00:00=手榴彈 00:01=子母炸彈 00:02=火箭筒 00:03=飛碟 00:04=射擊槍 00:05=棒槌 00:06=略過 00:07=繩子 00:08=地雷 00:09=沙漠之鷹 00:10=炸藥 00:11=棒球棍 00:12=火焰拳 00:13=秒 00:14=降落傘 00:15=空襲 00:16=地雷攻擊 00:17=噴燈 00:18=建造物 00:19=瞬間移動 00:20=刺蝟轉換 00:21=迫擊炮 00:22=鞭子 00:23=神風特攻隊 00:24=蛋糕 00:25=誘惑 00:26=西瓜炸彈 00:27=地獄手榴彈 00:28=鑽地火箭 00:29=彈珠炮 00:30=燃燒彈 00:31=轟炸機 00:32=低重力 00:33=附加傷害 00:34=刀槍不入 00:35=附加時間 00:36=雷射瞄准 00:37=Vampirism 00:38=Sniper Rifle 01:00=戰鬥開始! 01:01=平手 01:02=%1 勝利! 01:03=音量 %1% 01:04=暫停 01:05=真的要離開嗎 (Y/Esc)? 01:06=出現緊急狀況! ; Event messages ; Hog (%1) died 02:00=%1 has kicked the bucket! 02:00=%1 has seen the light! 02:00=%1 never saw that comming! ; Hog (%1) drowned 02:01=%1 plays submarine! 02:01=%1 mimics the Titanic! 02:01=%1 swims like a stone! ; Match starts 02:02=Let's fight! 02:02=Armed and ready!