------------------------------------------- -- FRENZY -- a hedgewars mode inspired by Hysteria ------------------------------------------- HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") local cTimer = 0 local cn = 0 local frenzyAmmos = { amBazooka, amGrenade, amMolotov, amShotgun, amFirePunch, amMine, amJetpack, amBlowTorch, amTeleport, amLowGravity } function showStartingInfo() ruleSet = "" .. loc("RULES:") .. " |" .. loc("Each turn is only ONE SECOND!") .. "|" .. loc("Use your ready time to think.") if INTERFACE ~= "touch" then ruleSet = ruleSet .. "|" .. loc("Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)") .. "| |" for i=1, #frenzyAmmos do ruleSet = ruleSet .. string.format(loc("Slot %d: %s"), i, GetAmmoName(frenzyAmmos[i])) .. "|" end end ShowMission(loc("FRENZY"), loc("A frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"), ruleSet, 0, 4000) end function onGameInit() if TurnTime > 8000 then Ready = 8000 else Ready = TurnTime end TurnTime = 1000 --These are the official settings, but I think I prefer allowing customization in this regard --MinesNum = 8 --MinesTime = 3000 --MinesDudPercent = 30 --Explosives = 0 --Supposedly official settings HealthCaseProb = 0 CrateFreq = 0 --Approximation of Official Settings --SuddenDeathTurns = 10 --WaterRise = 47 --HealthDecrease = 0 end function onGameStart() showStartingInfo() end function onSlot(sln) cTimer = 8 cn = sln end function onGameTick() if cTimer ~= 0 then cTimer = cTimer -1 if cTimer == 1 then ChangeWep(cn) cn = 0 cTimer = 0 end end end -- Keyboard slot shortcuts function ChangeWep(s) if s >= 0 and s <= 9 then SetWeapon(frenzyAmmos[s+1]) end end function onAmmoStoreInit() -- Add frenzy ammos for i=1, #frenzyAmmos do SetAmmo(frenzyAmmos[i], 9, 0, 0, 0) end SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0) end