2017-11-13 unc0rr - More files to ignore
2014-11-28 Gianfranco Costamagna Excluding .git directory from the source tarball creation
2014-07-02 koda cpack: do not exclude liblua from release tarball
2014-01-08 unc0rr Ban arch.c from source tarball
2013-12-30 unc0rr Not a thing which is needed in release tarball
2013-07-25 koda strip out libopenalbridge too
2013-07-25 koda strip out our copy of libfreetype
2013-07-25 koda strip out our copy of libtremor
2013-06-11 koda moar cpack ignore 0.9.19
2013-06-04 koda sigh (qm files should not be in package_source either) 0.9.19
2013-06-04 koda more make package_source, moc and sh files 0.9.19
2013-05-31 koda don't pack .hi files, frontlib and other stuff 0.9.19
2013-05-31 koda change cpack configuration file name so that it's not excluded by 'make package_source' 0.9.19
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