oops, forgot this file
Thu, 27 Jun 2013 15:48:30 +0400 (2013-06-27)
changeset 9287 bb9ad6a5f625
parent 9285 8e8b908970c2
child 9289 6bc1df062f04
oops, forgot this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uVisualGearsList.pas	Thu Jun 27 15:48:30 2013 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+ * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE "options.inc"}
+unit uVisualGearsList;
+uses uTypes;
+function  AddVisualGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TVisualGearType): PVisualGear; inline;
+function  AddVisualGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TVisualGearType; State: LongWord): PVisualGear; inline;
+function  AddVisualGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TVisualGearType; State: LongWord; Critical: Boolean): PVisualGear;
+procedure DeleteVisualGear(Gear: PVisualGear);
+function  VisualGearByUID(uid : Longword) : PVisualGear;
+    cExplFrameTicks = 110;
+var VGCounter: LongWord;
+    VisualGearLayers: array[0..6] of PVisualGear;
+uses uFloat, uVariables, uConsts, uTextures, uVisualGearsHandlers;
+function AddVisualGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TVisualGearType): PVisualGear; inline;
+    AddVisualGear:= AddVisualGear(X, Y, Kind, 0, false);
+function  AddVisualGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TVisualGearType; State: LongWord): PVisualGear; inline;
+    AddVisualGear:= AddVisualGear(X, Y, Kind, State, false);
+function AddVisualGear(X, Y: LongInt; Kind: TVisualGearType; State: LongWord; Critical: Boolean): PVisualGear;
+var gear: PVisualGear;
+    t: Longword;
+    sp: real;
+AddVisualGear:= nil;
+if ((GameType = gmtSave) or (fastUntilLag and (GameType = gmtNet)) or fastScrolling) and // we are scrolling now
+   ((Kind <> vgtCloud) and (not Critical)) then
+       exit;
+if ((cReducedQuality and rqAntiBoom) <> 0) and
+   (not Critical) and
+   (not (Kind in
+   [vgtTeamHealthSorter,
+    vgtSmallDamageTag,
+    vgtSpeechBubble,
+    vgtHealthTag,
+    vgtExplosion,
+    vgtSmokeTrace,
+    vgtEvilTrace,
+    vgtNote,
+    vgtSmoothWindBar])) then
+        exit;
+FillChar(gear^, sizeof(TVisualGear), 0);
+gear^.X:= real(X);
+gear^.Y:= real(Y);
+gear^.Kind := Kind;
+gear^.doStep:= doStepHandlers[Kind];
+gear^.State:= 0;
+gear^.Tint:= $FFFFFFFF;
+gear^.uid:= VGCounter;
+gear^.Layer:= 0;
+with gear^ do
+    case Kind of
+    vgtFlake:
+                begin
+                Timer:= 0;
+                tdX:= 0;
+                tdY:= 0;
+                Scale:= 1.0;
+                if SuddenDeathDmg then
+                    begin
+                    FrameTicks:= random(vobSDFrameTicks);
+                    Frame:= random(vobSDFramesCount);
+                    end
+                else
+                    begin
+                    FrameTicks:= random(vobFrameTicks);
+                    Frame:= random(vobFramesCount);
+                    end;
+                Angle:= random(360);
+                dx:= 0.0000038654705 * random(10000);
+                dy:= 0.000003506096 * random(7000);
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                if SuddenDeathDmg then
+                    dAngle:= (random(2) * 2 - 1) * (vobSDVelocity + random(vobSDVelocity)) / 1000
+                else
+                    dAngle:= (random(2) * 2 - 1) * (vobVelocity + random(vobVelocity)) / 1000
+                end;
+    vgtCloud:
+                begin
+                Frame:= random(4);
+                dx:= 0.5 + 0.1 * random(5); // how much the cloud will be affected by wind
+                timer:= random(4096);
+                Scale:= 1.0
+                end;
+    vgtExplPart,
+    vgtExplPart2:
+                begin
+                t:= random(1024);
+                sp:= 0.001 * (random(95) + 70);
+                dx:= hwFloat2Float(AngleSin(t)) * sp;
+                dy:= hwFloat2Float(AngleCos(t)) * sp;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dy := -dy;
+                Frame:= 7 - random(3);
+                FrameTicks:= cExplFrameTicks
+                end;
+        vgtFire:
+                begin
+                t:= random(1024);
+                sp:= 0.001 * (random(85) + 95);
+                dx:= hwFloat2Float(AngleSin(t)) * sp;
+                dy:= hwFloat2Float(AngleCos(t)) * sp;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dy := -dy;
+                FrameTicks:= 650 + random(250);
+                Frame:= random(8)
+                end;
+         vgtEgg:
+                begin
+                t:= random(1024);
+                sp:= 0.001 * (random(85) + 95);
+                dx:= hwFloat2Float(AngleSin(t)) * sp;
+                dy:= hwFloat2Float(AngleCos(t)) * sp;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dy := -dy;
+                FrameTicks:= 650 + random(250);
+                Frame:= 1
+                end;
+        vgtShell: FrameTicks:= 500;
+    vgtSmallDamageTag:
+                begin
+                gear^.FrameTicks:= 1100
+                end;
+    vgtBubble:
+                begin
+                dx:= 0.0000038654705 * random(10000);
+                dy:= 0;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                FrameTicks:= 250 + random(1751);
+                Frame:= random(5)
+                end;
+    vgtSteam:
+                begin
+                dx:= 0.0000038654705 * random(10000);
+                dy:= 0.001 * (random(85) + 95);
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                Frame:= 7 - random(3);
+                FrameTicks:= cExplFrameTicks * 2;
+                end;
+    vgtAmmo:
+                begin
+                alpha:= 1.0;
+                scale:= 1.0
+                end;
+  vgtSmokeWhite,
+  vgtSmoke:
+                begin
+                Scale:= 1.0;
+                dx:= 0.0002 * (random(45) + 10);
+                dy:= 0.0002 * (random(45) + 10);
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                Frame:= 7 - random(2);
+                FrameTicks:= cExplFrameTicks * 2;
+                end;
+  vgtDust:
+                begin
+                dx:= 0.005 * (random(15) + 10);
+                dy:= 0.001 * (random(40) + 20);
+                if random(2) = 0 then dx := -dx;
+                if random(2) = 0 then Tag:= 1
+                else Tag:= -1;
+                Frame:= 7 - random(2);
+                FrameTicks:= random(20) + 15;
+                end;
+  vgtSplash:
+                begin
+                dx:= 0;
+                dy:= 0;
+                FrameTicks:= 740;
+                Frame:= 19;
+                Scale:= 0.75;
+                Timer:= 1;
+                end;
+    vgtDroplet:
+                begin
+                dx:= 0.001 * (random(180) - 90);
+                dy:= -0.001 * (random(160) + 40);
+                FrameTicks:= 250 + random(1751);
+                Frame:= random(3)
+                end;
+   vgtBeeTrace:
+                begin
+                FrameTicks:= 1000;
+                Frame:= random(16);
+                end;
+    vgtSmokeRing:
+                begin
+                dx:= 0;
+                dy:= 0;
+                FrameTicks:= 600;
+                Timer:= 0;
+                Frame:= 0;
+                scale:= 0.6;
+                alpha:= 1;
+                angle:= random(360);
+                end;
+     vgtFeather:
+                begin
+                t:= random(1024);
+                sp:= 0.001 * (random(85) + 95);
+                dx:= hwFloat2Float(AngleSin(t)) * sp;
+                dy:= hwFloat2Float(AngleCos(t)) * sp;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dy := -dy;
+                FrameTicks:= 650 + random(250);
+                Frame:= 1
+                end;
+  vgtHealthTag:
+                begin
+                Frame:= 0;
+                Timer:= 1500;
+                dY:= -0.08;
+                dX:= 0;
+                //gear^.Z:= 2002;
+                end;
+  vgtSmokeTrace,
+  vgtEvilTrace:
+                begin
+                gear^.X:= gear^.X - 16;
+                gear^.Y:= gear^.Y - 16;
+                gear^.State:= 8;
+                //gear^.Z:= cSmokeZ
+                end;
+                begin
+                gear^.Angle:= random(360);
+                end;
+      vgtChunk:
+                begin
+                gear^.Frame:= random(4);
+                t:= random(1024);
+                sp:= 0.001 * (random(85) + 47);
+                dx:= hwFloat2Float(AngleSin(t)) * sp;
+                dy:= hwFloat2Float(AngleCos(t)) * sp * -2;
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                end;
+      vgtNote: 
+                begin
+                dx:= 0.005 * (random(15) + 10);
+                dy:= -0.001 * (random(40) + 20);
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                Frame:= random(4);
+                FrameTicks:= random(2000) + 1500;
+                end;
+  vgtBulletHit:
+                begin
+                dx:= 0;
+                dy:= 0;
+                FrameTicks:= 350;
+                Frame:= 7;
+                Angle:= 0;
+                end;
+                begin
+                Angle:= hwFloat2Float(cMaxWindSpeed)*2 / 1440; // seems rate below is supposed to change wind bar at 1px per 10ms. Max time, 1440ms. This tries to match the rate of change
+                Tag:= hwRound(cWindSpeed * 72 / cMaxWindSpeed);
+                end;
+ vgtStraightShot:
+                begin
+                Angle:= 0;
+                Scale:= 1.0;
+                dx:= 0.001 * random(45);
+                dy:= 0.001 * (random(20) + 25);
+                State:= ord(sprHealth);
+                if random(2) = 0 then
+                    dx := -dx;
+                Frame:= 0;
+                FrameTicks:= random(750) + 1250;
+                State:= ord(sprSnowDust);
+                end;
+        end;
+if State <> 0 then
+    gear^.State:= State;
+case Gear^.Kind of
+    vgtFlake: if cFlattenFlakes then
+        gear^.Layer:= 0
+              else if random(3) = 0 then 
+                  begin
+                  gear^.Scale:= 0.5;
+                  gear^.Layer:= 0   // 33% - far back
+                  end
+              else if random(3) = 0 then
+                  begin
+                  gear^.Scale:= 0.8;
+                  gear^.Layer:= 4   // 22% - mid-distance
+                  end
+              else if random(3) <> 0 then
+                  gear^.Layer:= 5  // 30% - just behind land
+              else if random(2) = 0 then
+                  gear^.Layer:= 6   // 7% - just in front of land
+              else
+                  begin
+                  gear^.Scale:= 1.5;
+                  gear^.Layer:= 2;  // 7% - close up
+                  end;
+    vgtCloud: if cFlattenClouds then gear^.Layer:= 5
+              else if random(3) = 0 then
+                  begin
+                  gear^.Scale:= 0.25;
+                  gear^.Layer:= 0
+                  end
+              else if random(2) = 0 then
+                  gear^.Layer:= 5
+              else
+                  begin
+                  gear^.Scale:= 0.4;
+                  gear^.Layer:= 4
+                  end;
+    // 0: this layer is very distant in the background when in stereo
+    vgtTeamHealthSorter,
+    vgtSmoothWindBar: gear^.Layer:= 0;
+    // 1: this layer is on the land level (which is close but behind the screen plane) when stereo
+    vgtSmokeTrace,
+    vgtEvilTrace,
+    vgtLineTrail,
+    vgtSmoke,
+    vgtSmokeWhite,
+    vgtDust,
+    vgtFire,
+    vgtSplash,
+    vgtDroplet,
+    vgtBubble: gear^.Layer:= 1;
+    // 3: this layer is on the screen plane (depth = 0) when stereo
+    vgtSpeechBubble,
+    vgtSmallDamageTag,
+    vgtHealthTag,
+    vgtStraightShot,
+    vgtChunk: gear^.Layer:= 3;
+    // 2: this layer is outside the screen when stereo
+    vgtExplosion,
+    vgtBigExplosion,
+    vgtExplPart,
+    vgtExplPart2,
+    vgtSteam,
+    vgtAmmo,
+    vgtShell,
+    vgtFeather,
+    vgtEgg,
+    vgtBeeTrace,
+    vgtSmokeRing,
+    vgtNote,
+    vgtBulletHit,
+    vgtCircle: gear^.Layer:= 2
+if VisualGearLayers[gear^.Layer] <> nil then
+    begin
+    VisualGearLayers[gear^.Layer]^.PrevGear:= gear;
+    gear^.NextGear:= VisualGearLayers[gear^.Layer]
+    end;
+VisualGearLayers[gear^.Layer]:= gear;
+AddVisualGear:= gear;
+procedure DeleteVisualGear(Gear: PVisualGear);
+    FreeTexture(Gear^.Tex);
+    Gear^.Tex:= nil;
+    if Gear^.NextGear <> nil then
+        Gear^.NextGear^.PrevGear:= Gear^.PrevGear;
+    if Gear^.PrevGear <> nil then
+        Gear^.PrevGear^.NextGear:= Gear^.NextGear
+    else
+        VisualGearLayers[Gear^.Layer]:= Gear^.NextGear;
+    if lastVisualGearByUID = Gear then
+        lastVisualGearByUID:= nil;
+    Dispose(Gear);
+function  VisualGearByUID(uid : Longword) : PVisualGear;
+var vg: PVisualGear;
+    i: LongWord;
+VisualGearByUID:= nil;
+if uid = 0 then
+    exit;
+if (lastVisualGearByUID <> nil) and (lastVisualGearByUID^.uid = uid) then
+    begin
+    VisualGearByUID:= lastVisualGearByUID;
+    exit
+    end;
+// search in an order that is more likely to return layers they actually use.  Could perhaps track statistically AddVisualGear in uScript, since that is most likely the ones they want
+for i:= 2 to 5 do
+    begin
+    vg:= VisualGearLayers[i mod 4];
+    while vg <> nil do
+        begin
+        if vg^.uid = uid then
+            begin
+            lastVisualGearByUID:= vg;
+            VisualGearByUID:= vg;
+            exit
+            end;
+        vg:= vg^.NextGear
+        end
+    end