Added new type of map at UI. Simple random map generation
--- a/QTfrontend/mapContainer.cpp Wed Feb 10 09:43:59 2010 +0000
+++ b/QTfrontend/mapContainer.cpp Tue Mar 16 13:39:39 2010 +0000
@@ -94,12 +94,13 @@
mainLayout.addWidget(lblFilter, 2, 0);
CB_TemplateFilter = new QComboBox(this);
- CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("All"), 0);
- CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Small"), 1);
- CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Medium"), 2);
- CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Large"), 3);
- CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Cavern"), 4);
- CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Wacky"), 5);
+ CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Fractal(new)"), 6);
+ CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("All"), 1);
+ CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Small"), 2);
+ CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Medium"), 3);
+ CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Large"), 4);
+ CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Cavern"), 5);
+ CB_TemplateFilter->addItem(tr("Wacky"), 6);
mainLayout.addWidget(CB_TemplateFilter, 2, 1);
connect(CB_TemplateFilter, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(templateFilterChanged(int)));
--- a/hedgewars/uLand.pas Wed Feb 10 09:43:59 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uLand.pas Tue Mar 16 13:39:39 2010 +0000
@@ -592,6 +592,10 @@
5: begin
SelectTemplate:= WackyTemplates[getrandom(Succ(High(WackyTemplates)))];
+ 6: begin
+ InitFractTemplate;
+ SelectTemplate := FractTemplates[0];
+ end;
WriteLnToConsole('Selected template #'+inttostr(SelectTemplate)+' using filter #'+inttostr(cTemplateFilter));
--- a/hedgewars/uLandTemplates.pas Wed Feb 10 09:43:59 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandTemplates.pas Tue Mar 16 13:39:39 2010 +0000
@@ -1453,9 +1453,28 @@
(x: 512; y: 0)
+ {const Template41Points: array[0..4] of TSDL_Rect =
+ (
+ (x: 90; y: 1050; w: 1; h: 1),
+ (x: 100; y: 100; w: 400; h: 100),
+ (x: 200; y: 100; w: 400; h: 100),
+ //(x: 100; y: 800; w: 100; h: 200),
+ //(x: 300; y: 600; w: 100; h: 200),
+ //(x: 500; y: 200; w: 100; h: 200),
+ //(x: 700; y: 600; w: 100; h: 100),
+ //(x: 900; y: 800; w: 100; h: 200),
+ (x: 900; y: 1050; w: 1; h: 1),
+ (x: NTPX; y: 0; w: 1; h: 1)
+ );
+ }
+ Template41FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
+ (
+ (x: 128; y: 0)
+ );
+ var Template41Points: array[0..100] of TSDL_Rect;
-const EdgeTemplates: array[0..40] of TEdgeTemplate =
+const EdgeTemplates: array[0..41] of TEdgeTemplate =
(BasePoints: @Template0Points;
BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template0Points));
@@ -1907,6 +1926,17 @@
canMirror: true; canFlip: false; isNegative: false; canInvert: false;
hasGirders: false;
MaxHedgehogs: 8;
+ ),
+ (BasePoints: @Template41Points;
+ BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template41Points));
+ FillPoints: @Template41FPoints;
+ FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template41FPoints));
+ BezierizeCount: 0;
+ RandPassesCount: 0;
+ TemplateHeight: 2048; TemplateWidth: 1024;
+ canMirror: false; canFlip: false; isNegative: false; canInvert: false;
+ hasGirders: false;
+ MaxHedgehogs: 8;
const SmallTemplates: array[0..1] of Longword = ( 39, 40 );
@@ -1919,7 +1949,78 @@
const CavernTemplates: array[0..4] of Longword = (36, 2, 3, 21, 29);
const WackyTemplates: array[0..3] of Longword = (37, 38, 39, 40);
+const FractTemplates: array[0..0] of Longword = (41);
+procedure InitFractTemplate;
+procedure InitFractTemplate;
+function gaussian: integer;
+ n = 12;
+ w = 50;
+ i: integer;
+ sum: integer;
+ sum := 0;
+ for i := 1 to n do
+ sum := sum + random(w);
+ gaussian := sum - (n div 2)*w;
+function rand: integer;
+ rand := random(1024) div 10;
+ if(random(10) = 1) then rand := -rand;
+function urand: integer;
+ urand := random(1024) div 10;
+ i: integer;
+ s: integer;
+ //(x: 90; y: 1050; w: 1; h: 1),
+ //(x: 100; y: 100; w: 400; h: 100),
+ //(x: 200; y: 100; w: 400; h: 100),
+ //(x: 100; y: 800; w: 100; h: 200),
+ //(x: 300; y: 600; w: 100; h: 200),
+ //(x: 500; y: 200; w: 100; h: 200),
+ //(x: 700; y: 600; w: 100; h: 100),
+ //(x: 900; y: 800; w: 100; h: 200),
+ //(x: 900; y: 1050; w: 1; h: 1),
+ //(x: NTPX; y: 0; w: 1; h: 1)
+ Template41Points[0].x := 90;
+ Template41Points[0].y := 1050;
+ Template41Points[0].w := 1;
+ Template41Points[0].h := 1;
+ Template41Points[99].x := 90;
+ Template41Points[99].y := 1050;
+ Template41Points[99].w := 1;
+ Template41Points[99].h := 1;
+ Template41Points[100].x := NTPX;
+ Template41Points[100].y := 0;
+ Template41Points[100].w := 1;
+ Template41Points[100].h := 1;
+ for i := 0 to 99 do begin
+ Template41Points[i].x := Template41Points[i-1].x + urand;
+ Template41Points[i].y := Template41Points[i-1].y - rand;
+ //Template41Points[i].x := 512 + round(400 * cos(double(i)/50 * 3.1475));
+ //Template41Points[i].y := 1024 + round(400 * sin(double(i)/50 * 3.1475));
+ //Template41Points[i].x := i*10;
+ //Template41Points[i].y := 2048 - i*10;
+ Template41Points[i].w := 100;
+ Template41Points[i].h := 100;
+ end;