  Two of
-                >/     /    |   |  |       them are ascending (1 &
-              1//     /   ^ |   |  | 2     3), while the two others
-              //     //  3| |   |  v       are descending (2 & 4).
-              /     //4   | |   |          On the given scanline,
-           a /     /<       |   |          the left list is (1,3),
-      - - - *-----* - - - - *---* - - y -  and the right one is
-           /     / b       c|   |d         (4,2) (sorted).
-                                   There are then two spans, joining
-                                   1 to 4 (i.e. a-b) and 3 to 2
-                                   (i.e. c-d)!
-    Sorting doesn't necessarily  take much time, as in  99 cases out
-    of 100, the lists' order is  kept from one scanline to the next.
-    We can  thus implement it  with two simple  singly-linked lists,
-    sorted by a classic bubble-sort, which takes a minimum amount of
-    time when the lists are already sorted.
-    A  previous  version  of  the  rasterizer  used  more  elaborate
-    structures, like arrays to  perform `faster' sorting.  It turned
-    out that  this old scheme is  not faster than  the one described
-    above.
-    Once the spans  have been `created', we can  simply draw them in
-    the target bitmap.
-Copyright 2003, 2007 by
-David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
-This  file  is  part  of the  FreeType  project, and may  only be  used,
-modified,  and  distributed  under  the  terms of  the FreeType  project
-license, LICENSE.TXT.   By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this
-file you  indicate that  you have  read the  license and understand  and
-accept it fully.
---- end of raster.txt ---
-Local Variables:
-coding: utf-8