diff -r f2b18754742f -r 7a7611adf715 hedgewars/uStore.pas --- a/hedgewars/uStore.pas Tue Dec 17 00:02:52 2013 +0400 +++ b/hedgewars/uStore.pas Tue Nov 10 17:45:14 2015 +0100 @@ -53,9 +53,7 @@ procedure InitOffscreenOpenGL; {$ENDIF} -{$IFDEF SDL2} procedure WarpMouse(x, y: Word); inline; -{$ENDIF} procedure SwapBuffers; {$IFDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING}cdecl{$ELSE}inline{$ENDIF}; procedure SetSkyColor(r, g, b: real); @@ -63,18 +61,13 @@ uses uMisc, uConsole, uVariables, uUtils, uTextures, uRender, uRenderUtils, uCommands , uPhysFSLayer , uDebug - {$IFDEF USE_CONTEXT_RESTORE}, uWorld{$ENDIF} - {$IF NOT DEFINED(SDL2) AND DEFINED(USE_VIDEO_RECORDING)}, glut {$ENDIF}; + {$IFDEF USE_CONTEXT_RESTORE}, uWorld{$ENDIF}; //type TGPUVendor = (gvUnknown, gvNVIDIA, gvATI, gvIntel, gvApple); var MaxTextureSize: LongInt; -{$IFDEF SDL2} SDLwindow: PSDL_Window; SDLGLcontext: PSDL_GLContext; -{$ELSE} - SDLPrimSurface: PSDL_Surface; -{$ENDIF} squaresize : LongInt; numsquares : LongInt; ProgrTex: PTexture; @@ -689,9 +682,6 @@ {$ELSE} SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); {$ENDIF} -{$IFNDEF SDL2} // vsync is default in SDL2 - SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, LongInt((cReducedQuality and rqDesyncVBlank) = 0)); -{$ENDIF} SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 6); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5); @@ -708,16 +698,10 @@ tmpint: LongInt; tmpn: LongInt; begin -{$IFDEF SDL2} AddFileLog('Setting up OpenGL (using driver: ' + shortstring(SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver()) + ')'); -{$ELSE} - buf[0]:= char(0); // avoid compiler hint - AddFileLog('Setting up OpenGL (using driver: ' + shortstring(SDL_VideoDriverName(buf, sizeof(buf))) + ')'); -{$ENDIF} AuxBufNum:= AuxBufNum; -{$IFDEF SDL2} // TODO: this function creates an opengles1.1 context // un-comment below and add proper logic to support opengles2.0 //SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 2); @@ -726,7 +710,6 @@ SDLGLcontext:= SDL_GL_CreateContext(SDLwindow); SDLTry(SDLGLcontext <> nil, 'SDLGLcontext', true); SDLTry(SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1) = 0, 'SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval', true); -{$ENDIF} // get the max (h and v) size for textures that the gpu can support glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @MaxTextureSize); @@ -1084,7 +1067,6 @@ end; {$IFDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING} -{$IFDEF SDL2} procedure InitOffscreenOpenGL; begin // create hidden window @@ -1095,30 +1077,13 @@ SDLTry(SDLwindow <> nil, 'SDL_CreateWindow', true); SetupOpenGL(); end; -{$ELSE} -procedure InitOffscreenOpenGL; -var ArgCount: LongInt; - PrgName: pchar; -begin - ArgCount:= 1; - PrgName:= 'hwengine'; - glutInit(@ArgCount, @PrgName); - glutInitWindowSize(cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight); - // we do not need a window, but without this call OpenGL will not initialize - glutCreateWindow('hedgewars video rendering (glut hidden window)'); - glutHideWindow(); - // we do not need to set this callback, but it is required for GLUT3 compat - glutDisplayFunc(@SwapBuffers); - SetupOpenGL(); -end; -{$ENDIF} // SDL2 {$ENDIF} // USE_VIDEO_RECORDING procedure chFullScr(var s: shortstring); var flags: Longword = 0; reinit: boolean = false; {$IFNDEF DARWIN}ico: PSDL_Surface;{$ENDIF} - {$IFDEF SDL2}x, y: LongInt;{$ENDIF} + x, y: LongInt; begin if cOnlyStats then begin @@ -1141,30 +1106,12 @@ end; AddFileLog('Preparing to change video parameters...'); -{$IFDEF SDL2} if SDLwindow = nil then -{$ELSE} - if SDLPrimSurface = nil then -{$ENDIF} begin // set window title - {$IFNDEF SDL2} - SDL_WM_SetCaption(_P'Hedgewars', nil); - {$ENDIF} WriteToConsole('Init SDL_image... '); SDLTry(IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG) <> 0, 'IMG_Init', true); WriteLnToConsole(msgOK); - // load engine icon - {$IFNDEF DARWIN} - {$IFNDEF SDL2} - ico:= LoadDataImage(ptGraphics, 'hwengine', ifIgnoreCaps); - if ico <> nil then - begin - SDL_WM_SetIcon(ico, 0); - SDL_FreeSurface(ico) - end; - {$ENDIF} - {$ENDIF} end else begin @@ -1189,10 +1136,6 @@ //uTextures.freeModule; //DEBUG ONLY {$ENDIF} AddFileLog('Freeing old primary surface...'); - {$IFNDEF SDL2} - SDL_FreeSurface(SDLPrimSurface); - SDLPrimSurface:= nil; - {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; @@ -1206,7 +1149,6 @@ *) SetupOpenGLAttributes(); {$ENDIF} -{$IFDEF SDL2} // these values in x and y make the window appear in the center x:= SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_MASK; y:= SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_MASK; @@ -1227,23 +1169,6 @@ if SDLwindow = nil then SDLwindow:= SDL_CreateWindow('Hedgewars', x, y, cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight, flags); SDLTry(SDLwindow <> nil, 'SDL_CreateWindow', true); -{$ELSE} - flags:= SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE; - if cFullScreen then - flags:= flags or SDL_FULLSCREEN; - if not cOnlyStats then - begin - {$IFDEF WIN32} - s:= SDL_getenv('SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'); - SDL_putenv('SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=1'); - {$ENDIF} - SDLPrimSurface:= SDL_SetVideoMode(cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight, 0, flags); - SDLTry(SDLPrimSurface <> nil, true); - {$IFDEF WIN32} - SDL_putenv(str2pchar('SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=' + s)); - {$ENDIF} - end; -{$ENDIF} SetupOpenGL(); if reinit then @@ -1266,7 +1191,6 @@ end; end; -{$IFDEF SDL2} // for sdl1.2 we directly call SDL_WarpMouse() // for sdl2 we provide a SDL_WarpMouse() which just calls this function // this has the advantage of reducing 'uses' and 'ifdef' statements @@ -1275,17 +1199,12 @@ begin SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(SDLwindow, x, y); end; -{$ENDIF} procedure SwapBuffers; {$IFDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING}cdecl{$ELSE}inline{$ENDIF}; begin if GameType = gmtRecord then exit; -{$IFDEF SDL2} SDL_GL_SwapWindow(SDLwindow); -{$ELSE} - SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); -{$ENDIF} end; procedure SetSkyColor(r, g, b: real); @@ -1312,22 +1231,16 @@ // init all count texture pointers for i:= Low(CountTexz) to High(CountTexz) do CountTexz[i] := nil; -{$IFDEF SDL2} SDLwindow:= nil; SDLGLcontext:= nil; -{$ELSE} - SDLPrimSurface:= nil; -{$ENDIF} end; procedure freeModule; begin StoreRelease(false); TTF_Quit(); -{$IFDEF SDL2} SDL_GL_DeleteContext(SDLGLcontext); SDL_DestroyWindow(SDLwindow); -{$ENDIF} SDL_Quit(); end; end.