changeset 184 f97a7a3dc8f6
parent 183 57c2ef19f719
child 208 a049157d673a
--- a/QTfrontend/game.cpp	Thu Oct 05 16:33:18 2006 +0000
+++ b/QTfrontend/game.cpp	Thu Oct 05 17:02:09 2006 +0000
@@ -1,281 +1,281 @@
- * Hedgewars, a worms-like game
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
- */
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QProcess>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QByteArray>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <QUuid>
-#include "game.h"
-#include "hwconsts.h"
-#include "gameuiconfig.h"
-#include "gamecfgwidget.h"
-HWGame::HWGame(GameUIConfig * config, GameCFGWidget * gamecfg) :
-  TCPBase(true)
-	this->config = config;
-	this->gamecfg = gamecfg;
-	TeamCount = 0;
-	seed = "";
-void HWGame::onClientDisconnect()
-	SaveDemo(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Demos/LastRound.hwd_1");
-void HWGame::SendTeamConfig(int index)
-	LocalCFG(teams[index]);
-void HWGame::SendConfig()
-	SendIPC(QString("eseed %1").arg(seed).toAscii());
-	SendIPC(QString("etheme %1").arg(config->GetRandomTheme()).toAscii());
-	SendIPC("TL");
-	SendIPC(QString("e$gmflags %1").arg(gamecfg->getGameFlags()).toAscii());
-	for (int i = 0; i < TeamCount; i++)
-	{
-		SendIPC("eaddteam");
-		LocalCFG(teams[i]);
-		SendIPC(QString("ecolor %1").arg(65535 << i * 8).toAscii());
-		for (int t = 0; t < hdNum[teams[i]]; t++)
-			SendIPC(QString("eadd hh%1 0").arg(t).toAscii());
-	}
-void HWGame::SendQuickConfig()
-	SendIPC(QString("eseed %1").arg(seed).toAscii());
-	SendIPC(QString("etheme %1").arg(config->GetRandomTheme()).toAscii());
-	SendIPC("TL");
-	SendIPC(QString("e$gmflags %1").arg(gamecfg->getGameFlags()).toAscii());
-	SendIPC("eaddteam");
-	LocalCFG(0);
-	SendIPC("ecolor 65535");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh0 0");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh1 0");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh2 0");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh3 0");
-	SendIPC("eaddteam");
-	LocalCFG(2);
-	SendIPC("ecolor 16776960");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh0 1");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh1 1");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh2 1");
-	SendIPC("eadd hh3 1");
-void HWGame::ParseMessage(const QByteArray & msg)
-	switch(msg.data()[1]) {
-		case '?': {
-			if (gameType == gtNet)
-				emit SendNet(QByteArray("\x01""?"));
-			else
-				SendIPC("!");
-			break;
-		}
-		case 'C': {
-			switch (gameType) {
-				case gtLocal: {
-				 	SendConfig();
-					break;
-				}
-				case gtQLocal: {
-				 	SendQuickConfig();
-					break;
-				}
-				case gtDemo: break;
-				case gtNet: {
-					SendIPC("TN");
-					emit SendNet(QByteArray("\x01""C"));
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		case 'E': {
-			QMessageBox::critical(0,
-					"Hedgewars: error message",
-					QString().append(msg.mid(2)).left(msg.size() - 6),
-					QMessageBox::Ok,
-					QMessageBox::NoButton,
-					QMessageBox::NoButton);
-			return;
-		}
-		case '+': {
-			if (gameType == gtNet)
-			{
-				emit SendNet(msg);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		default: {
-			if (gameType == gtNet)
-			{
-				emit SendNet(msg);
-			}
-			demo->append(msg);
-		}
-	}
-void HWGame::FromNet(const QByteArray & msg)
-	RawSendIPC(msg);
-void HWGame::onClientRead()
-	quint8 msglen;
-	quint32 bufsize;
-	while (((bufsize = readbuffer.size()) > 0) &&
-			((msglen = readbuffer.data()[0]) < bufsize))
-	{
-		QByteArray msg = readbuffer.left(msglen + 1);
-		readbuffer.remove(0, msglen + 1);
-		ParseMessage(msg);
-	}
-QStringList HWGame::setArguments()
-	QStringList arguments;
-	arguments << resolutions[0][config->vid_Resolution()];
-	arguments << resolutions[1][config->vid_Resolution()];
-	arguments << "16";
-	arguments << "46631";
-	arguments << (config->vid_Fullscreen() ? "1" : "0");
-	arguments << (config->isSoundEnabled() ? "1" : "0");
-	arguments << tr("en.txt");
-	arguments << "128";
-	return arguments;
-void HWGame::AddTeam(const QString & teamname, unsigned char numHedgedogs)
-	if (TeamCount == 5) return;
-	teams[TeamCount] = teamname;
-	TeamCount++;
-	hdNum[teamname]=numHedgedogs;
-void HWGame::SaveDemo(const QString & filename)
-	demo->replace(QByteArray("\x02TL"), QByteArray("\x02TD"));
-	demo->replace(QByteArray("\x02TN"), QByteArray("\x02TD"));
-	QFile demofile(filename);
-	if (!demofile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
-	{
-		QMessageBox::critical(0,
-				tr("Error"),
-				tr("Cannot save demo to file %1").arg(filename),
-				tr("Quit"));
-		return ;
-	}
-	QDataStream stream(&demofile);
-	stream.writeRawData(demo->constData(), demo->size());
-	demofile.close();
-	delete demo;
-void HWGame::PlayDemo(const QString & demofilename)
-	gameType = gtDemo;
-	QFile demofile(demofilename);
-	if (!demofile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
-	{
-		QMessageBox::critical(0,
-				tr("Error"),
-				tr("Cannot open demofile %1").arg(demofilename),
-				tr("Quit"));
-		return ;
-	}
-	// read demo
-	QDataStream stream(&demofile);
-	char buf[512];
-	int readbytes;
-	do
-	{
-		readbytes = stream.readRawData((char *)&buf, 512);
-		toSendBuf.append(QByteArray((char *)&buf, readbytes));
-		//SendIPC(QByteArray((char *)&buf, readbytes));
-	} while (readbytes > 0);
-	demofile.close();
-	// run engine
-	demo = new QByteArray;
-	Start();
-void HWGame::StartNet()
-	gameType = gtNet;
-	demo = new QByteArray;
-	Start();
-void HWGame::StartLocal()
-	gameType = gtLocal;
-	if (TeamCount < 2) return;
-	seed = gamecfg->getCurrentSeed();//QUuid::createUuid().toString();
-	demo = new QByteArray;
-	Start();
-void HWGame::StartQuick()
-	gameType = gtQLocal;
-	seed = gamecfg->getCurrentSeed();//QUuid::createUuid().toString();
-	demo = new QByteArray;
-	Start();
-void HWGame::LocalCFG(const QString & teamname)
-	HWTeam team(teamname);
-	if (!team.LoadFromFile()) {
-		QMessageBox::critical(0,
-				"Error",
-				QString("Cannot load team config ""%1""").arg(teamname),
-				QMessageBox::Ok,
-				QMessageBox::NoButton,
-				QMessageBox::NoButton);
-		return;
-	}
-	RawSendIPC(team.IPCTeamInfo());
-void HWGame::LocalCFG(quint8 num)
-	HWTeam team(num);
-	RawSendIPC(team.IPCTeamInfo());
+ * Hedgewars, a worms-like game
+ * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ */
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QProcess>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QByteArray>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QUuid>
+#include "game.h"
+#include "hwconsts.h"
+#include "gameuiconfig.h"
+#include "gamecfgwidget.h"
+HWGame::HWGame(GameUIConfig * config, GameCFGWidget * gamecfg) :
+  TCPBase(true)
+	this->config = config;
+	this->gamecfg = gamecfg;
+	TeamCount = 0;
+	seed = "";
+void HWGame::onClientDisconnect()
+	SaveDemo(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Demos/LastRound.hwd_1");
+void HWGame::SendTeamConfig(int index)
+	LocalCFG(teams[index]);
+void HWGame::SendConfig()
+	SendIPC(QString("eseed %1").arg(seed).toAscii());
+	SendIPC(QString("etheme %1").arg(config->GetRandomTheme()).toAscii());
+	SendIPC("TL");
+	SendIPC(QString("e$gmflags %1").arg(gamecfg->getGameFlags()).toAscii());
+	for (int i = 0; i < TeamCount; i++)
+	{
+		SendIPC("eaddteam");
+		LocalCFG(teams[i]);
+		SendIPC(QString("ecolor %1").arg(65535 << i * 8).toAscii());
+		for (int t = 0; t < hdNum[teams[i]]; t++)
+			SendIPC(QString("eadd hh%1 0").arg(t).toAscii());
+	}
+void HWGame::SendQuickConfig()
+	SendIPC(QString("eseed %1").arg(seed).toAscii());
+	SendIPC(QString("etheme %1").arg(config->GetRandomTheme()).toAscii());
+	SendIPC("TL");
+	SendIPC(QString("e$gmflags %1").arg(gamecfg->getGameFlags()).toAscii());
+	SendIPC("eaddteam");
+	LocalCFG(0);
+	SendIPC("ecolor 65535");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh0 0");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh1 0");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh2 0");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh3 0");
+	SendIPC("eaddteam");
+	LocalCFG(2);
+	SendIPC("ecolor 16776960");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh0 1");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh1 1");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh2 1");
+	SendIPC("eadd hh3 1");
+void HWGame::ParseMessage(const QByteArray & msg)
+	switch(msg.data()[1]) {
+		case '?': {
+			if (gameType == gtNet)
+				emit SendNet(QByteArray("\x01""?"));
+			else
+				SendIPC("!");
+			break;
+		}
+		case 'C': {
+			switch (gameType) {
+				case gtLocal: {
+				 	SendConfig();
+					break;
+				}
+				case gtQLocal: {
+				 	SendQuickConfig();
+					break;
+				}
+				case gtDemo: break;
+				case gtNet: {
+					SendIPC("TN");
+					emit SendNet(QByteArray("\x01""C"));
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case 'E': {
+			QMessageBox::critical(0,
+					"Hedgewars: error message",
+					QString().append(msg.mid(2)).left(msg.size() - 6),
+					QMessageBox::Ok,
+					QMessageBox::NoButton,
+					QMessageBox::NoButton);
+			return;
+		}
+		case '+': {
+			if (gameType == gtNet)
+			{
+				emit SendNet(msg);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		default: {
+			if (gameType == gtNet)
+			{
+				emit SendNet(msg);
+			}
+			demo->append(msg);
+		}
+	}
+void HWGame::FromNet(const QByteArray & msg)
+	RawSendIPC(msg);
+void HWGame::onClientRead()
+	quint8 msglen;
+	quint32 bufsize;
+	while (((bufsize = readbuffer.size()) > 0) &&
+			((msglen = readbuffer.data()[0]) < bufsize))
+	{
+		QByteArray msg = readbuffer.left(msglen + 1);
+		readbuffer.remove(0, msglen + 1);
+		ParseMessage(msg);
+	}
+QStringList HWGame::setArguments()
+	QStringList arguments;
+	arguments << resolutions[0][config->vid_Resolution()];
+	arguments << resolutions[1][config->vid_Resolution()];
+	arguments << "16";
+	arguments << "46631";
+	arguments << (config->vid_Fullscreen() ? "1" : "0");
+	arguments << (config->isSoundEnabled() ? "1" : "0");
+	arguments << tr("en.txt");
+	arguments << "128";
+	return arguments;
+void HWGame::AddTeam(const QString & teamname, unsigned char numHedgedogs)
+	if (TeamCount == 5) return;
+	teams[TeamCount] = teamname;
+	TeamCount++;
+	hdNum[teamname]=numHedgedogs;
+void HWGame::SaveDemo(const QString & filename)
+	demo->replace(QByteArray("\x02TL"), QByteArray("\x02TD"));
+	demo->replace(QByteArray("\x02TN"), QByteArray("\x02TD"));
+	QFile demofile(filename);
+	if (!demofile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
+	{
+		QMessageBox::critical(0,
+				tr("Error"),
+				tr("Cannot save demo to file %1").arg(filename),
+				tr("Quit"));
+		return ;
+	}
+	QDataStream stream(&demofile);
+	stream.writeRawData(demo->constData(), demo->size());
+	demofile.close();
+	delete demo;
+void HWGame::PlayDemo(const QString & demofilename)
+	gameType = gtDemo;
+	QFile demofile(demofilename);
+	if (!demofile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
+	{
+		QMessageBox::critical(0,
+				tr("Error"),
+				tr("Cannot open demofile %1").arg(demofilename),
+				tr("Quit"));
+		return ;
+	}
+	// read demo
+	QDataStream stream(&demofile);
+	char buf[512];
+	int readbytes;
+	do
+	{
+		readbytes = stream.readRawData((char *)&buf, 512);
+		toSendBuf.append(QByteArray((char *)&buf, readbytes));
+		//SendIPC(QByteArray((char *)&buf, readbytes));
+	} while (readbytes > 0);
+	demofile.close();
+	// run engine
+	demo = new QByteArray;
+	Start();
+void HWGame::StartNet()
+	gameType = gtNet;
+	demo = new QByteArray;
+	Start();
+void HWGame::StartLocal()
+	gameType = gtLocal;
+	if (TeamCount < 2) return;
+	seed = gamecfg->getCurrentSeed();//QUuid::createUuid().toString();
+	demo = new QByteArray;
+	Start();
+void HWGame::StartQuick()
+	gameType = gtQLocal;
+	seed = gamecfg->getCurrentSeed();//QUuid::createUuid().toString();
+	demo = new QByteArray;
+	Start();
+void HWGame::LocalCFG(const QString & teamname)
+	HWTeam team(teamname);
+	if (!team.LoadFromFile()) {
+		QMessageBox::critical(0,
+				"Error",
+				QString("Cannot load team config ""%1""").arg(teamname),
+				QMessageBox::Ok,
+				QMessageBox::NoButton,
+				QMessageBox::NoButton);
+		return;
+	}
+	RawSendIPC(team.IPCTeamInfo());
+void HWGame::LocalCFG(quint8 num)
+	HWTeam team(num);
+	RawSendIPC(team.IPCTeamInfo());