HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Utils.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Achievements.lua") local player = nil local playerTeamName = nil local RCGear = nil local planesUsed = 0 local planeTimer = 0 local planeUhOh = false local cratesLeft = 0 local crateStreak = 0 local longestCrateStreak = 0 local commentTimer = 0 local missiles = 0 local totalMissiles = 0 local missileScanTimer = 0 local nextComment = sndNone function onGameInit() Seed = 1 GameFlags = gfInfAttack + gfInvulnerable + gfOneClanMode + gfSolidLand -- Basically unlimited turn time TurnTime = MAX_TURN_TIME Map = "Ropes" Theme = "Eyes" -- Disable Sudden Death WaterRise = 0 HealthDecrease = 0 CaseFreq = 0 MinesNum = 0 Explosives = 0 playerTeamName = AddMissionTeam(-1) player = AddMissionHog(80) SetGearPosition(player, 1380, 1582) HogTurnLeft(player, true) end local function spawnCrate(x, y) local c = SpawnFakeHealthCrate(x, y, false, false) SetGearValues(c, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0) -- Karma end function onGameStart() SendHealthStatsOff() local recordInfo = getReadableChallengeRecord("Lowscore") ShowMission ( loc("RC Plane Challenge"), loc("Challenge"), loc("Collect or destroy all the health crates.") .. "|" .. loc("Compete to use as few planes as possible!") .. "|" .. recordInfo, -amRCPlane, 4000 ) SetTeamLabel(playerTeamName, "0") PlaceGirder(2192, 508, 6) PlaceGirder(2192, 670, 6) PlaceGirder(2193, 792, 2) PlaceGirder(2100, 825, 4) PlaceGirder(2009, 899, 6) PlaceGirder(2084, 992, 4) PlaceGirder(2145, 1087, 6) PlaceGirder(2199, 1235, 5) PlaceGirder(2308, 1296, 0) PlaceGirder(2424, 1234, 7) PlaceGirder(2473, 1129, 2) PlaceGirder(2437, 1046, 1) PlaceGirder(2409, 927, 6) PlaceGirder(2408, 763, 6) PlaceGirder(2404, 540, 6) PlaceGirder(2426, 423, 3) PlaceGirder(2550, 400, 4) PlaceGirder(2668, 425, 1) PlaceGirder(2707, 541, 6) PlaceGirder(2706, 703, 6) PlaceGirder(2705, 867, 6) PlaceGirder(2779, 962, 4) PlaceGirder(2894, 924, 3) PlaceGirder(2908, 802, 6) PlaceGirder(2907, 639, 6) PlaceGirder(3052, 566, 4) PlaceGirder(2971, 394, 4) PlaceGirder(3103, 448, 7) PlaceGirder(3047, 654, 0) PlaceGirder(3043, 746, 6) PlaceGirder(3265, 1583, 6) PlaceGirder(3256, 1491, 4) PlaceGirder(3187, 1401, 6) PlaceGirder(3326, 1400, 6) PlaceGirder(774, 530, 5) PlaceGirder(922, 595, 4) PlaceGirder(1079, 533, 7) PlaceGirder(1139, 386, 6) PlaceGirder(1074, 237, 5) PlaceGirder(723, 381, 6) PlaceGirder(781, 229, 7) PlaceGirder(927, 746, 6) PlaceGirder(874, 736, 0) PlaceGirder(982, 737, 0) PlaceGirder(2430, 1730, 4) PlaceGirder(1613, 1104, 7) PlaceGirder(1564, 1256, 6) PlaceGirder(1643, 1341, 5) PlaceGirder(1780, 1372, 4) PlaceGirder(1869, 1296, 7) PlaceGirder(1858, 1163, 5) PlaceGirder(1739, 1044, 5) PlaceGirder(1621, 926, 5) PlaceGirder(1597, 985, 5) PlaceGirder(1449, 939, 4) PlaceGirder(1473, 874, 4) PlaceGirder(2092, 1352, 7) PlaceGirder(2145, 1444, 7) PlaceGirder(2004, 1443, 3) PlaceGirder(1978, 1523, 2) PlaceGirder(2021, 1596, 1) PlaceGirder(2103, 1625, 0) PlaceGirder(2208, 1551, 7) PlaceGirder(2327, 1431, 7) PlaceGirder(2395, 1478, 6) PlaceGirder(2396, 1600, 2) PlaceGirder(2495, 1285, 6) PlaceGirder(2494, 1408, 2) PlaceGirder(2547, 530, 0) PlaceGirder(2451, 1551, 0) PlaceGirder(2551, 706, 6) PlaceGirder(2551, 869, 6) PlaceGirder(2623, 1016, 5) PlaceGirder(2773, 1083, 4) PlaceGirder(2924, 1019, 7) PlaceGirder(2568, 1491, 7) PlaceGirder(2618, 1346, 6) PlaceGirder(2674, 1195, 7) PlaceGirder(2822, 1142, 4) PlaceGirder(2963, 1069, 7) PlaceGirder(3067, 938, 5) PlaceGirder(2803, 1373, 2) PlaceGirder(2811, 1559, 2) spawnCrate(930, 557) spawnCrate(979, 692) spawnCrate(876, 703) spawnCrate(2309, 1260) spawnCrate(1733, 1127) spawnCrate(1738, 1320) spawnCrate(3249, 1460) spawnCrate(3051, 617) spawnCrate(2972, 353) spawnCrate(2548, 358) spawnCrate(2090, 1580) spawnCrate(1752, 1753) spawnCrate(1865, 1758) spawnCrate(1985, 1760) spawnCrate(2429, 1760) spawnCrate(2810, 1480) spawnCrate(2800, 1277) spawnCrate(2806, 1107) PlaceGirder(1897, 903, 6) PlaceGirder(1916, 784, 3) PlaceGirder(2010, 732, 4) PlaceGirder(2082, 639, 6) PlaceGirder(2081, 516, 2) PlaceGirder(1985, 487, 4) PlaceGirder(1862, 407, 5) PlaceGirder(1855, 224, 7) PlaceGirder(2006, 163, 4) PlaceGirder(2128, 187, 1) PlaceGirder(2251, 213, 4) PlaceGirder(2413, 213, 4) PlaceGirder(1952, 618, 0) PlaceGirder(957, 1068, 4) PlaceGirder(794, 1069, 4) PlaceGirder(728, 1163, 6) PlaceGirder(728, 1287, 2) PlaceGirder(802, 1342, 4) PlaceGirder(966, 1342, 4) PlaceGirder(674, 1032, 1) PlaceGirder(554, 1011, 4) PlaceGirder(445, 1056, 3) PlaceGirder(422, 1174, 6) PlaceGirder(369, 1341, 5) PlaceGirder(495, 1313, 5) PlaceGirder(568, 1379, 3) PlaceGirder(577, 1202, 2) PlaceGirder(744, 1490, 5) PlaceGirder(760, 1617, 7) PlaceGirder(622, 1693, 4) PlaceGirder(476, 1623, 5) PlaceGirder(376, 1697, 1) PlaceGirder(955, 1746, 2) PlaceGirder(1025, 1746, 2) PlaceGirder(1090, 1745, 2) PlaceGirder(1156, 1746, 2) PlaceGirder(3806, 1530, 2) PlaceGirder(3880, 1464, 2) PlaceGirder(3738, 1458, 2) PlaceGirder(3806, 1390, 2) PlaceGirder(3805, 1588, 0) PlaceGirder(3676, 1609, 3) PlaceGirder(3930, 1615, 1) PlaceGirder(3719, 1295, 0) PlaceGirder(3888, 1294, 0) PlaceGirder(3661, 1385, 2) PlaceGirder(3955, 1377, 2) PlaceGirder(3982, 1518, 0) PlaceGirder(3378, 440, 2) PlaceGirder(3447, 492, 4) PlaceGirder(3564, 529, 1) PlaceGirder(3596, 647, 6) PlaceGirder(3521, 740, 4) PlaceGirder(3524, 838, 4) PlaceGirder(3644, 819, 3) PlaceGirder(3691, 708, 6) PlaceGirder(3690, 545, 6) PlaceGirder(3612, 433, 5) PlaceGirder(3463, 383, 4) PlaceGirder(2815, 122, 7) PlaceGirder(2960, 72, 4) PlaceGirder(3032, 123, 2) PlaceGirder(3063, 174, 0) PlaceGirder(3095, 124, 2) PlaceGirder(3169, 71, 4) PlaceGirder(3320, 124, 5) PlaceGirder(3210, 179, 2) PlaceGirder(2932, 181, 2) spawnCrate(3804, 1461) spawnCrate(3269, 1742) spawnCrate(3066, 121) spawnCrate(3207, 104) spawnCrate(2928, 103) spawnCrate(1997, 202) spawnCrate(2253, 159) spawnCrate(2132, 774) spawnCrate(2549, 490) spawnCrate(3527, 694) spawnCrate(3777, 78) spawnCrate(1124, 1746) spawnCrate(1056, 1740) spawnCrate(993, 1742) spawnCrate(799, 1298) spawnCrate(577, 1126) spawnCrate(596, 1463) spawnCrate(3854, 1043) spawnCrate(1944, 567) spawnCrate(338, 1748) end function onGameTick20() if RCGear ~= nil then if(GetTimer(RCGear) < 3000 and planeUhOh == false) then PlaySound(sndUhOh, player) planeUhOh = true end planeTimer = planeTimer + 20 end if commentTimer > 0 then commentTimer = commentTimer - 20 elseif(nextComment ~= sndNone) then PlaySound(nextComment, player) nextComment = sndNone end if missileScanTimer > 0 then missileScanTimer = missileScanTimer - 20 else if crateStreak == 0 and missiles == 3 then PlaySound(sndMissed, player) missiles = 4 end end end function onNewTurn() SetTurnTimeLeft(MAX_TURN_TIME) end function onGearAdd(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtRCPlane then RCGear = gear planesUsed = planesUsed + 1 SetTeamLabel(playerTeamName, tostring(planesUsed)) planeTimer = 0 missiles = 0 end if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then cratesLeft = cratesLeft + 1 end if GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb then totalMissiles = totalMissiles + 1 end end function onGearDelete(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtRCPlane then RCGear = nil planeUhOh = false missiles = 0 if(planeTimer < 2000 and crateStreak == 0) then nextComment = sndStupid commentTimer = math.min(2000-planeTimer, 800) elseif(planeTimer < 5000 and crateStreak == 0) then PlaySound(sndOops, player) elseif(planesUsed == 72) then PlaySound(sndStupid, player) elseif(planesUsed == 50) then PlaySound(sndNutter, player) elseif(planesUsed == 30) then PlaySound(sndOops, player) end crateStreak = 0 elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb then missiles = missiles + 1 missileScanTimer = 500 elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then cratesLeft = cratesLeft - 1 crateStreak = crateStreak + 1 if(crateStreak > longestCrateStreak) then longestCrateStreak = crateStreak end if band(GetGearMessage(gear), gmDestroy) ~= 0 then -- Crate collection sound PlaySound(sndShotgunReload) end AddCaption(string.format(loc("Crates left: %d"), cratesLeft)) if cratesLeft == 0 then local rank = "unknown" local color = capcolDefault local sound = sndVictory if planesUsed >= 156 then rank = loc("Destroyer of planes") color = 0xD06700FF sound = sndLaugh elseif planesUsed >= 98 then rank = loc("Hopeless case") color = 0xFF0000FF elseif planesUsed >= 72 then rank = loc("Drunk greenhorn") color = 0xFF0040FF elseif planesUsed >= 50 then rank = loc("Greenhorn") -- a.k.a. "absolute beginner" color = 0xFF0080FF elseif planesUsed >= 39 then rank = loc("Beginner") color = 0xFF00BFFF elseif planesUsed >= 30 then rank = loc("Experienced beginner") color = 0xFF00CCFF elseif planesUsed >= 21 then rank = loc("Below-average pilot") color = 0xFF00FFFF elseif planesUsed >= 17 then rank = loc("Average pilot") color = 0xBF00FFFF elseif planesUsed >= 13 then rank = loc("Above-average pilot") color = 0x8000FFFF elseif planesUsed >= 8 then rank = loc("Professional pilot") color = 0x4000FFFF elseif planesUsed >= 5 then rank = loc("Professional stunt pilot") color = 0x0000FFFF elseif planesUsed >= 3 then rank = loc("Elite pilot") color = 0x0040FFFF elseif planesUsed == 2 then rank = loc("Upper-class elite pilot") color = 0x0080FFFF elseif planesUsed == 1 then rank = loc("Top-class elite pilot") color = 0x00FFFFFF sound = sndFlawless else rank = loc("Cheater") color = 0xFF0000FF sound = sndCoward end AddCaption(string.format(loc("Rank: %s"), rank), color, capgrpMessage2) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Your rank: %s"), rank)) if planesUsed == 1 then AddCaption(loc("Flawless victory!")) SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have perfectly beaten the challenge!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You have used only 1 RC plane. Outstanding!")) else AddCaption(loc("Victory!")) SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have finished the challenge!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have used %d RC planes."), planesUsed)) end SaveMissionVar("Won", "true") updateChallengeRecord("Lowscore", planesUsed) if(totalMissiles > 1) then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have dropped %d missiles."), totalMissiles)) end if(longestCrateStreak > 5) then if(planesUsed == 1) then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("In your best (and only) flight you took out %d crates with one RC plane!"), longestCrateStreak)) else SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("In your best flight you took out %d crates with one RC plane."), longestCrateStreak)) end end if(planesUsed == 2) then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("This was an awesome performance! But this challenge can be finished with even just one RC plane. Can you figure out how?")) end if(planesUsed == 1) then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Congratulations! You have truly mastered this challenge! Don't forget to save the demo.")) awardAchievement(loc("Prestigious Pilot"), nil, false) end ShowMission ( loc("CHALLENGE COMPLETE"), loc("Congratulations!"), string.format(loc("Planes used: %d"), planesUsed) .. "|" .. "", 0, 0 ) SetState(player, gstWinner) PlaySound(sound, player) DismissTeam(playerTeamName) EndGame() end if RCGear ~= nil then SetTimer(RCGear, GetTimer(RCGear) + 10000) end end end function onAmmoStoreInit() SetAmmo(amRCPlane, 9, 0, 0, 0) end function onNewTurn() SetWeapon(amRCPlane) end