2013-05-07 nemo Fix voice naming. Case problems.
2013-05-07 nemo remove redundant abs, and some incorrect 1+ to damage
2013-05-07 unc0rr IFDEF that score expectation logging
2013-05-07 nemo
2013-05-07 nemo Apply radius consistently. Still doesn't explain AI fail I think, although I can't run it right now.
2013-05-06 nemo So. This at least should make the math more accurate, even if it still doesn't appear to resolve prob w/ AI attacks
2013-05-05 nemo *sigh*
2013-05-05 nemo oops
2013-05-05 nemo pass the target
2013-05-04 nemo simplify mine/explosive damage calc. clear dX in stable explosives. remove 0/4096 in trace routines.
2013-05-04 nemo explosive/mine damage for shove fall. AI still seems to refuse to bat dud mines :(
2013-05-04 nemo Also have AI consider mines that will almost certainly be duds by the time he gets to them. I'm mostly using it to test AI behaviour w/ firepunch/whip/bat on a mine-heavy map.
2013-05-04 nemo oops
2013-05-04 nemo try to guess at barrel state. prob should flag it..
2013-05-04 nemo ignore non-hedgies here. could be useful, but Hammer needs to be taught to consider it. (hammer + explosives on a bridge could be neat)
2013-05-04 nemo trying to make AI aware of mine/explosive break point. also remove redundant test.
2013-05-03 nemo only rate subs if significant. still very much need correct fall+damage esp given different knocks.
2013-05-03 nemo Make hogs aware of dud mines and explosives. Still a bit more needed.
2013-05-02 unc0rr merge :P
2013-05-02 unc0rr Apparently resetPosition is not needed at all (/pause doesn't call it and works the same)
2013-05-02 unc0rr CheckGearDrowning could delete hedgehogs gear! (CheckGearDrowning -> ResurrectHedgehog -> FindPlace). Fixes bug 620.
2013-05-02 unc0rr Make AI more active in multiattack game mode
2013-05-02 nemo this should improve consistency of mortar cluster spread and snowball knocks
2013-05-01 Periklis Ntanasis fix bug that locked unlocked campaign missions, see issue 452
2013-04-30 Periklis Ntanasis fix nil comparison error, see issues 470 and 601
2013-05-01 nemo this is fairer
2013-04-29 unc0rr Use tr() properly
2013-04-27 nemo This is something we need to check in all translations. Occasionally the source phrase ends w/ a space. Need to make sure translations take this into account.
2013-04-27 nemo So. First pass. Add secondary explosions to RateExplosion and RateShotgun. Not yet added to shoves. This is of limited utility at present since the dX has to be small since we can't bother tracing all hog motion. But, should be more useful once shove is added, and tracking of explosives and mines.
2013-04-26 unc0rr Don't use writeln in ai thread (from rdd4035ee0f12), this causes crashes. Fixes issue 617.
2013-04-24 nemo aaaaand this one never was damaging
2013-04-24 nemo cheezemonkey pointed out this is no longer damaging
2013-04-21 nemo yep. I did forget to put this back
2013-04-21 nemo So. This should fix ammo delays being off on a team that is resurrected later in the game, even up freezing delays a bit, prevent an infinite loop in freezing, and reduces fuel burn when adjusting freezer to one-fourth.
2013-04-20 koda merge 0.9.19 in dev
2013-04-20 koda it's still not really clear to my why this is needed, maybe only in combination with -XD 0.9.19
2013-04-20 koda rewrite m3panel installation to fix all warnings on any architecture, using nsinvocation all round 0.9.19
2013-04-20 koda this macro is not defined on ppc 0.9.19
2013-04-20 koda hardcode full compiler path when compiling for ppc 0.9.19
2013-04-20 koda expose a hidden function that prevented linking on osx 10.4 when compiling physfs statically 0.9.19
2013-04-20 koda resolve divdi3 on ppc 0.9.19
2013-03-26 koda link stdc++ (for physfs on linux) only when targetting 32bit 0.9.19
2013-04-20 DrinkMachine Hiding overflow on Labels/ComboBoxes to prevent 1px off by one error
2013-04-20 koda update 0.9.19 with dev branch 0.9.19
2013-04-19 nemo merge
2013-04-19 volkan turkish translation updates
2013-04-19 unc0rr - Revert division hack nonsense
2013-04-18 unc0rr Store colors in human-readable form
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