Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Sat, 12 Jan 2019 06:19:16 +0100] rev 14558
TS: Restore 2 of the "specialist" letters
nemo [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 08:51:11 -0500] rev 14557
merge release branch
nemo [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 08:45:11 -0500] rev 14556
tabs to spaces
nemo [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 08:42:15 -0500] rev 14555
deletegear rearrangement applied to branch too. if this causes desyncs you're probably in a crashy state already
nemo [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 08:08:28 -0500] rev 14554
couple more use after frees for gear deletion.
also rearranged lines a bit and added a redundant exit to try to proof things a bit.
more evidence we need rust.
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 04:38:07 +0100] rev 14553
Make sure to render crosshair above render
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 03:50:06 +0100] rev 14552
Render contour of flying saucer is in (mostly) opaque
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 01:44:04 +0100] rev 14551
Frontend: Increase padding of small push buttons
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 10 Jan 2019 23:22:44 +0100] rev 14550
Restore map scaling of Tunnels script
Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru> [Thu, 10 Jan 2019 23:16:32 +0100] rev 14549
Force MapFeatureSize=12 in TechRacer