-Fixed FingerHasMoved function, still might need a little tweaking
-Fixed targetting, it's not possible to fire airstrike and the like with a longpress, however it'll fire on the cursor not on the tap location
MapModel: add getters for random maps based on type, so that the mapContainer does not have to magically know how maps and separators are ordered within the model
fix for
issue #186 ("Screen gets messed up when selecting Hand Drawn Map")
Ok, 20,000 was a bit much. Arbitrary multiplier that seems to shove things off enough.
decouple current theme from map theme (fixes theme confusion bugs of last commit)
MapModel converted to QStandardItemList; separators fixed; changed used data format (human-readable struct instead of magic list) for map info in HwMapContainer (+ various small cleanups in that class)