palewolf [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 20:17:12 +0000] rev 3184
- Birdy is no longer translated
- Missing 03:41 translation
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:50:58 +0000] rev 3183
typo in template 41 definition. using FPoints from 40
smxx [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:44:02 +0000] rev 3182
* Ensure support libs are unloaded properly before trying to call Mix_CloseAudio() - fixes SegFault when running newer versions of SDL_mixer
smxx [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:17:15 +0000] rev 3181
* Added prg's inverted mazes
* Updated ts files and German translation
sheepluva [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 16:01:12 +0000] rev 3180
fix fpc 2.2.4 type related warning with unclear origin
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 15:46:33 +0000] rev 3179
recompress pngs
smxx [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:51:19 +0000] rev 3178
* Updated icons for halloween and olympics
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:49:32 +0000] rev 3177
move RSR to reserved for this release
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:45:41 +0000] rev 3176
bustamove flag. Thanks Tiy
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:41:06 +0000] rev 3175
New hat
smxx [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:35:26 +0000] rev 3174
* Made home run harder to achieve
* Added laurel hat
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:33:01 +0000] rev 3173
This map has always been broken. This variant makes it slightly less broken (although something changed on the ceiling might prevent hiding on pixels on the slope). What will finally fix it is either moving nets closer together or adding angle bounce to hedgehogs or some other layout that prevents hiding.
smxx [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:20:04 +0000] rev 3172
* Lowered the number of feathers spawned by Birdy
* Made hogs caugh/moan once they lose health due to poison - no longer random
* Modified game scheme editor to lookup the number of default ammoschemes (no longer hardcoded)
* Added new default game schemes: Barrel Mayhem, Tunnel Hogs
* Added new default weapon scheme: Tunnel Hogs
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 02:45:31 +0000] rev 3171
crank up r a bit
koda [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:03:58 +0000] rev 3170
ifrontend: predispone teams in a proper data structure
nemo [Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:02:40 +0000] rev 3169
prophylactic removal of some Integer references, raise a few of the template islands up a bit so they work inverted without triggering border
palewolf [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:47:38 +0000] rev 3168
Fix a small glitch due to scaling down in mines and airplaine pixmaps
palewolf [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:39:31 +0000] rev 3167
Finish fixing pngs gray border when zooming
koda [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:27:35 +0000] rev 3166
properties for everyone!!!
updated locale by szczur
koda [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:20:34 +0000] rev 3165
just some very sane stuff for the iphone port (plus some macro on pascal files)
palewolf [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:49:36 +0000] rev 3164
Updated spanish translation
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:43:57 +0000] rev 3163
* Enabled localization for "Tunnel size"
* Updated all TS files as well as German translation
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:40:33 +0000] rev 3162
* Reenabled centering of non-fullscreen window under Win32
* Ensure different team names as well as hats in quick games
palewolf [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:32:35 +0000] rev 3161
- Add HH dX/dY to Birdy disappearing animation
- Feather amount is proportional fo fuel left
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:27:54 +0000] rev 3160
* Avoid two identical team names in quick game.
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 18:50:22 +0000] rev 3159
* Enabled deletion of teams
* Buttons to modify teams (add/edit/delete) are now disabled if options menu is opened from within a game room / local game setup (might change once open issues are fixed)
* No longer load/save ignore and friends lists in local game setup
nemo [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:43:47 +0000] rev 3158
Add birdy.
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:39:08 +0000] rev 3157
* Redirect stdout/stderr from engine to frontend in dev builds (easier debugging)
* Reenabled FPC warnings/notes (forced)
unc0rr [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:58:21 +0000] rev 3156
Update Italian translation by Renato Gelmini
sheepluva [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:41:10 +0000] rev 3155
fix typo in team name: possesed -> possessed
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:37:52 +0000] rev 3154
* Reverted last change as it isn't bugged now or whatever... :P
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:35:15 +0000] rev 3153
* Show engine window centered on screen if not in fullscreen mode
smxx [Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:52:10 +0000] rev 3152
* Reverted background textures overlapping by 1 pixel - breaks when using alpha channel
palewolf [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:41:58 +0000] rev 3151
AfterAttack was issued twice
palewolf [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:40:49 +0000] rev 3150
Return control as soon as Birdy begins to disappear
palewolf [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:37:28 +0000] rev 3149
Birdy appears from off-screen
mbait [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:21:07 +0000] rev 3148
Feather: sprites was moved to another layer
mbait [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:14:54 +0000] rev 3147
Feather: sprite size fix
mbait [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:11:16 +0000] rev 3146
Feather: wrong constant fix
mbait [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:10:33 +0000] rev 3145
Birdy's falling feathers
nemo [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:05:33 +0000] rev 3144
Adding small to these has never been useful
sheepluva [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 21:53:03 +0000] rev 3143
* tweaked some random stuff in
nemo [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:53:36 +0000] rev 3142
claymore_ would like rearranged as so. hearing no objections...
nemo [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 18:47:35 +0000] rev 3141
prg adds option to toggle girders in maze, adjusts some frontend strings
smxx [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 18:28:46 +0000] rev 3140
* Reduced steps' volume
smxx [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 18:26:31 +0000] rev 3139
* Added muffled underwater sound and splashes for homing bee.
nemo [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:46:26 +0000] rev 3138
prg tweaks maze
nemo [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:42:03 +0000] rev 3137
One more wacky generated map. bunch of islands suitable for islands shoppa.
sheepluva [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:35:44 +0000] rev 3136
* removed old hellishimpact.ogg
* changed random impactsounds of HHgrenade to more general implementation
nemo [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 12:02:51 +0000] rev 3135
another ban for gstLoser
smxx [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 11:34:06 +0000] rev 3134
* Run FindLua every time, even if LUA_LIBRARY is already set
nemo [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 02:49:39 +0000] rev 3133
prg's maze generator
palewolf [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:46:34 +0000] rev 3132
Add background color to translucent png to avoid gray borders when zooming
palewolf [Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:45:56 +0000] rev 3131
Updated spanish locale
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 22:37:39 +0000] rev 3130
* Updated all very small skyL/skyR textures to power of two dimensions to avoid artifacts
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 22:25:18 +0000] rev 3129
* Added tiny overlapping to repeated background textures to reduce "gaps" between them
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 22:10:33 +0000] rev 3128
Sometimes you should just check to see if syntax highlighting is kicking in ...
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 21:04:38 +0000] rev 3127
* I must not eat melon bombs
* I must not eat melon bombs
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 21:03:29 +0000] rev 3126
* Reverted drill rocket sound for now (sound bugs on some sound cards?)
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 21:02:41 +0000] rev 3125
* Check for missing Lua library
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 20:55:55 +0000] rev 3124
* Added missing sounds
smxx [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 20:51:53 +0000] rev 3123
* Added sounds for Birdy (eggs breaking still missing)
* Added random coughs/moans to poisoned hogs
* Fixed one frame flickers when using fade in/out
* Fixed fade in/out while using zoom
* Added chat context menu icons
* Updated Underwater's horizon
koda [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 17:45:51 +0000] rev 3122
hide the background gl context that remains active (might be worth freeing ithide the background gl context that remains active (might be worth freeing it))
nemo [Sat, 27 Mar 2010 17:45:26 +0000] rev 3121
Restore this for now until I figure out why ShowCrosshair is being cleared on last rope