2017-01-23 unc0rr Start refactoring path from getting message from client to reacting to it
2017-01-18 unc0rr Basic support for NICK message
2017-01-18 unc0rr Fix malformed messages parsing
2017-01-18 unc0rr - Handle errors
2017-01-14 unc0rr Introduce actions, just like in the old server
2017-01-14 unc0rr - Use logging facilities instead of plain println!
2017-01-13 unc0rr - Render messages to string
2017-01-11 unc0rr Add more messages to the parser
2017-01-11 unc0rr Optional parameters parsing function
2017-01-08 unc0rr Some parsing using nom
2017-01-07 unc0rr Give up on lalrpop, let's try nom
2017-01-05 unc0rr Still trying to make parser work
2017-01-05 unc0rr Start on messages parser
2017-01-02 unc0rr - Start protocol parser implementation
2017-01-01 unc0rr Refactor modules layout
2017-01-01 unc0rr - Use netbuf buffers for client connection stream
2017-01-01 unc0rr Refactor code to add more structure to it
2016-12-31 unc0rr Start server implementation in rust
2017-02-03 unc0rr Adopt some patches from OpenBSD port
2017-01-30 nemo updates to polish translation by alzen, also add two unlocalised string he found in the gui
2017-01-24 unc0rr Add a buffer for files opened with physfs for reading, fixes slow engine start
2017-01-16 CopherNeue svg source for the bat animation update
2017-01-15 alfadur+copherneue fix of offsets and size to prior commits
2017-01-15 alfadur code changes to make the new bat animation work
2017-01-15 CopherNeue nicer hog bat animation art
2017-01-12 LocutusOfBorg aaand italian
2017-01-12 nemo aaand put in an exclamation mark
2017-01-12 nemo lowercase hedgehog, duplicate comment to description
2016-12-23 unc0rr Only registered players regain their teams on rejoin
2016-12-23 unc0rr Fix official server build
2016-12-19 alfadur surfboard object for beach theme
2016-12-13 alfadur Source svg for the sandcastle
2016-12-11 nemo requested by CopherNeue - make "flatten-flakes" only exclude the foreground layers. testing on eyes/halloween seems ok.
2016-12-11 nemo Enable beach theme install
2016-12-11 CopherNeue Beach theme, completely redone
2016-12-10 sheepluva Fix ScriptExists() destroying lua stack (fixes Bug #146)
2016-12-10 sheepluva Bug #108 - Phyfs/Pathz: Fix binds not being loaded
2016-12-07 alfadur Add Beach theme, update Fruit theme
2016-12-06 sheepluva tweak landtex filling some more. cuz it's fun
2016-12-06 sheepluva fix pas2c definition of SizeInt
2016-12-04 sheepluva fix chat SDL surfaces being in wrong color format (didn't play well with copyToXY's new quick pixel copies)
2016-12-04 sheepluva copyToXYFromRect: simplify my math (so that it actually, you know, works...)
2016-12-03 sheepluva GOTTA GO FAST! - speed up landtex filling
2016-12-03 sheepluva copyToXYFromRect: some tweaks
2016-12-03 sheepluva copyToXYFromRect: fix pixels overflowing pixel lines in dest
2016-11-28 nemo add alpha for sd-tint, since CopherNeue thinks the textures might need fading
2016-11-27 sheepluva fix German translation error
2016-11-27 sheepluva fix problem with pas2c build. please don't use "and not xyz", use "and (not xyz)"
2016-11-27 sheepluva make random timers less easy to predict
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Construction Mode: Fix free girder/rubber placement near hog
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Construction Mode: Turn crate limit into a script parameter
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Contruction Mode: Fix rubber being placable in land and invalid girder placement costing energy
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Add PlaceRubber to Lua API
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Fix Killing the Specialists giving you a free turn after killing Desert Eagle with a desert eagle with shot 1-3
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Fix A Space Adventure Missions allowing player to walk before 1st animation and screw things up
2016-11-26 sheepluva simplify code of previous commit ( ba1807589eaa )
2016-11-26 sheepluva OCD-compatibility-patch: make border stripes consistent in direction and offset, seamless.
2016-11-26 Wuzzy Give visual and audible feedback for flying through rings in Hard Flying mission
2016-11-26 Wuzzy Use SetCinematicMode in Animate lib, which introduces cinematic mode to missions using Animate
2016-11-26 Wuzzy Fix group box text being cut off (fixes #125)
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