mbait [Mon, 10 May 2010 04:43:07 +0000] rev 3455
Reslyling: little fix of previous commit
mbait [Mon, 10 May 2010 04:41:19 +0000] rev 3454
Code restlyling: experimental restyling of one module
nemo [Mon, 10 May 2010 00:56:16 +0000] rev 3453
unc0rr [Sun, 09 May 2010 18:47:31 +0000] rev 3452
- Enable -O2 optimization for server
- Disconnect client from server
unc0rr [Sun, 09 May 2010 17:53:08 +0000] rev 3451
Uses StateT monad instead of manually maintaining the state
nemo [Sat, 08 May 2010 21:50:26 +0000] rev 3450
Fix spectator bug in health tag
sheepluva [Fri, 07 May 2010 20:45:03 +0000] rev 3449
wait for AI thread to finish before freeing ressources (to avoid segfaults on game exit)
smxx [Fri, 07 May 2010 20:38:55 +0000] rev 3448
* Made tinted cap hat lighter and added a team colored version of the animated headband made by "The Pope"