Update changelog
authorWuzzy <almikes@aol.com>
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 03:47:28 +0100 (2016-11-17)
changeset 11903 46a65decb287
parent 11902 38d27c1645eb
child 11904 930f57e70b49
Update changelog
--- a/ChangeLog.txt	Thu Nov 17 03:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/ChangeLog.txt	Thu Nov 17 03:47:28 2016 +0100
@@ -12,11 +12,10 @@
  + AI hedgehogs can now use Bee and Vampirism
  + Divided Teams mode will now work with more than 2 teams (Hint: you probably want to set world edges to "wrap" in such games)
  + Fort Mode will now work with more than 2 teams
- + Added "Forts" to map type selection. This makes the mode easier selectable/discoverable. Also the slider can be used to adjust the distance between forts.
+ + Replaced the Fort Mode game modifier by adding "Forts" to the map type selection. This makes the mode easier selectable/discoverable. Also the slider can be used to adjust the distance between forts.
  + Render graves behind everything else, so that they can't hide mines etc.
  + Show indicator symbols at bottom right while extra damage or low gravity are active
  + Several new sound effects for weapons and utilities
- + Simplified hat format for unanimated hats; a single 32×32 image is enough. For clan hats, use size 64×32, with the color overlay at the right
  + Small visual effects enhancements
  + Briefly show theme and music authors in chat at start of game
  * Fixed air-strikes drops being off-center
@@ -43,22 +42,27 @@
 Missions and Game Styles:
  + Added Basic Flying Saucer Training
  + Rope-Knocking Challenge was improved (now awards score based on kills and time; taunts for knocking out hedgehogs)
+ + A few campaign missions now save your personal best successes (e.g. fastest finish in Hard Flying) which get shown after you finish them agin
  * Portal Mind Challenge was cleaned up and reworked (especially less awful wording)
  * Fixed TechRacer not recording finish if time was >= 100s
  * Fixed Target Practice missions getting stuck when a target dropped into water
  * Fixed mistakes and bad wording of strings in several missions, scripts and campaigns
  * Fixed Lua error message in A Classic Fairytale mission 8
+ * Fixed Lua error messages and broken stats screen in Climb Home singleplayer mission
  + Menu screens got few new icons and other tweaks, e.g. larger dropdown lists for easier access
  + Additional button for just randomizing theme that will not change your selected map
  + Randomizing map/theme in online-mode will not include DLC-content
+ * Creating randomized teams now randomizes (almost) every aspect
+ * Fixed mostly broken descriptions for multiplayer mission maps
  * Clicking on "New" in weapon scheme editor now creates empty weapon scheme instead of default
 Content Creation:
  + Theme objects can now have more than 1 in-land rect specified. You can specify the amount in theme.cfg by adding another number (and ,) before the first rect
  + Themes can now use flakes with negative falling speed (rising flakes)
  + Themes can now contain custom sound files: splash.ogg Droplet1.ogg Droplet2.ogg Droplet3.ogg skip.ogg
+ + Simplified hat format for unanimated hats; a single 32×32 image is enough. For clan hats, use size 64×32, with the color overlay at the right
  + New call: SetCinematicMode(enable) -- e.g. for cutscenes etc.