[package] name = "url-bot-rs" version = "0.3.1" description = "Minimal IRC URL bot in Rust" keywords = ["irc", "bot", "title"] repository = "https://github.com/nuxeh/url-bot-rs" authors = ["Edward Cragg "] license = "ISC" readme = "README.md" build = "build.rs" edition = "2018" include = [ "src/**/*", "build.rs", "Cargo.*", "README.md", "COPYING", "example.config.toml" ] [build-dependencies] built = { version = "0.4.4", features = ["git2"] } man = "0.3.0" [dev-dependencies] tiny_http = "0.8.0" diff = "0.1.12" tempfile = "3.2.0" [dependencies] irc = "0.13.6" tokio-core = "0.1.18" rusqlite = "0.14.0" chrono = "0.4.19" docopt = "1.1.0" serde = "1.0.123" serde_derive = "1.0.104" itertools = "0.10.0" regex = "1.4.3" lazy_static = "1.4.0" failure = "0.1.8" reqwest = { version = "0.11.0", features = ["blocking", "cookies", "json"] } serde_rusqlite = "0.14.0" mime = "0.3.16" humansize = "1.1.0" unicode-segmentation = "1.7.1" toml = "0.5.8" directories = "3.0.1" log = "0.4.13" stderrlog = "0.5.1" atty = "0.2.14" scraper = { version = "0.12.0", default-features = false, features = [] } phf = "0.7.24" anyhow = "1.0" tokio-amqp = "1.0" lapin = "1.7" tokio = {version="1.6", features = ["full"]} futures = "0.3" url = "2.2" rand = "0.8" [dependencies.image] version = "0.22.5" default-features = false features = ["gif_codec", "jpeg", "png_codec", "pnm", "tiff", "bmp"] [features] default = [] sqlite_bundled = ["rusqlite/bundled"] [package.metadata.deb] extended-description = """\ Standalone IRC bot; for resolving URLs posted, retrieving, and posting page titles to a configurable IRC server and channels""" maintainer-scripts = "debian" assets = [ ["example.config.toml", "usr/share/doc/url-bot-rs/", "644"], ["target/assets/url-bot-rs.1", "usr/local/share/man/man1/", "644"], ["systemd/url-bot-rs.service", "lib/systemd/system/", "644"], ["target/release/url-bot-rs", "usr/bin/", "755"], ["target/release/url-bot-get", "usr/bin/", "755"] ] [badges] coveralls = { repository = "nuxeh/url-bot-rs", branch = "master", service = "github" } codecov = { repository = "nuxeh/url-bot-rs", branch = "master" } travis-ci = { repository = "nuxeh/url-bot-rs", branch = "master" }