### SuperTux - Removed unused vorbisenc library # - Try to find the OggVorbis libraries # Once done this will define # # OGGVORBIS_FOUND - system has OggVorbis # OGGVORBIS_VERSION - set either to 1 or 2 # OGGVORBIS_INCLUDE_DIR - the OggVorbis include directory # OGGVORBIS_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use OggVorbis # OGG_LIBRARY - The Ogg library # VORBIS_LIBRARY - The Vorbis library # VORBISFILE_LIBRARY - The VorbisFile library # Copyright (c) 2006, Richard Laerkaeng, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. include (CheckLibraryExists) find_path(VORBIS_INCLUDE_DIR vorbis/vorbisfile.h) find_library(OGG_LIBRARY NAMES ogg) find_library(VORBIS_LIBRARY NAMES vorbis) find_library(VORBISFILE_LIBRARY NAMES vorbisfile) if (OGG_LIBRARY AND VORBIS_LIBRARY AND VORBISFILE_LIBRARY) set(OGGVORBIS_FOUND TRUE) # [sommer] (for SuperTux) reversed order of libraries, so that cmake 2.4.5 for Windows generates an MSYS Makefile that will link correctly # set(OGGVORBIS_LIBRARIES ${OGG_LIBRARY} ${VORBIS_LIBRARY} ${VORBISFILE_LIBRARY}) set(OGGVORBIS_LIBRARIES ${VORBISFILE_LIBRARY} ${VORBIS_LIBRARY} ${OGG_LIBRARY}) set(_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES_TMP ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ${OGGVORBIS_LIBRARIES}) check_library_exists(vorbis vorbis_bitrate_addblock "" HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES_TMP}) if (HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) set (OGGVORBIS_VERSION 2) else (HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) set (OGGVORBIS_VERSION 1) endif (HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) else () set (OGGVORBIS_VERSION) set(OGGVORBIS_FOUND FALSE) endif () if (OGGVORBIS_FOUND) if (NOT OggVorbis_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found OggVorbis: ${OGGVORBIS_LIBRARIES}") endif (NOT OggVorbis_FIND_QUIETLY) else (OGGVORBIS_FOUND) if (OggVorbis_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find OggVorbis libraries") endif (OggVorbis_FIND_REQUIRED) if (NOT OggVorbis_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Could NOT find OggVorbis libraries") endif (NOT OggVorbis_FIND_QUIETLY) endif (OGGVORBIS_FOUND) #check_include_files(vorbis/vorbisfile.h HAVE_VORBISFILE_H) #check_library_exists(ogg ogg_page_version "" HAVE_LIBOGG) #check_library_exists(vorbis vorbis_info_init "" HAVE_LIBVORBIS) #check_library_exists(vorbisfile ov_open "" HAVE_LIBVORBISFILE) #check_library_exists(vorbis vorbis_bitrate_addblock "" HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) #if (HAVE_LIBOGG AND HAVE_VORBISFILE_H AND HAVE_LIBVORBIS AND HAVE_LIBVORBISFILE) # message(STATUS "Ogg/Vorbis found") # set (VORBIS_LIBS "-lvorbis -logg") # set (VORBISFILE_LIBS "-lvorbisfile") # set (OGGVORBIS_FOUND TRUE) # if (HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) # set (HAVE_VORBIS 2) # else (HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) # set (HAVE_VORBIS 1) # endif (HAVE_LIBVORBISENC2) #else (HAVE_LIBOGG AND HAVE_VORBISFILE_H AND HAVE_LIBVORBIS AND HAVE_LIBVORBISFILE) # message(STATUS "Ogg/Vorbis not found") #endif (HAVE_LIBOGG AND HAVE_VORBISFILE_H AND HAVE_LIBVORBIS AND HAVE_LIBVORBISFILE)