changeset 5172 88f2e05288ba
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/misc/libfreetype/src/truetype/ttobjs.c	Mon Apr 25 01:46:54 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+/*                                                                         */
+/*  ttobjs.c                                                               */
+/*                                                                         */
+/*    Objects manager (body).                                              */
+/*                                                                         */
+/*  Copyright 1996-2011                                                    */
+/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
+/*                                                                         */
+/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
+/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
+/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
+/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
+/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
+/*                                                                         */
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include "ttgload.h"
+#include "ttpload.h"
+#include "tterrors.h"
+#include "ttinterp.h"
+#include "ttgxvar.h"
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit      */
+  /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log  */
+  /* messages during execution.                                            */
+  /*                                                                       */
+#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_ttobjs
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*                       GLYPH ZONE FUNCTIONS                            */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_glyphzone_done                                                  */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Deallocate a glyph zone.                                           */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    zone :: A pointer to the target glyph zone.                        */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+  tt_glyphzone_done( TT_GlyphZone  zone )
+  {
+    FT_Memory  memory = zone->memory;
+    if ( memory )
+    {
+      FT_FREE( zone->contours );
+      FT_FREE( zone->tags );
+      FT_FREE( zone->cur );
+      FT_FREE( zone->org );
+      FT_FREE( zone->orus );
+      zone->max_points   = zone->n_points   = 0;
+      zone->max_contours = zone->n_contours = 0;
+      zone->memory       = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_glyphzone_new                                                   */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Allocate a new glyph zone.                                         */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    memory      :: A handle to the current memory object.              */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*    maxPoints   :: The capacity of glyph zone in points.               */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*    maxContours :: The capacity of glyph zone in contours.             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Output>                                                              */
+  /*    zone        :: A pointer to the target glyph zone record.          */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_glyphzone_new( FT_Memory     memory,
+                    FT_UShort     maxPoints,
+                    FT_Short      maxContours,
+                    TT_GlyphZone  zone )
+  {
+    FT_Error  error;
+    FT_MEM_ZERO( zone, sizeof ( *zone ) );
+    zone->memory = memory;
+    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( zone->org,      maxPoints   ) ||
+         FT_NEW_ARRAY( zone->cur,      maxPoints   ) ||
+         FT_NEW_ARRAY( zone->orus,     maxPoints   ) ||
+         FT_NEW_ARRAY( zone->tags,     maxPoints   ) ||
+         FT_NEW_ARRAY( zone->contours, maxContours ) )
+    {
+      tt_glyphzone_done( zone );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      zone->max_points   = maxPoints;
+      zone->max_contours = maxContours;
+    }
+    return error;
+  }
+  /* Compare the face with a list of well-known `tricky' fonts. */
+  /* This list shall be expanded as we find more of them.       */
+  static FT_Bool
+  tt_check_trickyness_family( FT_String*  name )
+  {
+#define TRICK_NAMES_COUNT            8
+    static const char trick_names[TRICK_NAMES_COUNT]
+                                 [TRICK_NAMES_MAX_CHARACTERS + 1] =
+    {
+      "DFKaiSho-SB",     /* dfkaisb.ttf */
+      "DFKaiShu",
+      "DFKai-SB",        /* kaiu.ttf */
+      "HuaTianKaiTi?",   /* htkt2.ttf */
+      "HuaTianSongTi?",  /* htst3.ttf */
+      "MingLiU",         /* mingliu.ttf & mingliu.ttc */
+      "PMingLiU",        /* mingliu.ttc */
+      "MingLi43",        /* mingli.ttf */
+    };
+    int  nn;
+    for ( nn = 0; nn < TRICK_NAMES_COUNT; nn++ )
+      if ( ft_strstr( name, trick_names[nn] ) )
+        return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  /* XXX: This function should be in the `sfnt' module. */
+  /* Some PDF generators clear the checksums in the TrueType header table. */
+  /* For example, Quartz ContextPDF clears all entries, or Bullzip PDF     */
+  /* Printer clears the entries for subsetted subtables.  We thus have to  */
+  /* recalculate the checksums  where necessary.                           */
+  static FT_UInt32
+  tt_synth_sfnt_checksum( FT_Stream  stream,
+                          FT_ULong   length )
+  {
+    FT_Error   error;
+    FT_UInt32  checksum = 0;
+    int        i;
+    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( length ) )
+      return 0;
+    for ( ; length > 3; length -= 4 )
+      checksum += (FT_UInt32)FT_GET_ULONG();
+    for ( i = 3; length > 0; length --, i-- )
+      checksum += (FT_UInt32)( FT_GET_BYTE() << ( i * 8 ) );
+    return checksum;
+  }
+  /* XXX: This function should be in the `sfnt' module. */
+  static FT_ULong
+  tt_get_sfnt_checksum( TT_Face    face,
+                        FT_UShort  i )
+  {
+    if ( face->dir_tables[i].CheckSum )
+      return face->dir_tables[i].CheckSum;
+    else if ( !face->goto_table )
+      return 0;
+    else if ( !face->goto_table( face,
+                                 face->dir_tables[i].Tag,
+                                 face->root.stream,
+                                 NULL ) )
+      return 0;
+    return (FT_ULong)tt_synth_sfnt_checksum( face->root.stream,
+                                             face->dir_tables[i].Length );
+  }
+  typedef struct tt_sfnt_id_rec_
+  {
+    FT_ULong  CheckSum;
+    FT_ULong  Length;
+  } tt_sfnt_id_rec;
+  static FT_Bool
+  tt_check_trickyness_sfnt_ids( TT_Face  face )
+  {
+    static const tt_sfnt_id_rec sfnt_id[TRICK_SFNT_IDS_NUM_FACES]
+                                       [TRICK_SFNT_IDS_PER_FACE] = {
+#define TRICK_SFNT_ID_cvt   0
+#define TRICK_SFNT_ID_fpgm  1
+#define TRICK_SFNT_ID_prep  2
+      { /* MingLiU 1995 */
+        { 0x05bcf058, 0x000002e4 }, /* cvt  */
+        { 0x28233bf1, 0x000087c4 }, /* fpgm */
+        { 0xa344a1ea, 0x000001e1 }  /* prep */
+      },
+      { /* MingLiU 1996- */
+        { 0x05bcf058, 0x000002e4 }, /* cvt  */
+        { 0x28233bf1, 0x000087c4 }, /* fpgm */
+        { 0xa344a1eb, 0x000001e1 }  /* prep */
+      },
+      { /* DFKaiShu */
+        { 0x11e5ead4, 0x00000350 }, /* cvt  */
+        { 0x5a30ca3b, 0x00009063 }, /* fpgm */
+        { 0x13a42602, 0x0000007e }  /* prep */
+      },
+      { /* HuaTianKaiTi */
+        { 0xfffbfffc, 0x00000008 }, /* cvt  */
+        { 0x9c9e48b8, 0x0000bea2 }, /* fpgm */
+        { 0x70020112, 0x00000008 }  /* prep */
+      },
+      { /* HuaTianSongTi */
+        { 0xfffbfffc, 0x00000008 }, /* cvt  */
+        { 0x0a5a0483, 0x00017c39 }, /* fpgm */
+        { 0x70020112, 0x00000008 }  /* prep */
+      }
+    };
+    FT_ULong  checksum;
+    int       num_matched_ids[TRICK_SFNT_IDS_NUM_FACES];
+    int       i, j, k;
+    FT_MEM_SET( num_matched_ids, 0,
+                sizeof( int ) * TRICK_SFNT_IDS_NUM_FACES );
+    for ( i = 0; i < face->num_tables; i++ )
+    {
+      checksum = 0;
+      switch( face->dir_tables[i].Tag )
+      {
+      case TTAG_cvt:
+        k = TRICK_SFNT_ID_cvt;
+        break;
+      case TTAG_fpgm:
+        k = TRICK_SFNT_ID_fpgm;
+        break;
+      case TTAG_prep:
+        k = TRICK_SFNT_ID_prep;
+        break;
+      default:
+        continue;
+      }
+      for ( j = 0; j < TRICK_SFNT_IDS_NUM_FACES; j++ )
+        if ( face->dir_tables[i].Length == sfnt_id[j][k].Length )
+        {
+          if ( !checksum )
+            checksum = tt_get_sfnt_checksum( face, i );
+          if ( sfnt_id[j][k].CheckSum == checksum )
+            num_matched_ids[j]++;
+          if ( num_matched_ids[j] == TRICK_SFNT_IDS_PER_FACE )
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  static FT_Bool
+  tt_check_trickyness( FT_Face  face )
+  {
+    if ( !face )
+      return FALSE;
+    /* First, check the face name. */
+    if ( face->family_name )
+    {
+      if ( tt_check_trickyness_family( face->family_name ) )
+        return TRUE;
+      else
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Type42 fonts may lack `name' tables, we thus try to identify */
+    /* tricky fonts by checking the checksums of Type42-persistent  */
+    /* sfnt tables (`cvt', `fpgm', and `prep').                     */
+    if ( tt_check_trickyness_sfnt_ids( (TT_Face)face ) )
+      return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_face_init                                                       */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Initialize a given TrueType face object.                           */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    stream     :: The source font stream.                              */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*    face_index :: The index of the font face in the resource.          */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*    num_params :: Number of additional generic parameters.  Ignored.   */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*    params     :: Additional generic parameters.  Ignored.             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <InOut>                                                               */
+  /*    face       :: The newly built face object.                         */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
+                FT_Face        ttface,      /* TT_Face */
+                FT_Int         face_index,
+                FT_Int         num_params,
+                FT_Parameter*  params )
+  {
+    FT_Error      error;
+    FT_Library    library;
+    SFNT_Service  sfnt;
+    TT_Face       face = (TT_Face)ttface;
+    library = ttface->driver->root.library;
+    sfnt    = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface( library, "sfnt" );
+    if ( !sfnt )
+      goto Bad_Format;
+    /* create input stream from resource */
+    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
+      goto Exit;
+    /* check that we have a valid TrueType file */
+    error = sfnt->init_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
+    if ( error )
+      goto Exit;
+    /* We must also be able to accept Mac/GX fonts, as well as OT ones. */
+    /* The 0x00020000 tag is completely undocumented; some fonts from   */
+    /* Arphic made for Chinese Windows 3.1 have this.                   */
+    if ( face->format_tag != 0x00010000L &&    /* MS fonts  */
+         face->format_tag != 0x00020000L &&    /* CJK fonts for Win 3.1 */
+         face->format_tag != TTAG_true   )     /* Mac fonts */
+    {
+      FT_TRACE2(( "[not a valid TTF font]\n" ));
+      goto Bad_Format;
+    }
+    ttface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER;
+    /* If we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately. */
+    if ( face_index < 0 )
+      return TT_Err_Ok;
+    /* Load font directory */
+    error = sfnt->load_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
+    if ( error )
+      goto Exit;
+    if ( tt_check_trickyness( ttface ) )
+      ttface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_TRICKY;
+    error = tt_face_load_hdmx( face, stream );
+    if ( error )
+      goto Exit;
+    if ( FT_IS_SCALABLE( ttface ) )
+    {
+      if ( !ttface->internal->incremental_interface )
+        error = tt_face_load_loca( face, stream );
+      if ( !error )
+        error = tt_face_load_cvt( face, stream );
+      if ( !error )
+        error = tt_face_load_fpgm( face, stream );
+      if ( !error )
+        error = tt_face_load_prep( face, stream );
+      if ( !error )
+        error = tt_face_load_loca( face, stream );
+      if ( !error )
+        error = tt_face_load_cvt( face, stream );
+      if ( !error )
+        error = tt_face_load_fpgm( face, stream );
+      if ( !error )
+        error = tt_face_load_prep( face, stream );
+    }
+    {
+      FT_Bool  unpatented_hinting;
+      int      i;
+      /* Determine whether unpatented hinting is to be used for this face. */
+      unpatented_hinting = FT_BOOL
+        ( library->debug_hooks[FT_DEBUG_HOOK_UNPATENTED_HINTING] != NULL );
+      for ( i = 0; i < num_params && !face->unpatented_hinting; i++ )
+        if ( params[i].tag == FT_PARAM_TAG_UNPATENTED_HINTING )
+          unpatented_hinting = TRUE;
+      if ( !unpatented_hinting )
+        ttface->internal->ignore_unpatented_hinter = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* initialize standard glyph loading routines */
+    TT_Init_Glyph_Loading( face );
+  Exit:
+    return error;
+  Bad_Format:
+    error = TT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
+    goto Exit;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_face_done                                                       */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Finalize a given face object.                                      */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    face :: A pointer to the face object to destroy.                   */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+  tt_face_done( FT_Face  ttface )           /* TT_Face */
+  {
+    TT_Face       face = (TT_Face)ttface;
+    FT_Memory     memory;
+    FT_Stream     stream;
+    SFNT_Service  sfnt;
+    if ( !face )
+      return;
+    memory = ttface->memory;
+    stream = ttface->stream;
+    sfnt   = (SFNT_Service)face->sfnt;
+    /* for `extended TrueType formats' (i.e. compressed versions) */
+    if ( face->extra.finalizer )
+      face->extra.finalizer( face->extra.data );
+    if ( sfnt )
+      sfnt->done_face( face );
+    /* freeing the locations table */
+    tt_face_done_loca( face );
+    tt_face_free_hdmx( face );
+    /* freeing the CVT */
+    FT_FREE( face->cvt );
+    face->cvt_size = 0;
+    /* freeing the programs */
+    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( face->font_program );
+    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( face->cvt_program );
+    face->font_program_size = 0;
+    face->cvt_program_size  = 0;
+    tt_done_blend( memory, face->blend );
+    face->blend = NULL;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*                           SIZE  FUNCTIONS                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_size_run_fpgm                                                   */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Run the font program.                                              */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    size     :: A handle to the size object.                           */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*    pedantic :: Set if bytecode execution should be pedantic.          */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_size_run_fpgm( TT_Size  size,
+                    FT_Bool  pedantic )
+  {
+    TT_Face         face = (TT_Face)size->root.face;
+    TT_ExecContext  exec;
+    FT_Error        error;
+    /* debugging instances have their own context */
+    if ( size->debug )
+      exec = size->context;
+    else
+      exec = ( (TT_Driver)FT_FACE_DRIVER( face ) )->context;
+    if ( !exec )
+      return TT_Err_Could_Not_Find_Context;
+    TT_Load_Context( exec, face, size );
+    exec->callTop = 0;
+    exec->top     = 0;
+    exec->period    = 64;
+    exec->phase     = 0;
+    exec->threshold = 0;
+    exec->instruction_trap = FALSE;
+    exec->F_dot_P          = 0x10000L;
+    exec->pedantic_hinting = pedantic;
+    {
+      FT_Size_Metrics*  metrics    = &exec->metrics;
+      TT_Size_Metrics*  tt_metrics = &exec->tt_metrics;
+      metrics->x_ppem   = 0;
+      metrics->y_ppem   = 0;
+      metrics->x_scale  = 0;
+      metrics->y_scale  = 0;
+      tt_metrics->ppem  = 0;
+      tt_metrics->scale = 0;
+      tt_metrics->ratio = 0x10000L;
+    }
+    /* allow font program execution */
+    TT_Set_CodeRange( exec,
+                      tt_coderange_font,
+                      face->font_program,
+                      face->font_program_size );
+    /* disable CVT and glyph programs coderange */
+    TT_Clear_CodeRange( exec, tt_coderange_cvt );
+    TT_Clear_CodeRange( exec, tt_coderange_glyph );
+    if ( face->font_program_size > 0 )
+    {
+      error = TT_Goto_CodeRange( exec, tt_coderange_font, 0 );
+      if ( !error )
+      {
+        FT_TRACE4(( "Executing `fpgm' table.\n" ));
+        error = face->interpreter( exec );
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      error = TT_Err_Ok;
+    if ( !error )
+      TT_Save_Context( exec, size );
+    return error;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_size_run_prep                                                   */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Run the control value program.                                     */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    size     :: A handle to the size object.                           */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /*    pedantic :: Set if bytecode execution should be pedantic.          */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_size_run_prep( TT_Size  size,
+                    FT_Bool  pedantic )
+  {
+    TT_Face         face = (TT_Face)size->root.face;
+    TT_ExecContext  exec;
+    FT_Error        error;
+    /* debugging instances have their own context */
+    if ( size->debug )
+      exec = size->context;
+    else
+      exec = ( (TT_Driver)FT_FACE_DRIVER( face ) )->context;
+    if ( !exec )
+      return TT_Err_Could_Not_Find_Context;
+    TT_Load_Context( exec, face, size );
+    exec->callTop = 0;
+    exec->top     = 0;
+    exec->instruction_trap = FALSE;
+    exec->pedantic_hinting = pedantic;
+    TT_Set_CodeRange( exec,
+                      tt_coderange_cvt,
+                      face->cvt_program,
+                      face->cvt_program_size );
+    TT_Clear_CodeRange( exec, tt_coderange_glyph );
+    if ( face->cvt_program_size > 0 )
+    {
+      error = TT_Goto_CodeRange( exec, tt_coderange_cvt, 0 );
+      if ( !error && !size->debug )
+      {
+        FT_TRACE4(( "Executing `prep' table.\n" ));
+        error = face->interpreter( exec );
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      error = TT_Err_Ok;
+    /* save as default graphics state */
+    size->GS = exec->GS;
+    TT_Save_Context( exec, size );
+    return error;
+  }
+  static void
+  tt_size_done_bytecode( FT_Size  ftsize )
+  {
+    TT_Size    size   = (TT_Size)ftsize;
+    TT_Face    face   = (TT_Face)ftsize->face;
+    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
+    if ( size->debug )
+    {
+      /* the debug context must be deleted by the debugger itself */
+      size->context = NULL;
+      size->debug   = FALSE;
+    }
+    FT_FREE( size->cvt );
+    size->cvt_size = 0;
+    /* free storage area */
+    FT_FREE( size->storage );
+    size->storage_size = 0;
+    /* twilight zone */
+    tt_glyphzone_done( &size->twilight );
+    FT_FREE( size->function_defs );
+    FT_FREE( size->instruction_defs );
+    size->num_function_defs    = 0;
+    size->max_function_defs    = 0;
+    size->num_instruction_defs = 0;
+    size->max_instruction_defs = 0;
+    size->max_func = 0;
+    size->max_ins  = 0;
+    size->bytecode_ready = 0;
+    size->cvt_ready      = 0;
+  }
+  /* Initialize bytecode-related fields in the size object.       */
+  /* We do this only if bytecode interpretation is really needed. */
+  static FT_Error
+  tt_size_init_bytecode( FT_Size  ftsize,
+                         FT_Bool  pedantic )
+  {
+    FT_Error   error;
+    TT_Size    size = (TT_Size)ftsize;
+    TT_Face    face = (TT_Face)ftsize->face;
+    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
+    FT_Int     i;
+    FT_UShort       n_twilight;
+    TT_MaxProfile*  maxp = &face->max_profile;
+    size->bytecode_ready = 1;
+    size->cvt_ready      = 0;
+    size->max_function_defs    = maxp->maxFunctionDefs;
+    size->max_instruction_defs = maxp->maxInstructionDefs;
+    size->num_function_defs    = 0;
+    size->num_instruction_defs = 0;
+    size->max_func = 0;
+    size->max_ins  = 0;
+    size->cvt_size     = face->cvt_size;
+    size->storage_size = maxp->maxStorage;
+    /* Set default metrics */
+    {
+      TT_Size_Metrics*  metrics = &size->ttmetrics;
+      metrics->rotated   = FALSE;
+      metrics->stretched = FALSE;
+      /* set default compensation (all 0) */
+      for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+        metrics->compensations[i] = 0;
+    }
+    /* allocate function defs, instruction defs, cvt, and storage area */
+    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( size->function_defs,    size->max_function_defs    ) ||
+         FT_NEW_ARRAY( size->instruction_defs, size->max_instruction_defs ) ||
+         FT_NEW_ARRAY( size->cvt,              size->cvt_size             ) ||
+         FT_NEW_ARRAY( size->storage,          size->storage_size         ) )
+      goto Exit;
+    /* reserve twilight zone */
+    n_twilight = maxp->maxTwilightPoints;
+    /* there are 4 phantom points (do we need this?) */
+    n_twilight += 4;
+    error = tt_glyphzone_new( memory, n_twilight, 0, &size->twilight );
+    if ( error )
+      goto Exit;
+    size->twilight.n_points = n_twilight;
+    size->GS = tt_default_graphics_state;
+    /* set `face->interpreter' according to the debug hook present */
+    {
+      FT_Library  library = face->root.driver->root.library;
+      face->interpreter = (TT_Interpreter)
+                            library->debug_hooks[FT_DEBUG_HOOK_TRUETYPE];
+      if ( !face->interpreter )
+        face->interpreter = (TT_Interpreter)TT_RunIns;
+    }
+    /* Fine, now run the font program! */
+    error = tt_size_run_fpgm( size, pedantic );
+  Exit:
+    if ( error )
+      tt_size_done_bytecode( ftsize );
+    return error;
+  }
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_size_ready_bytecode( TT_Size  size,
+                          FT_Bool  pedantic )
+  {
+    FT_Error  error = TT_Err_Ok;
+    if ( !size->bytecode_ready )
+    {
+      error = tt_size_init_bytecode( (FT_Size)size, pedantic );
+      if ( error )
+        goto Exit;
+    }
+    /* rescale CVT when needed */
+    if ( !size->cvt_ready )
+    {
+      FT_UInt  i;
+      TT_Face  face = (TT_Face)size->root.face;
+      /* Scale the cvt values to the new ppem.          */
+      /* We use by default the y ppem to scale the CVT. */
+      for ( i = 0; i < size->cvt_size; i++ )
+        size->cvt[i] = FT_MulFix( face->cvt[i], size->ttmetrics.scale );
+      /* all twilight points are originally zero */
+      for ( i = 0; i < (FT_UInt)size->twilight.n_points; i++ )
+      {
+        size->twilight.org[i].x = 0;
+        size->twilight.org[i].y = 0;
+        size->twilight.cur[i].x = 0;
+        size->twilight.cur[i].y = 0;
+      }
+      /* clear storage area */
+      for ( i = 0; i < (FT_UInt)size->storage_size; i++ )
+        size->storage[i] = 0;
+      size->GS = tt_default_graphics_state;
+      error = tt_size_run_prep( size, pedantic );
+      if ( !error )
+        size->cvt_ready = 1;
+    }
+  Exit:
+    return error;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_size_init                                                       */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Initialize a new TrueType size object.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <InOut>                                                               */
+  /*    size :: A handle to the size object.                               */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_size_init( FT_Size  ttsize )           /* TT_Size */
+  {
+    TT_Size   size  = (TT_Size)ttsize;
+    FT_Error  error = TT_Err_Ok;
+    size->bytecode_ready = 0;
+    size->cvt_ready      = 0;
+    size->ttmetrics.valid = FALSE;
+    size->strike_index    = 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
+    return error;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_size_done                                                       */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    The TrueType size object finalizer.                                */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    size :: A handle to the target size object.                        */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+  tt_size_done( FT_Size  ttsize )           /* TT_Size */
+  {
+    TT_Size  size = (TT_Size)ttsize;
+    if ( size->bytecode_ready )
+      tt_size_done_bytecode( ttsize );
+    size->ttmetrics.valid = FALSE;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_size_reset                                                      */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Reset a TrueType size when resolutions and character dimensions    */
+  /*    have been changed.                                                 */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    size :: A handle to the target size object.                        */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_size_reset( TT_Size  size )
+  {
+    TT_Face           face;
+    FT_Error          error = TT_Err_Ok;
+    FT_Size_Metrics*  metrics;
+    size->ttmetrics.valid = FALSE;
+    face = (TT_Face)size->root.face;
+    metrics = &size->metrics;
+    /* copy the result from base layer */
+    *metrics = size->root.metrics;
+    if ( metrics->x_ppem < 1 || metrics->y_ppem < 1 )
+      return TT_Err_Invalid_PPem;
+    /* This bit flag, if set, indicates that the ppems must be       */
+    /* rounded to integers.  Nearly all TrueType fonts have this bit */
+    /* set, as hinting won't work really well otherwise.             */
+    /*                                                               */
+    if ( face->header.Flags & 8 )
+    {
+      metrics->x_scale = FT_DivFix( metrics->x_ppem << 6,
+                                    face->root.units_per_EM );
+      metrics->y_scale = FT_DivFix( metrics->y_ppem << 6,
+                                    face->root.units_per_EM );
+      metrics->ascender =
+        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.ascender, metrics->y_scale ) );
+      metrics->descender =
+        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.descender, metrics->y_scale ) );
+      metrics->height =
+        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.height, metrics->y_scale ) );
+      metrics->max_advance =
+        FT_PIX_ROUND( FT_MulFix( face->root.max_advance_width,
+                                 metrics->x_scale ) );
+    }
+    /* compute new transformation */
+    if ( metrics->x_ppem >= metrics->y_ppem )
+    {
+      size->ttmetrics.scale   = metrics->x_scale;
+      size->ttmetrics.ppem    = metrics->x_ppem;
+      size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = 0x10000L;
+      size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = FT_MulDiv( metrics->y_ppem,
+                                           0x10000L,
+                                           metrics->x_ppem );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      size->ttmetrics.scale   = metrics->y_scale;
+      size->ttmetrics.ppem    = metrics->y_ppem;
+      size->ttmetrics.x_ratio = FT_MulDiv( metrics->x_ppem,
+                                           0x10000L,
+                                           metrics->y_ppem );
+      size->ttmetrics.y_ratio = 0x10000L;
+    }
+    size->cvt_ready = 0;
+    if ( !error )
+      size->ttmetrics.valid = TRUE;
+    return error;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_driver_init                                                     */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Initialize a given TrueType driver object.                         */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    driver :: A handle to the target driver object.                    */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_driver_init( FT_Module  ttdriver )     /* TT_Driver */
+  {
+    TT_Driver  driver = (TT_Driver)ttdriver;
+    if ( !TT_New_Context( driver ) )
+      return TT_Err_Could_Not_Find_Context;
+    FT_UNUSED( ttdriver );
+    return TT_Err_Ok;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_driver_done                                                     */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Finalize a given TrueType driver.                                  */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    driver :: A handle to the target TrueType driver.                  */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+  tt_driver_done( FT_Module  ttdriver )     /* TT_Driver */
+  {
+    TT_Driver  driver = (TT_Driver)ttdriver;
+    /* destroy the execution context */
+    if ( driver->context )
+    {
+      TT_Done_Context( driver->context );
+      driver->context = NULL;
+    }
+    FT_UNUSED( ttdriver );
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    tt_slot_init                                                       */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Initialize a new slot object.                                      */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <InOut>                                                               */
+  /*    slot :: A handle to the slot object.                               */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
+  tt_slot_init( FT_GlyphSlot  slot )
+  {
+    return FT_GlyphLoader_CreateExtra( slot->internal->loader );
+  }
+/* END */