Okay, this is workaround over ping timeouts problem on the server. Could make server crash if recieve thread wakes up after second ping timeout event.
Tue, 31 Jul 2012 23:29:00 +0400
changeset 7465 c2dcf97ca664
parent 7462 9cc5a2586978
child 7468 1333ca7554dc
Okay, this is workaround over ping timeouts problem on the server. Could make server crash if recieve thread wakes up after second ping timeout event.
--- a/gameServer/Actions.hs	Fri Jul 27 23:16:30 2012 -0400
+++ b/gameServer/Actions.hs	Tue Jul 31 23:29:00 2012 +0400
@@ -146,9 +146,14 @@
     io $
         infoM "Clients" (show ci ++ " quits: " ++ B.unpack msg)
-    processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["BYE", msg]
     when loggedIn $ processAction $ AnswerClients clientsChans ["LOBBY:LEFT", clNick, msg]
+    mapM processAction
+        [
+        AnswerClients [chan] ["BYE", msg]
+        , ModifyClient (\c -> c{logonPassed = False}) -- this will effectively hide client from others while he isn't deleted from list
+        ]
     s <- get
     put $! s{removedClients = ci `Set.insert` removedClients s}
@@ -522,9 +527,11 @@
         kickTimeouted rnc ci = do
             pq <- io $ client'sM rnc pingsQueue ci
-            when (pq > 0) $
+            when (pq > 0) $ do
                 withStateT (\as -> as{clientIndex = Just ci}) $
                     processAction (ByeClient "Ping timeout")
+                when (pq > 1) $
+                    processAction $ DeleteClient ci -- smth went wrong with client io threads, issue DeleteClient here
 processAction StatsAction = do