changeset 2867 9be6693c78cb
parent 2349 ba7a0813c532
child 2948 3f21a9dc93d0
--- a/gameServer/ServerCore.hs	Thu Feb 25 15:58:44 2010 +0000
+++ b/gameServer/ServerCore.hs	Thu Feb 25 18:28:33 2010 +0000
@@ -23,65 +23,65 @@
 reactCmd :: ServerInfo -> Int -> [String] -> Clients -> Rooms -> IO (ServerInfo, Clients, Rooms)
 reactCmd serverInfo clID cmd clients rooms =
-	liftM firstAway $ foldM processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ handleCmd clID clients rooms cmd
+    liftM firstAway $ foldM processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ handleCmd clID clients rooms cmd
 mainLoop :: ServerInfo -> Clients -> Rooms -> IO ()
 mainLoop serverInfo clients rooms = do
-	r <- readChan $ coreChan serverInfo
-	(newServerInfo, mClients, mRooms) <-
-		case r of
-			Accept ci ->
-				liftM firstAway $ processAction
-					(clientUID ci, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AddClient ci)
+    r <- readChan $ coreChan serverInfo
+    (newServerInfo, mClients, mRooms) <-
+        case r of
+            Accept ci ->
+                liftM firstAway $ processAction
+                    (clientUID ci, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AddClient ci)
-			ClientMessage (clID, cmd) -> do
-				debugM "Clients" $ (show clID) ++ ": " ++ (show cmd)
-				if clID `IntMap.member` clients then
-					reactCmd serverInfo clID cmd clients rooms
-					else
-					do
-					debugM "Clients" "Message from dead client"
-					return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)
+            ClientMessage (clID, cmd) -> do
+                debugM "Clients" $ (show clID) ++ ": " ++ (show cmd)
+                if clID `IntMap.member` clients then
+                    reactCmd serverInfo clID cmd clients rooms
+                    else
+                    do
+                    debugM "Clients" "Message from dead client"
+                    return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-			ClientAccountInfo (clID, info) ->
-				if clID `IntMap.member` clients then
-					liftM firstAway $ processAction
-						(clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-						(ProcessAccountInfo info)
-					else
-					do
-					debugM "Clients" "Got info for dead client"
-					return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)
+            ClientAccountInfo (clID, info) ->
+                if clID `IntMap.member` clients then
+                    liftM firstAway $ processAction
+                        (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
+                        (ProcessAccountInfo info)
+                    else
+                    do
+                    debugM "Clients" "Got info for dead client"
+                    return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-			TimerAction tick ->
-				liftM firstAway $
-					foldM processAction (0, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $
-						PingAll : [StatsAction | even tick]
+            TimerAction tick ->
+                liftM firstAway $
+                    foldM processAction (0, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $
+                        PingAll : [StatsAction | even tick]
-	{-			let hadRooms = (not $ null rooms) && (null mrooms)
-					in unless ((not $ isDedicated serverInfo) && ((null clientsIn) || hadRooms)) $
-						mainLoop serverInfo acceptChan messagesChan clientsIn mrooms -}
+    {-			let hadRooms = (not $ null rooms) && (null mrooms)
+                    in unless ((not $ isDedicated serverInfo) && ((null clientsIn) || hadRooms)) $
+                        mainLoop serverInfo acceptChan messagesChan clientsIn mrooms -}
-	mainLoop newServerInfo mClients mRooms
+    mainLoop newServerInfo mClients mRooms
 startServer :: ServerInfo -> Socket -> IO ()
 startServer serverInfo serverSocket = do
-	putStrLn $ "Listening on port " ++ show (listenPort serverInfo)
+    putStrLn $ "Listening on port " ++ show (listenPort serverInfo)
-	forkIO $
-		acceptLoop
-			serverSocket
-			(coreChan serverInfo)
-			0
+    forkIO $
+        acceptLoop
+            serverSocket
+            (coreChan serverInfo)
+            0
-	return ()
-	forkIO $ timerLoop 0 $ coreChan serverInfo
+    return ()
+    forkIO $ timerLoop 0 $ coreChan serverInfo
-	startDBConnection serverInfo
+    startDBConnection serverInfo
-	forkIO $ mainLoop serverInfo IntMap.empty (IntMap.singleton 0 newRoom)
+    forkIO $ mainLoop serverInfo IntMap.empty (IntMap.singleton 0 newRoom)
-	forever $ threadDelay (60 * 60 * 10^6) >> putStrLn "***"
\ No newline at end of file
+    forever $ threadDelay (60 * 60 * 10^6) >> putStrLn "***"
\ No newline at end of file