-------------------------------- -- HIGHLANDER / HOGS OF WAR -- by mikade -------------------------------- -- Ancient changelog: ----------- --0.1 ----------- -- concept test ----------- --0.2 ----------- -- remove tardis till Henek fixes his tracker -- change wep crates to health crates -- reset arb turntimevalue -- include randomOrder -- Until fixed .17 methods come out, remove switches and resurrector -- on request, removed kamikaze and piano weapons -- provisional fixing of bugs that can't actually be fixed yet ----------- --0.3 ----------- -- meh, update incorrect display -- may change this in the future to have switches -- but for now people are used to it without, so~ -- mudball is now counted as a utility ----------- --0.3b ----------- -- cleaned up code and got rid of unneccessary vars -- mudball is a weapon again -- landgun is now a utility -- extra time, vampirism utility removed -- hammer wep removed -- all hogs have kamikaze ----------- --0.3c ----------- -- restructured some code -- added napalm (whoops) to list of possible weapons you can get -- hogs no longer recieve airstrike-related weps on border maps ----------- --0.4 ----------- -- fix same name/blank weapon transfer bug (issue 541) -- show next hog ammo set in full (issue 312) -- allow mid-kill multi-shot weapon transfers (issue 503) -- allow users to configure hog health -- remove 'switched to' message -- remove some extraeneous code -- add more whitespace -- break everything ----------- --0.4b ----------- -- as per request, add ice-gun ------------------------- -- ideas for the future ------------------------- -- add structure -- allow switcher, resurrector -- add abuse -- nerf teleport -- allow more customization -- poison hogs using the default team? :/ -- balance weapon distribution across entire team / all teams -- add other inequalities/bonuses like... ??? -- some hogs start off with an extra 25 health? -- some hogs start off poisoned? -- some hogs start off with a rope and 2 drills but die after their turn? ------------------------------- -- derp, script follows ------------------------------- HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Tracker.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Params.lua") -- These define weps allowed by the script. -- These were arbitrarily defined out-of-order in initial script, so that was preserved here, resulting -- in a moderately odd syntax. local atkWeps = { [amBazooka]=true, [amBee]=true, [amMortar]=true, [amDrill]=true, [amSnowball]=true, [amGrenade]=true, [amClusterBomb]=true, [amMolotov]=true, [amWatermelon]=true, [amHellishBomb]=true, [amGasBomb]=true, [amShotgun]=true, [amDEagle]=true, [amFlamethrower]=true, [amSniperRifle]=true, [amSineGun]=true, [amMinigun]=true, [amFirePunch]=true, [amWhip]=true, [amBaseballBat]=true, [amKamikaze]=true, [amSeduction]=true, [amHammer]=true, [amMine]=true, [amDynamite]=true, [amCake]=true, [amBallgun]=true, [amSMine]=true, [amRCPlane]=true, [amBirdy]=true, [amKnife]=true, [amAirAttack]=true, [amMineStrike]=true, [amNapalm]=true, [amDrillStrike]=true, [amPiano]=true, [amAirMine] = true, [amDuck]=true, } local utilWeps = { [amBlowTorch]=true, [amPickHammer]=true, [amGirder]=true, [amPortalGun]=true, [amRope]=true, [amParachute]=true, [amTeleport]=true, [amJetpack]=true, [amInvulnerable]=true, [amLaserSight]=true, [amVampiric]=true, [amLowGravity]=true, [amExtraDamage]=true, [amExtraTime]=true, [amLandGun]=true, [amRubber]=true, [amIceGun]=true, } -- Intentionally left out: -- * Resurrector (guaranteed to screw up the game) -- * Time Box -- * Switch Hedgehog (not sure why) local wepArray = {} local atkChoices = {} local utilChoices = {} local currHog local lastHog local started = false local switchStage = 0 local lastWep = amNothing local shotsFired = 0 local probability = {1,2,5,10,20,50,200,500,1000000}; local atktot = 0 local utiltot = 0 local someHog = nil -- just for looking up the weps -- Script parameter stuff --[[ Loyal Highlander. If true, killing hogs of your own clan doesn't give you their weapons. Otherwise, killing any hog gives you their weapons. ]] local loyal = false --[[ Multiple weapon usages. This is a bit tricky to explain. First, remind yourselves that hogs can never hold more than 1 of the same ammo type. This param changes how ammo will be restocked after killing a hog if you already owned this ammo. Basically this is about if you can use the same weapon multiple times in a turn by killing enemies in a clever way. We need to distinguish between your current inventory and the “reset inventory”, that is, the state to which your inventory will get reset in the next turn. No Multi-Use (default): If you kill a hog who owns a weapon you currently have in your reset inventory, but not your inventory, you DO NOT get this weapon again. Multi-Use: If you kill a hog who owns a weapon you currently have in your reset inventory, but not your inventory, you DO get this weapon. Example 1: You have a ballgun, and use it to kill a hog who also owns a ballgun. No Multi-Use: You will NOT get another ballgun, since it's in your reset inventory. Multi-Use: You get another ballgun. Example 2: You have a grenade and a bazooka in your inventory. You use the bazooka to kill a hedgehog who owns a grenade. In both ammo limit modes, you do NOT win any ammo since you already have a grenade in your inventory (not just your reset inventory), and the rule “no more than 1 ammo per type” applies. ]] local multiUse = false function onParameters() parseParams() multiUse = params["multiuse"] == "true" loyal = params["loyal"] == "true" end function CheckForWeaponSwap() if GetCurAmmoType() ~= lastWep then shotsFired = 0 end lastWep = GetCurAmmoType() end function onSlot() CheckForWeaponSwap() end function onSetWeapon() CheckForWeaponSwap() end function onHogAttack() CheckForWeaponSwap() shotsFired = shotsFired + 1 end function StartingSetUp(gear) for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do if i ~= amNothing then setGearValue(gear,i,0) end end for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do if c == 9 and (atkWeps[w] or utilWeps[w]) then setGearValue(gear,w,1) end end setGearValue(gear,amSkip,100) local r = 0 if atktot > 0 then r = GetRandom(atktot)+1 for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do if i ~= amNothing then if atkChoices[i] >= r then setGearValue(gear,i,1) break end end end end if utiltot > 0 then r = GetRandom(utiltot)+1 for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do if i ~= amNothing then if utilChoices[i] >= r then setGearValue(gear,i,1) break end end end end end --[[function SaveWeapons(gear) -- er, this has no 0 check so presumably if you use a weapon then when it saves you wont have it for i = 1, (#wepArray) do setGearValue(gear, wepArray[i], GetAmmoCount(gear, wepArray[i]) ) --AddAmmo(gear, wepArray[i], getGearValue(gear,wepArray[i]) ) end end]] function ConvertValues(gear) for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do AddAmmo(gear, w, getGearValue(gear,w) ) end end -- this is called when a hog dies function TransferWeps(gear) if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil and CurrentHedgehog ~= gear and (not loyal or (GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) ~= GetHogClan(gear))) then local x,y,color local vgear local vgtX, vgtY, vgtdX, vgtdY, vgtAngle, vgtFrame, vgtFrameTicks, vgtState, vgtTimer, vgtTint local dspl = IsHogLocal(CurrentHedgehog) local ammolist = '' if dspl then x,y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog) color = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) end for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do val = getGearValue(gear,w) if val ~= 0 and (multiUse or (wepArray[w] ~= 9 and getGearValue(CurrentHedgehog, w) == 0)) then setGearValue(CurrentHedgehog, w, val) -- if you are using multi-shot weapon, gimme one more if (GetCurAmmoType() == w) and (shotsFired ~= 0) then AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, w, val+1) -- assign ammo as per normal else AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, w, val) end if dspl then if ammolist == '' then ammolist = GetAmmoName(w) else ammolist = ammolist .. ' • ' .. GetAmmoName(w) end x = x + 2 y = y + 32 vgear = AddVisualGear(x, y, vgtAmmo, 0, true) if vgear ~= nil then vgtX,vgtY,vgtdX,vgtdY,vgtAngle,vgtFrame,vgtFrameTicks,vgtState,vgtTimer,vgtTint = GetVisualGearValues(vgear) vgtFrame = w SetVisualGearValues(vgear,vgtX,vgtY,vgtdX,vgtdY,vgtAngle,vgtFrame,vgtFrameTicks,vgtState,vgtTimer,vgtTint) end end end end if dspl and ammolist ~= '' then PlaySound(sndShotgunReload); AddCaption(ammolist, color, capgrpAmmoinfo) end end end function onGameInit() EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack, gfRandomOrder, gfPerHogAmmo) DisableGameFlags(gfResetWeps, gfSharedAmmo) HealthCaseProb = 100 if loyal then Goals = loc("Loyal Highlander: Eliminate enemy hogs to take their weapons") .. "|" else Goals = loc("Highlander: Eliminate hogs to take their weapons") .. "|" end Goals = Goals .. loc("Replenishment: Weapons are restocked on turn start of a new hog") .. "|" .. loc("Ammo Limit: Hogs can’t have more than 1 ammo per type") .. "|" if multiUse then Goals = Goals .. loc("Multi-Use: You can take and use the same ammo type multiple times in a turn") else Goals = Goals .. loc("No Multi-Use: Once you used an ammo, you can’t take it again in this turn") end end function onGameStart() utilChoices[amSkip] = 0 local c = 0 for i = 0, AmmoTypeMax do if i ~= amNothing then atkChoices[i] = 0 utilChoices[i] = 0 if i ~= 7 then wepArray[i] = 0 c = GetAmmoCount(someHog, i) if c > 8 then c = 9 end wepArray[i] = c if c < 9 and c > 0 then if atkWeps[i] then --WriteLnToConsole('a c: '..c..' w:'..i) atktot = atktot + probability[c] atkChoices[i] = atktot elseif utilWeps[i] then --WriteLnToConsole('u c: '..c..' w:'..i) utiltot = utiltot + probability[c] utilChoices[i] = utiltot end end end end end --WriteLnToConsole('utiltot:'..utiltot..' atktot:'..atktot) runOnGears(StartingSetUp) runOnGears(ConvertValues) end function CheckForHogSwitch() --[[ Restock the weapons of the hog on turn start, provided it is not the same hog as before. This exception is done do avoid a single hog receiving tons of weapons when it is the only unfrozen hog and takes consecutive turns. ]] if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then currHog = CurrentHedgehog if currHog ~= lastHog then -- re-assign ammo to this guy, so that his entire ammo set will -- be visible during another player's turn if lastHog ~= nil then ConvertValues(lastHog) end -- give the new hog what he is supposed to have, too ConvertValues(CurrentHedgehog) end lastHog = currHog end end function onNewTurn() CheckForHogSwitch() end --function onGameTick20() --CheckForHogSwitch() -- if we use gfPerHogAmmo is this even needed? Err, well, weapons reset, so... yes? -- orrrr, should we rather call the re-assignment of weapons onNewTurn()? probably not because -- then you cant switch hogs... unless we add a thing in onSwitch or whatever -- ye, that is probably better actually, but I'll add that when/if I add switch --end --[[function onHogHide(gear) -- waiting for Henek end function onHogRestore(gear) -- waiting for Henek end]] function onGearAdd(gear) --if GetGearType(gear) == gtSwitcher then -- SaveWeapons(CurrentHedgehog) --end if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) then trackGear(gear) if someHog == nil then someHog = gear end end end function onGearDelete(gear) if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) then --or (GetGearType(gear) == gtResurrector) then TransferWeps(gear) trackDeletion(gear) end end