diff -r f2b18754742f -r 7a7611adf715 hedgewars/SDLh.pas --- a/hedgewars/SDLh.pas Tue Dec 17 00:02:52 2013 +0400 +++ b/hedgewars/SDLh.pas Tue Nov 10 17:45:14 2015 +0100 @@ -55,57 +55,29 @@ {$IFDEF DARWIN} {$IFNDEF HWLIBRARY} - {$IFDEF SDL2} - {$linkframework SDL2} - {$linkframework SDL2_net} - {$linkframework SDL2_image} - {$linkframework SDL2_ttf} - {$linkframework SDL2_mixer} - {$ELSE} - {$linklib SDLmain} - {$PASCALMAINNAME SDL_main} - {$linkframework Cocoa} - {$linkframework OpenGL} - {$linkframework SDL} - {$linkframework SDL_net} - {$linkframework SDL_image} - {$linkframework SDL_ttf} - {$linkframework SDL_mixer} - {$ENDIF} + {$linkframework SDL2} + {$linkframework SDL2_net} + {$linkframework SDL2_image} + {$linkframework SDL2_ttf} + {$linkframework SDL2_mixer} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} (* SDL *) const -{$IFDEF SDL2} - {$IFDEF WIN32} - SDLLibName = 'SDL2.dll'; - SDL_TTFLibName = 'SDL2_ttf.dll'; - SDL_MixerLibName = 'SDL2_mixer.dll'; - SDL_ImageLibName = 'SDL2_image.dll'; - SDL_NetLibName = 'SDL2_net.dll'; - {$ELSE} - SDLLibName = 'libSDL2'; - SDL_TTFLibName = 'libSDL2_ttf'; - SDL_MixerLibName = 'libSDL2_mixer'; - SDL_ImageLibName = 'libSDL2_image'; - SDL_NetLibName = 'libSDL2_net'; - {$ENDIF} +{$IFDEF WIN32} + SDLLibName = 'SDL2.dll'; + SDL_TTFLibName = 'SDL2_ttf.dll'; + SDL_MixerLibName = 'SDL2_mixer.dll'; + SDL_ImageLibName = 'SDL2_image.dll'; + SDL_NetLibName = 'SDL2_net.dll'; {$ELSE} - {$IFDEF WIN32} - SDLLibName = 'SDL.dll'; - SDL_TTFLibName = 'SDL_ttf.dll'; - SDL_MixerLibName = 'SDL_mixer.dll'; - SDL_ImageLibName = 'SDL_image.dll'; - SDL_NetLibName = 'SDL_net.dll'; - {$ELSE} - SDLLibName = 'libSDL'; - SDL_TTFLibName = 'libSDL_ttf'; - SDL_MixerLibName = 'libSDL_mixer'; - SDL_ImageLibName = 'libSDL_image'; - SDL_NetLibName = 'libSDL_net'; - {$ENDIF} + SDLLibName = 'libSDL2'; + SDL_TTFLibName = 'libSDL2_ttf'; + SDL_MixerLibName = 'libSDL2_mixer'; + SDL_ImageLibName = 'libSDL2_image'; + SDL_NetLibName = 'libSDL2_net'; {$ENDIF} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -117,14 +89,9 @@ SDL_INIT_AUDIO = $00000010; SDL_INIT_VIDEO = $00000020; // implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS (sdl2) SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK = $00000200; // implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS (sdl2) -{$IFDEF SDL2} SDL_INIT_HAPTIC = $00001000; SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER = $00002000; // implies SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK SDL_INIT_EVENTS = $00004000; -{$ELSE} - SDL_INIT_CDROM = $00000100; - SDL_INIT_EVENTTHREAD = $01000000; -{$ENDIF} SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE = $00100000; //SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING // unsafe, init subsystems one at a time @@ -138,7 +105,6 @@ SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN = 5; -{$IFDEF SDL2} SDL_TEXTEDITINGEVENT_TEXT_SIZE = 32; SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE = 32; @@ -234,39 +200,6 @@ SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED = 12; //*< Window has gained keyboard focus SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST = 13; //*< Window has lost keyboard focus SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE = 14; //*< The window manager requests that the window be closed */ -{$ELSE} - // SDL_Event types - SDL_NOEVENT = 0; - SDL_ACTIVEEVENT = 1; - SDL_KEYDOWN = 2; - SDL_KEYUP = 3; - SDL_MOUSEMOTION = 4; - SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN = 5; - SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP = 6; - SDL_JOYAXISMOTION = 7; - SDL_JOYBALLMOTION = 8; - SDL_JOYHATMOTION = 9; - SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN = 10; - SDL_JOYBUTTONUP = 11; - SDL_QUITEV = 12; - SDL_VIDEORESIZE = 16; - - // SDL_Surface flags - SDL_SWSURFACE = $00000000; - SDL_HWSURFACE = $00000001; - SDL_OPENGL = $00000002; - SDL_ASYNCBLIT = $00000004; - SDL_RESIZABLE = $00000010; - SDL_NOFRAME = $00000020; - SDL_HWACCEL = $00000100; - SDL_SRCCOLORKEY = $00001000; - SDL_RLEACCEL = $00004000; - SDL_SRCALPHA = $00010000; - SDL_ANYFORMAT = $00100000; - SDL_HWPALETTE = $20000000; - SDL_DOUBLEBUF = $40000000; - SDL_FULLSCREEN = $80000000; -{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} RMask = $000000FF; @@ -356,25 +289,18 @@ // http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/prog/progsu144.html type -{$IFDEF SDL2} PSDL_Window = Pointer; PSDL_Renderer = Pointer; PSDL_Texture = Pointer; PSDL_GLContext= Pointer; TSDL_TouchId = Int64; -{$ENDIF} TSDL_FingerId = Int64; TSDL_eventaction = (SDL_ADDEVENT, SDL_PEEPEVENT, SDL_GETEVENT); PSDL_Rect = ^TSDL_Rect; TSDL_Rect = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} x, y, w, h: LongInt; -{$ELSE} - x, y: SmallInt; - w, h: Word; -{$ENDIF} end; TPoint = record @@ -383,7 +309,6 @@ PSDL_PixelFormat = ^TSDL_PixelFormat; TSDL_PixelFormat = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} format: LongWord; palette: Pointer; BitsPerPixel : Byte; @@ -403,25 +328,6 @@ Ashift: Byte; refcount: LongInt; next: PSDL_PixelFormat; -{$ELSE} - palette: Pointer; - BitsPerPixel : Byte; - BytesPerPixel: Byte; - Rloss : Byte; - Gloss : Byte; - Bloss : Byte; - Aloss : Byte; - Rshift: Byte; - Gshift: Byte; - Bshift: Byte; - Ashift: Byte; - RMask : LongWord; - GMask : LongWord; - BMask : LongWord; - AMask : LongWord; - colorkey: LongWord; - alpha: Byte; -{$ENDIF} end; PSDL_Surface = ^TSDL_Surface; @@ -429,18 +335,14 @@ flags : LongWord; format: PSDL_PixelFormat; w, h : LongInt; - pitch : {$IFDEF SDL2}LongInt{$ELSE}Word{$ENDIF}; + pitch : LongInt; pixels: Pointer; -{$IFDEF SDL2} userdata: Pointer; locked: LongInt; lock_data: Pointer; clip_rect: TSDL_Rect; map: Pointer; refcount: LongInt; -{$ELSE} - offset: LongInt; -{$ENDIF} end; @@ -455,18 +357,14 @@ (* SDL_RWops and friends *) PSDL_RWops = ^TSDL_RWops; -{$IFDEF SDL2} TSize = function( context: PSDL_RWops): Int64; cdecl; TSeek = function( context: PSDL_RWops; offset: Int64; whence: LongInt ): Int64; cdecl; -{$ELSE} - TSeek = function( context: PSDL_RWops; offset: LongInt; whence: LongInt ): LongInt; cdecl; -{$ENDIF} TRead = function( context: PSDL_RWops; Ptr: Pointer; size: LongInt; maxnum : LongInt ): LongInt; cdecl; TWrite = function( context: PSDL_RWops; Ptr: Pointer; size: LongInt; num: LongInt ): LongInt; cdecl; TClose = function( context: PSDL_RWops ): LongInt; cdecl; TStdio = record - autoclose: {$IFDEF SDL2}Boolean{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}; + autoclose: Boolean; fp: Pointer; end; @@ -478,9 +376,7 @@ TUnknown = record data1: Pointer; -{$IFDEF SDL2} data2: Pointer; -{$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ANDROID} @@ -497,7 +393,7 @@ size, left: LongInt; end; TWindowsio = record - append : {$IFDEF SDL2}Boolean{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}; + append : Boolean; h : Pointer; buffer : TWinbuffer; end; @@ -505,9 +401,7 @@ {$ENDIF} TSDL_RWops = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} size: TSize; -{$ENDIF} seek: TSeek; read: TRead; write: TWrite; @@ -529,7 +423,6 @@ {* SDL_Event type definition *} -{$IFDEF SDL2} TSDL_Keysym = record scancode: LongInt; sym: LongInt; @@ -630,167 +523,92 @@ end; TSDL_OSEvent = TSDL_CommonEvent; -{$ELSE} - TSDL_KeySym = record - scancode: Byte; - sym: LongWord; - modifier: LongWord; - unicode: Word; - end; - - TSDL_ActiveEvent = record - type_: Byte; - gain: Byte; - state: Byte; - end; - - TSDL_ResizeEvent = record - type_: Byte; - w, h: LongInt; - end; -{$ENDIF} TSDL_KeyboardEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; windowID: LongWord; state, repeat_, padding2, padding3: Byte; -{$ELSE} - type_, which, state: Byte; -{$ENDIF} keysym: TSDL_Keysym; end; TSDL_MouseMotionEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; windowID: LongWord; which, state: LongWord; x, y, xrel, yrel: LongInt; -{$ELSE} - type_, which, state: Byte; - x, y, xrel, yrel: Word; -{$ENDIF} end; TSDL_MouseButtonEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; windowID: LongWord; which: LongWord; button, state, padding1, padding2: Byte; x, y: LongInt; -{$ELSE} - type_, which, button, state: Byte; - x, y: Word; -{$ENDIF} end; TSDL_MouseWheelEvent = record type_: LongWord; -{$IFDEF SDL2} timestamp: LongWord; windowID: LongWord; which: LongWord; -{$ELSE} - which: Byte; -{$ENDIF} x, y: LongInt; end; TSDL_JoyAxisEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; which: LongWord; -{$ELSE} - type_: Byte; - which: Byte; -{$ENDIF} axis: Byte; -{$IFDEF SDL2} padding1, padding2, padding3: Byte; value: LongInt; padding4: Word; -{$ELSE} - value: SmallInt; -{$ENDIF} end; TSDL_JoyBallEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; which: LongWord; -{$ELSE} - type_: Byte; - which: Byte; -{$ENDIF} ball: Byte; -{$IFDEF SDL2} padding1, padding2, padding3: Byte; -{$ENDIF} xrel, yrel: SmallInt; end; TSDL_JoyHatEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; which: LongWord; -{$ELSE} - type_: Byte; - which: Byte; -{$ENDIF} hat: Byte; value: Byte; -{$IFDEF SDL2} padding1, padding2: Byte; -{$ENDIF} end; TSDL_JoyButtonEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; -{$ELSE} - type_: Byte; -{$ENDIF} which: Byte; button: Byte; state: Byte; -{$IFDEF SDL2} padding1: Byte; -{$ENDIF} end; TSDL_QuitEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; -{$ELSE} - type_: Byte; -{$ENDIF} end; TSDL_UserEvent = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} type_: LongWord; timestamp: LongWord; windowID: LongWord; -{$ELSE} - type_: Byte; -{$ENDIF} code: LongInt; data1, data2: Pointer; end; PSDL_Event = ^TSDL_Event; TSDL_Event = record -{$IFDEF SDL2} case LongInt of SDL_FIRSTEVENT: (type_: LongWord); SDL_COMMONDEVENT: (common: TSDL_CommonEvent); @@ -826,25 +644,6 @@ SDL_DOLLARGESTURE: (dgesture: TSDL_DollarGestureEvent); SDL_DROPFILE: (drop: TSDL_DropEvent); SDL_ALLEVENTS: (foo: shortstring); -{$ELSE} - case Byte of - SDL_NOEVENT: (type_: Byte); - SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: (active: TSDL_ActiveEvent); - SDL_KEYDOWN, - SDL_KEYUP: (key: TSDL_KeyboardEvent); - SDL_MOUSEMOTION: (motion: TSDL_MouseMotionEvent); - SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, - SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: (button: TSDL_MouseButtonEvent); - SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: (jaxis: TSDL_JoyAxisEvent); - SDL_JOYHATMOTION: (jhat: TSDL_JoyHatEvent); - SDL_JOYBALLMOTION: (jball: TSDL_JoyBallEvent); - SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN, - SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: (jbutton: TSDL_JoyButtonEvent); - SDL_QUITEV: (quit: TSDL_QuitEvent); - //SDL_SYSWMEVENT,SDL_EVENT_RESERVEDA,SDL_EVENT_RESERVEDB - SDL_VIDEORESIZE: (resize: TSDL_ResizeEvent); - SDL_ALLEVENTS: (foo: shortstring); -{$ENDIF} end; TSDL_EventFilter = function( event : PSDL_Event ): Integer; cdecl; @@ -874,7 +673,6 @@ SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL, -{$IFDEF SDL2} SDL_GL_RETAINED_BACKING, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, @@ -882,12 +680,8 @@ SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT -{$ELSE} - SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL -{$ENDIF} ); -{$IFDEF SDL2} TSDL_ArrayByteOrder = ( // array component order, low Byte -> high Byte SDL_ARRAYORDER_NONE, SDL_ARRAYORDER_RGB, @@ -897,7 +691,6 @@ SDL_ARRAYORDER_BGRA, SDL_ARRAYORDER_ABGR ); -{$ENDIF} // Joystick/Controller support PSDL_Joystick = ^TSDL_Joystick; @@ -1002,7 +795,6 @@ function SDL_RWFromFile(filename, mode: PChar): PSDL_RWops; cdecl; external SDLLibName; function SDL_SaveBMP_RW(surface: PSDL_Surface; dst: PSDL_RWops; freedst: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; -{$IFDEF SDL2} function SDL_CreateWindow(title: PChar; x,y,w,h: LongInt; flags: LongWord): PSDL_Window; cdecl; external SDLLibName; function SDL_CreateRenderer(window: PSDL_Window; index: LongInt; flags: LongWord): PSDL_Renderer; cdecl; external SDLLibName; function SDL_DestroyWindow(window: PSDL_Window): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; @@ -1039,13 +831,6 @@ function SDL_AllocFormat(format: LongWord): PSDL_PixelFormat; cdecl; external SDLLibName; procedure SDL_FreeFormat(pixelformat: PSDL_PixelFormat); cdecl; external SDLLibName; -{$ELSE} -function SDL_PeepEvents(event: PSDL_Event; numevents: LongInt; action: TSDL_eventaction; mask: LongWord): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; - -function SDL_EnableUNICODE(enable: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; -function SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(timedelay, interval: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; -function SDL_VideoDriverName(namebuf: PChar; maxlen: LongInt): PChar; cdecl; external SDLLibName; -{$ENDIF} function SDL_GetMouseState(x, y: PLongInt): Byte; cdecl; external SDLLibName; @@ -1060,8 +845,9 @@ procedure SDL_SetEventFilter(filter: TSDL_EventFilter); cdecl; external SDLLibName; function SDL_ShowCursor(toggle: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; -procedure SDL_WarpMouse(x, y: Word); {$IFDEF SDL2}inline{$ELSE}cdecl; external SDLLibName{$ENDIF}; -function SDL_GetKeyState(numkeys: PLongInt): PByteArray; cdecl; external SDLLibName {$IFDEF SDL2} name 'SDL_GetKeyboardState'{$ENDIF}; +procedure SDL_WarpMouse(x, y: Word); inline; + +function SDL_GetKeyState(numkeys: PLongInt): PByteArray; cdecl; external SDLLibName name 'SDL_GetKeyboardState'; procedure SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon: PSDL_Surface; mask : Byte); cdecl; external SDLLibName; procedure SDL_WM_SetCaption(title: PChar; icon: PChar); cdecl; external SDLLibName; @@ -1070,14 +856,14 @@ (* remember to mark the threaded functions as 'cdecl; export;' (or have fun debugging nil arguments) *) -function SDL_CreateThread(fn: Pointer; {$IFDEF SDL2}name: PChar;{$ENDIF} data: Pointer): PSDL_Thread; cdecl; external SDLLibName; +function SDL_CreateThread(fn: Pointer; name: PChar; data: Pointer): PSDL_Thread; cdecl; external SDLLibName; procedure SDL_WaitThread(thread: PSDL_Thread; status: PLongInt); cdecl; external SDLLibName; procedure SDL_KillThread(thread: PSDL_Thread); cdecl; external SDLLibName; function SDL_CreateMutex: PSDL_mutex; cdecl; external SDLLibName; procedure SDL_DestroyMutex(mutex: PSDL_mutex); cdecl; external SDLLibName; -function SDL_LockMutex(mutex: PSDL_mutex): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName {$IFNDEF SDL2}name 'SDL_mutexP'{$ENDIF}; -function SDL_UnlockMutex(mutex: PSDL_mutex): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName {$IFNDEF SDL2}name 'SDL_mutexV'{$ENDIF}; +function SDL_LockMutex(mutex: PSDL_mutex): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; +function SDL_UnlockMutex(mutex: PSDL_mutex): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; function SDL_GL_SetAttribute(attr: TSDL_GLattr; value: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external SDLLibName; procedure SDL_GL_SwapBuffers; cdecl; external SDLLibName; @@ -1188,7 +974,6 @@ function SDLNet_Read32(buf: Pointer): LongWord; implementation -{$IFDEF SDL2} uses uStore; // for sdl1.2 we directly call SDL_WarpMouse() @@ -1199,16 +984,11 @@ begin WarpMouse(x, y); end; -{$ENDIF} function SDL_MustLock(Surface: PSDL_Surface): Boolean; begin SDL_MustLock:= -{$IFDEF SDL2} ((surface^.flags and SDL_RLEACCEL) <> 0) -{$ELSE} - ( surface^.offset <> 0 ) or (( surface^.flags and (SDL_HWSURFACE or SDL_ASYNCBLIT or SDL_RLEACCEL)) <> 0) -{$ENDIF} end; {$IFNDEF SDL_MIXER_NEWER}