changeset 15283 c4fd2813b127
parent 13390 0135e64c6c66
parent 15269 96fbf9bb960a
child 15663 d92eeb468dad
--- a/ChangeLog.txt	Wed May 16 18:22:28 2018 +0200
+++ b/ChangeLog.txt	Wed Jul 31 23:14:27 2019 +0200
@@ -1,12 +1,433 @@
 + features
 * bugfixes
-====================== 0.9.25 ======================
+======================= ??? ========================
 User Interface:
  + In-Game chat size can now be adjusted. Hold Ctrl and press -, + or = while in chat input. Hold shift for finer control.
  + The intial in-game chat size can be configured in the Frontend's "advanced" settings tab.
+============== 1.0.0-dev (unreleased) ==============
+ + Campaigns now respect your team identity instead of overwriting it
+ + Single missions now support team selection and track your progress
+ + Challenges track the team's highscores
+ + Hand-drawn maps can now be scaled with slider
+ + Quick games are more random
+ + Homing bee can be used as secondary ammo
+ + Can change hedgehog order in The Specialists
+ + Turn transition is less hectic
+ + Various small HUD improvements
+ * Fix wrong key names being displayed in key selection
+ + Quick games are more random: More map types, random team size and difficulty
+ + Hand-drawn maps can now be scaled with slider
+ + Slightly longer delays between turns to make it easier to follow the game
+ + Track high scores in singleplayer challenges
+ + Show check mark for completed scenarios, challenges and trainings
+ + Training/challenge/scenario menu now supports team selection
+ + Most target practices now highlight position of next target (must be unlocked first)
+ + Homing bee can now be used as secondary ammo
+ + If bee target was placed in the dark area in a wrap world edge map, bee will first fly across border
+ + Teach computer players how to use extra time
+ * Fix hedgehogs being pushed around (and other collision bugs) when they overlap
+ * Fix homing bee flying weird if passing wrap world edge or target was placed beyond it
+ * Fix air mine not colliding with crates initially
+ * Fix buggy behaviour of time box if hog took damage or died before it arrived
+ * Fix poison damage not working in first round
+ * Use player-chosen team identity in campaigns and singleplayer missions
+ * Fix player-chosen teams ignoring custom team controls in campaigns
+ * Fix broken behaviour of airborne attacks when placed near bounce world edge
+ * Fix crate sometimes collected twice when switching to hedgehog that touches it
+ * Deny placement of piano beyond bounce world edge
+ * Fix laser sight not working properly when it starts out of map bounds
+ * Fix parachute making hog stuck or fast when bumping into wall while looking other way
+ * Add missing winner animation in single missions
+ * Fix hog floating when switching to moving hog
+ * Fix jump key not being ignored after placing girder or target
+ * Explode hog instantly when taking damage while dying
+ * Fix buggy hog when hog took damage during "idle" phase in kamikaze attack
+Styles and schemes:
+ + The Specialists: Unlock game scheme
+ + The Specialists: Add script parameter support to set custom specialists order
+ + Control, CTF_Blizzard: Display scores in stats screen
+ + CTF_Blizzard: Various minor graphical and text improvements
+ + Frenzy: Change ammo slots
+ + Continental supplies: Show continent in team bars
+ * Balanced Random Weapon: Fix Lua errors after using Time Box
+ * Racer: Fix racer ghost not getting reset after a skip
+ * Space Invasion: No longer allow to set start shield above shield limit
+ * Battalion, WxW: Crates drop between turns, when appropriate
+ * Battalion: Sudden Death effects are now like in the base game
+ * King Mode: Fix team sometimes not being killed properly if king drowned
+ * King Mode: Kill resurrected minions if king is not alive
+ * King Mode: Fix whole clan being killed if a king died
+ * King Mode: Fix king placement phase not working correctly with multiple teams in a clan
+ * HedgeEditor: Fix major FPS drop when there are a lot of objects
+ * Control: Fix score failure after using extra time
+ * Frenzy: Fix incorrect ammo slot numbers in ammo menu
+ * Continental supplies: Computer teams now select random continent
+ * WxW, Racer: Computer teams no longer block setup phase
+ * Mutant: Delete excess teams when a clan has more than one team
+A Classic Fairytale:
+ + Backstab: Disable utilities before traitor has been dealt with
+ * Backstab: Prevent attacking the cannibals before making the choice
+ * Backstab: Fix/tweak behaviour in 3rd enemy wave
+ * First blood: Fix Lua error when hitting Attack after failing the rope challenge
+ * First blood: Fix a cut scene being played twice in row
+ * The Shadow Falls: Fix Lua error when hog dies during choice phase
+ * The Shadow Falls: Fix mission getting stuck when hog dies after accepting offer, but before returning
+ * The Shadow Falls: Fix many other Lua errors when hogs die in certain situations
+ * General: Clear hazards around cyborg when it appears in cut scenes
+ * General: Disable Sudden Death for all missions
+ * Various minor tweaks and bugfixes
+A Space Adventure:
+ + Show your current records at mission start when re-playing one of the challenges
+ + Spacetrip: Move flowers of desert planet above cactus
+ + Searching in the dust: Enable skip in entire mission
+ + Getting to the device: Different ending when hero chose to battle in "Bad timing" mission
+ * Searching in the dust: Fix mission ending when all smugglers are dead
+ * Searching in the dust: Fix a lot of broken/stupid smuggler behaviours
+ * Chasing the blue hog: Fix player not losing the race when timing out while still having the rope
+ * Chasing the blue hog: Fix player winning if Crazy Runner died
+ * Bad timing: Win mission in "flee" variant if all enemy hogs are dead
+ * Getting to the device: Fix clan colors
+ * Fix errors when hero and enemies die in same turn
+ * Various minor tweaks and bugfixes
+ + Add control to unselect current weapon (no key chosen by default)
+ + Add support for 4th and 5th mouse buttons
+ + Allow to leave a control unused
+ + Reset zoom resets zoom to zoom level set in options
+ + Add control to display mines time and health crate health (default: O)
+ + Precise + Reset zoom resets zoom to 100% (instead of zoom in options)
+ + Precise + zoom in/out changes zoom in smaller steps
+ + Precise + volume up/down changes volume in smaller steps
+ + Precise + cursor move keys move camera slower
+ + New chat command: “/help room” (shows room chat commands within the game)
+ + Default demo fast-forward key changed from “S” to “F”
+ * Fix broken default keyboard controls for team chat and camera movement
+ + Animate drill rockets
+ + New idle shoryuken animation
+ + Scatter molotov cocktail pieces
+ + Improve air plane effects when used with wrap or ocean world edge
+ * Fix speech bubbles overlapping in the wrong order
+ * Fix wrong ice beam angle if it goes diagonally up out of map through world wrap
+ * Fix double water splash when flying saucer drowns
+ * Fix odd floating pixels when wielding and rotating cleaver
+ * Fix parachute and birdy sometimes being drawn behind hedgehogs and objects
+Game HUD:
+ + Display current hog health (and related status icons) at top right corner
+ + Display laser sight icon above wind bar when laser sight utility is active
+ + Display selected weapon above hedgehog for some weapons/tools
+ + Change cursor of piano strike
+ + Colorize switching arrows, pointing arrow and target cross in clan color
+ + Skip ammo menu animation when playing with turn time of 10s or less
+ + Don't show crate spawn message for initial crates in missions
+ + Don't show hedgehog health if “invulnerable” game modifier is active
+ + Display player name of own teams in online games
+ + Show contour of flying saucer and air mines when in highly opaque water
+ + Remove visual clutter in cut scenes
+ + Add setting to set default/initial zoom
+ * Black clan color can now be used without visual problems
+ * Fix last 2 characters in demo chat being missing
+ * Hide most HUD elements in cinematic mode
+ * Don't show "F1", "F2", etc. in ammo menu if these aren't the actual slot keys
+ * Fix wind bar animation not looping properly
+ * Fix airplane line being drawn above many HUD elements
+ * Suppress “<team> is gone.” message at end of game
+ * Fix game engine ignoring appropriate number formatting of user language
+ * Fix buggy behaviour when entering speech bubble command in hog placement phase
+ + Complete: German, Polish
+ + Major updates: Chinese, Scottish Gaelic
+ + Credits page is now translatable
+ * Remove Arabic translation from release
+ + Add button in main menu at top left corner to open credits page
+ + Restructure credits page
+ + More intelligent automatic mission selection in campaign screen
+ + New data directory for video thumbnails: Data/VideoThumbnails
+ + Display a warning when the same key is used multiple times
+ + Stats screen now hides empty sections
+ + Visual notification when someone joins the room online
+ + Display recommended max. hedgehog count for Perlin maps
+ + Various minor style tweaks
+ * Fix broken handling of /watch chat command on official server
+ * Fix renaming a video leading to loss of thumbnail after restart
+ * Fix controls list failing to display correct key names with regards to keyboard layout
+ * Fix force-locked schemes getting unlocked when changing map types
+ * Fix possible to select background-only or hidden themes indirectly by changing map type
+ * Disallow slash, backslash and colon characters in team and scheme names
+Sounds and voicepacks:
+ + sndYoohoo has been split to sndYoohoo and sndKiss
+ + Voice files sndPoisonCough and sndPoisonMoan are now optional (fall back to Default voicepack)
+ + Add taunt: sndFlyAway / Flyaway.ogg: When hedgehog flies off the map
+ + Add underwater sound for airplane
+ + Tweak some taunts: sndFirstBlood, sndLeaveMeAlone, sndCutItOut
+ * Fix English voicepack selection of team being overwritten when playing in non-English locale
+Theme customization
+ + Default fallback Sudden Death music of themes (fallback-sd-music) is now sdmusic.ogg
+ + Make rope stylable by theme: Support for RopeNode.png and rope-step in theme.cfg
 Lua API:
+ + New call: SaveMissionVar(varname, value): Save value to mission variable (variable for non-campaign mission)
+ + New call: GetMissionVar(varname): Get value of mission variable
+ + New call: SetTurnTimePaused(isPaused): Call with true to pause turn time, false to unpause
+ + New call: GetTurnTimePaused(): Returns true if turn time is paused due to Lua
+ + New call: AddMissionTeam(color): Add mission team, i.e. the team selected by player in campaign/mission page. Returns <team name>, <team index>
+ + New call: AddMissionHog(health): Add a hedgehog for the mission team
+ + New call: SetTeamPassive(teamname, isPassive): Mark a team as passive. Passive teams do not play and are treated like frozen teams.
+ + New call: IsHogAlive(gear): Returns true if gear is a hegehog which is alive, not about to die and not hidden
+ + New call: SetAmmoSlot(ammoType, slot): Overwrite ammo slot of ammo type (use with care!)
+ + New return value: AddTeam returns <real team name>, <team index>
+ + SetClanColor: Now accepts negative color argument for user clan color, like in AddTeam
+ + AddTeam: Append “_qau” to voicepack name to enable automatic selection of voicepack language
+ + ShowMission: Add new icons: hedgehog (10), flags (11)
+ + Utils library: New calls: getReadableChallengeRecord, updateChallengeRecord, integerSqrt, integerHypotenuse
+ + New callback: onGameResult(winningClan): Called when the game ends normally. winningClan = index of winning clan or -1 on draw
+ + New callback: onCaseDrop(gear): Called at the point where a crate MIGHT be dropped between turns. Gear is the crate gear or nil
+ + New callback: onHogSwitch(oldHog): Called when hog was switched with the “switch hedgehog” utility
+ + SendStat extension: Option to use predefined modes with siPointType: statMessage = "!POINTS", "!TIME", "!TIME0" to "!TIME3", "!CRATES", or "!EMPTY"
+ + SimpleMission: Add isMissionTeam attribute for teams
+ + SpeedShoppa/TargetPractice libraries: Remove custom hog and team info settings
+ + TargetPractice library: Add faceLeft parameter
+ + Params explode, poison in the SpawnFake*Crate functions now optional and default to false
+ + New global: InitHealth: Initial hog health value from game scheme (read-only)
+ + Animate library: AnimOutOfNowhere: destX and destY are now optional (default: current position)
+ * Fix SetClanColor causing crashes and severe rendering bugs
+ * Fix SetAmmoDelay not working properly when called after onGameStart
+ * Fix DismissTeam not clearing team properly
+ * SimpleMission: Fix Lua error spam when a custom goal fails
+ * gstWinner state is preserved after the game ended
+ * If there's a mission team, IsHogLocal now only returns true for hogs in the same clan as the mission team
+====================== 0.9.25 ======================
+ + Complete overhaul of Continental supplies
+ + Can adjust weapon start and crate probabilities in Balanced Random Weapon
+ + Remove rubber duck
+ + New air mine features
+ + Rework team rankings
+ + Tied teams now rank equally
+ + Help button in main menu
+ + 19 new hedgehog taunts
+ + Many new Lua API features
+ * Functionality of controllers restored
+ * Fix at least 2 crashes
+ * Fixed some awkward network bugs which caused games to come to a standstill
+ * Many bugs related to the wrap world edge fixed (but not all)
+ * Sudden Death always came exactly 1 turn later than planned
+Game, gameplay:
+ + Increase hedgehog limit to 64
+ + Remove rubber duck
+ + Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Sniper Rifle, Firepunch, Kamikaze, Whip and Baseball Bat can now hit air mines (and some other projectiles)
+ + Freezer can freeze air mines when they don't move too fast
+ + Air mines get stunned by getting shoved
+ + Shotgun shots can now pass through portals
+ * Fix hog being unable to walk after using sniper rifle without firing both shots
+ * Fix sine gun dealing damage to attacker if shooting up
+ * Hedgehog was able to drop more than 2 sticky mines if dropping first one from utility, then stop using utility
+ * Fix Sudden Death starting in the second turn of a round rather than the first
+ * Fix hammer and pickhammer not digging correctly at wrap world edge
+ * Fix drill rocket exploding when digging at bounce/wrap world edge
+ * Fix freezer ray not working through wrap world edge
+ * Fix freezer ray going through bounce world edge
+ * Fix freezer ray extending with low fuel usage when firing straight up/down while holding up/down key
+ * Fix cake walking through bounce world edge
+ * Fix cake walking through land when reaching wrap world edge
+ * Laser sight now works properly through wrap world edge
+ * Fix projectiles behaving incorrectly with land just behind the wrap world edge
+ * Fix bee weapon becoming unusable when hitting attack key in mid-air
+ * Fix hog sometimes getting stuck in land if roping very fast
+ * Fix seduction not stopping if hog took damage before attack was complete
+ * Limit hedgehog health to 268435455 to prevent some bugs
+ * Fix rare possibility that hog is resurrected and starts with 0 or negative health
+Game, controls and commands:
+ + Add new key to show mission panel (default: M)
+ + Add new key to cycle through timer values (default: N)
+ + Add default controls for controller (see
+ + Add chat command “/help”, displays help for chat commands
+ + Rename chat command “/team” to “/clan” (but “/team” still works)
+ * Functionality of controllers restored
+ * Fix crash when 2 or more controllers were connected
+ * Fix cursor teleporting to center after leaving game with a video recording
+ * Fix /hta, /hsa and /hya commands not writing message in chat
+Game, audiovisuals:
+ + Campaigns and missions now use the user's chosen custom clan colors
+ + New default brown clan color for better contrast
+ + Allow to change volume during pause
+ + Add sounds: flamethrower, landspray, idle freezer, shorykuen hit
+ + Add taunts: Amazing, Brilliant, Bugger, Cutitout, Drat, Excellent, Fire, Gonnagetyou, Grenade,
+               Hmm, Leavemealone, Ohdear, Ouch, Revenge, Runaway, Solong, Thisoneismine, Whatthe,
+               Watchthis
+ * Enemy/AI hogs now say “Hmm” on turn start instead of vowing for revenge (at least in most voice packs)
+ * Fix extreme amounts of droplets when shooting with minigun into ocean world edge
+ * Fix some flakes disappearing in world wrap worlds while moving camera
+ * Fix invisible projectile timer, attack bar, target on other side of wrap world edge
+ * Fix attack bar drawn over GUI elements
+ * Fix video recorder not working when game audio was disabled
+ * Fix teleport tooltip claiming it doesn't end turn in hog placing phase with inf. attack
+ * Prevent voices from being spoken directly before a victory voice
+ * Fix damage not being displayed if hog drowns in water with 100% opacity (like in Compost theme)
+ * Fix retreat timer appearing after using baseball bat or whip and immediately taking damage
+ * Fix musical effects of RC plane and piano not playing if music is enabled but sounds effects are disabled
+ + Add help button in main menu (link to Hedgewars Wiki)
+ + Add setting to disable audio dampening when losing window focus
+ + Rework player rankings: Losing clans are now ranked in the reverse order they died
+ * Fix player rankings on round draw: Clans that died in the same turn now have the same rank
+ * Fix rare crash when aborting video encoding in progress
+ * Fix critical failure to cleanup teams list after rejoining game under certain conditions
+ * Fix displayed Sudden Death timeout being off by one
+ * Controllers are detected again
+ * Fix failure to shutdown game window properly after player got kicked
+ * No longer allow having schemes with equal names (case-insensitive)
+ * Refuse to load schemes which match the name of a default scheme
+ * No longer save default weapon schemes into file
+ * Pseudo player names in chat (like “[server]”) are no longer clickable
+ * Lobby/room: No longer allow opening context menu if no player selected
+ * Fix game window width/height setting being broken when using Arabic locale
+ + Add “/help” chat command for command help
+ + Can now clear room greeting by using chat command “/greeting” without arguments
+ + Many new error and status messages for improved usability
+ * Fix many server messages being not translated
+ * Fix all hogs receiving a free teleport after hog placement phase
+ * Fix hogs receiving air strikes in maps with border
+ * Fix rare bug in TechRacer causing crates and other objects to not appear on start of turn
+ * Fix ranking of teams if teams are tied
+Balanced Random Weapon:
+ + Can adjust weapon start and crate probabilities by using ammo scheme
+Random Weapon:
+ * Fix breakage when enabling per-hog ammo
+ + Do not reduce mutant's health in Ready phase
+ + Play poison hurt sound when mutant is low on health
+ + Unlock game scheme
+Construction Mode:
+ * Fix girder/rubber cost not being updated correctly after selection
+Continental supplies:
+ + Continents are now selected before the game starts
+ + Continents give hog different start health
+ + Add Antarctica special: Upside-Down World (teleport to top of map)
+ + Major rewrite of ALL texts for better usability
+ + Add custom weapon tooltips
+ + Improve audiovisual effects
+ + Show message when hog receives new continent ammo
+ + Sabotaged hedgehogs also emit smoke when it's not their turn
+ + Can switch continent in reverse order with [Precise]+[Switch]
+ * Sabotage deals no damage in ready phase, while attacking or retreating
+ * Invulnerability now protects from sabotage damage
+ * Sabotage kills hog instantly when health reaches 0
+ * Reliably prevent using of Lonely Cries and baseball bat specials when usage not allowed
+ * Don't explode Anno 1302, Medicine and Bouncy Boomerang if drowning
+ * Don't play “Missed” and “Laugh” taunt when those don't make sense
+ * Fix retreat timer not turning red for some weapons
+Space Invasion:
+ + Display round score in a separate row
+ + Keep round score displayed after round ends, remove round score announcer message
+ + If team scores are tied at the end, continue playing rounds with the tied teams until there's a winner
+ * Fix rare Lua error message spam at end of game
+ * Fix round score and other info numbers messing up after screen resize
+ * Fix kamikaze bonus not being shown
+Missions and styles:
+ * Basic Movement Training: Back jumps are now easier
+ * The Great Escape: Infinite attack mode did not work
+ * Shotgun/Sniper Rifle Target Practice: Suppress “X remaining” message
+ * Fix resurrection animation appearing at wrong position for some missions and styles
+ * Fix Lua error when playing any mission or style in Lithuanian language
+A Classic Fairytale:
+ * Fix clan membership of princess in some missions
+ * Mission 5: Tribe was not in same clan as Natives, screwing up stats a bit
+A Space Adventure:
+ + The big bang: Terrain types are easier to distinguish
+ + Hard Flying: Display current flying time next to team bar
+ * Hard Flying: Fix incorrect recorded time, was 6 seconds more than reality
+ * Searching in the Dust: Fix display error when destroying device crate
+ * Searching in the Dust: Don't take away control right above the pit near Sandy
+ * The big bang: Don't say "Missed" or "Yes, Sir!" when inappropriate
+ * The last Encounter: Fix clan membership of PAotH
+ + New Sudden Death water texture for CrazyMission theme
+ + Add dust flakes for Cheese and CrazyMission themes
+ + New land objects for Beach theme
+ * Fix repeating sun in Hoggywood theme
+Content creation:
+ + HWPs can be nested inside HWPs (1 layer deep only)
+ + Add-ons now support preview images for campaign missions
+ + Translations kept up-to-date: German, Polish
+ + Major translation updates: Russian, Japanese, Scottish Gaelic, Ukrainian
+Lua API:
+ * Deprecation: Setting TurnTimeLeft/ReadyTimeLeft directly is deprecated and will become useless in future. Use the setter functions below
+ * Deprecation: Symbols amDuck/gtDuck are deprecated, will be removed later. For now, they alias to amCreeper/gtCreeper
+ * Changed global: lfCurrentHog becomes lfCurHogCrate
+ + New call: SetTurnTimeLeft(newTurnTimeLeft): Set remaining turn time
+ + New call: SetReadyTimeLeft(newReadyTimeLeft): Set remaining ready time
  + New call: Retreat(time [, respectGetAwayTimeFactor): Force current turn into retreating mode
+ + New call: GetAmmoTimer(gearUid, ammoType): Returns current set timer for given ammoType and hog gear in ms. Returns nil for non-timerable ammo
+ + New call: EnableSwitchHog(): Enable hog switching
+ + New call: GetAmmo(ammoType): Returns ammo configuration (corresponds to SetAmmo)
+ + New call: GetVampiric(): Returns true if vampirism is currently active
+ + New call: GetLaserSight(): Returns true if laser sight (as utility) is currenctly active (ignoring sniper rifle)
+ + New call: IsHogHidden(gear): Returns true if hog is hidden
+ + New call: PlayMusicSound(soundId): Play a sound as replacement for the main background music
+ + New call: StopMusicSound(soundId): Stop a “music sound” and resume the regular music
+ + Changed call: AddTeam: 2nd param. color: Accepts negative value to use a default clan color from player settings
+ + Changed call: HedgewarsScriptLoad: 2nd param. mustExist. If false, it's allowed for the script to not exist
+ + Changed call: HedgewarsScriptLoad: Return true on success and false on failure
+ + Change callback: onGearResurrect: 2nd parameter for visual gear spawned at resurrect position (might be nil)
+ + New parameter: SetAmmoTexts: 5th param. showExtra: Set to false to hide texts like “Not yet available”
+ + New parameter: ShowMission: 6th param. forceDisplay: Set to true to prevent this particular mission panel to be hidden manually by player
+ + Can set custom team rank: Call SendStat with 1st param siTeamRank and 2nd param to the desired rank, as string. Must be called before siPlayerKills of the team for which this applies
+ + New Lua library: Achievements (currently only for internal use)
+ + New globals: Infinite fly time for jetpack/Birdy by setting health to JETPACK_FUEL_INFINITE or BIRDY_ENERGY_INFINITE, respectively
+ + New global game variable: MaxCaseDrops. Max. number of crats which can be in game by crate drops
+ + New global: NO_CURSOR. Value of CursorX and CursorY if cursor is inactive
+ + New global: AMMO_INFINITE. Value for infinite ammo count for AddAmmo and other functions
+ + New global: MAX_HOG_HEALTH. Maximum possible hedgehog health
+ + New global: MAX_TURN_TIME. Maximum possible turn time
+ + New global: EXPLForceDraw. Flag for Explode function, forces land removal even with gfSolidLand on
+ + New global: INTERFACE. Type of the game interface: "desktop" for desktop, "touch" for touchscreen
+ + New globals: capcolDefault, capcolSetting: Default caption colors
+ * Animate library: Remove defunct follow argument for AnimVisualGear
+ * Fixed variable: TotalRounds was -1 (instead of 0) in first real round after hog placement phase
+ * Fixed variables: LeftX, RightX, TopY, LAND_WIDTH, LAND_HEIGHT were broken if onVisualGearAdd was defined
+ * AI sometimes intentionally shot hedgehogs with aihDoesntMatter set
 ====================== ====================
  * Fix crash when portable portal device is fired at reduced graphics quality
@@ -91,6 +512,7 @@
  * Capture the Flag: Fix many bugs caused by playing with >2 teams
  * Capture the Flag: Properly place flag when first hog uses kamikaze or TimeBox
  * Capture the Flag: Fix flag not being dropped when carrier uses piano strike
+ * Capture the Flag: Fix clan not winning if enemy was in time travel
  * CTF_Blizzard: Don't allow more than 2 clans. Excess hogs will be removed
 A Space Adventure: