Simplify the status update panel in Trophy Race a lot
authorWuzzy <>
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 18:56:00 +0100 (2018-02-15)
changeset 13010 d92c364f004d
parent 13009 67cc3cac4c8e
child 13011 c819675d4f4f
Simplify the status update panel in Trophy Race a lot
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Maps/TrophyRace/map.lua	Thu Feb 15 18:32:28 2018 +0100
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Maps/TrophyRace/map.lua	Thu Feb 15 18:56:00 2018 +0100
@@ -157,15 +157,19 @@
                 besttime = ttime
                 besthog = CurrentHedgehog
                 besthogname = GetHogName(besthog)
-                fastestStr = loc("NEW fastest lap: %.3fs by %s")
-                fastestStr = loc("Fastest lap: %.3fs by %s")
+            fastestStr = loc("Fastest lap: %.3fs by %s")
             if ttime > worsttime then
                 worsttime = ttime
                 worsthog = CurrentHedgehog
-            hscore = hscore .. string.format(fastestStr, (besttime / 1000), besthogname)
+            if worsthog then
+                hscore = hscore ..  string.format(loc("Round's slowest lap: %.3fs by %s"), (worsttime / 1000), GetHogName(worsthog))
+            end
+            hscore = hscore .. " |" .. string.format(fastestStr, (besttime / 1000), besthogname)
             if clan == ClansCount -1 then
                 -- Time for elimination - worst hog is out and the worst hog vars are reset.
@@ -179,18 +183,11 @@
                 worsthog = nil
-            -- print list of best team times
-            hscore = hscore .. "| |" .. loc("Best laps per team: ") .. "|"
-            for teamName, teamTime in pairs(bestTimes) do
-                if teamTime ~= 0 and teamTime ~= nil then
-                    -- <Team name>: <best team time in seconds>
-                    hscore = hscore .. "|" .. string.format(loc("%s: %.3fs"), teamName, (teamTime / 1000))
-                end
-            end
-            local strtime = string.format(loc("Time: %.3fs"), (ttime/1000))
-            ShowMission(loc("TrophyRace"), loc("Status update"), strtime .. hscore, 0, 0)
-            AddCaption(strtime, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)), capgrpMessage2)
+            ShowMission(loc("TrophyRace"), loc("Status update"),
+                string.format(loc("Time: %.3fs by %s"), (ttime/1000), GetHogName(CurrentHedgehog))
+                .. hscore,
+                0, 0)
+            AddCaption(string.format(loc("Time: %.3fs"), (ttime/1000)), GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)), capgrpMessage2)
             AddCaption(loc("Track completed!"), 0xFFFFFFFF, capgrpGameState)