-------------------------------- -- HIGHLANDER / HOGS OF WAR -- version 0.4b -- by mikade -------------------------------- ----------- --0.1 ----------- -- concept test ----------- --0.2 ----------- -- remove tardis till Henek fixes his tracker -- change wep crates to health crates -- reset arb turntimevalue -- include randomOrder -- Until fixed .17 methods come out, remove switches and resurrector -- on request, removed kamikaze and piano weapons -- provisional fixing of bugs that can't actually be fixed yet ----------- --0.3 ----------- -- meh, update incorrect display -- may change this in the future to have switches -- but for now people are used to it without, so~ -- mudball is now counted as a utility ----------- --0.3b ----------- -- cleaned up code and got rid of unneccessary vars -- mudball is a weapon again -- landgun is now a utility -- extra time, vampirism utility removed -- hammer wep removed -- all hogs have kamikaze ----------- --0.3c ----------- -- restructured some code -- added napalm (whoops) to list of possible weapons you can get -- hogs no longer recieve airstrike-related weps on border maps ----------- --0.4 ----------- -- fix same name/blank weapon transfer bug (issue 541) -- show next hog ammo set in full (issue 312) -- allow mid-kill multi-shot weapon transfers (issue 503) -- allow users to configure hog health -- remove 'switched to' message -- remove some extraeneous code -- add more whitespace -- break everything ----------- --0.4b ----------- -- as per request, add ice-gun ------------------------- -- ideas for the future ------------------------- -- add structure -- allow switcher, resurrector -- add abuse -- nerf teleport -- allow more customization -- poison hogs using the default team? :/ -- balance weapon distribution across entire team / all teams -- add other inequalities/bonuses like... ??? -- some hogs start off with an extra 25 health? -- some hogs start off poisoned? -- some hogs start off with a rope and 2 drills but die after their turn? ------------------------------- -- derp, script follows ------------------------------- HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Tracker.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Params.lua") -- These define weps allowed by the script. At present Tardis and Resurrection is banned for example -- These were arbitrarily defined out-of-order in initial script, so that was preserved here, resulting -- in a moderately odd syntax. local atkWeps = { [amBazooka]=true, [amBee]=true, [amMortar]=true, [amDrill]=true, [amSnowball]=true, [amGrenade]=true, [amClusterBomb]=true, [amMolotov]=true, [amWatermelon]=true, [amHellishBomb]=true, [amGasBomb]=true, [amShotgun]=true, [amDEagle]=true, [amFlamethrower]=true, [amSniperRifle]=true, [amSineGun]=true, [amFirePunch]=true, [amWhip]=true, [amBaseballBat]=true, [amKamikaze]=true, [amSeduction]=true, [amHammer]=true, [amMine]=true, [amDynamite]=true, [amCake]=true, [amBallgun]=true, [amSMine]=true, [amRCPlane]=true, [amBirdy]=true, [amKnife]=true, [amAirAttack]=true, [amMineStrike]=true, [amNapalm]=true, [amDrillStrike]=true, [amPiano]=true } local utilWeps = { [amBlowTorch]=true, [amPickHammer]=true, [amGirder]=true, [amPortalGun]=true, [amRope]=true, [amParachute]=true, [amTeleport]=true, [amJetpack]=true, [amInvulnerable]=true, [amLaserSight]=true, [amVampiric]=true, [amLowGravity]=true, [amExtraDamage]=true, [amExtraTime]=true, [amLandGun]=true, [amSwitch]=true, [amRubber]=true, [amIceGun]=true, } local wepArray = {} local atkChoices = {} local utilChoices = {} local currHog local lastHog local started = false local switchStage = 0 local lastWep = amNothing local shotsFired = 0 local probability = {1,2,5,10,20,50,200,500,1000000}; local atktot = 0 local utiltot = 0 local maxWep = 56 -- game crashes if you exceed supported # local someHog = nil -- just for looking up the weps local mode = nil function onParameters() parseParams() mode = params["mode"] end function CheckForWeaponSwap() if GetCurAmmoType() ~= lastWep then shotsFired = 0 end lastWep = GetCurAmmoType() end function onSlot() CheckForWeaponSwap() end function onSetWeapon() CheckForWeaponSwap() end function onHogAttack() CheckForWeaponSwap() shotsFired = shotsFired + 1 end function StartingSetUp(gear) for i = 1,maxWep do setGearValue(gear,i,0) end for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do if c == 9 and (atkWeps[w] or utilWeps[w]) then setGearValue(gear,w,1) end end setGearValue(gear,amSkip,100) local r = 0 if atktot > 0 then r = GetRandom(atktot)+1 for i = 1,maxWep do --for w,c in pairs(atkChoices) do --WriteLnToConsole(' c: '..c..' w:'..w..' r:'..r) if atkChoices[i] >= r then setGearValue(gear,i,1) break end end end if utiltot > 0 then r = GetRandom(utiltot)+1 for i = 1,maxWep do -- for w,c in pairs(utilChoices) do --WriteLnToConsole('util c: '..c..' w:'..w..' r:'..r) if utilChoices[i] >= r then setGearValue(gear,i,1) break end end end end --[[function SaveWeapons(gear) -- er, this has no 0 check so presumably if you use a weapon then when it saves you wont have it for i = 1, (#wepArray) do setGearValue(gear, wepArray[i], GetAmmoCount(gear, wepArray[i]) ) --AddAmmo(gear, wepArray[i], getGearValue(gear,wepArray[i]) ) end end]] function ConvertValues(gear) for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do AddAmmo(gear, w, getGearValue(gear,w) ) end end -- this is called when a hog dies function TransferWeps(gear) if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then for w,c in pairs(wepArray) do val = getGearValue(gear,w) if val ~= 0 and (mode == "orig" or (wepArray[w] ~= 9 and getGearValue(CurrentHedgehog, w) == 0)) then setGearValue(CurrentHedgehog, w, val) -- if you are using multi-shot weapon, gimme one more if (GetCurAmmoType() == w) and (shotsFired ~= 0) then AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, w, val+1) -- assign ammo as per normal else AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, w, val) end end end end end function onGameInit() EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack, gfRandomOrder, gfPerHogAmmo) HealthCaseProb = 100 end function onGameStart() utilChoices[amSkip] = 0 local c = 0 for i = 1,maxWep do atkChoices[i] = 0 utilChoices[i] = 0 if i ~= 7 then wepArray[i] = 0 c = GetAmmoCount(someHog, i) if c > 8 then c = 9 end wepArray[i] = c if c < 9 and c > 0 then if atkWeps[i] then --WriteLnToConsole('a c: '..c..' w:'..i) atktot = atktot + probability[c] atkChoices[i] = atktot elseif utilWeps[i] then --WriteLnToConsole('u c: '..c..' w:'..i) utiltot = utiltot + probability[c] utilChoices[i] = utiltot end end end end --WriteLnToConsole('utiltot:'..utiltot..' atktot:'..atktot) ShowMission ( loc("HIGHLANDER"), loc("Not all hogs are born equal."), "- " .. loc("Eliminate enemy hogs and take their weapons.") .. "|" .. "- " .. loc("Per-Hog Ammo") .. "|" .. "- " .. loc("Weapons reset.") .. "|" .. "- " .. loc("Unlimited Attacks") .. "|" .. "", 4, 4000 ) runOnGears(StartingSetUp) runOnGears(ConvertValues) end function CheckForHogSwitch() if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then currHog = CurrentHedgehog if currHog ~= lastHog then -- re-assign ammo to this guy, so that his entire ammo set will -- be visible during another player's turn if lastHog ~= nil then ConvertValues(lastHog) end -- give the new hog what he is supposed to have, too ConvertValues(CurrentHedgehog) end lastHog = currHog end end function onNewTurn() CheckForHogSwitch() end --function onGameTick20() --CheckForHogSwitch() -- if we use gfPerHogAmmo is this even needed? Err, well, weapons reset, so... yes? -- orrrr, should we rather call the re-assignment of weapons onNewTurn()? probably not because -- then you cant switch hogs... unless we add a thing in onSwitch or whatever -- ye, that is probably better actually, but I'll add that when/if I add switch --end --[[function onHogHide(gear) -- waiting for Henek end function onHogRestore(gear) -- waiting for Henek end]] function onGearAdd(gear) --if GetGearType(gear) == gtSwitcher then -- SaveWeapons(CurrentHedgehog) --end if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) then trackGear(gear) if someHog == nil then someHog = gear end end end function onGearDelete(gear) if (GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) then --or (GetGearType(gear) == gtResurrector) then TransferWeps(gear) trackDeletion(gear) end end